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Enabling the Energy Union through understanding the drivers of individual and collective energy choices in Europe


ENABLE.EU e-bulletin

The E-newsletters will consist of 2-3 pages and will be issued 1 times a year. The ENABLE.EU Electronic Newsletter will contain the latest news, announcements of workshops and will take care of the individual needs of all partners.

Final report on comparative sociological analysis of the business enterprises’ survey results

The deliverable will present a comparative cross-country analysis of the results from the online survey of business enterprises in all participants' countries. It will outline main research findings and the respective recommendations, elaborated as result of the analysis, made under Task 3.5. The analysis will cover socio-cultural, economic, technological and governance factors, driving enterprises behaviour and choices regarding the use and management of energy resources.

Synthesis report on the “low carbon mobility” case study

The deliverable will present the main findings of the case study on 'low carbon mobility' carried out in task 4.2.1. The report willl summarize the research findings and underline best practices and recommendations for having sustainable mobility in cities

Synthesis report on the “heating & cooling: case study

The deliverable will present the main findings of the case study on 'heating and coolingr' carried out in task 4.2.3. The report willl summarize the research findings and underline best practices.

Final report on social and cultural factors impacting energy choices and behaviour

The deliverable will synthetize the outcomes of the work carried out in task 4.4. It will consist of a sociological cross-country comparative analysis of the citizens’ opinions, attitudes and behaviour regarding socio-cultural, economic, technological and governance factors, driving energy choices on two distinct level – individual and collective ones.

Transition Visioning Workshop Report

The deliverable will report about the Transition Visioning Workshop which will be held in M21. In particular, the ideas from the participants coming from the visioning brainstorm on the themes of the case studies in WP4 will be presented: a) heating and cooling, b) from passive to active electricity demand, c) from consumption to prosumtpion, d) low carbon mobility.

Nine national case study reports on governance barriers to the energy transition

The deliverable will report about the case studies carried out in Bulgaria, Germany, France, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Serbia, UK and Ukraine on the governance barriers to energy transition (task 5.3). The individual reports will present the research findings and the results of the semi-structured interviews.

Written synthesis of ENABLE.EU’s findings

The deliverable will synthesize all the relevant scientific findings of ENABLE.EU. Particular attention will be paid to the most policy-relevant findings, especially those of particular interest for the R&I pillar of the Energy Union.

A working paper detailing the model development

The deliverable will present the policy scenarios that could be modelled and the policy questions answered by their implementation. it will also present the methodology for scaling-up the detailed energy-using analysis from the micro-level (the impacts of behavioural characteristics on energy demand for individuals and firms) to the macro level (the impacts of these trends and characteristics on energy demand for different EU member states).

Report on economic factors impacting collective/company energy choices

The deliverable will present an analysis of economic factors, impacting both short- and long-term collective energy choices on company level, linking different company-level datasets, as described in Task 3.3 and Task 3.4. The analysis will focus on the impact of costs and prices on collective energy choices, including for taking decisions on energy consumption and on efficiency investments in the companies.

Written formulation of policy proposals

The deliverable will present the policy recommendations for the Energy Union. Policy recommendations will first focus on the EU Energy Policy and the creation of the Energy Union. Building on the principle of subsidiarity, policy recommendations will also concern EU Member States as well as subnational public authorities.

Synthesis report on the case study “from consumer to prosumer”

The deliverable will present the main findings of the case study on 'from consumer to prosumer' carried out in task 4.2.2. The report willl summarize the research findings and underline best practices and recommendations for improving governance practices aimed at prosuming households.

Transition Practice Framework Workshop Report

The deliverable will report about the Transition Practice Framework Workshop held in M28. It will present the most promising energy transition practices identified by the participants for each area (i.e. heating and cooling, from passive electricity consumption to active demand, from consumption to prosumption, and low carbon mobility.) as well as suggested interventions and roadmaps toward the full future achievement and diffusion of these practices in society.

Final comprehensive literature review setting the scene for the entire study

The deliverable will include references and short summaries of the relevant scientific articles and books studying energy choices reported in the bibliography (D2.1). An online version of the deliverable will be provided in the public ENABLE.EU website with special serach functions for an easy consultation by interested stakeholders.

Participatory foresight evaluation report

The deliverable will present the evaluation of the whole the participatory process in WP6 as perceived by the participants. The nature and quality of the outcomes will be also assessed and reported.

Working paper describing the scenarios and the implications of the scenarios for Energy Union

This deliverable will present the scenarios built and their implication for the Eneergy Union. It will also include details on the modelling analysis.

Final report on comparative sociological analysis of the household survey results

The deliverable will report about the design and structure, and especially the outcomes of the houselhold survey carried out in task 4.1 to representatives of approximately 800 to 1500 households in each of the partner countries.

Report on governance barriers for the social acceptability of energy transition technologies and policies

The deliverable will report about the activities carried out under task 5.1 - Mapping of national and transnational governance bottlenecks and constraints for the implementation of low carbon energy systems. It will present the results of the evaluation of the governance process in each national context from the stage of idea design to policy implementation, comparing and contrasting the patterns of energy transition governance in order to conduct an ex-post assessment of where the EU is standing.

Synthesis case study report with policy recommendations

The delvierable will provide for a final synthesis report of task 5.3, which will summarize the research findings from the case study and elaborate recommendations for improving governance practices aiming at achieving better public acceptability of energy transition.

Transitions Practice Backcasting Workshops’ reports

The deliverable will present the evaluation of the whole practice backcasting process and its outcomes.

Comprehensive bibliography of relevant scientific articles and books on energy choices organised by relevance for each WP

The deliverable will be the result of a screening of the relevant scientific articles and books studying energy choices in all participating countries and in international academic databases, published in one of the languages of the partner countries.It will incorporate material from different disciplines, in particular sociology, gender studies, behavioral economics, social psychology and political science. The bibliography will mention both theoretical and empirical studies, taking into particular consideration studies made on an EU territory or population, while also looking at studies made on a non-EU territory or population when relevant (esp. studies made in other developed regions).

Report on the impact of energy prices and other policies on energy-saving innovation and technology adoption in the manufacturing sector based on French company data

The deliverable will present the analysis of the impact of energy prices on innovation and technology adoption in the manufacturing sector in France and how it influences the competitiveness (measured for example by profitability) and international trade of this sector. The analysis will be based on the micro-data from series of firm-level datasets (e.g. Annual Survey on Energy Consumption in the Industry, CIS, PATSTAT, Unified Corporate Statistics System, etc.) and will be conducted under Sub-task 3.3.2.

Report on national policies, strategies, practices and non-technical bottlenecks in low carbon energy technology implementation

The deliverable will report about the analysis carried out in task 5.4. It will include both research findings and results from the online survey and focus group consultation.

Report on economic factors impacting individual short-term energy choices

The deliverable will present an analysis of economic factors impacting individual short-term energy choices regarding the electricity consumption of households, based primarily on Randomized Control Trials as a method for data collection, as it is described in Task 3.1. The analysis will draw conclusions on the sensitivity of households’ consumption patterns to electricity prices and short-term energy demand elasticity. It will also link the economic factors with social ones, highlighting the innate links between them for the individual energy choices. The report will also provide recommendations for improving the public policies regarding energy transition to low-carbon society.

Report on the drivers of household adoption of energy-saving technologies using the English Housing Survey

The deliverable will present the analysis of data, available from the English Housing Survey (2008-2012), previously known as the Survey of English Housing (1993-2008) and the English house condition survey (2002-2008). The analysis, made under Sub-task 3.2.2 will be focused on the drivers of household adoption of energy-efficiency technologies in the UK and on the estimation of the impact of various types of policy support on this adoption behaviour.

Policy paper with recommendations for ‘triple dividend’ low carbon options in the field of heating and cooling

The deliverable consists of a policy paper with recommendations for ‘triple dividend’ low carbon options in the field of heating and cooling. The content will derive from the case study carried out in task 4.2.3

Report on economic factors impacting individual long-term energy choices

The deliverable will present an analysis of economic factors, impacting long-term energy choices of households, based on data collected both through Randomized Control Trials, the comparative cross-national household survey in the participants' countries, and available micro-data from UK Housing surveys, as described in Task 3.2. The analysis will focus on the households' long-term energy demand elasticity, in comparison with the short-term one, as the former might be rather large, due to energy efficiency investments which increase households’ long-term flexibility in responding to different energy prices. The report will also provide recommendations for improving the public policies regarding energy transition to low-carbon society.

ENABLE.EU website

The deliverable consists of the project public website. The website will contain information on the project aims and objectives and partners involved. It will be constantly updated with information on project activities and findings.

Communication material produced (corporate identity, leaflet, poster)

The deliverable consists of a collection of the communication material produced, namely: fact sheet, leaflets, project posters and a reference power point presentation.


Engaging men and women in energy production in Norway and the United Kingdom: The significance of social practices and gender relations

Autorzy: Karina Standal, Marta Talevi, Hege Westskog
Opublikowane w: Energy Research & Social Science, Numer 60, 2020, Strona(/y) 101338, ISSN 2214-6296
Wydawca: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2019.101338

What does the sharing economy mean for electric market transitions? A review with sustainability perspectives

Autorzy: Sanja Filipović, Mirjana Radovanović, Noam Lior
Opublikowane w: Energy Research & Social Science, Numer 58, 2019, Strona(/y) 101258, ISSN 2214-6296
Wydawca: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2019.101258

Cost misperceptions and energy consumption: Experimental evidence for present bias and biased price beliefs

Autorzy: Madeline Werthschulte, Andreas Löschel
Opublikowane w: CAWM Discussion Paper, Numer 111, 2019
Wydawca: Center of Applied Economic Research (CAWM), University of Muenster

CSD Policy Brief No. 88: Energy Transition Governance for Better Energy Security in Europe

Autorzy: Center for the Study of Democracy
Opublikowane w: 2019
Wydawca: Center for the Study of Democracy
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3577950

Primena metode kontrolisanog eksperimenta u analizi ponašanja potrošača električne energije

Autorzy: Sanja Filipović, Mirjana Radovanović
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference - Sinteza 2019, Numer Sixth international conference, 2019, Strona(/y) 319-324, ISBN 978-86-7912-703-7
Wydawca: Singidunum University
DOI: 10.15308/sinteza-2019-319-324

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