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Risultati finali
Case Study 1 Report: Real Estate Quantitative analysis of Climate Services market by EU region Vulnerability assessment in forecasting perspective, data & report Minutes of the 2nd Plenary Meeting
A document comprising the proceedings of the 2nd Plenary Meeting will be provided to the partners.
Overview of non-European climate services suppliers Case Study 8 Report: Urban Infrastructures Recommendations Integrated analysis of current and potential market demand Pilot data apps and templates Analysis of market transactions for Climate Services Minutes of the Kick-Off MeetingA document comprising the proceedings of the Kick-Off meeting will be provided to the partners.
Case Study 4 Report: Wind & Solar Energy Outlook 2020: Short term forecast reports Report on clustering with other projects Overall research into redefining and measuring CS demand Case Study 6 Report: Critical Energy Infrastructures Mapping of typical business models and identification of best practices for business model design SWOT analysis of EU supply Report on improved methods for climate service forecasting Potential innovation models to address gaps Minutes of the 1st Plenary MeetingA document comprising the proceedings of the 1st Plenary Meeting will be provided to the partners.
Final definition, taxonomy and report Analysis of Climate Service applications Minutes of the 3rd Plenary MeetingA document comprising the proceedings of the 3rd Plenary Meeting will be provided to the partners.
"Proceedings of Stakeholder Network Workshop #2" Demand-supply gap analysis report Interim definition, taxonomy and report Case Study 9 Report: Tourism Case Study 2 Report: Mining Report on forecast approaches, robustness and uncertainties associated with short and long term forecast Case Study 7 Report: Agriculture & Forestry Foresight 2030: Long term forecast report and scenarios Climate vulnerability analysis at NUTS2 scale Synthesis report on case studies, best practices, KPIs "Proceedings of Stakeholder Network Workshop #1" Case Study 3 Report: Legal Services Development of a categorized database of EU-based climate services providers Segmented qualitative analysis of market demand & users’ needs Minutes of the Final Plenary MeetingA document comprising the proceedings of the Final Plenary Meeting will be provided to the partners.
Case Study 5 Report: Water & Sanitation Analysis of EU-based climate services providers Initial definition, taxonomy and reportA public website (jointly designed and updated with the EU MACS project partners responsible for the communication task)
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