CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
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Risultati finali
[Originally D1.3] Reports on the early architecture and ICD as worked out for the InFuse CDFF.
Technological Review[Originally D1.1] Report on the technological review to be carried out as part of WP1.
Planetary RI and associated EGSE detailed design[Originally D3.2] Report on the detailed design for the planetary RI and associated EGSE.
Orbital RI and associated EGSE detailed design[Originally D3.1] Report on the detailed design for the orbital RI and associated EGSE.
Detailed design document[OG3-D3] This gathers information on the detailed design of the CDFF, as requested in the Compendium.
Unitary & integrated test plans, and release schedule for the Planetary RI[Originally D3.5] Test plan and release schedule for the Planetary RI.
Preliminary design document[OG3-D2] This gathers information on the preliminary design of the CDFF, as requested in the Compendium.
Advanced CDFF architecture and ICD[Originally D2.2] Report on the advanced architecture and ICD of the InFuse CDFF
CDFF Unitary and integrated test plans[Originally D2.3] Details the test and integration plans both for CDFF components (unitary) and integrated CDFF.
Architectures related EGSE detailed design"[Originally D3.3] Report on the detailed design of ""architectures related"" EGSEs"
Unitary & integrated test plans, and release schedule for the Orbital RI[Originally D3.4] Test plans and release scheduled for the Orbital RI.
System requirements document[Originally D1.2] [OG3-D1] Reports on the system requirements baseline for the InFuse CDFF.
Technological trade-offs analysis[Originally D2.1] Reports on trade-offs analysis performed in the early part of the project.
[Originally D0.3] Video animation introducing InFuse and giving insights into the approach and expected outcomes.
Project web site release, electronics channels enabled, project identity material[Originally D0.2] Material coming in support to dissemination and outreach.
[Originally D5.6] Will gather all the components of the final open source release, to serve as a baseline for upcoming OGs.
Archive of datasets used for testing[Originally 4.5.10] Will be a repository gathering the collection of datasets used for the testing. This will be made available to the robotics community.
Raul Dominguez, Mark A. Post, Alexander Fabisch, Romain Michalec, Shashank Govindaraj, Vincent Bissonnette
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Special Collection on Open Source Robotics, Numero Currently In Review, 2019, Pagina/e Currently In Review, ISSN 1729-8814
SAGE Journals
Cuebong Wong, Erfu Yang, Xiu-Tian Yan, Dongbing Gu
Pubblicato in:
Systems Science & Control Engineering, Numero 6/1, 2018, Pagina/e 213-219, ISSN 2164-2583
Taylor Francies
Govindaraj, Shashank; Gancet, Jeremi; Post, Mark; Dominguez, Raul; Souvannavog, Fabrice; Lacroix, Simon; Smisek, Michal; Hidalgo-Carrio, Javier; Wehbe, Bilal; Fabisch, Alexander; De Maio, Andrea; Oumer, Nassir; Bissonnette, Vincent; Marton, Zoltan-Csaba; Kottath, Sandeep; Nissler, Christian; Yang, Xiu; Triebel, Rudolph; Nuzzolo, Francesco
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, Numero 1, 2017
Post, M., Souvannavong, F., Govindaraj, S., Gancet, J., Bissonnette, V., Dominguez, R., Lacroix, S., Smisek, M., Hidalgo-Carrio, J., Wehbe, B., Fabisch, A., De Maio, A., Oumer, N., Bissonnette, V., Marton, Z-C., Kottath, S., Nissler, C., Yan, X. Triebel, R. & Nuzzolo, F.
Pubblicato in:
14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), 2017
Mark Post, Romain Michalec, Alessandro Bianco, Xiu Yan, Andrea De Maio, Quentin Labourey, Simon Lacroix, Jeremi Gancet, Shashank Govindaraj, Xavier Martinez-Gonzalez, Iyas Dalati, Raúl Domínguez, Bilal Wehbe, Alexander Fabisch, Enno Röhrig, Fabrice Souvannavong, Vincent Bissonnette, Michal Smíšek, Nassir W. Oumer, Lukas Meyer, Rudolph Triebel, Zoltán-Csaba-Márton.
Pubblicato in:
69th international Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2018
International Astronomical Federation
Raùl Domínguez, Romain Michalec, Nassir W. Oumer, Fabrice Souvannavong, Mark Post, Shashank Govindaraj, Alexander Fabisch, Bilal Wehbe, Jérémi Gancet, Alessandro Bianco, Simon Lacroix, Andrea De Maio, Quentin Labourey, Vincent Bissonnette, Michal Smíšek, Xiu Yan
Pubblicato in:
14th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS), 2018
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