CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This deliverable will provide the final version of the Technical KPIs definition of the project
Tender documents of Valladolid demoGuidelines to foster international cooperation
This deliverable will offer a group of guidelines which will foster and make easier the international cooperation among NBS stakeholders
Co-creation and co-development tools and proceduresThis deliverable will provide the final tools to implement cocreation and codevelopment procedures in the project
First Stage. Integration and articulation of the methodologyThis deliverable will provide the integration of Task1,1, Task1.2, Task1.4 and Task1.9 results as part of the final composition of the RUP methodology of the project.
Ex-post ESA monetary evaluation of NBS in front runner citiesThis deliverable includes the expost ESA monetary evaluation as followup of D72 Report on ESA monetary evaluation for NBS related with the exante valuation of NBS to be implemented in front runner cities
Second Stage. Integration and articulation of the methodologyThis deliverable will provide the integration of Task1.3, Task1.6, Task1.5 and Task1.9 results as part of the final composition of the RUP methodology of the project.
Table of exploitable results and related business models to implement NBS for private sectorDeliverable D75 will provide a report on exploitable results and new business models related to the private sector
NBS scenarios generation toolThis deliverable will include the development of a tool which will provide a methodology to generate NBS scenarios
Guidelines for the application of ESA methodology in different contextsThis deliverable will provide a group of guidelines as support for the right application of the ESA methodology in a global NBS context
Guideline to city zoningThis Deliverable will provide a guideline that will help to the development of the city zoning taking into account the diagnosis procedure developed in Task14
Report on the market opportunities in European and non-European countries for NBSThis report will deliver a final evaluation on the market opportunities in European and non European countries regarding a NBS framework
Technical specificactions of Liverpool demoUrban platform and data guidelines
Final report on Dissemination and Communication activities
This deliverable will provide a report on Dissemination and Communication activities of the project Intermediate version M36
Report with the model and analysis for replication in follower citiesThis deliverable will provide the conclusions of the replication potential analysis
Monitoring program to ValladolidReport on ESA monetary evaluation for NBS
This deliverable will provide an innovative business models and associated financing mechanisms based on the study of demo site cities business models adopted to implement NBS.
Evaluation and scaling up guidelineDeliverable 110 will include a procedure to evaluate economic technical social and environmental aspects of the project Likewise this report will deliver the way to scaling up the project activities
Baseline calculation procedureThis deliverable is included in the Task13 and it will develop a procedure which allows to identify the baseline of cityarea taking It will take into account the KPIs developed in the subtask 131
Final report about implementation and commissioning of NBS in LiverpoolFinal document regarding the NBS implementation and commissioning in Liverpool city This deliverable includes all the aspects related to the NBS implementation processes in Liverpool city
Report on the exploitation strategy for public and private bodiesDeliverable D77 will provide a report on the exploitation strategy for private and public sectors
Third Stage. Integration and articulation of the methodologyThis deliverable will provide the integration of Task17 Task18 and Task19 results as part of the final composition of the RUP methodology of the project
Technical KPIs definitionNBS implementation conclusions and recommendations. Final NBS catalogue.
This deliverable will provide a NBS implementation conclusions and recommendations Includes an update of the NBS catalogue prepared in WP1 at the start of the project Final version M60
Report on implementation progresses in IzmirDeliverable 4.6 will offer a following up and supervision report on the NBS implementation in Izmir city.
Baseline document to ValladolidMonitoring program to Liverpool
Final report about implementation and commissioning of NBS in Izmir
Final document regarding the NBS implementation and commissioning in Izmir city This deliverable includes all the aspects related to the NBS implementation processes in Izmir city
Report on implementation progresses in LiverpoolDeliverable 3.6 will offer a following up and supervision report on the NBS implementation in Liverpool city.
Report on the diagnosis of IzmirTable of exploitable results and related business models to implement NBS for public sector
Deliverable D76 will provide a report on exploitable results and new business models related to the public sector
Data collection and follow-up data managementThis deliverable will include a set of procedures to make the implementation of Data and ICT platform easier taking into account each city characteristics and specifications
Baseline document to LiverpoolTechnical specificactions of Valladolid demo
Technical specifications of Valladolid demo
Final report about implementation and commissioning of NBS in ValladolidFinal document regarding the NBS implementation and commissioning in Valladolid city This deliverable includes all the aspects related to the NBS implementation processes in Valladolid city
Second Methodology ValidationThis deliverable will provide the second validation of the URBAN GreenUP methodology done by the external stakeholders
First Methodology ValidationThis deliverable will provide the first validation of the URBAN GreenUP methodology done by the projects partners
Tender documents of Liverpool demoTender documents of Izmir demo
City diagnosis and monitoring procedures
Guidelines for the use of financial instruments and to design business models to implement NBS
This deliverable will provide a group of guidelines for the use of financial instruments and to design business models to implement NBS
City and area diagnosis procedureThis deliverable is included in the Task13 and it will develop a procedure which allows to make a detailed city and area diagnosis regarding climate change challenge identified
Technical specifications of Izmir demoKPIs calculation tool and prioritization criteria
This deliverable will include the development of a tool which will provide a priorization criteria methodology to calculate KPIs
Barriers and boundaries identificationReport on implementation progresses in Valladolid
Deliverable 2.6 will offer a following up and supervision report on the NBS implementation in Valladolid city.
Report on the diagnosis of ValladolidRUPs delivered to the 6 follower cities
This deliverable will provide the RUP for the 6 followers cities as product of the project
Report with a characterization of front-runner and follower cities from the perspective of the implementation of NBSDeliverable 62 will provide the characterization of each Front Runner cities including 1 existing NBS plans at the city level r 2 a collection of urban NBS existing 3 baselines with on quantitative indicators drawn for those 4 socioeconomic aspects of the city in relation to NBS
Report on the diagnosis of LiverpoolMonitoring program to Izmir
Baseline document to Izmir
Guidelines to tendering process specification
This deliverable establishes a guideline that will help to develop the tendering processes in the project
Definition of the project visual identity and guidelinesReport on lessons learnt for the large-scale deployment of NBS and guidelines on how to overcome them - URBAN GreenUP mini-handbook
This deliverable will provide a report on the opportunities and potential barriers for the largescale deployment of NBS The document also includes a group of guidelines in order to support the overcoming these barriers As an extension of this deliverable the URBAN GreenUP minihandbook will be included
This deliverable will include a Best Practices Kit in the format of a flipbook highlighting the results of the project under the form of best practices and guidelines for wider adoption and distribution will be issued towards the end of the project in electronic and printable format
Website onlineProject Flyer
Four web videos
This deliverable will include the production of a set of 4 short web videos either focusing on each city involved in URBAN GreenUP or on a different thematic focus They will include animations infographics and possible footage These videos will be part of the project video strategy as described in the impact section
Short project videoDeliverable 6.4 will provide the global NBS engagement and networking development of the project.
Establishment of the URBAN GreenUP cluster and Network of Cities with an interest in NBSClimate change challenge catalogue
NBS catalogue
Final composition of the methodology
This deliverable will provide the final validation of the URBAN GreenUP methodology.
A Video News Release for TV distributionThis deliverable will develop a final Video News Release (VNR) focusing on innovative outcomes raising media and public interest. The video will be produced and distributed to European and Word TV stations through audiovisual platform, managed by IFO, and by exploiting the satellite gateways of the Eurovision department of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).
URBAN GreenUP information package - promotional material and collateral to promote EU capacities and expertise in the NBS market through specific examples from the consortiumThis deliverable will provide a set of promotional material and collateral to promote EU capacities and expertise in the NBS market through specific examples from the consortium.
Katherine Berthon, Freya Thomas, Sarah Bekessy
Published in:
Landscape and Urban Planning, Issue Volume 205, 2021, ISSN 0169-2046
Elsevier BV
Thami Croeser, Georgia Garrard, Roshan Sharma, Alessandro Ossola, Sarah Bekessy
Published in:
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Issue 65, 2021, ISSN 1618-8667
Urban & Fischer Verlag
Edoardo Croci; Benedetta Lucchitta; Tommaso Penati
Published in:
Volume 13, Issue 2, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Turhan, C.; Atalay, A.S.; Gokcen Akkurt, G.
Published in:
Sustainability, Issue 15, 2023, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Prof Billie Giles-Corti, PhD; Prof Anne Vernez Moudon, Dr es Sc; Melanie Lowe, PhD; Prof Ester Cerin, PhD; Geoff Boeing, PhD; Prof Howard Frumkin, DrPH; Deborah Salvo, PhD; Sarah Foster, PhD; Alexandra Kleeman, MPH; Prof Sarah Bekessy, PhD; Thiago Hérick de Sá, PhD; Prof Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, PhD; Carl Higgs, MPH; Prof Erica Hinckson, PhD; Deepti Adlakha, PhD; Jonathan Arundel, PhD; Shiqin Liu, M
Published in:
The Lancet Global Health, Issue 10, 2022, ISSN 2214-109X
Elsevier BV
Thami Croeser; Georgia E. Garrard; Georgia E. Garrard; Freya Thomas; Trinh Duc Tran; Ian Mell; Sarah Clement; Raúl Sánchez; Sarah A. Bekessy
Published in:
Croeser , T , Garrard , G , Thomas , F , Tran Duc , T , Mell , I , Clement , S , Sanchez , R & Bekessy , S 2021 , ' Diagnosing delivery capabilities on a large international nature-based solutions project ' , Nature Urban Sustainability ., Issue 1, 2021, ISSN 2661-8001
npj Urban Sustain
Holly Kirk, Georgia E. Garrard, Thami Croeser, Anna Backstrom, Katherine Berthon, Casey Furlong, Joe Hurley, Freya Thomas, Anissa Webb, Sarah A. Bekessy
Published in:
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Issue 62, 2021, ISSN 1618-8667
Urban & Fischer Verlag
Oke, C., Bekessy, S.A., Frantzeskaki, N. et al.
Published in:
Urban Sustain, 2021, ISSN 2661-8001
Necmiye Gulin Birim; Cihan Turhan; Ali Serdar Atalay; Gulden Gokcen Akkurt
Published in:
Atmosphere, Issue 1, 2023, ISSN 2073-4433
Rotoweb Cantelli
Beatriz Mayor, Helen Toxopeus, N. et al.
Published in:
Nature Based Solutions to Support Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Isabel Sánchez Íñiguez de la Torre (Valladolid City Council)
Published in:
"""Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza como herramienta frente al cambio climático"". Articles and Reflexions section", 2021, Page(s) 25
Red Española de Ciudades por el Clima. Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP)
McQuaid, Siobhán; Rhodes, Mary-Lee; Andersson, Thomas; Croci, Edoardo; Feichtinger-Hofer, Marianne; Grosjean, Matthieu; Lueck, Alina; Kooijman, Esmee; Lucchitta, Benedetta; Rizzi, Daniela; Reil, Alice; Schante, Joanne
Published in:
Issue 1, 2021
Network Nature
E. San José, S. Gómez, R. Sánchez, M. González
Published in:
WORLD CONGRESS ISWA 2019, 2019, Page(s) 143-145
Ian Mell, BSc, MSc, PhD Sarah Clement, BSc, PhD Fearghus O’Sullivan, BA, MSc
Published in:
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, Issue 175, 2022, ISSN 1478-4629
ICE Publishing
Magdalena Karolina Rozanska (ACCIONA), Marcella Del Vecchio (ACCIONA), Raúl Sánchez (CARTIF)
Published in:
14º CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MEDIO AMBIENTE ESPAÑA - CONAMA 2018, Issue Annual, 2018, ISBN 978-84-09-07670-3
Authors: Fearghus O'Sullivan, Ian Mell (University of Manchester), Sarah Clement (University of Liverpool)
Published in:
Front. Sustain. Cities, 2020, Page(s) Sec. Urban Greening
Dumitru, A.; Renaud, F.; Baldacchini, C.; Fermoso, J.; González, M.; Skodra, J.; Wendling, L.; de Bellis, Y.; Dubovik, M.; Fatima, Z.; Gómez, S.; Jermakka, J.; Laikari, A.; Macsinga, I.; Martins, R.; Mendonça, R.; Rinta-Hiiro, V.; Roebeling, P.; Rödl, A.; San José, E.; Sánchez, R.; Sanesi, G.; Sanz, J.M.; Spano, G.; Young, C.; zu-Castell Rüdenhausen, M.
Published in:
9789276229605, Issue 1, 2021
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission)
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Published in:
Publications office of the European Union
Alicia Villazán and Rosa Huertas (Valladolid City Council)
Published in:
"""Renaturing cities"". “Measures” chapter", 2021, Page(s) 277, ISBN 978-84-9803-880-4
Diputació Barcelona
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