Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ARICE (Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the Arctic)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-01-01 al 2022-12-31
1) Developping strategies to ensure the optimal use of the existing polar research vessels
2) Providing transnational access to a set of six key European and international research icebreakers for European scientists
3) Improving the research icebreakers’ services by partnering with maritime industry on a “ships and platforms of opportunity” programme and by exploring into new key technologies.
Conlcusions of the action:
Networking activities
- Operators of research icebreakers and polar institutions agree on further cooperation to improve the access to the Arctic Ocean and facilitate the access to researchers from other nations.
- a successful cooperation with industry has been implemented and maintained.
- Implementation of educational programmes for early career scientists and technical personnel
Transnational access
- Implementation of 8 proposals on board 5 research icebreakers
- Transnational access granted to 66 researchers with a total of 359 days at sea.
Joint research activities
- Implementation of the "ships and platforms of opportunity programme" with the participation of the company PONANT on board "Le Commandant Charcot", 38 researchers in 128 days at sea.
- Implementation of a polar data management system in cooperation with EMODnet, a cruise report database and a novel 3D icebreaker.
Objective 1: Harmonisation of the European Arctic Research fleet
- Definition of modalities of exchange of ship-time on the available PRV´s.
- Ongoing dialogue among the PRV operators to improve the coordination of Arctic operations:
- Report on the existing collaborations and exchanges of European Polar Research Vessels (PRVs).
- Report on contribution of a coordinated PRV fleet to fulfilling EU member states’ research interests in the Arctic Ocean.
- Summary of research questions of high importance to be addressed by a coordinated European fleet.
- Report on recommendations from the joint scientific and operational workshop on implementation of shared European cruises
- Article in Polar Record. “International access to research infrastructure in the Arctic”. DOI:
Objective 2: Developing an International Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium
- Report on the global investments in research icebreaking capacity, today and foreseen in the near future.
- Terms of Reference for the agreed organisational structure and financial arrangement for an international consortium
- Letter of intent for co-operation between partners of the Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium
Objective 3: Establishing a regular dialogue with the maritime industry
- An Industry Liaison Panel has been established as a group of high level industry representatives with interest in a dialogue with scientists, also able to engage their community further in those dialogues.
- A regular dialogue between the ARICE project and Arctic industry representatives has been established
- Report on potential science-industry priorities in research and observations.
- Updated inventory of specific opportunities for technology transfer and innovation between the Arctic science community and industry
Objective 4: Educating a new generation of polar researchers and professionals
- Contribution to the MOSAiC School, were ca 20 early career scientists will board the icebreaker Akademik Federov on its way to PRV Polarstern as part of the MOSAiC expedition.
- Organisation of an early-career technicians training (online).
- Training materials and recordings of the online seminars are available online at
- Final reports of training activities (Summer School and early career technicians)
Objective 5: Providing access to European and international research icebreakers in the Arctic Ocean
- Creation of a joint model of access to research icebreakers.
- Implementation of an international review system for ship-time proposals.
- Two calls for proposals have been opened in the lifetime of the project
- Selection of eight proposals for implementation.
- Implementation of three cruises (three proposals) in RP2.
- Implementation of three cruises with 5 proposals in RP3.
- Report on cruise implementation, post cruise assessment and lessons learned
Objective 6: Expanding the monitoring and observation capacities in the Arctic Ocean
- Definition of standard parameters for Arctic Ocean data collection
- Definition of monitoring priorities for ships and platforms of opportunity.
- Reports on monitoring capabilities of AUVs, key technologies, sentinel missions and data communication and transfer in the Arctic Ocean
- Assessment report of the "programme of ships and platforms of opportunity" for the Arctic Ocean
Objective 7: Enhancing virtual and remote access to data
- Implementation of the three data management tools including a 3D Virtual icebreaker
- Report on performances and use of the ARICE system and compliance with standards
ARICE has improved the coordination of the existing research fleet and provided European researchers with better access to the Arctic Ocean by:
- Increasing the ship time availability in the Arctic Ocean fostering the implementation of international and multidisciplinary projects.
- Increasing international coordination of operations in the high Arctic. The ARICE partners have signed a letter of intent to further collaborate for a better use of these research infrastructures.
- Cooperation science-industry is reinforced with a continuous dialogue
ARICE fosters a spirit of collaboration between the scientific community, PRV operators and the industry towards sustainable Arctic marine activities.
Transnational Access
ARICE has opened, for the first time, the possibility for European researchers to apply for ship time on board six European and international heavy research icebreakers with access to the High Arctic.
All six PRVs are truly unique infrastructures.
Joint Research Activities
ARICE has contributed to the standarisation and improvement of observation capacities in the Arctic Ocean by:
- defining common standards and practices
- engaging the maritime industry in a “ships and platforms of opportunity” programme
- identifying new key technologies to improve the observation capacities in the Arctic Ocean.
- Improving accessaccess to data through data tools and a 3D Virtual icebreaker.