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GEMex: Cooperation in Geothermal energy research Europe-Mexico for development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Superhot Geothermal Systems

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Open access database running

Report on the Open access database (M3). This deliverable will report the main actions performed in Task 2.3. The report will include the description of the database implementation and the collected data. Geothermal data, in the form of maps, datasets and models will be organized and collected in a open access database and will be made available in a spatial data infrastructure according to international standards and protocols. Part of this deliverable will be in the form of a handbook to help user to access the available information. The database produced will be available by a dedicated link in the project website and will be updated by the end of the project (M36). The number of the report of download as well as the access number to the online database will guarantee a feedback on the efficacy of this deliverable.

Report on the regional resource assessment and geothermal models

D3.4 is a report on the methodology and results concerning the assessment of the geothermal resources in Accoculco and Los Humeros region. The report will detail the data incorporated in the assessment, the thermal models constrained by them and the resulting resource assessment.

Action plan EU-Mexico on EGS and superhot systems

This report aims at envisaging the future of the cooperation with Mexico. Draft version in months 12 and 24, with final version prepared around Month 33. 200 copies (with ca.40 A4 pages) will be printed. (Deliverable connected to Task 2.4)

Report on integrated geophysical model of Los Humeros and Acoculco

Refers to task 5.4.7. Includes 3D conceptual model of the Los Humeros and Acoculco geothermal fields based on all available geophysical data presented in 3D visualisation software like Leapfrog or Petrel.

Report on implementation and validation protocol for EGS and SHGS

Report on implementation and validation protocol for EGS and SHGSA (M34). This report will conclude WP5 activities, retrieving all the results achieved in Task 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and defining a protocol, i.e. a set of procedures to be followed for data integration in geothermal exploration of EGS and SHSG. The report will describe the protocol, and its application in two fields EGS and SHSG in Mexico and two fields EGS and SHSG to be chosen among Europe, Indonesia and Africa. Its rate of success in the 4 proposed areas will be critically discussed.

Report on improved seismic modelling with external constraint

Deliverable D.5.9 refers primarily to reporting the results of Tasks 5.4.2 and 5.4.6. In this report we will assess the degree of improvement of seismic modelling with constraints from other data types, as compared to seismic modelling without such constraints. This report will also incorporate assessment of reduction of uncertainty in the estimates. (Responsible Researchers are Trond Mannseth ( and Walter Wheeler (

Minutes of Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting will take place in Mexico. This deliverable should summarise all relevant information exchanged during the meeting. First decisions of the General Assembly will be documented. (Deliverable connected to Task 1.4)

Report on the analogue modelling of the collapse of caldera and volcanic edifices and the associated surface deformation

Report on the analogue modelling of the collapse of caldera and volcanic edifices and the associated surface deformation (M36). This deliverable describes part of the activities and the outcomes attained in Task 3.3. In particular: the results of new experimental series analysing the structural patterns resulting from the collapse of calderas and volcanic edifices, depending on different boundary conditions (e.g., dimensions, depth of shallow magma chambers; presence/absence of tectonic forcing; role of inherited brittle structures). Validation of the results will be achieved through the comparison of the analogue experiments with geological reconstructions obtained from field data.

Report on the calibrated model for the super-hot reservoir at Los Homeros and its calibration against available field data

Report on the refinement of state-of-the-art simulation codes applied by contributing partners for generating a model for the super-hot reservoir at Los Humeros and its calibration against available field data. The model will comprise explicit or adequately parameterised fracture zones within the reservoir rocks and a structure-based permeability model. Results of numerical high-performance Monte Carlo simulations of the static flow and thermal regimes will be reported regarding uncertainty estimates of model predictions caused by uncertainty in model input parameters.

Project Management Plan

Detailed Project Management Plan with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It will include a schedule per task, responsible partner, related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies to other tasks. The document will be updated and revised in the course of the project and updates will be reported (one just before the end of the first reporting period and one just before the end of the second reporting period). (Deliverable connected to Tasks 1.5 and 1.6)

Report on resistivity modelling and comparison with other SHGS

Refers to tasks 5.1.5, 5.1.6, and 5.1.7. Report describing processing and modelling of existing and new TEM/MT resistivity data provided by the Mexican partners from SGS and EGS fields. Comparison with similar fields in Iceland.

Report on seismic modelling

Deliverable D.5.5 refers primarily to reporting the results of Tasks 5.4.3, it is related to information coming from Tasks 5.2 and 5.4.4, and the results will be used for Task 5.4.5. In this report we will describe the results of the characterization of geothermal formations by full-waveform seismic modeling including temperature. (Responsible researchers: Flavio Poletto (, Liana Zonta (

Report on optimised stimulation scenario for Acoculco

Based on local parameters compiled in other workpackages, several scenarios will be derived and optimised using numerical modelling. The report will summarize the procedure and present the proposed treatment procedure.

Report on the numerical reservoir model used for the simulation of the Los Homeros reservoir

Report on the numerical reservoir model used for the simulation of the Los Homeros reservoir based on the results from work packages 3, 4, 5 and the catalog of parameter values from task 6 .1. The report will address in particular: (i) a 3D geological facies model; (ii) a 3D temperature model independently based on well data and on geophysical data; (iii) 3D petrophysical model of permeability and porosity based on surface, borehole structural, resistivity, and seismic data; (iv) a model for the stress field and rheological properties.

Minutes of General Assembly meeting 4 in Europe

The fourth General Assembly Meeting will take place at the Final Conference in Europe toward the end of the project, together with the Mexican partners. The minutes should summarise all relevant information exchanged at this meeting and document all decisions made by the General Assembly. (Deliverable connected to Task 1.4)

Final report on understanding from exhumed systems

Final report on the understanding from exhumed systems, as described in task 4.2. This includes the results from field and laboratory works, kinematic reconstruction and related findings on exhumed systems, measurements and concepts.

Minutes of General Assebly meeting 2

The third General Assembly Meeting will take place after two project years in Mexico, together with the Mexican partners. The minutes should summarise all relevant information exchanged at this meeting and document all decisions made by the General Assembly. (Deliverable connected to Task 1.4)

Report on the hydrogeological model of Los Humeros

D3.3 is a report on the hydrogeological model of the Los Humeros area integrating a possibly simplified version of the 3D geological model (D3.1). The report will detail the data integrated in the model as well as their interpretation and the resulting (hydrogeological) conceptual model. A focus will be made on the interactions between geological and hydrogeological modelling.

Report on results of concepts, surveys, and scenarios for public engagement

This deliverable will report the results of task 7.4. D7.4 will describe general context related to the development of geothermal energy projects, will map the determinants of stakeholders’ social acceptance towards geothermal energy projects through unstructured interviews and surveys, and then will develop a conceptual model for guiding strategies for stakeholders’ consultation process and for providing different scenarios for public engagement in particular technical developments.

Report on synthetic model calculations to optimize the results of 3D MT/TEM

Report on synthetic model calculations to optimize the results of 3D MT/TEM Refers to task 5.1.1. Contains results of model calculations that will show how different but realistic synthetic resistivity models from high temperature geothermal fields will appear in real MT and TEM data. Furthermore, demonstrate how artefacts can emerge in inversion of resistivity data.

Report on time dependent processes within the Mexican fields

New seismic inteferrometric techniques will be used to derive potential time dependent processes and relate them to natural or induced processes within the studied geothermal fields. This report will provide results of such techniques applied to data acquired at the geothermal fields.

Public summary on the list of material properties and selection guide for Los Humeros North

A summary on Deliverable 8.2 will be made available publicly. The main results will be described and contact persons will be named such that interested organisations or researchers can request furhter details on this deliverable.

Brochure presenting main conclusions and recommendations – online and print version

The GEMex brochure will include a summary of the conclusions from WP 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 gathered from the tasks deliverables. These brochures will be in English and prepared around Month 36, available electronically online and with 200 printed copies disseminated during the final event. (Deliverable connected to Task 2.4)

Concept for performance characterisation of the target area

The report of the characterisation concept includes a set of testing and monitoring tasks. The concept must be applicable considering the prerequisites given by the specific issues of the target area. (Deliverable connected to Task 8.4)

Final Report on geochemical characterization and origin of cold and thermal fluids

Final Report on geochemical characterization and origin of cold and thermal fluids (M24). This deliverable refers to Task 4.3 (Geochemical characterization and origin of cold and thermal fluids) and it is aimed to a) define geochemical characteristics (chemical and isotopic) of cold and thermal manifestations (waters and gases) selected for the project, b) interpret the geochemical characteristics in terms of origin of fluids and its evolution (e.g. secondary processes) and c) identify the relationships between local fracture/faults and spatial distribution of diffuse emissions. The final report will contain: - Field map of natural manifestations (waters and gases) and productive wells (Los Humeros) selected from literature; - Electronic tables containing physico-chemical parameters measured in the field and chemical and isotopic parameters determined in laboratory in collected samples; - Map of diffuse degassing for selected sites.

GEMex Final Conference Proceedings

We will collect full papers of the contributions at the GEMex Final Conference and publish them, after short review, on the project website. In addition we will upload the papers to the IGA conference database, which is the major geothermal conference paper database containing > 30.000 papers: We will inform the IGA membership (> 5.000 members) about the availability of the conference papers via a news note on our website and an article in our newsletter.

Comprehensive report on the rock and (as far as possible) fluid samples and their physical properties in the Acoculco and Los Homeros regions

Comprehensive report on the rock and (as far as possible) fluid samples from the Acoculco and Los Homeros regions and their physical properties as obtained from petrophysical and geomechanical laboratory tests – in particular thermal and electrical conductivities, P- and S-wave velocities. These results will be reported in a catalog of parameters for processing of geophysical data and used for estimating for the subsurface model geothermal reservoir parameters based on geophysical surface measurements.

Report on 3D resistivity modelling with external constraint

Refers to task 5.8. Includes revision of resistivity models from D 5.2 by application of constraints from other data like geological and seismological data. It should result in improved resistivity models

Report on the laboratory fracking experiment, its boundary conditions, and ist flow rates and fracture apertures versus time curves.

Report on the laboratory fracking experiment performed at controlled conditions (state of stress, flow rate and pressure, laboratory pressure and temperature) on sample blocks of size 30x30x45 cm³, its boundary conditions, and its flow rates and fracture apertures versus time curves. Results of this experiment will be used in task 6.5 for verifying a selection of numerical codes for simulating the propagation of hydraulic fractures.

Report on InSAR and GPS

The goal of this task is to measure surface deformation related with magmatic processes with two satellite based techniques: InSAR and GPS. The result will be the 3D displacement field of the area of interest, where the GPS data will serve to locally constrain the InSAR deformation estimation. Furthermore, these results will be compared with analogues in Iceland and will serve as tool to model reservoir compartmentalization. (Deliverable connected to Task 5.3.2)

Report on the numerical reservoir model used for the simulation of the Acoculco reservoir

Report on the numerical reservoir model used for the simulation of the Acoculco reservoir based on the results from work packages 3, 4, 5 and the catalog of parameter values from task 6 .1. The report will address in particular: (i) a 3D geological facies model; (ii) a 3D temperature model independently based on well data and on geophysical data; (iii) 3D petrophysical model of permeability and porosity based on surface, borehole structural, resistivity, and seismic data; (iv) a model for the stress field and rheological properties.

Report on the analogue modelling of the interactions between regional tectonics and volcanoes

Report on the analogue modelling of the interactions between regional tectonics and volcanoes (M36). This deliverable describes part of the activities and the outcomes attained in Task 3.3. In particular: the results of new experimental series analysing the relationships between tectonics and volcanoes, depending on different boundary conditions (e.g., geometric characteristics of the magma plumbing system; relative timing of tectonic vs. magmatic processes). Validation of the results will be achieved through the comparison of the analogue experiments with geological reconstructions obtained from field data.

Minutes from workshops

Workshops for consulting stakeholders in month 12 and 24: a 1-day event to present first project results to 60 key actors. (Deliverable connected to Task 2.5)

Mid-term report to the commission

Mid-term report to the commission including: a) an overview, including a publishable summary of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of any milestones and deliverables identified in Annex I. This report should include the differences between work expected to be carried out in accordance with Annex I and that actually carried out, b) an explanation of the use of the resources, and c) financial statements (Deliverable connected to Tasks 1.1-1.3)

Report on the seismic structure of the Acoculco and Los Humeros fields.

Using available and new seismic data, this report will provide images of seismic parameters (e.g., P-wave velocity) and tentatively relate them to structural features of each geothermal field.

Report on gravity modelling

The deliverable D5.6 (public report on gravity modelling) includes the following chapters: 1)      Introduction including reviews on the potential of gravitiy to contribute to (a) the 3D geology of geothermal sites, (b) the determination of reservoir relevant parameters such as fracture porosity, and (c) monitoring processes ongoing in the reservoir 2)      Geological setting of Los Humeros and Acoculco 3)      Discussion on the gravity data quality including comparability of different data sets, station density for geothermal purposes, regional trend correction and topographic correction 4)      Bouguer and residual anomalies of Los Humeros and Acoculco 5)      Sequential Butterworth filtering of Los Humeros and Acoculco 6)      Forward modelling of Los Humeros and Acoculco 7)      Conclusion The deliverable D5.6 refers to Task 5.3 Evaluation of other geophysical data and Task 5.4 Integration of methods and inversion constraints Aim of the D5.6: Deliverable D5.6 aims at forecasting potential new reservoir zones by analyzing the subsurface density distribution for lateral variation related to fault zones. Indicators of success or failure: 1)      Comparison of density model with results from MT and seismics 2)      Comparison of density model with hydraulic yields of well in Los Humeros 3)      Comparison of density model with results from the exploration well in Acoculco

Report on environmental risk assessment and mitigation strategies

This reports delivers concepts for base line monitoring, including societal, for upfront risk evaluation, and concepts for real time monitoring during stimulation and ongoing operations, to include in traffic light systems and control loop strategies for reservoir management, in view of induced seismicity. Success is measured through capability of both base line and real time monitoring customized to site conditions. (Deliverable connected to Task 7.3)

List of key requirements and recommendations for the design of the well completion

This deliverable is connected to Task 8.3 where we plan to derive necessary key requirements and recommendations for well completion in order to be able to mine such a resource. This knowledge will be derived from other super-hot locations like e.g. lceland (IDDP, IMAGE, DEEPEGS), ltaly (DESCRAMBLE), New Zealand (HADES) and Japan (Japan Beyond Brittle) etc. This collected know-how shall enable us / the geothermal community then to be able to tap into hot reservoirs by avoiding common mistakes and have possible solutions at hand for challenges and problems within such hot regimes.

Report on the robust stimulation model for the EGS-reservoir in the hot magmatic environment at Acoculco and its verification against the laboratory fracking experiment

Report on the refinement of state-of-the-art simulation codes applied by contributing partners for generating robust stimulation models for the EGS-reservoir in Acoculco and their verification against the laboratory fracking experiment. The report will specify both the stimulation approaches considered and the numerical simulation approaches used.

Report on Model of potential drill target and proposed drill path

The report provides a numerical reservoir model of the Acaculco field, integrating results from reservoir imaging, characterization and numerical simulation approaches developed in SP1 and SP2, and to outline a potential drill target and path, for developing the field. Success is measured through capability of providing drill target and path with outlook of commercial and safe production. (Deliverable connected to Task 7.1)

Report on distribution of rock modulus and correlation with temperature

Report towards developing a new methodology predicting the variation of temperature with depth from surface geophysical surveys (seismic surveys coupled to gravity), which will allow temperature knowledge of geothermal resources before drilling, effectively reducing geothermal risks. The report will include: 1. Calculation of spatial distribution of rock modulus of elasticity from seismic velocity and rock density profiles derived from the seismic imaging tasks and the gravity surveys carried out at the two geothermal sites of Los Humeros and Acoculco. 2. Temperature arrays derived from available on-site direct temperature measurements inside existing wells in above Mexican geothermal sites. 3. Statistical evaluation (hypothesis testing) of the correlation between above rock modulus of elasticity and temperature values. 4. Definition of correlation equations between above rock modulus of elasticity and temperature values, based on theoretical models and previous research results.

Minutes of General Assembly 1

The second General Assembly Meeting will take place after one project year in Europe, but together with the Mexican partners. The minutes should summarise all relevant information exchanged at this meeting and document all decisions made by the General Assembly. (Deliverable connected to Task 1.4)

Model of potential drill target and proposed drill path

A numerical based model of one chosen drilling target in a superhot zone will be presented based on given knowledge compiles in other work packages. A feasible drill path is included in the model which fulfills state of the art requirement of the effects of the given stress field and rock parameters. (Deliverable connected to Task 8.1)

Report to the commision

Final report to the commission including: a) an overview, including a publishable summary of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of any milestones and deliverables identified in Annex I. This report should include the differences between work expected to be carried out in accordance with Annex I and that actually carried out and b) a summary of main results achieved (Deliverable connected to Tasks 1.1-1.3)

Final report on active system (LH and AC)

Final report on the relationships between geothermal fluid flow and geological structures in the active systems as described in task 4.1. Results from field and laboratory works, integration with subsurface data, measurements and concepts will be included.

Strategic communication plan

Report on the Strategic Communication Plan (M10, 18, 24). This deliverable describes the activities will be performed in Task 2.1. In particular, the report will be focused on the formulation and the coordination of the project communication strategy. Specific tasks, roles and goals will be reported. The D2.1 will be released in month 10, and will be updated in months 18 and 24. The effectiveness of the Strategic communication plan will be assessed during the project (also after) by some indicators as: i) number of website visit, ii) number of documents (Deliverables, e-news, brochures) download from website, iii) number of the datasets download, iv) attendance at the foreseen events, v) number of published scientific or technical articles.

Report on the geological integrated models of Los Humeros and Acoculco

D3.1 is a report presenting methodology and results of the geological integrated models of Los Humeros and Acoculco areas. A special attention will be paid to show how multidisciplinary integration based on multi-partners collaboration is a key factor for a robust and coherent geological interpretation.

Report on the volcanological conceptual models of Los Humeros and Acoculco

Deliverable D.3.2 refers primarily to summarizing the results of Tasks 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. In this deliverable we will describe the Construction of a Volcanological conceptual model for the two caldera-geothermal systems of Acoculco and Los Humeros and their evolution in the frame of the geodynamic context. (Responsible researchers: Guido Giordano (, Federico Rossetti (

News update: e-news and video releases presenting results

A series of three electronic news, releases in English/Spanish, published during month 24, 32 and 42, sent to 1000+ persons, presenting the main results (from all WPs) achieved by the GeMex project. The objective is to inform European geothermal stakeholders about the activities of the GeMex project. (Deliverable connected to Task 2.4)

Project Website running

"Project Website with both public access and ""Project Partner area” (VRE) (M3). This deliverable is related to Task 2.2. The website will be released in month 3 and will be updated by the end of the project (M36). The website includes all the documents produced during the project and specific sections for involved stakeholders. The website will remain ‘live’ for minimum two years after the project completion. The accesses to the website will be monitored so that the number of the site access and the indexing on the search engines will constitute indicators to rate the deliverable effectiveness."


Tracking Magmatic Hydrogen Sulfur Circulations Using Electrical Impedance: Complex Electrical Properties of Core Samples at the Krafla Volcano, Iceland

Auteurs: L. Lévy, B. Gibert, F. Sigmundsson, D. Deldicque, F. Parat, G. P. Hersir
Publié dans: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Numéro 124/3, 2019, Page(s) 2492-2509, ISSN 2169-9313
Éditeur: AGU American Geoscience Union
DOI: 10.1029/2018jb016814

Fluid geochemistry of the Los Humeros geothermal field (LHGF - Puebla, Mexico): New constraints for the conceptual model

Auteurs: Matteo Lelli, Thomas Gunter Kretzschmar, Jacopo Cabassi, Marco Doveri, Juan Ignacio Sanchez-Avila, Fabrizio Gherardi, Gabriella Magro, Francesco Norelli
Publié dans: Geothermics, 2020, Page(s) 101983, ISSN 0375-6505
Éditeur: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101983

Production forecast and estimation of the recovery factor of the Los Humeros geothermal field, Mexico

Auteurs: Hector Gonzalez-Garcia; Henning Francke; Ingo Sass; Ernst Huenges
Publié dans: Geothermal Energy, Vol 9, Iss 1, Pp 1-20 (2021), Numéro 29, 2021, ISSN 2195-9706
Éditeur: Springer Open
DOI: 10.1186/s40517-021-00194-z

Analysing stress field conditions of the Colima Volcanic Complex (Mexico) by integrating finite-element modelling (FEM) simulations and geological data

Auteurs: Silvia Massaro, Roberto Sulpizio, Gianluca Norini, Gianluca Groppelli, Antonio Costa, Lucia Capra, Giacomo Lo Zupone, Michele Porfido, Andrea Gabrieli
Publié dans: Solid Earth, Numéro 11/6, 2020, Page(s) 2515-2533, ISSN 1869-9529
Éditeur: EGU European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/se-11-2515-2020

Integrated Stress Field Estimation and Implications for Enhanced Geothermal System Development in Acoculco, Mexico

Auteurs: Michal Kruszewski, Hannes Hofmann, Fidel Gomez Alvarez, Caterina Bianco, Adrian Jimenez Haro, Victor Hugo Garduño, Domenico Liotta, Eugenio Trumpy, Andrea Brogi, Walter Wheeler, Eivind Bastesen, Francesco Parisio, Erik H. Saenger
Publié dans: Geothermics, Numéro 89, 2021, Page(s) 101931, ISSN 0375-6505
Éditeur: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101931

Correlations of Seismic Velocities and Elastic Moduli with Temperature in Superhot and Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Auteurs: Mendrinos, D., Karytsas, C., Karytsas, S., Poletto, F., Farina, B., & Barison, E.
Publié dans: Clean Technologies, Numéro Volume 4, Numéro 2, 2022, Page(s) 440-457, ISSN 2571-8797
Éditeur: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/cleantechnol4020027

Seismic imaging of the magmatic plumbing system and geothermal reservoir of the Los Humeros caldera (Mexico) using anisotropic shear wave models

Auteurs: Iván Granados-Chavarría, Marco Calò, Ángel Figueroa-Soto, Philippe Jousset
Publié dans: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Numéro 421, 2022, Page(s) 107441, ISSN 0377-0273
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107441

Reappraisal of Los Humeros Volcanic Complex by New U/Th Zircon and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar Dating: Implications for Greater Geothermal Potential

Auteurs: G. Carrasco-Núñez, J. P. Bernal, P. Dávila, B. Jicha, G. Giordano, J. Hernández
Publié dans: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Numéro 19/1, 2018, Page(s) 132-149, ISSN 1525-2027
Éditeur: Geochemical Society
DOI: 10.1002/2017GC007044

Utilizing supercritical geothermal systems: a review of past ventures and ongoing research activities

Auteurs: Thomas Reinsch, Patrick Dobson, Hiroshi Asanuma, Ernst Huenges, Flavio Poletto, Bernard Sanjuan
Publié dans: Geothermal Energy, Numéro 5/1, 2017, ISSN 2195-9706
Éditeur: Springer Open
DOI: 10.1186/s40517-017-0075-y

Material forces: An insight into configurational mechanics

Auteurs: Francesco Parisio, Dmitri Naumov, Olaf Kolditz, Thomas Nagel
Publié dans: Mechanics Research Communications, 2017, ISSN 0093-6413
Éditeur: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2017.09.005

Sensitivity of seismic properties to temperature variations in a geothermal reservoir

Auteurs: Flavio Poletto, Biancamaria Farina, José M. Carcione
Publié dans: Geothermics, Numéro 76, 2018, Page(s) 149-163, ISSN 0375-6505
Éditeur: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2018.07.001

Passive body-wave interferometric imaging with directionally constrained migration

Auteurs: Carlos Almagro Vidal, Joost van der Neut, Arie Verdel, Iris Eline Hartstra, Kees Wapenaar
Publié dans: Geophysical Journal International, Numéro 215/2, 2018, Page(s) 1022-1036, ISSN 0956-540X
Éditeur: Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific
DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggy306

Preliminary 3-D geological models of Los Humeros and Acoculco geothermal fields (Mexico) – H2020 GEMex Project

Auteurs: Philippe Calcagno, Gwladys Evanno, Eugenio Trumpy, Luis Carlos Gutiérrez-Negrín, José Luis Macías, Gerardo Carrasco-Núñez, Domenico Liotta
Publié dans: Advances in Geosciences, Numéro 45, 2018, Page(s) 321-333, ISSN 1680-7359
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-45-321-2018

Review of failure modes in supercritical geothermal drilling projects

Auteurs: Michal Kruszewski, Volker Wittig
Publié dans: Geothermal Energy, Numéro 6/1, 2018, ISSN 2195-9706
Éditeur: Springer Open
DOI: 10.1186/s40517-018-0113-4

The brittle-ductile transition in active volcanoes

Auteurs: Francesco Parisio, Sergio Vinciguerra, Olaf Kolditz, Thomas Nagel
Publié dans: Scientific Reports, Numéro 9/1, 2019, ISSN 2045-2322
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-36505-x

Experimental characterization and numerical modelling of fracture processes in granite

Auteurs: Francesco Parisio, Ali Tarokh, Roman Makhnenko, Dmitri Naumov, Xing-Yuan Miao, Olaf Kolditz, Thomas Nagel
Publié dans: International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, ISSN 0020-7683
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.12.019

Effects of thermal treatment on physical and mechanical properties of Valdieri Marble - NW Italy

Auteurs: Federico Vagnon, Chiara Colombero, Fabrizio Colombo, Cesare Comina, Anna Maria Ferrero, Giuseppe Mandrone, Sergio Carmelo Vinciguerra
Publié dans: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Numéro 116, 2019, Page(s) 75-86, ISSN 1365-1609
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2019.03.006

The structural architecture of the Los Humeros volcanic complex and geothermal field

Auteurs: Gianluca Norini, Gerardo Carrasco-Núñez, Fernando Corbo-Camargo, Javier Lermo, Javier Hernández Rojas, César Castro, Marco Bonini, Domenico Montanari, Giacomo Corti, Giovanna Moratti, Luigi Piccardi, Guillermo Chavez, Maria Clara Zuluaga, Miguel Ramirez, Fidel Cedillo
Publié dans: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Numéro 381, 2019, Page(s) 312-329, ISSN 0377-0273
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.06.010

The risks of long-term re-injection in supercritical geothermal systems

Auteurs: Francesco Parisio, Victor Vilarrasa, Wenqing Wang, Olaf Kolditz, Thomas Nagel
Publié dans: Nature Communications, Numéro 10/1, 2019, ISSN 2041-1723
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12146-0

Exploring the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) domains on consumers’ loyalty: An experiment in BRICS countries

Auteurs: Michele Contini, Eleonora Annunziata, Francesco Rizzi, Marco Frey
Publié dans: Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, Page(s) 119158, ISSN 0959-6526
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119158

A semianalytic time‐resolved poro‐elasto‐plastic model for wellbore stability and stimulation

Auteurs: Peter A. Fokker, Aditya Singh, Brecht B.T. Wassing
Publié dans: International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2020, ISSN 0363-9061
Éditeur: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/nag.3048

Anatomy of the magmatic plumbing system of Los Humeros Caldera (Mexico): implications for geothermal systems

Auteurs: Federico Lucci, Gerardo Carrasco-Núñez, Federico Rossetti, Thomas Theye, John Charles White, Stefano Urbani, Hossein Azizi, Yoshihiro Asahara, Guido Giordano
Publié dans: Solid Earth, Numéro 11/1, 2020, Page(s) 125-159, ISSN 1869-9529
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/se-11-125-2020

A fracture flow permeability and stress dependency simulation applied to multi-reservoirs, multi-production scenarios analysis

Auteurs: Baptiste Lepillier, Alexandros Daniilidis, Nima Doonechaly Gholizadeh, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Juliane Kummerow, David Bruhn
Publié dans: Geothermal Energy, Numéro 7/1, 2019, ISSN 2195-9706
Éditeur: Springer Open
DOI: 10.1186/s40517-019-0141-8

From outcrop scanlines to discrete fracture networks, an integrative workflow

Auteurs: Baptiste Lepillier, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, David Bruhn, Eivind Bastesen, Alexandros Daniilidis, Óscar Garcia, Anita Torabi, Walter Wheeler
Publié dans: Journal of Structural Geology, Numéro 133, 2020, Page(s) 103992, ISSN 0191-8141
Éditeur: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.103992

Production-Induced Subsidence at the Los Humeros Geothermal Field Inferred from PS-InSAR

Auteurs: Eszter Békési, Peter A. Fokker, Joana E. Martins, Jon Limberger, Damien Bonté, Jan-Diederik van Wees
Publié dans: Geofluids, Numéro 2019, 2019, Page(s) 1-12, ISSN 1468-8115
Éditeur: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1155/2019/2306092

Seismic properties in conductive and convective hot and super-hot geothermal systems

Auteurs: Biancamaria Farina, Flavio Poletto, Dimitrios Mendrinos, José M. Carcione, Constantine Karytsas
Publié dans: Geothermics, Numéro 82, 2019, Page(s) 16-33, ISSN 0375-6505
Éditeur: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.05.005

Joint optimization of geophysical data using multi-objective swarm intelligence

Auteurs: Francesca Pace, Alberto Godio, Alessandro Santilano, Cesare Comina
Publié dans: Geophysical Journal International, Numéro 218/3, 2019, Page(s) 1502-1521, ISSN 0956-540X
Éditeur: Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific
DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggz243

Electrical resistivity tomography and time-domain induced polarization field investigations of geothermal areas at Krafla, Iceland: comparison to borehole and laboratory frequency-domain electrical observations

Auteurs: L Lévy, P K Maurya, S Byrdina, J Vandemeulebrouck, F Sigmundsson, K Árnason, T Ricci, D Deldicque, M Roger, B Gibert, P Labazuy
Publié dans: Geophysical Journal International, Numéro 218/3, 2019, Page(s) 1469-1489, ISSN 0956-540X
Éditeur: Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific
DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggz240

Sensitivity maps for time-reverse imaging: an accuracy study for the Los Humeros Geothermal Field (Mexico)

Auteurs: C Finger, E H Saenger
Publié dans: Geophysical Journal International, Numéro 222/1, 2020, Page(s) 231-246, ISSN 0956-540X
Éditeur: Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific
DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaa160

Estimating the depth and evolution of intrusions at resurgent calderas: Los Humeros (Mexico)

Auteurs: Stefano Urbani, Guido Giordano, Federico Lucci, Federico Rossetti, Valerio Acocella, Gerardo Carrasco-Núñez
Publié dans: Solid Earth, Numéro 11/2, 2020, Page(s) 527-545, ISSN 1869-9529
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/se-11-527-2020

Magmatic volatiles to assess permeable volcano-tectonic structures in the Los Humeros geothermal field, Mexico

Auteurs: Anna Jentsch, Egbert Jolie, David G. Jones, Helen Taylor-Curran, Loïc Peiffer, Martin Zimmer, Bob Lister
Publié dans: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Numéro 394, 2020, Page(s) 106820, ISSN 0377-0273
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106820

Three-component ambient noise beamforming in the Parkfield area

Auteurs: Katrin Löer, Nima Riahi, Erik H Saenger
Publié dans: Geophysical Journal International, Numéro 213/3, 2018, Page(s) 1478-1491, ISSN 0956-540X
Éditeur: Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific
DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggy058

Optimized experimental network design for earthquake location problems: Applications to geothermal and volcanic field seismic networks

Auteurs: T. Toledo, P. Jousset, H. Maurer, C. Krawczyk
Publié dans: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Numéro 391, 2020, Page(s) 106433, ISSN 0377-0273
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.08.011

Stochastic workflows for the evaluation of Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) potential in geothermal greenfields with sparse data: the case study of Acoculco, Mexico

Auteurs: Paromita Deb, Dominique Knapp, Gabriele Marquart, Christoph Clauser, Eugenio Trumpy
Publié dans: Geothermics, Numéro 88, 2020, Page(s) 101879, ISSN 0375-6505
Éditeur: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101879

Laboratory-scale hydraulic fracturing dataset for benchmarking of enhanced geothermal system simulation tools

Auteurs: Paromita Deb, Stephan Düber, Carlo Guarnieri Calo’ Carducci, Christoph Clauser
Publié dans: Scientific Data, Numéro 7/1, 2020, ISSN 2052-4463
Éditeur: Nature Research
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-020-0564-x

Variational Phase‐Field Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture Interaction With Natural Fractures and Application to Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Auteurs: Baptiste Lepillier, Keita Yoshioka, Francesco Parisio, Richard Bakker, David Bruhn
Publié dans: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Numéro 125/7, 2020, ISSN 2169-9313
Éditeur: Wiley
DOI: 10.1029/2020jb019856

Comparative verification of discrete and smeared numerical approaches for the simulation of hydraulic fracturing

Auteurs: Keita Yoshioka, Francesco Parisio, Dmitri Naumov, Renchao Lu, Olaf Kolditz, Thomas Nagel
Publié dans: GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics, Numéro 10/1, 2019, ISSN 1869-2672
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s13137-019-0126-6

Geology of Las Minas: an example of an exhumed geothermal system (Eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt)

Auteurs: Emmanuel Olvera-García, Caterina Bianco, Garduño-Monroy Víctor Hugo, Andrea Brogi, Domenico Liotta, Walter Wheeler, Fidel Gómez-Alvarez, Sergio Najera-Blas, Adrián Jiménez-Haro, Jorge Alejandro Guevara-Alday, Eivind Bastesen, Baptiste Lepillier, Martina Zucchi, Alfredo Caggianelli, Giovanni Ruggieri
Publié dans: Journal of Maps, Numéro 16/2, 2020, Page(s) 918-926, ISSN 1744-5647
Éditeur: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1842815

Exploring the interactions between rift propagation and inherited crustal fabrics through experimental modelling

Auteurs: Daniele Maestrelli, Domenico Montanari, Giacomo Corti, Chiara Del Ventisette, Giovanna Moratti, Marco Bonini
Publié dans: Tectonics, 2020, ISSN 0278-7407
Éditeur: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1029/2020tc006211

Numerical investigation on the performance, sustainability, and efficiency of the deep borehole heat exchanger system for building heating

Auteurs: Chaofan Chen, Haibing Shao, Dmitri Naumov, Yanlong Kong, Kun Tu, Olaf Kolditz
Publié dans: Geothermal Energy, Numéro 7/1, 2019, ISSN 2195-9706
Éditeur: Springer
DOI: 10.1186/s40517-019-0133-8

Updating the 3D Geomodels of Los Humeros and Acoculco Geothermal Systems (Mexico) - H2020 GEMex Project

Auteurs: Calcagno, Philippe; Trumpy, Eugenio; Carlos Gutiérrez-Negrín, Luis; Norini, Gianluca; Macías, José,; Carrasco-Núñez, Gerardo; Liotta, Domenico; Garduño-Monroy, Victor,; Páll Hersir, Gylfi; Vaessen, Loes; Evanno, Gwladys; Galván, Claudia,
Publié dans: Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020, Reykjavik, Iceland, April 26 –May 2, 2020, Numéro 3, 2020
Éditeur: IGA

Laboratory Fracking Experiments for Verifying Numerical Simulation Codes

Auteurs: P. Deb, D. Vogler, S. Düber, P. Siebert, S. Reiche, C. Clauser, R.R. Settgast, K. Willbrand
Publié dans: 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-94-6282-254-2
Éditeur: EAGE Publications BV
DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201801166

Supercritical Geothermal Systems - A Review of Past Studies and Ongoing Research Activities

Auteurs: Dobson , Patrick; Asanuma , Hiroshi; Huenges , Ernst; Poletto , Flavio; Reinsch , Thomas; Sanjuan , Bernard
Publié dans: "Proceedings "" 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering""", Numéro 1, 2017
Éditeur: Stanford Geothermal Program

Towards social acceptance of geothermal energy power plants

Auteurs: Karytsas, Spyridon; Polyzou, Olympia; Mendrinos, Dimitrios; Karytsas, Constantine
Publié dans: European Geothermal Congress 2019, Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: EGEC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3614856


Auteurs: Deb, Paromita; Knapp, Dominique; Clauser, Christoph; Montegrossi, Giordano
Publié dans: European Geothermal Congress (EGC), EGC2019, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14, Numéro 1, 2019, ISBN 978-2-9601946-1-6
Éditeur: EGEC

Modeling natural steady-state of super hot geothermal rerservoir at Los Humeros, Mexico

Auteurs: Deb, Paromita; Knapp, Dominique; Clauser, Christoph; Montegrossi, Giordano
Publié dans: European Geothermal Congress 2019 Proceedings, Numéro 2, 2019
Éditeur: EGEC
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3719198

Offset-Gap Compensation by Seismic Interferometry for Shallow Signals of Active-Seismic Lines Acquired in a Superhot-Geothermal Field

Auteurs: E. Barison, F. Poletto, B. Farina
Publié dans: 1st Conference on Geophysics for Geothermal-Energy Utilization and Renewable-Energy Storage, 2019, Page(s) 1-5
Éditeur: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201902516

Near-Surface Geophysical Investigation for Characterization of a Volcanic Geothermal Reservoir by Active-Seismic-Data Tomography and Attenuation

Auteurs: G. Bohm, F. Poletto, E. Barison
Publié dans: 1st Conference on Geophysics for Geothermal-Energy Utilization and Renewable-Energy Storage, 2019, Page(s) 1-5
Éditeur: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201902515

Analysis of seismic wave propagation in geothermal reservoirs

Auteurs: Flavio Poletto, Biancamaria Farina, José M. Carcione and Giorgia Pinna
Publié dans: European Geothermal Congress 2019 Proceedings, 2019
Éditeur: EGEC

GEMex – A Mexican-European Research Cooperation on Development of Superhot and Engineered Geothermal Systems

Auteurs: Jolie, Egbert; Bruhn, David; Deb, Paromita; Clauser, Christoph; Peters, Elisabeth; Hernández Ochoa, Abel F.; Huenges, Ernst; González Acevedo, Zayre Ivonne; Kieling, Katrin; Trumpy, Eugenio; Vargas, Julio; Gutiérrez-Negrín, Luis Carlos; López Hernandez, Aida; Aragón-Aguilar, Alfonso; Halldórsdóttir, Saeunn; González Partida, Eduardo; van Wees, Jan-Diederik; Ramírez Montes, Miguel Angel;
Publié dans: 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, 2018-02-12 - 2018-02-14, Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: Stanford University

Electrical properties of hydrothermally altered rocks : observations and interpretations based on laboratory, field and borehole studies at Krafla volcano, Iceland.

Auteurs: Lévy, Léa
Publié dans: "Sciences de la Terre. PSL Research University; Háskóli Islands, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019PSLEE002⟩", Numéro 1, 2019
Éditeur: University of Iceland

Regional resource assessment and geothermal models

Auteurs: Bontè, Damien; Limberger, Jon; Trumpy, Eugenio; Gola, Gianluca; Van Wees, Jan Diederik
Publié dans: Numéro 2, 2018
Éditeur: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2636227

Report on the Open Access Database

Auteurs: Trumpy, Eugenio; Manzella, Adele; Botteghi, Serena
Publié dans: Numéro 3, 2018
Éditeur: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1251771

Hydrogeological model of Los Humeros: hydrothermal processes at the regional scale

Auteurs: Les Landes, Armandine Antoine; Maurel, Camille; Lopez, Simon; Calcagno, Philippe
Publié dans: Numéro 3, 2018
Éditeur: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2636352

Report on the GEMex project website

Auteurs: Trumpy, Eugenio
Publié dans: Numéro 1, 2018
Éditeur: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1251769

Thermal model of the Los Humeros super-hot geothermal system, Mexico

Auteurs: Deb, Paromita; Knapp, Dominique; Marquart, Gabriele; Montegrossi, Giordano
Publié dans: Numéro 3, 2019
Éditeur: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3723224

P-S waves 3D velocity model of Los Humeros area from earthquake based travel-time tomography using CAT3D software (OGS)

Auteurs: Böhm, Gualtiero; Barison, Erika; Poletto, Flavio OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3826681

Obtaining reliable source locations with time reverse imaging: limits to array design, velocity models and signal-to-noise ratios

Auteurs: Claudia Werner, Erik H. Saenger
Publié dans: Solid Earth, Numéro 9/6, 2018, Page(s) 1487-1505, ISSN 1869-9529
Éditeur: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/se-9-1487-2018

Outcrop analogue study to determine reservoir properties of the Los Humeros and Acoculco geothermal fields, Mexico

Auteurs: Leandra M. Weydt, Kristian Bär, Chiara Colombero, Cesare Comina, Paromita Deb, Baptiste Lepillier, Giuseppe Mandrone, Harald Milsch, Christopher A. Rochelle, Federico Vagnon, Ingo Sass
Publié dans: Advances in Geosciences, Numéro 45, 2018, Page(s) 281-287, ISSN 1680-7359
Éditeur: Copernicus Publishing
DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-45-281-2018

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Date: 2017-11-20


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Date: 2017-11-20

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