Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EUCalc (EU Calculator: trade-offs and pathways towards sustainable and low-carbon European Societies)
Période du rapport: 2018-05-01 au 2020-02-29
Fix new conceptual challenges like coupling a formal economic model featuring inter-sectoral input-output and international trade linkages with sectoral-level modules covering individual EU member states + Switzerland.
Incorporate a mechanism via the climate module to account for the fact that climate impacts in Europe depend also on decisions taken elsewhere in the Rest of the World.
Provide a much richer spatial detail of inputs in which all of the 28 member states + Switzerland are individually accounted.
Develop a highly granular agricultural/land module in order to not disregard the many interactions land has with sectors like lifestyles, energy, water and biodiversity.
The model and databases and the tools for pathway analyses had been completed. Several modules were improved in terms of its spatial/time resolution;
The accounting for the differential contribution of emissions from the EUCalc model and those from the rest of the world in driving global warming in a unified modeling framework was specified;
The interfacing in the overall modeling framework between the individual sector modules calculating;
A centralized technology database including key performance indicators relevant for the different sector modules have been implemented and finalized;
Definition of a file hosting system which supports further software development (EUCalc Bitbucket Respository);
Linking of EUCalc outputs to a general equilibrium model (GTAP) for the purposes of transboundary analysis of GHG emissions and trade has been finished. In addition, an integration of employment effects at EU member state level by the means of the employment module has been finished;
A documentation of the lever positions in each module that best represents the demand, supply and technological assumptions reported for a total of four low-carbon scenarios in the literature (EU Ref 2006, LTS-COMBO, LTS-1.5-TECH and LTS-1.5-LIFE) has been prepared. This allows a comparison of EUCalc
pathways, yet even at sectoral level and comprises a documentation in case of mismatches;
Development and design of a user-friendly and user-informed web-interface, the Transitions Pathway Explorer that allows for the interaction with the EUCalc model and the visualization of outputs;
A series of dissemination and communication products were developed project phase like the policy briefs, videos, MOOC and the My2050 tool.