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Risultati finali
The aim of this report is to develop a tide-to-wire model using blade element momentum theory (BEMT) to calculate the torque and thrust on a tidal turbine arising from turbulent inflow with a boundary layer. This will allow calculating the power take-off forces and the resulting electrical output from the turbine.
RAM assessment reportThis report will describe the results of a reliability, availability and maintenability (RAM) assessment conducted on a generic tidal turbne. Critical systems and components will be identified. Based in scenarios defined by the consortium, sensistivity analysis of the impact of key choices will be assessed (component selection, electrical architecture, maintenance strategy,...).
Dataset of synthetic load data available for WP4 and WP5Datasets giving normalised, synthetic, load spectra for key turbine components (blades, shaft, bearings) under differing environmental conditions. The dataset will be made publically available on the Edinburgh University Data-share site and accompanied by a short report describing the data and explaining how it was derived. This collection of synthetic load conditions will be made available as basic information for the initial design of tidal turbines. To increased the potential impact on the industry the initial version of these datasets will be made available at the REALTIDE Workshop M27
Guidelines for the development of tidal turbines reliability databasesThis guideline will help the industry by providing a framework for a useful and reliable database on tidal turbines performance. Critical issues like proper taxonomy, data storage formats and confidential data treatment (anonymous data origin) will be taken into account. It will document conditions related to the recorded failure.
Reduction of environmental impacts due to increased reliabilityThis deliverable will establish a baseline for assessing the reduction in environmental impact derived of increasing reliability, through the full turbine life cycle. This document will include an evaluation on the environmental impact linked to the reduction on number of pieces substituted, reduction on the size of vessels needed, number of vessels operations and human interventions. This report will be linked to T1.7 results.
Environmental Conditions Database: Collation, Demonstration and DisseminationFunctioning Database and Report providing i those datasets publicly releasable and ii the specification of the database along with information on useraccess including instructions a user manual to allow data extraction and details of appropriate end user licence agreements Metadata on any stored datasets will also be included Feedback from Partners use followed by agreed 3rd party use will be captured and followed up in the Dissemination and Exploitation works of WP6 up to project completion
Paper describing the inter-comparison of BEMT, Blade resolved CFD and BEMT-CFD models of the D1X turbineThe aim of this report is to compare experimental results, obtained during tank tests at IFREMER and floWave, to calculation results from BEMT and CFD models. This report will validate the numerical models and describe how to consider real environmental conditions in modelling.
Report on Condition-based maintenance strategies, the impact of monitoring strategies and comparison to other maintenance strategiesThis report will collect high level algorithms to be used together with the monitoring system in order to establish a Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) strategy as well as the potential economical impact of the different implementation options. The algorithm will cover data analysis, alarms set-up integrated with modelled behavior and SCADA integration. This deliverable work will be developed into task 4.3.
Experimental model test report and DatasetReport describing the experimental programmes conducted by IFREMER and Edinburgh on the model three bladed turbine and the scale model of the Sabella D1X turbine The sections of the report concerning the threebladed turbine and the experimental data will be made publically available Reports will describe the environmental conditions used how these have been scaled from real seas discuss which measurements were taken and discuss the quality assurance procedures usedThis associated dataset of the IFREMER turbine performance will be made available for public use and shared for the first time at the REALTIDE Workshop M27
FMEA reportThe objective of this task is to identify a significant number of failures modes of components thanks to a reliability analysis. We will perform a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) which will highlight new failures modes induced by the specific operating conditions of tidal turbines. The results will give valuable information for monitoring activities (WP4 and WP5).
Novel materials for blade designThis report will describe results from tests to evaluate novel materials for blades, performed in Task 5.2. The aim is to compare mechanical behavior with that of currently used materials.
Test report Fatigue of composites for tidal turbine bladesA report describing the results of the testing of different composite materials tested in sea water, including the influence of loading sequences, providing a more appropiate composite material performance data in marine applications. The aim of this report is to present results from fatigue tests performed on glass and carbon reinforced composites. These will be performed at IFREMER in Task 1.3.
Next Generation Flow Measurements and Flow ClassificationReport describing an advanced methodology for data acquisition and analysis of flow measurements in tidal sites their classification and related metrics Sensitivity analysis will be performed on postprocessing stages and comparisons of results to those derived from datasets acquired at other tidal sites Europeanwaters will be included Recommendations for future resource characterisations will be provided
Workshop reportThis report about the REALTIDE workshop to be held once the main results of the project are evident already achieved or foressen will collect the information related to Stakeholders indentified and Participants in the workshop public list of those acepting the publication of their name stadistical info for the rest Collection of interventions and key messages from speakers and audience Feedback received for the industrial adoption of Realtide results
Publishable summary on the impact of monitoring in cost reduction of Tidal Devices and proposed Monitoring protocol draftThis deliverable will described the potential economical impact of using advanced monitoring solutions This deliverable will also establish the basis of a Tidal Devices Monitoring Protocol to be discussed with the industry in order to cover the different needs and stakeholders requirements OEMs final users insurance authorities etc The work to produce this document will be performed in the context of Task 45
Methodology for the fatigue assessment of composite material bladesThis deliverable will provide the industry with a methodology for the evaluation of fatigue life of tidal turbine blades and loading test for composite materials in sea water that can be integrated in existing guidelines for designers.The methodology will be integrated in the BV guideline NI603 Current and Tidal Turbines.
Business case studyIn this report will treat about the reevaluation of the total lifetime costs of tidal energy It will consider the projects results in terms of improved reliability better load estimation new materials used early discovery of defects by advanced monitoring and maintenance strategies
Report on blade resolved CFD modelling of the Sabella D1X turbineThis report will firstly describe the CFD model of a tidal turbine, including the modelling of the wave-current flow, and the methodology of inclusion of the tide-to-wire model developed in Task 3.1. Then it will present the results of the CFD simulations which final outputs will be rotation speeds. This report aims at providing a high-fidelity depiction of the hydrodynamic flows and loads on tidal turbines. Turbulent inflow conditions used in the simulations will be described. The report will be subject to internal quality review by UEDIN and will assess the suitability of the CFD models for further use in WP3, WP4 and WP5.
Report on BEMT-CFD modelling of the Sabella D1X turbineReport describing the coupled BEMT-CFD models and presenting the simulation data. The report will be subject to internal quality review by BV and will assess the suitability of the integrated model (electro-mechanical, BEMT and CFD) for further use in WP3, WP4 and WP5.
Deployment & Instrument Specification for Advanced Flow CharacterisationThis report will contain the detailed test specification for a targeted high-resolution field deployment. The report will include sensor types and sensor configurations, spatio-temporal resolutions and data formats. Installation and recovery methods will be included where appropriate.
Davies Peter; Dumergue Nicolas; Arhant Mael; Nicolas Erwann; Paboeuf Stephane; Mayorga Pedro
Pubblicato in:
Paboeuf Stephane; Mouton Luc; Tomy Joseph Praful; Arhant Mael; Dumergue Nicolas; Davies Peter
Pubblicato in:
Marios C. Sousounis; Joseph Praful Tomy; Stéphane Paboeuf; Jonathan K. H. Shek
Pubblicato in:
Ingram David; Sellar Brian; Old Chris; Davey Tom; Gabl Roman; Jirdan Laura-Beth; Nourrisson Ophelie; Paboeuf Stephane
Pubblicato in:
M. Arhant, Peter Davies, S. Paboeuf, and E. Nicolas
Pubblicato in:
International Conference on Composite Materials
Vincent P. LE Diagon, Pedro M. Mayorga, Ana I. Mayorga, Ningxiang Li, Mannungal Sukendro, José M. Barranco, Mairi Dorward, and Jan Erik Hanssen
Pubblicato in:
European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
Samuel Hardin, Brian Sellar, Mairi Dorward
Pubblicato in:
IEEE-OES - Current, waves, turbulence measurement and applications workshop, San Diego, 2019
M. Dorward, Brian Sellar, Chris Old, Philipp R. Thies
Pubblicato in:
IEEE-OES Conference - Current, waves, turbulence measurement and applications workshop, San Diego, 2019
Le Diagon Vincent; Mayorga Pedro; Sukendro Mannunggal; Li Ningxiang; Fernandez-Diez Antonio; Navarro-Leal Marcos; Fernandez-Quijanio Javier
Pubblicato in:
Marilou Jourdain de Thieulloy, Mairi Dorward, Chris Old, Roman Gabl, Thomas Davey, David M. Ingram, Brian G. Sellar
Pubblicato in:
Data, 2020, ISSN 2306-5729
Arturo Ortega, Joseph Praful Tomy, Jonathan Shek, Stephane Paboeuf, David Ingram
Pubblicato in:
Energies, 2020, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Marilou Jourdain de Thieulloy, Mairi Dorward, Chris Old, Roman Gabl, Thomas Davey, David M. Ingram, Brian G. Sellar
Pubblicato in:
Sensors, 2020, ISSN 1424-8220
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Harding Samuel, Dorward Mairi, Sellar Brian, Richmond Marshall
Pubblicato in:
Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, ISSN 1361-6501
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