CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Analysis of the current climate and hydrological conditions
D 4.17 Communication and dissemination monitoring template and yearly report 2018/19Communication and dissemination monitoring template and yearly report 2018/19
D 4.2 Communication material design and layoutCommunication material design and layout – flyers, roll-ups, handouts
D2.3.1.4 Health risk reportReport about climate change impact on health risk in Berlin Center and Potsdam
D2.3.1.1 Analysis of health statisticsAnalysis of health statistics for Berlin Center and Potsdam
D2.1.1.3 Report Cat Model ToolboxReport about the Cat Model Toolbox
D2.3.2.1 Needs assessment reportForest sector needs assessment report
D3.6 Report on dissemination and exploitation activitiesReport on dissemination and exploitation activities
D2.2.1.1 Typhoon CatalogueTyphoon Catalogue Southeast Asia
D5.5 Report on co-design and stakeholder feedback (insurance sector and beyond)Report on co-design and stakeholder feedback (insurance sector and beyond) The Oasis Consortium have developed a strong policy of those working within the consortium must have end-user involvement/ codesign of tools. As an added enforcement of this our innovation our external innovation advisory board will do yearly reviews on projects to check for user application of products and to advise and ensure market application suitability of particular models and tools. Consistency in evaluating and measuring the added-value of the services for end-users will be made clear in the work plan and has been formalised in the deliverables under the Management section.
D 3.8 Report on Go-to-Market/Sales and Marketing ActivitiesReport on Go-to-Market/Sales and Marketing Activities
D 4.3 Demonstrator descriptions for online publishingInitial demonstrator descriptions for online publishing
D1.5 Report on model integrationReport on complete integration of models into Oasis including certification
D 4.1 Communication and dissemination strategyCommunication and dissemination strategy
D 4.16 Communication and dissemination monitoring template and yearly report 2017/18Communication and dissemination monitoring template and yearly report
D2.2.2.1 Report on the viability of the methodologyReport on the viability of the methodology for the Tanzanian cropping conditions
D 4.22 Inputs to public consultations of key relevant legislationInputs to public consultations of key relevant legislation
D1.6 Report on new user interfaceReport on design of new user interface month
D2.1.2.4 Report on future fluvial and pluvial flood riskReport on future fluvial and pluvial flood risk assessment for the Danube basin
D 4.19 Policy briefs on OASIS LMFPolicy briefs on OASIS LMF
D3.5 Dissemination and exploitation plan developedDissemination and exploitation plan developed
D5.7 Ethics and human participant and protection of personal data plan and reviewsEthics and human participant and protection of personal data plan and reviews. Copies of opinion or confirmation by the competent Institutional Data Protection Officers and/or authorization or notification by the National Data Protection Authority will be submitted according to the EU Data Protection Regulations.
D2.3.2.3 Business model report forest sectorBusiness cases and business model report
D 4.4 Case studies developedCase studies of demonstrator including final results for online publishing
D2.1.1.2 Report adaptation potentialReport on the adaptation potential (including synergies with mitigation) applied to cases.
D2.2.2.3 Micro crop insurance schemeDevelopment of a micro crop insurance scheme designed for the farming conditions in Tanzania
D2.3.1.5 Health cost benefit analysisCost benefit analysis of 2 specific adaptation measures (hospital equipment with room climatization and room climatization in patient residence)
D 4.18 Communication and dissemination monitoring template and yearly report 2019/20Communication and dissemination monitoring template and yearly report 2019/20
D2.1.3.2 Report on Novi Sad case studyApplicability of OASIS framework for the EU guidelines: Results of a case study - analysis of the climate risk for the treatment plant and possible adaptation measures
D2.2.2.2 Insurance design workshopInsurance design workshop (WS) for local partners and stakeholder
D2.3.2.6 Final report forest fireFinal forest demonstration report
Investment secured in Oasis Hub
D 4.6 OASIS LMF event for insurance sectorA dedicated OASIS LMF event for insurance sector
D5.4 Report on coordination and synergies activitiesCoordination and synergies with relevant EU projects and other initiatives Report on coordination activities Activities under this task include: • regular information on the progress of each project (invitation to meetings, participation in the Advisory board, etc.) • joint participation to meetings upon request of the European Commission to promote the outputs of the projects • potential alignment of activities (especially dissemination and communication activities i.e. joint policy recommendations) and meetings • exchange and consolidation of results when relevant, e.g. concerning barriers and incentives to the use of climate services The consortium will also consider the other relevant EU projects and other initiatives in the field of climates services and develop mutually beneficial synergies. Those include, but are not limited to Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), Climateurope, the JPI-Climate, and the EIT Climate-KIC.
D1.3 OASIS LMF WorkshopWorkshops to be held
D1.2 OASIS LMF WorkshopWorkshops to be held
D1.1 OASIS LMF WorkshopWorkshops to be held
D5.2 First Project GA and second AB meeting minutesFirst Project GA and second AB meeting minutes to be delivered.
D3.2 Recruitment of Technical Support TechnicianRecruitment of Technical Support Technician
D 3.12 Revenue generation reportRevenue generation report
D1.4 Development of materials for workshopsDevelopment of materials for workshops
D 4.14 Report on webinar sessions for H2020 communityReport on webinar sessions for H2020 community (sharing and learning activity)
D 4.21 Lunch-time seminar for EU Commission servicesLunch-time seminar for EU Commission services
D2.3.1.3 Health damage functionHealth damage function for Berlin Center and Potsdam
D5.3 Second project GA and third AB meeting minutesSecond project GA and third AB meeting minutes to be delivered.
D2.3.1.2 Meteorological and environmental databaseMeteorological and environmental database of Berlin and Potsdam
D3.1 Recruitment of Sales ManagerRecruitment of Sales Manager
D2.1.2.2 Damage data collection toolD2.1.2.2 Damage data collection tool and exposure data base as services to acquire event related data and provide exposure and vulnerability related information for risk analysis.
D2.2.1.2 OASIS complient event setSynthetic event set compatible with the OASIS software
D 3.16 Report on Educational webinars deliveredReport on Educational webinars delivered As a part of the eMarket development we are planning a range of webinars that illustrate the use and linkages of particular software and analytical tools hosted on the site to end-users. The webinars will show real use of a particular tools and how to collect information from the eMarket (now known as Oasis HUB) to place within tools to obtain desired results using a particular analytical tool or if more generalised tool that have their own data webinars will show how these work. The webinars will be part of an added value marketing package to members and we had added sessions as part of our deliverables.
D2.3.1.6 Testing of health damage function in eMarket and Oasis LMFTesting of health damage function in eMarket and Oasis LMF. This will be done in cooperation with OASIS LMF, BetterPoints and with feedback from the health insurance partners.
D5.1 Kick-off meeting and first AB meeting minutesThis includes: Kick-off meeting arrangement and minutes Advisory Board meeting minutes
D4.11 Report on presentations and workshops at a relevant eventReport on presentations and workshops at a relevant event
A data visualisation film, potentially including interviews of stakeholders that showcases the tools/ demonstrators under development through using actual data will be developed to show potential users the application of the tools. The production of this film will be subcontracted. A MOOC will be developed that shows how the model development has proceeded using the Future Danube Model as an example for the scientific community- thus providing the potential to replicate the work of the programme widely. MOOC development would be subcontracted. The use of the Oasis Hub social media audiences will be used to disseminate/ advertise the MOOC.
D5.6 H2020_Insurance Web-pagesEnsure smooth internal communication and project visibility H2020_Insurance Web-pages embedded within Oasis Hub in high profile position - that can also be entered separately
D3.3 Technical development of sales infrastructurePhase 2 Technical Development completed – specifically sales infrastructure launched
D2.1.1.1 Hazard and risk mappingOASIS LMF compliant hazard and risk mapping in the Danube basin uploaded to the OASIS eMarket
Technical Integration with LMF Platform
D2.1.3.3 Service offer for climate risk analysisService offer for climate risk analysis of large-scale infrastructure investments by using the OASIS modelling framework
D2.2.2.4 Integrated yield model for yield loss validationIntegrated yield model for yield loss validation and yield risk map available in the eMarket
D2.1.2.1 Probabilistic vulnerability functions for fluvial and pluvial floodsOASIS LMF compliant probabilistic vulnerability functions for fluvial and pluvial floods
D2.3.2.7 Go to market reportGo to market roadmap and report
D2.2.1.3 Report on seasonal forecasts of landfalling typhoonsLong range (more than 8 months) forecast will be made on a new statistical model recently developed by Imperial College. For forecast less than 8 months we will deploy a regional dynamical model.
D2.3.2.2 RiskFP-insurance prototypePrototype of new RiskFP-insurance software for forest sector
The report will describe how data management is organized in the project. This embraces intellectual properties, maintenance, storage etc.
Nathan Sparks, Ralf Toumi
Publié dans:
Communications Earth & Environment, Numéro 1/1, 2020, ISSN 2662-4435
communications earth & environment
Nathan Sparks, Ralf Toumi
Publié dans:
Atmospheric Science Letters, 2020, ISSN 1530-261X
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Dominik Paprotny, Heidi Kreibich, Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles, Dennis Wagenaar, Attilio Castellarin, Francesca Carisi, Xavier Bertin, Bruno Merz, Kai Schröter
Publié dans:
Natural Hazards, 2020, ISSN 0921-030X
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Stefan Lüdtke, Kai Schröter, Max Steinhausen, Laura Weise, Rui Figueiredo, Heidi Kreibich
Publié dans:
Water Resources Research, Numéro 55/12, 2019, Page(s) 10616-10635, ISSN 0043-1397
American Geophysical Union
Dominik Paprotny, Heidi Kreibich, Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles, Attilio Castellarin, Francesca Carisi, Kai Schröter
Publié dans:
Science of The Total Environment, Numéro 737, 2020, Page(s) 140011, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Rahel Laudien, Bernhard Schauberger, David Makowski, Christoph Gornott
Publié dans:
Scientific Reports, Numéro 10/1, 2020, ISSN 2045-2322
Nature Publishing Group
Fred F. Hattermann, Michel Wortmann, Stefan Liersch, Ralf Toumi, Nathan Sparks, Christopher Genillard, Kai Schröter, Max Steinhausen, Miklós Gyalai-Korpos, Kinga Máté, Ben Hayes, María del Rocío Rivas López, Tibor Rácz, Marie R. Nielsen, Per S. Kaspersen, Martin Drews
Publié dans:
Climate Services, Numéro 12, 2018, Page(s) 14-26, ISSN 2405-8807
Dennis Wagenaar, Stefan Lüdtke, Kai Schröter, Laurens M. Bouwer, Heidi Kreibich
Publié dans:
Water Resources Research, Numéro 54/5, 2018, Page(s) 3688-3703, ISSN 0043-1397
American Geophysical Union
Ponraj Arumugam, Abel Chemura, Bernhard Schauberger, Christoph Gornott
Publié dans:
Agronomy, Numéro 10/11, 2020, Page(s) 1674, ISSN 2073-4395
Per Skougaard Kaspersen, Nanna Høegh Ravn, Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Henrik Madsen, Martin Drews
Publié dans:
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Numéro 21/8, 2017, Page(s) 4131-4147, ISSN 1607-7938
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Dominik Paprotny, Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles, Daniël T.H. Worm, Elisa Ragno
Publié dans:
SoftwareX, Numéro 12, 2020, Page(s) 100588, ISSN 2352-7110
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