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Real-Time Mineral X-Ray Analysis for Efficient and Sustainable Mining

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - X-MINE (Real-Time Mineral X-Ray Analysis for Efficient and Sustainable Mining)

Période du rapport: 2018-12-01 au 2021-08-31

The 12 M€ research project X-MINE was conducted in the years 2017 - 2021 and funded by the European commission Horizon 2020 programme. The project’s objectives were to support advanced mineral exploration, better resource characterisation and estimation as well as more efficient ore extraction in existing mine operations, making the mining of lower volume, lower grade and complex deposits economically feasible and increasing potential of European mineral resources with minimal environmental and health impact.
The project developed a real-time sensing platform comprising a set of high performance sensors based on X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-Ray Transmission (XRT) and 3D shape measurement technologies. The sensing platform and the data produced by the platform was integrated with mineral sorting equipment, mine planning software systems, exploration software and enhanced work procedures. The X-MINE project demonstrated the beneficial and practical impact of these innovative technologies on the exploration capacity, the operational efficiency and decreased environmental footprint of existing mining sites. More specific X-MINE objectives were structured under the following four key areas: 1) Improve and combine various online sensing technologies 2) Integrate the multi-sensor solution in an online analysis platform 3) Demonstrate the solution in real mining operations 4) Conduct dissemination and exploitation activities.
The X-MINE project completed the research and development in all of the four key areas as follows:
1) Improve and combine various online sensing technologies
Advacam developed X-ray imaging sensors for on-line high-resolution XRT imaging. Four different X-ray camera prototypes optimized for the drill core analysis and mineral sorting applications were developed during the project.
Three prototypes of a new 3D scanning device for mineral sorting application were developed by Antmicro and system performance was demonstrated on-line in mineral sorting applications.
Orexplore developed cryocooled 96-element XRF spectrometer prototypes for drill core scanning applications.

2) Integrate the multi-sensor solution in an online analysis platform

There were three types of prototypes developed and built in the X-MINE project, and two testing environments:
*Drill core scanners with existing sensors. These drill core scanners are equipped with conventional XRT cameras and XRF spectrometers, but with several technical improvements.
*Drill core scanner with X-MINE sensors. This drill core scanner is equipped with the high-speed 140 mm XRT cameras from Advacam, and with the new XRF spectrometer from Orexplore.
*Mobile sorting prototypes with existing sensors. These sorting systems were integrated in a sea container, and are equipped with conventional dual-energy XRT sensors, but with several technical improvements.
*Sensor testing platform at VTT. The project built a laboratory testing platform used to integrate and test the XRT cameras, the 3D cameras and the XRF spectrometers for the sorting applications.
*Sorting research prototype at Comex. This is a pilot sorting facility at Comex, which was updated for the X-MINE project integration and testing needs.
3) Demonstrate the solution in real mining operations
The demonstration of the X-MINE drill core scanning prototypes was performed at the Lovisagruvan (Sweden), Hellas Gold (Greece), Assarel Medet (Bulgaria) and Hellenic Copper Mines (Cyprus) mines. The sorting pilots were completed at three mines with the mobile sorters.
SGU, Uppsala University and the Geological Institute of Romania performed the ore deposit modelling activities in the X-MINE project together with the mine geologists. The project demonstrated the applicability of constructing 3D high-resolution ore-zone and ore-body models based on the integration of mainly oriented drill core scanning data into in-mine deposit-scale 3D models.

4) Conduct dissemination and exploitation activities
The X-MINE communication and dissemination plan was successfully implemented despite the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project website, articles and LinkedIn pages were used for communicating X-MINE purpose and progress.
X-MINE gave presentations in numerous conferences and webinars, and many scientific papers were written based on the project results. Four community outreach events and four industrial workshops were organized in Sweden, Greece and Cyprus with good attendance of the intended target groups.
Ecosystem development was part of dissemination and communication activities in X-MINE. The mining industry ecosystems and the related value networks and actors were outlined, along with a description of forming and further developing the X-MINE ecosystem.
Progress beyond the state of the art

Ore deposit modelling and drill core scanning: X-MINE developed a new methodology for collecting available and new multidisciplinary geological data to improve the creation of integrated regional 3D geo-models to be used in near-mine exploration. The real time chemical and tomographic structural data from the XRF/XRT scanning was integrated into 3D geomodels and ore deposit models that could be used in exploration, drilling activities during production and even to mineral beneficiation process optimization.

Sensor and data fusion: Advacam produced several prototypes of new large area WidePIX cameras optimised for high speed, high energy X-ray imaging with high resolution and up to 8 energy levels.
Antmicro developed a prototype of a new 3D scanning device for on-line use. Orexplore has built a prototype of cryocooled multi-element 96-pixel XRF spectrometer, which was integrated in the drill core analyzer.

Online analysis and sensor-based sorting: Extensive research on the optimal sorting strategy was conducted at the Lovisagruvan mine, resulting in excellent sorting performance with about 26 % reduction in waste rock and substantial energy consumption savings.


The most important planned impacts of the X-MINE project included a 20 % reduction in transportation costs through more efficient ore and waste separation, a 7 % reduction in waste rock, and a 10 - 30 % reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions. These impacts were demonstrated based on pilot results and a thorough impact and key performance indicator (KPI) analysis showed many other benefits. The X-MINE project successfully demonstrated the prototypes in four different metallogenic belts, in simple cases (lead-zinc ore) and in more complex cases (critical raw material detection in a complex matrix).
In the longer term, the new analysis methods developed in X-MINE could lead to a revolution in the exploration and characterization of existing and new mineral deposits, enabling entire value chain of mining operations to be optimized based on improved insights into mineral grain size, distribution and other structural, geological, geochemical and mineralogical information. The wider societal impacts of the project will come through reduced emissions, energy use and waste, which can contribute to better social acceptance of mining operations. Moreover, better 3D modelling of the ore deposits could lead to improvements in mining operations safety. X-MINE will then contribute in making mining becoming more sustainable and responsible.
Community outreach event in the Örebro shopping mall.
Processing drill core samples at the Mavres Petres mine.
The industrial workshop at the Lovisagruvan mine attracted a lot of people.
High-speed X-ray camera developed by Advacam.
Demonstration of XRF/XRT-scanning for distinguishing sulfide minerals from silicates.
Sensor testing is ongoing by Advacam and Antmicro at Comex sorting equipment.
3D scanner developed by Antmicro.
Long-term testing of drill core analysers at Orexplore.
The mobile sorting prototype by Comex installed at the Lovisagruvan mine.
Logging, sampling and drill core analysis with the X-Mine prototype at the Hellas Gold mine.