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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Realising Innovation in Transitions for Decarbonisation


Handbook of decarbonisation

Handbook of Decarbonisation Innovation in carbon-intensive sectors (Task 6.6)

Minutes of the AB second meeting
Insights for modelling decarbonisation

Report on implications for modelling decarbonisation (Task 6.5)

Summary of decarbonisation case-studies

Summary of decarbonisation case-studies (Task 3.3)

Workshop report on plastics

Workshop report on decarbonisation pathways in the plastics industry (Task 4.3)

REINVENT results brief

A text about REINVENT results targeted to media, industry and policy makers

Climate innovations and new pathways for decarbonisation

An analysis of patterns and trends (task 2.4) and of future pathways and possibilities for cross-fertilization across sectors (task 2.5)

Assessment of the broader impacts of decarbonisation

Assessment of environmental, economic and social impacts of decarbonisation innovations (Task 3.5)

Climate innovations in meat and dairy

Report comparing investment, production and consumption innovations (Task 2.1, 2.2)

Review of existing visions and scenarios

Review report describing the existing information on potential future transitions in the different sectors in Europe and forms an input to task 4.2 – but also to other tasks requiring early information on the decarbonisation challenge in the different sectors.

Climate innovations in the paper industry

Report comparing investment, production and consumption innovations (Task 2.1, 2.2)

Project briefing note

Project briefing note: stakeholder perspectives on the core analytical challenges for REINVENT key resource-based economic sectors, understood as value chains (Task 1.2)

Book writing workshop

Development of an edited book based on the findings from the project (Task 1.4)

Innovation biographies

Project report: innovation biographies for 5-10 innovations with significant impact (Task 2.3)

Policy brief on synergies

Policy brief on “Synergies and trade-offs at different levels of governance in the four sectors” (Task 5.4)

Momentum for decarbonisation

Report on achieving momentum for decarbonisation (Task 6.2)

Workshop report on investment

Workshop report on decarbonisation and investment (Task 4.3)

Updated DACS

Updated version of the Dissemination and Communications Strategy (DACS) (Task 7.1)

Analytical protocol

Protocol for analysis and methodological toolbox

Decarbonisation pathways for key economic sectors

Report on new co-designed pathways based on workshops etc. (Task 4.3)

Decarbonisation at scale

Report on scaling decarbonisation and managing transitions in terms of agency, timing and accountability (Task 6.1)

Motivation for the selection of case studies

Motivation for the selection of case studies (Task 3.2 report)

Advisory board and terms of reference
Start press release

A press release about the start of REINVENT

Drivers of low carbon innovation

Internal synthesis report on an evidence based scheme of non-technical drivers of innovations and on potential influencing factors for future low carbon innovations as well as preliminary implications for (innovation) policy (for use in WP4 workshops). Task 3.4

Workshop report on consumption

Workshop report on decarbonisation and consumption (Task 4.3)

Workshop report on meat and dairy

Workshop report on decarbonisation pathways in meat and dairy (Task 4.3)

Critical drivers workshop report

Determining the critical drivers, dynamic and implications of decarbonisation through stakeholder dialogue (Task 1.2)

Cumulative impact of decarbonisation innovations

Assessment of the cumulative impact of innovations/initiatives of sectoral decarbonisation scenarios (Task 4.4)

Policy brief

Policy briefing-note on approaches to transition policy evaluation (Task 6.4)

EU decarbonisation scenarios in a global context

Report on mitigation scenarios across scale describing in detail the mitigation challenge in each of the sectors under different scenarios, within the context of the decarbonisation objectives set-out in COP21 (Task 4.2)

Climate innovations in investment and consumption

Report comparing investment, production and consumption innovations (Task 2.1, 2.2)

REINVENT project brief

A text about REINVENT targeted to media, industry and policy makers

Minutes of the AB first meeting
Risk management plan
REINVENT analytical framework

Project report: analytical framework and guidance for its application in WP2-6 (Task 1.3)

Integrated analysis of broader impacts

Report on “Modelling the integrated economic, environmental and social equity impacts of decarbonisation in four selected sectors at the EU in a global context” (Task 5.3)

Draft DACS

A first version of the Dissemination and Communications Strategy (DACS) (Task 7.1)

Report on synthesis workshop

Report on synthesis workshop (Task 3.3)

Workshop report; New approaches to transition policy evaluations

REINVENT will together with European Environment Agency (Copenhagen) and European Evaluators Network host a joint workshop on new approaches to transition policy evaluations.

Workshop report on paper

Workshop report on decarbonisation pathways in the paper industry (Task 4.3)

Report on interim workshop on case-studies

Report on interim workshop on case-studies (Task 3.3)

Coherence between EU climate policy, future pathways and the SDGs

Report on “Policy and institutional coherence between the EU climate regime and the global sustainable development agenda” (Task 5.2)

Economic impacts of decarbonisation pathways

Report on “Decarbonisation and its effects on growth, wages and competitiveness in four selected sectors” (Task 5.1)

Climate innovations in the steel industry

Report comparing investment, production and consumption innovations (Task 2.1, 2.2)

Workshop report on steel

Workshop report on decarbonisation pathways in the steel industry (Task 4.3)

Press release

REINVENT press release results

Decarbonisation state-of-the-art review

Project report: appraisal of the current state-of-the-art on the politics, geographies and materialities of decarbonisation. (Task 1.1)

Climate innovations in the plastics industry

Report comparing investment, production and consumption innovations (Task 2.1, 2.2)

Conceptual synthesis report

Synthesis report on the consequences of the analytical insights produced by REINVENT for achieving transformative decarbonisation (Task 1.3)

Work Plan
Decarbonisation pathways portal

Decarbonisation Pathways Portal that provides access to knowledge and tools for managing low carbon transitions

Decarbonisation innovation database

Database of innovations for decarbonisation throughout the value chain in the sectors (Task 2.2)

Presentation and template

PPT presentation and template for REINVENT

Poster and roll-up

Poster and roll-up about REINVENT

Website launch

Launch the official website

Final conference

Report on the final conference


Adopting hydrogen direct reduction for the Swedish steel industry: A technological innovation system (TIS) study

Author(s): Duncan Kushnir, Teis Hansen, Valentin Vogl and MaxÅhman
Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Issue 242(1), 2020, ISSN 0959-6526
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118185

Politics and the plastic crisis: A review throughout the plastic life cycle

Author(s): Tobias D. Nielsen, Jacob Hasselbalch, Karl Holmberg, Johannes Stripple
Published in: WIREs Energy and Environment, Issue 9/1, 2019, ISSN 2041-8396
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
DOI: 10.1002/wene.360

Making visible, rendering obscure: reading the plastic crisis through contemporary artistic visual representations

Author(s): Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Karl Holmberg, Moa Petersén, Johannes Stripple, Sara Ullström
Published in: Global Sustainability, Issue 3, 2020, ISSN 2059-4798
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1017/sus.2020.10

Comparing future patterns of energy system change in 2 °C scenarios to expert projections

Author(s): Mariësse A.E. van Sluisveld, Mathijs J.H.M. Harmsen, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Valentina Bosetti, Charlie Wilson, Bob van der Zwaan
Published in: Global Environmental Change, Issue 50, 2018, Page(s) 201-211, ISSN 0959-3780
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.03.009

Assessment of hydrogen direct reduction for fossil-free steelmaking

Author(s): Valentin Vogl, Max Åhman, Lars J. Nilsson
Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Issue 203, 2018, Page(s) 736-745, ISSN 0959-6526
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.08.279

A review of technology and policy deep decarbonization pathway options for making energy-intensive industry production consistent with the Paris Agreement

Author(s): Chris Bataille, Max Åhman, Karsten Neuhoff, Lars J. Nilsson, Manfred Fischedick, Stefan Lechtenböhmer, Baltazar Solano-Rodriquez, Amandine Denis-Ryan, Seton Stiebert, Henri Waisman, Oliver Sartor, Shahrzad Rahbar
Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Issue 187, 2018, Page(s) 960-973, ISSN 0959-6526
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.107

Pluralizing and problematizing carbon finance

Author(s): Gavin Bridge, Harriet Bulkeley, Paul Langley, Bregje van Veelen
Published in: Progress in Human Geography, 2019, Page(s) 030913251985626, ISSN 0309-1325
Publisher: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/0309132519856260

Actors, decision-making, and institutions in quantitative system modelling

Author(s): Enrica De Cian, Shouro Dasgupta, Andries F. Hof, Mariësse A.E. van Sluisveld, Jonathan Köhler, Benjamin Pfluger, Detlef P. van Vuuren
Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018, ISSN 0040-1625
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.10.004

Understanding the protein transition: The rise of plant-based meat substitutes

Author(s): Tziva, M., S.O. Negro, A. Kalfagianni, M.P. Hekkert
Published in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 2020, ISSN 2210-4224
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2019.09.004

Environmental co-benefits and adverse side-effects of alternative power sector decarbonization strategies

Author(s): Gunnar Luderer, Michaja Pehl, Anders Arvesen, Thomas Gibon, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Harmen Sytze de Boer, Oliver Fricko, Mohamad Hejazi, Florian Humpenöder, Gokul Iyer, Silvana Mima, Ioanna Mouratiadou, Robert C. Pietzcker, Alexander Popp, Maarten van den Berg, Detlef van Vuuren, Edgar G. Hertwich
Published in: Nature Communications, Issue 10/1, 2019, ISSN 2041-1723
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13067-8

Industrial policy for well below 2 degrees Celsius – The role of basic materials producing industries

Author(s): Nilsson L.J., Åhman M., Vogl V., and Lechtenböhmer S.
Published in: Proceedings from LCS-RNet 2017, 2017
Publisher: Wuppertal Institute
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17199.43688

Financing net zero: How can investment meet the climate challenge

Author(s): Bulkeley, H. and B. van Veelen
Published in: 2020
Publisher: Royal Geographical Society

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