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Blue Acid/Base Battery: Storage and recovery of renewable electrical energy by reversible salt water dissociation

Descripción del proyecto

Una nueva batería de agua salina para almacenar electricidad de fuentes renovables

La energía procedente de fuentes renovables suele generarse de manera intermitente, por lo que es necesario almacenarla en baterías hasta el momento de utilizarla. Sin embargo, las baterías actuales carecen de los requisitos técnicos y económicos para almacenar grandes cantidades de electricidad a largo plazo. El equipo del proyecto BAoBaB, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende ampliar y probar el uso de una nueva batería rentable y ecológica para el almacenamiento estacionario de electricidad. La tecnología se basa en la disociación de moléculas en una solución de agua salina de base ácida mediante la adición de electricidad y su posterior recombinación para generar electricidad. El almacenamiento de energía se ve facilitado por membranas especialmente diseñadas que permiten generar soluciones ácidas y básicas. En última instancia, la batería debe almacenar de forma fiable y sostenible la electricidad renovable aplicada en las instalaciones o subestaciones de los usuarios.


The “Blue Acid/Base Battery” (BAoBaB), stores electrical energy using pH and salinity differences in water. The principle of BAoBaB is altering the acid-base balance by means of an excess of available electricity to obtain an acid and base from its corresponding salt solution. When electricity is needed, acid and base are recombined into their corresponding salt solution again while obtaining electrical work from the entropy and enthalpy gain. Our goal is to develop this totally new, environment-friendly, cost-competitive, scalable, water-based electrical energy storage system from TRL3 to TRL5.

Our objectives are:
1. to establish and extend the potential of BAoBaB to become a reliable and environmentally friendly way of storing (renewable) electricity at kWh-MWh scale for application at user premises or at substation level.
2. to understand and enhance mass transfer in round-trip conversion techniques and hence to improve the energy conversion efficiencies of the BAoBaB system, aiming an efficiency >80% and >10 times higher energy density than in Pumped Hydropower Storage.
3. to validate under accepted utility use conditions an automatically operated BAoBaB system (with corresponding battery management) at a scale of 1 kW power and 7 kWh energy storage.
4. To pave the road for cost competitive energy storage with attention to life-cycle cost and performance, aiming at <0.05 €/kWh/cycle.

BAoBaB operates at a timescale of hours to days, and hence will enable a larger penetration degree of distributed and intermittent renewable energy sources. Not only the storage capacities are huge (kWh to MWh), resources are plentiful (salt and water) and environmental risks are minimal. Together with the location independence and non-toxic nature, penetration rate can be high within the EU and outside, providing the EU export opportunities.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 978 750,00
Coste total
€ 978 750,00

Participantes (5)