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Integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency


Technology support plan

This deliverable will provide a plan for the WP4 work (per task), taking into account the input from the D1.1. Information for each of the WP4 tasks will be provided as a separate section in the document. This deliverable will also provide an overview of the tools that are inherited from previous projects and explain the initial plan for using and/or extending these inputs in CLARITY WP4. This overview will be provided as annex document that is automatically produced from the CLARITY online platform and also cover all WP4 tasks (see also D1.2).

Exploitation Requirements and Innovation Design v2

Second version of the Exploitation Requirements and Innovation Design report

CLARITY Demonstrators Implementation and Validation Report v2

Second version of CLARITY demonstrators’ implementation and validation report. An updated version of this report will be generated at the project end, indicating the changes in the last three project months.

Exploitation Requirements and Innovation Design v1

The document will present the CLARITY climate service innovation design including the exploitation requirements. In two iterations, the document will report on the progress of the respective tasks and corresponding results.

Communication and dissemination plan and report v4

Final version of the Communication and dissemination plan and report. An updated version of this report will be generated at the project end, indicating the changes in the final project months.

Demonstration and validation methodology

This deliverable will provide a methodology and plan for: (1) the collection of required data (climate signals, urban environment, inventory of elements at risk, sensitivity, exposure, etc.) in T2.2; (2) conduct the demonstrations in T2.3 and (3) validate the results in T2.4.

CLARITY Demonstrators Implementation and Validation Report v1

This deliverable will provide a report on the outcomes of the first round of CLARITY demonstrators’ implementation, providing feedback to WP1, WP3 and WP4. It will also report the outcomes of the evaluation and validation process - performed in the workshops dedicated to the stakeholders and user’s validation of CLARITY services -, including feedback from potential end-users external to the consortium.

Science support report v1

This deliverable is a short report that will accompany the WP3 software and models. It will report on the work performed in WP3 since the project start (per task) and provide links to access the models and tools resulting from this work. It will also provide an updated plan for the WP3 work until the project end (per task), taking into account the users feedback from the first version of the demonstrators (D2.3) each tasks contributes one chapter. Finally, the deliverable will also provide an updated overview of the tools and models that were either inherited from previous projects or developed in CLARITY and explain how the inherited models and tools were used and/or extended in CLARITY WP3 so far and how they will be used/extended in the remaining project time. This overview will be provided as annex document that is automatically produced from the CLARITY online platform and also cover all WP3 tasks (see also D1.2).

Science support report v2

Second version of the science support report. This deliverable will accompany the final release of the WP3 tools and models and report on the work performed in WP3 since release of the D3.2. It will provide the final overview of all the tools and models that were either inherited from previous projects or developed in CLARITY WP3 and explain how the inherited models and tools were used and/or extended in CLARITY. This overview will be provided as annex document that is automatically produced from the CLARITY online platform and also cover all WP3 tasks (see also D1.2). The document will also provide links to access the models and tools resulting from this work.

CLARITY CSIS architecture

This deliverable will describe the CLARITY CSIS architecture. It will be updated later in the project if needed.

CLARITY Guideline v1

Practical step by step guide to help stakeholders responsible for the planning and management of Urban Infrastructure to incorporate Climate Change and natural hazard adaptation in their preservation strategies.

Communication and dissemination plan and report v3

Third version of the Communication and dissemination plan and report

Technology support report v2

Second version of the technology support report. This deliverable will accompany the final release of the WP4 software tools and report on the work performed in WP4 since release of the D4.3. It will provide the final overview of all the tools and models that were either inherited from previous projects or developed in CLARITY WP4 and explain how the inherited tools were used and/or extended in CLARITY. This overview will be provided as annex document that is automatically produced from the CLARITY online platform and also cover all WP3 tasks (see also D1.2). The document will also provide links to access the models and tools resulting from this work.

Communication and dissemination plan and report v1

This document provides a guideline for all communication and dissemination activities carried out in the project including the concept for the stakeholder engagement tour performed in T6.3. The deliverable will use as basis the initial draft list of workshops and anchor events already collected in Annex B (the list will be updated and enhanced for the subsequent deliverable releases as the project progresses). Moreover, it will report on the results produced in the context of WP6 including produced media, papers etc. Conclusions about and impact of the carried out dissemination activities will be reported in the final iteration. This deliverable will also contain the summary report on networking and community building activities performed during the project.

Technology support report v1

This deliverable will accompany the WP4 software tools and report on the work performed in WP4 since the project start and provide links to access the models and tools resulting from this work. It will also provide an updated plan for the WP4 work until the project end, taking into account the users feedback from the first version of the demonstrators (D2.3). Information for each of the WP4 tasks will be provided as a separate section in the document. This deliverable will also provide an overview of the tools that are inherited from previous projects and explain the initial plan for using and/or extending these inputs in CLARITY WP4. This overview will be provided as annex document that is automatically produced from the CLARITY online platform and also cover all WP4 tasks (see also D1.2).

Science support plan and concept

This deliverable will provide an overview of the scientific concept behind CLARITY CSIS, and WP3 work plan, taking into account the input from the D1.1. Information for each of the WP3 tasks will be provided as a separate section in the document. This deliverable will also provide an overview of the tools and models that are inherited from previous projects and explain the initial plan for using and/or extending these inputs in CLARITY WP3. This overview will be provided as annex document that is automatically produced from the CLARITY online platform and also cover all WP3 tasks (see also D1.2).

Final industrialization and support report

Report on the achievements of the T1.4 work in the last six months of the project. This report will include the summary of the bug and issue reports that addressed in the final project months and of the known bugs and issues that are left open at the project end.

Catalogue of local data sources and sample datasets

This deliverable will provide a catalogue of local data sources for each of the demo applications, describing how local data is integrated in CLARITY Climate Services, to ensure transferability of the proposed methodology for data collection and tools customization.

CLARITY Guideline v2

Final version of the CLARITY Guideline

Social-Innovation Assessment Report

This deliverable will describe the assessment of the current and potential socio-economic impact of CLARITY project.

Communication and dissemination plan and report v2

Second version of the Communication and dissemination plan and report Marketplace

Initial release of the web based marketplace for offers from climate service suppliers, purveyors. The marketplace will be connected to prominent climate adaptation platforms. The deployed and populated software will be accompanied by an online documentation.


Second version of CLARITY Climate Services Information System, packaged and ready to be used in WP2.

Database of initial CLARITY CSIS user stories and test cases

Online database with first consolidated version of the CLARITY CSIS user stories and test cases, based on EU-GL and the feedback from initial workshops. This database will be maintained through the project as a part of the ongoing T1.2 work. In addition to user stories and test cases, this database will also host the information on tools and models that are developed in WP3 and WP4 and used to realize the user stories and build the CLARITY CSIS in task T1.3.


First version of CLARITY Climate Services Information System, packaged and ready to be used in WP2

Data Management Plan v1

The purpose of the DMP is to provide an analysis of the main elements of the data management policy that will be used with regard to all the datasets that will be generated by the project. The DMP will reflect the status of the data that will be produced: Identifier and description for each data set, reference to existing suitable standards, description of how data will be shared and description of the procedures that will be put in place for long-term preservation. The DMP is not a fixed document, but evolves during the lifespan of the project. The first version of the DMP is expected to be delivered within the first 6 months of the project and will comply with the template provided by the Commission . More elaborated versions will be delivered at later stages of the project, by the mid-term and final review to fine-tune it to the data generated and the uses identified by the consortium, since not all data or potential uses are clear from the start.

Data Management Plan v2

Second version of the Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan v3

Final version of the Data Management Plan

CLARITY website

A first initial version of CLARITY project web site will be available in month 2 and it will be updated accordingly during the project duration.


The CLARITY Climate Services Information System – providing hazard characterisation on European scale

Auteurs: Hahn, Claudia; Goler, Robert; Zuvela-Aloise, Maja; Kainz, Astrid; de Wit, Rosmarie; Zuccaro, Giulio; Leone, Mattia; Capolupo, Alessandra; Havlik, Denis; Skarbal, Bernhard
Publié dans: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (EGU 2019), Numéro 04/2019, 2019, Page(s) Vol. 21, EGU2019-8978, 2019
Éditeur: EGU General Assembly
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3336025

CLARITY's climate services: Using EURO-CORDEX simulations and including dynamical-statistical downscaling to allocate current and future climate-related hazard patterns at different spatial scales

Auteurs: Kainz, Astrid; Goler, Robert; Zuvela-Aloise, Maja; Hahn, Claudia; de Wit, Rosmarie; Zuccaro, Giulio; Leone, Mattia; Capolupo, Alessandra; Nardone, Stefano; Havlik, Denis; Loibl, Wolfgang; Köstl, Mario; Hager, Wilfried
Publié dans: EMS Annual Meeting 2019, Numéro 09/2019, 2019
Éditeur: European Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3532753

Análisis de vulnerabilidad y riesgo frente a cambio climático en infraestructuras de transporte. Proyecto CLARITY

Auteurs: José Cubillo; Denis Havlik; Luis Torres; Laura Parra; María Postigo; Jorge Paz; Iñaki Beltrán
Publié dans: CLARITY4ClimateResilience webinars, Numéro 15/07/2020, 2020
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4050326

CLARITY for Climate Resilience

Auteurs: Denis Havlik; Jaroslav Mysiak; Laura Parra
Publié dans: CLARITY4ClimateResiience webinars, Numéro 11/06/2020, 2020
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4049961

Steering Local Adaptation: Hands-On Lab on Measuring Climate Risks in Muncipalities - The CLARITY Project

Auteurs: de Wit, Rosmarie; Havlik, Denis; Geyer-Scholz, Andrea
Publié dans: European Week of Regions and Cities 2019, Numéro 10/2019, 2019
Éditeur: European Week of Regions and Cities
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3515361

CLARITY Climate Services - Supporting Urban Climate Change Resilience and Adaptive Planning through Modelling of Possible Climate Adaptation Strategies

Auteurs: Astrid Kainz, Maja Zuvela-Aloise, Rosmarie de Wit, and Robert Goler
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 20, EGU2018-8535, 2018, 2018
Éditeur: European Geosciences Union (EGU)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2559262

Next Generation of Climate Services to Support Adaptive Planning and Design in Cities: CLARITY modelling methodology and applications

Auteurs: Giulio Zuccaro, Maja Zuvela-Aloise, Mattia F. Leone
Publié dans: CitiesIPCC Cities and Climate Change Science Conference, 2018
Éditeur: IPCC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2557801

CLARITY Climate Service Promoting Urban Climate Change Resilience through the Modelling of Climate Adaptation Strategies

Auteurs: Rosmarie de Wit, Maja Žuvela-Aloise, Astrid Kainz
Publié dans: ICUC10 – 10th International Converence on Urban Climate jointly with 14th Symposium on the Urban Environment, 2018
Éditeur: AMS American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2557611

Exploring urban climate change adaptation measures with CLARITY’s climate service

Auteurs: Rosmarie de Wit, Maja Žuvela-Aloise, Astrid Kainz, Robert Goler
Publié dans: EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 15, EMS2018-494, 2018, 2018
Éditeur: CO Meeting Organizer EMS2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2557605

Gestión de infraestructuras y cambio climático en el marco del proyecto CLARITY

Auteurs: Emilio Blas, María Postigo, Mario Núñez, Miguel Ángel Esbrí, Laura Parra, Laura Asensio
Publié dans: Simposio Nacional Firmes 2018 – EN RUTA HACIA UNA ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR, Numéro Biannual, 2019
Éditeur: ATC Piarc
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3245237

Herramientas Integradas de Adaptación al Clima para Mejorar de la resiliencia de infraestructuras. Proyecto CLARITY

Auteurs: Jose Cubillo, Laura Parra
Publié dans: CONAMA 2018 Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente, Numéro Annual, 2018, ISBN 978-84-09-07670-3
Éditeur: Agencia Española ISBN

Digitized general workflow for climate impact assessment

Auteurs: Denis Havlik
Publié dans: COP24 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP24), Katowice, Poland, 02 Dec 2018 - 14 Dec 2018 (Session Austria Showcase – Innovations, Projects, Products, Services (side event at the Austrian pavilion), 2018
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2557603

My Climate Services Marketplace

Auteurs: Denis Havlik
Publié dans: COP24 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP24), Katowice, Poland, 02 Dec 2018 - 14 Dec 2018 (Session Austria Showcase – Innovations, Projects, Products, Services (side event at the Austrian pavilion), 2018
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2557633

CLARITY climate service concept and mockups

Auteurs: Denis Havlik
Publié dans: European Week of Regions and Cities, Brussels, 7-10 October 2019 (Session Climate Adaptation for Cities and Regions ), 2018
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2557587

CLARITY Demonstration Case Austria - Climate Change Adaptation for the city of Linz

Auteurs: Kainz, Astrid
Publié dans: Side Event at the European Week of Regions & Cities, Brussels, 9-10 October 2018, 2018
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2565211

The contribution of green infrastructure to spatiotemporal air temperature gradients in Stockholm and implications to climate change adaptation

Auteurs: Amorim J.H., Segersson D., Körnich H., Asker C., Gidhagen L.
Publié dans: ICUC10 - 10th International Conference on Urban Climate, 2018
Éditeur: AMS American Meteorological Society

Climate Services as emerging market - latest trends

Auteurs: Andrea Geyer-Scholz; Adriaan Perrels; Alessia Pietrosanti; Stefania Manca
Publié dans: CLARITY4ClimateResilience webinars, Numéro 01/07/2020, 2020
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4050396

The CLARITY Climate Services Information System - Modelling chain supporting urban climate change resilience

Auteurs: de Wit, Rosmarie
Publié dans: ECCA European Climate Change Adaptation conference 2019, Numéro 05/2019, 2019
Éditeur: ECCA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3523954

In my region: Urban heat adaptation in Southern, Central and Northern Europe

Auteurs: Denis Havlik; Robert Goler; Claudia Hahn; Mattia Leone; Jorge Armorim; Wolfgang Loibl
Publié dans: CLARTIY4ClimateResilience webinars, Numéro 09/07/2020, 2020
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4050264

DC2 demonstration cases related to flooding

Auteurs: Åkesson, Anna; Kaiser, Gunilla; Thurin, Sofia; Lindell, Måns; Sannebro, Magnus; Johansson, Christer; Strömbäck, Lena; Hundecha, Yeshewatesfa; Almer, Anne-Catrin; Moberg, Frida
Publié dans: CLARITY4ClimateResilience workshop, Numéro 03/2020, 2020
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4071686

Demonstrating the effects of climate adaptation measures for the Austrian city of Linz as part of CLARITY's climate services

Auteurs: Kainz, Astrid; Zuvela-Aloise, Maja; Goler, Robert; de Wit, Rosmarie; Hahn, Claudia
Publié dans: ECCA European Climate Change Adaptation conference 2019, Numéro 05/2019, 2019
Éditeur: ECCA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3532656

Climate Services to support urban resilient planning and design: the CLARITY methodology

Auteurs: Capolupo, Alessandra; Giulio, Zuccaro; Mattia, Leone; Stefano, Nardone; Denis, Havlik; Patrick, Kaleta; Gerald, Schimak; Maja Zuvela Aloise,; Robert, Goler; Claudia, Hahn; Astrid, Kainz; Rosmarie, DeWit
Publié dans: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Numéro Vol. 21, 2019, Page(s) EGU2019-8607, ISSN 1607-7962
Éditeur: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3338138

" CLARITY für Klimaresilienz - ""In meiner Region: Linz, Österreich"" "

Auteurs: Denis Havlik; Wolfgang Loibl; Wilfried Hager; Claudia Hahn; Tanja Tötzer; Robert Goler
Publié dans: CLARTIY4ClimateResilience webinars, Numéro 08/07/2020, 2020
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4049987

Herramientas para análisis de vulnerabilidad y riesgo en carreteras frente a cambio climático

Auteurs: Denis Havlik; Laura Parra; Luis Torres; José Cubillo; Ernesto Rodriguez
Publié dans: CLARITY4ClimateResilience webinars, Numéro 18/09/2020, 2020
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4050358

Potential of Urban Densification to Mitigate the Effects of Heat Island in Vienna, Austria

Auteurs: Vuckovic, Loibl, Tötzer, Stollnberger
Publié dans: Environments, Numéro 6/7, 2019, Page(s) 82, ISSN 2076-3298
Éditeur: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/environments6070082

High resolution simulation of Stockholm's air temperature and its interactions with urban development

Auteurs: J.H. Amorim; D. Segersson; H. Körnich; C. Asker; E. Olsson; L. Gidhagen
Publié dans: Urban Climate 32 100632, Numéro 1, 2020, ISSN 2212-0955
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3796277

Supporting climate proof planning with CLARITY's climate service and modelling of climate adaptation strategies – the Linz use-case

Auteurs: Rosmarie de Wit, Astrid Kainz, Robert Goler, Maja Žuvela-Aloise, Claudia Hahn, Giulio Zuccaro, Mattia Leone, Wolfgang Loibl, Tanja Tötzer, Wilfried Hager, Andrea Geyer-Scholz, Denis Havlik
Publié dans: Urban Climate, Numéro 34, 2020, Page(s) 100675, ISSN 2212-0955
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2020.100675

How to adapt to environmental changes

Auteurs: Zuccaro Giulio
Publié dans: Platinum, Numéro 11, four monthly year, 2018, Page(s) 119, ISSN 2038-2596
Éditeur: New business media

CLARITY, servizi climatici di nuova generazione

Auteurs: Zuccaro, Giulio; Leone, Mattia Federico; Zuvela-Aloise, Maja; Capolupo, Alessandra
Publié dans: Ecoscienza, Numéro 06/2018, 2018, Page(s) 30-32, ISSN 2039-0424
Éditeur: Arpae Emilia-Romagna
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2562827

CLARITY busines canvas (draft)

Auteurs: Denis Havlik
Publié dans: CLIMATEUROPE FESTIVAL 2018 - Climate information at your service, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018 (Session Climate Services at work: matching user's needs & looking for solutions Interactive session), 2018
Éditeur: CLARITY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2557667

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