CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
A public project website will be created to share TRUE’s project updates. It will embed a range of social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to maximise the reach and dissemination of information. The website will showcase innovative practice and business models in production, processing and marketing of legumes, and promote networking and to deliver project outputs such as the Decision support tools to be developed by WP8, and practice-oriented briefing notes. Social media impact data will be collated to develop new strategies to increase impact. The website will be transferred to a founding member of Pulse Europe on project completion.
The Year 1 Annual Activity Plan. As this description indicates this plan will be delivered in the first month of each project year, and will formalise specific operations (meetings and agendas), at WP and sub-WP level for the following 12 months. The output will be formalised via the project workspace (SharePoint), and associate project management software. The plan will identify and facilitate the necessary co-ordination to help ensure the timely delivery and success of linked project activities and meetings or workshops. This plan will also help inform the framework of the DMP (D9.2).
Report: practices for commercialisationA guidance document on ‘Best practices for commercialisation of legumes’. This report will be targeted for delivery to business stakeholders (and policy makers), as a synthesis from the more broad and detailed D4.5 report (on 'Sustainability indicators for legume supported food and feed systems').
Policy papers/briefs and recommendationsA final policy evaluation report giving An overview and classification of European and international policies to support legume based systems This key output will also be developed to deliver a minimum of four policy briefs to help develop positive proactive policies to support the realisation of more sustainable legume based systems
Innovation CatalogueTwo publications Firstly The Legume Innovation Catalogue Secondly an information brochure provisionally titled here Legumebased dietary options for better personal and environmental wellbeing In the former information presented here will build upon an innovation monitoring system captured with the Data Management Plan WP2 Thus this output will build upon the activities of WP1 and 2 plus the systematic review to capture knowledge and innovations to develop and produce new legumebased processes products business models and types of Innovation Network The information brochure will be extracted and abridged from the Innovation Catalogue to address in layterms legume based innovations for better environment as well as person wellbeing
Environment and nutri-economic assessments of European diets – Report IA stage-1 report on, “The environment and nutri-economic assessments of legume-enriched European diets”. The report will present the initial assessments that aim to identify the key-features underpinning the functional relationship between legume inclusion, nutritional provision and environmental impact.
Scenarios for upscaling production, including economic and trade indicators – Report IA dataset and report describing key results where the cropping system status quos ares assessed in a comparative analysis against outcomes of legume-innovation uptake (e.g. precision agricultural, inorganic nitrogen use avoidance, dietary change to reduce meat intake, changed EU policies such as CAP). The report will detail the impacts of legume production under the different scenarios on overall production and land use.
Data for Life Cycle Analysis proof of conceptNutritional profile data for grain legumes will be data gathered and provided for the Life Cycle Analysis proof of concept (WP5). Profiling will include that of including macro- and micro-nutrients and prebiotic properties (of selected legumes). This data will also help identify the relative suitability, and trade-offs, of different legume species for food- and feed-applications.
Updated Risk Log and Review ReportRisk Log and Review Report RLRP The report will present a formal record of monitoring to complement the Data Management Plan and Annual Activity Plans The content of this RLRP will be informed by quarterly reviews of the Executive Committee and the Project Risk Officer Also reports on the Quality Control QC assessment reviewed at each Annual Meeting General Assembly The RLRP will also be informed by outputs of specific activities eg Pareto Analysis to formulate the RiskRegister and RiskLog outputs This review will extend to critical analysis of relevant emerging technologies and other factors which may affect the commercial environment so the work plan to be adapted accordingly
Delphi for favourable governance contextsThis report, ‘Developing new governance solutions for legume-dependent systems’, will describe road-maps which may meet the expectations of a wide range of different actors’ groups across the supply chain. The findings will be shared in a range of languages of the European Union. The report will be guided by the results of web-based Delphi surveys of legume chain actors to a range of potential policy solutions. Iteration in this process will allow resolution of favourable policies and transition pathways.
Consequential LCA summaryReport summarising the results of the consequential life cycle analysis this is to be presented in Regional Cluster meetings This synthesis will allow an indication of public good benefits of legume deployment scenarios eg CO2e mitigation in parallel with economic impacts
Impact plan from Stakeholder Advisory BoardImpact Plan. This report will be heavily directed by feedback from TRUEs Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB, the commercial partners), and also other multi-actors engaged via the ISAB (Intercontinental Science Advisory Board), and including operatives of the Regional Clusters, existing relevant H2020 research projects, and successful RUR (rural renaissance) project(s). This direction will help ensure research complementarity, synergy and science excellence. The ultimate aim of this report is to define the best routes to impact.
Project Review, Impact and Legacy Plan - Report I updateThe final version of the TRUE Project Legacy Plan This will establish the final version of how the various products developed from TRUEs activities will be manged and coordinated to ensure project impact and legacy beyond the funded project term It will set our activities to realise initiatives such as EIP European Innovation Partnerships and FOCUSgroups as well as other applications for to help support European Commissions policy agenda for research and sustainable development
Scenarios for upscaling production, including economic and trade indicators - Report I UpdateUpdate to the first stage dataset and report generated in D63 This update will develop these outputs by further analyses and iteration of the findings among the TRUE consortium partners stakeholders engaged through the Regional Cluster networks and other KE WP1 activities and reflection on other data and perspectives informed by collation of information to inform the transition design tools WP8
Practice Abstracts IAs a requirement of multi-actor approach, this first milestone for these products aims to deliver the first batch of formalised 'Practice Abstracts'. These will be delivered in the EIP common format (as an ExCel file), and shall turn innovative knowledge resulting from the project activities into accessible easy-to-use material for end-users. The practical knowledge will be described in simple terms, easily understood by lay-persons and/or specific stakeholders. It total, we estimate conservatively that there will be a minimum total of 36 Practice Abstracts over the course of the project - with 18 abstracts to be delivered at this mid-term, month 24, stage.
LCA methodology reportA practical manual on LCA methodology for legume supported food- and feed-chains. This will outline the procedure and data sources for the combined environmental- and nutrient-quality assessments of European diets. With WP6 this approach will describe the methodology of the nutri-economic assessment of diet/food choice.
Annual activity plan - Year IIThe Year 2 Annual Activity Plan. This plan will formalise specific operations (meetings and agendas), at WP and sub-WP level for the following 12 months. The output will be formalised via the project workspace (SharePoint), and associate project management software. The plan will identify and facilitate the necessary co-ordination to help ensure the timely delivery and success of linked project activities and meetings or workshops. This plan will also help inform the framework of the DMP (D9.2).
Behavioural analysis of farmers uptake and consumers choiceThis report will detail the key decision making factors for farmers and consumers in a comparative appraisal across a range of European countries/cropping system scenarios. The report will therefore inform how we may operate more effectively to affect behavioural change positively towards legume inclusion.
Annual activity plan - Year IIIThe Year 3 Annual Activity Plan. This plan will formalise specific operations (meetings and agendas), at WP and sub-WP level for the following 12 months. The output will be formalised via the project workspace (SharePoint), and associate project management software. The plan will identify and facilitate the necessary co-ordination to help ensure the timely delivery and success of linked project activities and meetings or workshops. This plan will also help inform the framework of the DMP (D9.2).
Map of legume food supply chains and tradeA report on the EU food market pull for legumes, including a map of the infrastructure for processing, trade and consumer preferences. This will include quality chain prices from products from farm to retail markets.
Annual activity plan - Year IVThe Year 4 Annual Activity Plan. This plan will formalise specific operations (meetings and agendas), at WP and sub-WP level for the following 12 months. The output will be formalised via the project workspace (SharePoint), and associate project management software. The plan will identify and facilitate the necessary co-ordination to help ensure the timely delivery and success of linked project activities and meetings or workshops. This plan will also help inform the framework of the DMP (D9.2).
Project Review, Impact and Legacy Plan - Report IProject Legacy Plan Version I Will establish the first draft to formally detail how the various products developed from TRUEs activities will be manged and coordinated to ensure project impact legacy beyond the funded project term This will be informed by the Impact Plan D911 to an extent However the specific focus here is towards scoping the role of TRUEs insights and products in future initiatives such as EIP European Innovation Partnerships and FOCUSgroups As well as other applications for to help support European Commissions policy agenda for research and sustainable development
Best practice guide on legume processing and inclusionPublication of the best practice guide on legume processing and inclusion for fish and poultry feeds This will be based upon the five major feeds which are to be recommended to European animal feed producers on the basis of feeding trials that balance keynutritionals and bioactive contents The guide will also be applicable across the various pedoclimatic regions of the EU
Recipes for legume dishes in EuropePublication and dissemination of a set of legumecentred recipes entitled TRUE Foodprint legume recipes to encourage sustainable food systems This will be developed based on common and regionspecific underutilised rare and endangered legumes Data associated with each dish will capture cultural and historical aspects Slow Food Germany eV will lead dissemination activities regarding the book at key European events such as the Biofach fair Nrnberg Germany the Slow Food Exhibition Stuttgart Germany and the Terra MadreSalone del Gusto 2018 Turin Italy to officially launch dissemination of the recipe book EUREST will also distribute the recipe books in their service units across Europe
Scientific, practice and policy publications – Year IIIAnnually, data and key outputs/deliverables will be gathered by WP1 and synthesised into practical briefing media such as notes for stakeholders, to inform members of the public of new insight and products via press releases, including trade press. These will be circulated in a range of languages of the Regional Clusters, and will also be aimed to policy-makers at regional, national and EU level.
Scientific, practice and policy publications - Year IVAnnually data and key outputsdeliverables will be gathered by WP1 and synthesised into practical briefing media such as notes for stakeholders to inform members of the public of new insight and products via press releases including trade press These will be circulated in a range of languages of the Regional Clusters and will also be aimed to policymakers at regional national and EU level
E-book on the Systematic ReviewAn Ebook entitled Transitioning to Sustainable Food Systems the role of society in integrating and balancing profit and nutrition This will be developed from a scientific manuscript formed from a systematic review of the literature and which is also intended for publication after peerreview It is anticipated that the systematic review will also play a key role in informing the trials being conducted in years 2 and 3 and also in development of the various Decision Support Tools WPs 5 and 8
Co-production of the policy assessmentA report on a, ‘critical analysis of existing policies and governance solutions for legume supported systems’. This shall be generated by a combination of systematic review and key stakeholders interviews. The latter taking place in the context of shared visits to favourable Case Studies in various agroecological systems across EU regions. The output will facilitate the generation of an analytical framework to determine how actual policies and governance solutions are enabling or limiting legume production.
Two scientific publicationsTwo publications published in scientific journals after peerreview These will report on a set of novel food and beverage products tested and validated for optimal performance and commercial efficacy The sensory analysis will be conducted through the Regional Clusters to ensure a maximum range of consumer types
Practice Abstacts IIAs a requirement of multiactor approach this second milestone for these products aims to deliver the second and final batch of formalised Practice AbstractsThese will be delivered in the EIP common format as an ExCel file and shall turn innovative knowledge resulting from the project activities into accessible easytouse material for endusers The practical knowledge will be described in simple terms easily understood by laypersons andor specific stakeholders It total we estimate conservatively that there will be a minimum total of 36 Practice Abstracts over the course of the project with final 18 abstracts to be delivered by this endofterm month 48 stage
Scientific, practice and policy publications - Year IIAnnually, data and key outputs/deliverables will be gathered by WP1 and synthesised into practical briefing media such as notes for stakeholders, to inform members of the public of new insight and products via press releases, including trade press. These will be circulated in a range of languages of the Regional Clusters, and will also be aimed to policy-makers at regional, national and EU level.
Report: market demand of EU feed industry for grain legumesA report on market demand of EU feed industry for grain legumes in feed for livestock and aquaculture. This task will focus on conventional and organic soy and lupins, and will be rooted in practical and desk-based case studies. Delivery of the report will be linked to two key-stakeholder surveys, including those engaged in Regional Cluster workshops. The findings will be assessed with respect to trade agreements, tariffs and quality standards of the feed market.
Scientific, practice and policy publications - Year IAnnually, data and key outputs/deliverables will be gathered by WP1 and synthesised into practical briefing media such as notes for stakeholders, to inform members of the public of new insight and products via press releases, including trade press. These will be circulated in a range of languages of the Regional Clusters, and will also be aimed to policy-makers at regional, national and EU level.
Report on co-design of policy analysisThis report, ‘Creating a an effective science-policy interface to support legume supported cropping systems and food and feed supply chains’, will be co-developed via TRUE partners especially those involved in developing the Innovation Case Studies, Regional Clusters and also the ISAB and other associated partners. The report will advance reflective learning techniques for policy assessment. The main output will be a summary of specific research and information needs, an outline of stakeholders’ interests in knowledge exchange, and identification of desired communication tools to advance the project – especially with a view to effective policy impact.
Outline business plans/casesReport compiling business cases. This is to be elaborated by IFAU, IGV, KEFRI and JHI: and with respect to understanding the business case for diets and environmental impacts as informed by the LCA in WP5.
Scientific and technical manuals/publications for web toolTechnical and user manuals maintenance instructions will be produced to support the TPF Transition Pathfinder Tool D84 These resources will be delivered by training to users whose activities will also help validate the TPF This approach will allow collation of the necessary resources and testing to enable submission of a scientific paper for peer reviewed in an openaccess publication
Report: SDIs for quality chainsA report on the most applicable, ‘Sustainability indicators for legume supported food and feed systems’. This shall be drafted with input from earlier activities in WP4 will be iterated with data from the other WPs to help develop ‘transition to sustainability’ models (WP8).
Policy Brief: Green Public ProcurementA policy brief on “Green public procurement” shall be developed from two sub-deliverables informed by an investigation of food service markets and exploration for the role of public institutions and chain actors in the private sector in transitions to legume supported food systems. This approach shall also assess customer responses to legumes as a main-stream protein source. The two supporting sub-deliverables to the policy brief will be: a. 1) the “Catalogue of legume based products”, which are used in professional kitchens (and which will also inform the content of the Innovation Catalogue, D3.5); and, 2) the report, ‘The potential market pull for legumes in the food service market’, which shall also include a section about customer responses to legume-based menus.
Environment and nutri-economic assessments of European diets - Report I updateA scientific paper for publication after peerreview This will be submitted based upon the findings of the initial stage1 reports D56 and development thereof The content of the scientific publication will be summarised for exploitation in a brief to policy makers
A training workshop on transdisciplinary research and methods for all partners will demonstrate basic concepts and how to use and develop the Transdisciplinary Toolbox since it will be exploited at subsequent multi-stakeholder workshops in the establishment of individual Regional Clusters, their interaction and outreach more broadly.
Web-based tool for legume systemsA webbased sustainability assessment tool the Transition pathfinder TPF This will be a userfriendly and practical application designed to meet the needs of various actors involved in the development of a sustainable legumebased farming systems and agrifeed and food chains Potential users will span from those connected to the production environment to consumers and policymakers The tools shall also be designed to serve the perspectives of users operating at either local national or EUglobal levels The TPF will also offer the development and impact assessment of new scenarios for improved and innovative legume based systems
Summary leaflet of Attributional LCAA leaflet on, “Attributional LCA for legume-based products”. Key outputs to be exploited by WP4 (and eventually for sustainable pathway analysis, WP8), will be summarised here. The leaflet will highlight key methodological issues and footprint results for legume food and feed products.
Establish founding group of Pulse EuropeThrough mainly the joint Regional Clusters and their interaction though also knowledge exchange more broadly key stakeholders will emerge over the duration of the project to establish the founding memberships of Pulse Europe The founding members will be expected to identify a structure constitution and longterm strategy which will be capable of advancing innovations to promote the efficacy of legumes not just pulses beyond the term of TRUE
LCA Database for Open AccessA ‘Life cycle analysis database’, will be made available for Open Access via the project website (WP1), and collated on the project Database (WP2). This data will allow pubic access to a unique collection of processes and emission factors specific to legume-based food and feed product value chains.
All data uploaded annually to the database will be transferred to Zenodo the opendata repository
Sophie Saget; Marcela Porto Costa; Eleonora Barilli; Marta W. Vasconcelos; Carla S. Santos; David Styles; David Styles; Michael Williams
Publié dans:
Journal of Cleaner Production, Numéro 46, 2021, ISSN 0959-6526
Elsevier BV
Theresa M. Reif, Sabine Zikeli, Ann-Marleen Rieps, Carina P. Lang, Jens Hartung, Sabine Gruber
Publié dans:
Sustainability, Numéro 13/1, 2021, Page(s) 133, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Bálint Balázs, Eszter Kelemen, Tiziana Centofanti, Marta W. Vasconcelos, Pietro P. M. Iannetta
Publié dans:
Sustainability, Numéro 13/14, 2021, Page(s) 7597, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Pietro P. M. Iannetta, Cathy Hawes, Graham S. Begg, Henrik Maaß, Georgia Ntatsi, Dimitrios Savvas, Marta Vasconcelos, Karen Hamann, Michael Williams, David Styles, Luiza Toma, Shailesh Shrestha, Bálint Balázs, Eszter Kelemen, Marko Debeljak, Aneta Trajanov, R Vickers, Robert M. Rees
Publié dans:
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Numéro 5, 2021, ISSN 2571-581X
Margaret D. March, Paul R. Hargreaves, Alasdair J. Sykes, Robert M. Rees
Publié dans:
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Numéro 5, 2021, ISSN 2571-581X
Kirsty Black, Athina Tziboula‐Clarke, Philip J. White, Pietro P.M. Iannetta, Graeme Walker
Publié dans:
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, Numéro 127/1, 2021, Page(s) 13-20, ISSN 0046-9750
Institute & Guild of Brewing
Sophie Saget; Marcela Porto Costa; Carla Sancho Santos; Marta Vasconcelos; David Styles; Mike Williams
Publié dans:
Sustainable Production and Consumption, Numéro vol. 28, 2021, Page(s) 936-952, ISSN 2352-5509
Science Direct
Ilkka Leinonen, Pietro P.M. Iannetta, Michael MacLeod, Robert M. Rees, Wendy Russell, Christine Watson, Andrew P. Barnes
Publié dans:
Global Food Security, Numéro 26, 2020, Page(s) 100386, ISSN 2211-9124
Mariana Duarte, Marta Vasconcelos, Elisabete Pinto
Publié dans:
Nutrients, Numéro 12/11, 2020, Page(s) 3336, ISSN 2072-6643
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Evdoxia Efstathiadou, Georgia Ntatsi, Dimitrios Savvas, Anastasia P. Tampakaki
Publié dans:
Scientific Reports, Numéro 11/1, 2021, ISSN 2045-2322
Nature Publishing Group
Bálint Balázs, Eszter Kelemen, Tiziana Centofanti, Marta W. Vasconcelos, Pietro P.M. Iannetta
Publié dans:
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, Numéro 45/6, 2021, Page(s) 931-953, ISSN 2168-3565
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Ioannis Karavidas, Georgia Ntatsi, Theodora Ntanasi, Ioannis Vlachos, Anastasia Tampakaki, Pietro P. M. Iannetta, Dimitrios Savvas
Publié dans:
Agronomy, Numéro 10/9, 2020, Page(s) 1269, ISSN 2073-4395
Kirsty Black, Andrew Barnett, Athina Tziboula-Clarke, Philip J. White, Pietro P.M. Iannetta, Graeme Walker
Publié dans:
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2019, ISSN 0046-9750
Institute & Guild of Brewing
Ilkka Leinonen, Pietro P. M. Iannetta, Robert M. Rees, Wendy Russell, Christine Watson, Andrew P. Barnes
Publié dans:
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Numéro 3, 2019, ISSN 2571-581X
Frontiers Media
Hawes, Young, Banks, Begg, Christie, Iannetta, Karley, Squire
Publié dans:
Agronomy, Numéro 9/8, 2019, Page(s) 438, ISSN 2073-4395
Theophile Lienhardt, Kirsty Black, Sophie Saget, Marcela Porto Costa, David Chadwick, Robert Rees, Michael Williams, Charles Spillane, Pietro Iannetta, Graeme Walker, David Styles
Publié dans:
Data in Brief, Numéro 25, 2019, Page(s) 104242, ISSN 2352-3409
Elsevier BV
Geoffrey R. Squire, Nora Quesada, Graham S. Begg, Pietro P. M. Iannetta
Publié dans:
Food and Energy Security, Numéro 8/4, 2019, ISSN 2048-3694
Wiley Online Library
Theophile Lienhardt, Kirsty Black, Sophie Saget, Marcela Porto Costa, David Chadwick, Robert M. Rees, Michael Williams, Charles Spillane, Pietro M. Iannetta, Graeme Walker, David Styles
Publié dans:
Environment International, Numéro 130, 2019, Page(s) 104870, ISSN 0160-4120
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Temesgen Diriba, Maluk Marta, K. James Euan, P. M. Iannetta Pietro, Assefa Fassil
Publié dans:
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Numéro 14/33, 2019, Page(s) 1659-1673, ISSN 1991-637X
Academic Journals
Carla S. Santos, Bruna Carbas, Ana Castanho, Marta W. Vasconcelos, Maria Carlota Vaz Patto, Claire Domoney, Carla Brites
Publié dans:
Foods, Numéro 8/11, 2019, Page(s) 570, ISSN 2304-8158
Carla S.Santos, Beatriz Silva, Luísa M.P.Valente, Sabine Gruber, Marta W.Vasconcelos
Publié dans:
Foods, Numéro 9/4, 2020, Page(s) 400, ISSN 2304-8158
Marta Wilton Vasconcelos, Bálint Balázs, Eszter Kelemen, Geoffrey R. Squire, Pietro P. M. Iannetta
Publié dans:
Frontiers in Plant Science, Numéro 10, 2019, ISSN 1664-462X
Frontiers Media S. A.
Mariana Roriz, Susana M. P. Carvalho, Paula M. L. Castro, Marta W. Vasconcelos
Publié dans:
Agronomy, Numéro 10/3, 2020, Page(s) 435, ISSN 2073-4395
Monika Weiss, Anja Rebelein, Matthew J. Slater
Publié dans:
Aquaculture Nutrition, Numéro 26/3, 2020, Page(s) 752-762, ISSN 1353-5773
Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Mariana Roriz, Sofia I.A. Pereira, Paula M.L. Castro, Susana M.P. Carvalho, Marta W. Vasconcelos
Publié dans:
Rhizosphere, Numéro 17, 2021, Page(s) 100274, ISSN 2452-2198
Cathy Hawes
Publié dans:
CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, Numéro 16/005, 2021, ISSN 1749-8848
CAB International
Sophie Saget, Marcela Costa, David Styles, Mike Williams
Publié dans:
Sustainability, Numéro 13/9, 2021, Page(s) 4726, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Marcela P. Costa, Moritz Reckling, Dave Chadwick, Robert M. Rees, Sophie Saget, Michael Williams, David Styles
Publié dans:
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Numéro 5, 2021, ISSN 2571-581X
Georgia Ntatsi; Anestis Karkanis; Fanny Tran; Dimitrios Savvas; Pietro P. M. Iannetta
Publié dans:
Agronomy, Numéro 42, 2020, ISSN 2073-4395
Messéan, Antoine; Drexler, Dóra; Heim, Ildikó; Paresys, Lise; Stilmant, Didier; Willer, Helga
Publié dans:
First European Conference on Crop Diversification, Numéro 1, 2019, Page(s) 1-369
Oré Barrios, Christine; Mäurer, Eva; Lippert, Christian
Publié dans:
Numéro 16, 2020
Proceedings German Society for Economic and Social Sciences of Agriculture e.V. (GEWISOLA)
Odee, D. W.; Makatiani, E.; Otieno, J.; Esitubi, M.; Kinyanjui, M.; Magare, C.
Publié dans:
Numéro 61, 2021
Aspects of Applied Biology
Balázs, B., Kelemen, E. and Szakál, D.
Publié dans:
The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 2020, ISSN 0798-1759
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