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Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
Techno-economic analyses (UEDIN; M25). Report with estimate of improvement on the LCOE that the CERS braking module will provide within an existing PTO, including also LCA, SCOE and indicative values of energy per ton, energy per CAPEX and energy per OPEX.
Final recommendations and guidelinesFinal recommendations and guidelines - Technical Development and Commercial Strategy (UEDIN; M36). Report integrating the results of tasks 7.1 to 7.3 and from other WPs into guidance through the overall business opportunities associated with the effective development of wave energy converters associated with this technology.
Performance test resultsPerformance test plan results and statement of system performance (EMEC). A final report with the overall WP results will be issued. It will include a matrix of test cases mapped to performance requirements with results.
CERS simulation in other systemsReport on CERS simulation in other systems (WAVEC). After proving the efficiency of the system on a specific Wave Energy Converter, this report will present other technologies that could use the CERS braking module and what could be their gain doing so. A preliminary draft will be released, while the final document will be submitted with updated data after the model validation process.
Business case and adaptability of the CERS braking module technologyBusiness case and adaptability of the CERS braking module technology (CPO; M30). Using results of WP2 and WP5, a supporting business case for the CERS braking module will be presented in a report.
Time Domain model description and verification reportTime Domain model description and verification report (WAVEC). This document will describe the theory and implementation of the model and how the accurate functioning has been verified.
Risk registerRisk register (EMEC). Project risk register will be created at the start and updated periodically along the project. The final Risk Register will be send to the EC at the end of the project.
Report RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) planReport presenting RCM plan for heaving WECs, using a case study of CorPower buoy with CERS braking module and real data obtained within WaveBoost (EDP, M24). A preliminary report on the approach of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) will be submitted in M24 by EDP, with a final version incorporating test results provided in M34.
Report on system reliability analysisReport on updated system reliability analysis after the performance testing (SP). A preliminary report on system reliability analysis after the reliability testing will be distributed internally.
Functional test resultsFunctional test plan results (EMEC). Matrix of test cases mapped to functional requirements with results
Reliability testing finished, results databaseReliability test report with failure database. (SP) Identified failure mechanisms for key components, system and components reliability data as well as design improvements incorporated through the test program.
Analysis of CERS PTO performance dataAssessment of CERS performance data (WAVEC). This deliverable will present a summary of the findings obtained with the model as well as the boosting component effects. A preliminary report will be released while the final report will be submitted with updated data, after the model validation process.
Report on updated probabilistic VMEAReport on updated probabilistic VMEA after the performance testing (SP), based on reliability testing and probablistic method. A preliminary report describing the VMEA method and constraints will be distributed internally, and a final report on probablistic VMEA approach
Input data to techno-economic modelInput data to techno-economic Model (UEDIN; M12). Based on estimated CERS braking module performance and initial results of WP6, LCOE, LCA and SCOE tools will be set up as starting point for techno-economic modelling.
Internal Progress ReportsInternal progress reports (CPO). The first internal project report will be created at the start and progress reports will be updated periodically along the project. A final report assembly the internal progress reports will be sent to the EC at the end of the project.
Project website (EMEC, M3). Launch of the project’s central communication tool.
Commissioning of the Reliability test rig (CPO). The process and findings of the commissioning of the physical test rig will be presented, evidencing the delivery.
"End of project workshop (EMEC, M34). Engagement event with target stakeholders summarising and profiling the WaveBoost project. An Initial project workshop ""Engagement event with target stakeholders to obtain design input requirements"" will be organised by EMEC in M6."
Project videosProject videos (EMEC, M36). A video will be produced to present the final project results to the interested public. In M12, EMEC will produce a first video introducing the technology, goals, challenges and deliverables.
Functional toolset for condition monitoring of CERS braking module in real sea operation (CPO). As intermediate step, a report presenting monitoring and maintenance methodology based on state-of-the-art in automotive and wind industry will be submitted by SP, including early stage recommendations for condition monitoring. This report will then be updated by CPO to incorporate the specifics of the system, and a final version with knowledge from the test results will be submitted by CPO after review by SP.
CERS operational risks and failure modes databaseDatabase of CERS braking module operational risks and failure modes (SP). A preliminary report presenting the initial FMECA will be submitted and another internal report representing the updated FMECA with experience from reliability testing. A final update with learning from the test program will be provided.
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