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European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy – Support of Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2016 - 17

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ETIP Bioenergy-SABS (European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy – Support of Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2016 - 17)

Reporting period: 2017-09-01 to 2018-08-31

The European Union is in great need to find an alternative and sustainably energy source for the future, facing rising oil prices and global warming issues. Therefore the overarching aim of the Energy Union by 2030 and 2050 is a secure, affordable, competitive, efficient and decarbonised European energy system. Bioenergy is the main renewable energy source so far; as it is flexible and storable it has also a key role in the future.
This project aimed to support the contribution of biofuel and bioenergy stakeholders to the Energy Union and, more specifically, the Strategic Energy Technology (SET)-Plan. It assisted the European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy (ETIP Bioenergy) in providing these contributions and included to facilitate the following key elements:
• contributions to the SET-Plan, in particular related to Action 8 “Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy”.
• defining priorities, strategies, R&I investment decisions and programmes;
• collaboration between stakeholders in addressing energy system integration challenges;
• identification of technical and non-technical barriers to the delivery of innovation to the energy market;
• assistance to the European Commission and Member States in defining the research programmes, financial instruments, and addressing the mentioned barriers for the areas of advanced biofuels and bioenergy.
The objective of ETIP Bioenergy SABS was to provide support to actions directed at advanced bioenergy and biofuel stakeholders as well as the general public. This included monitoring the bioenergy and biofuels sector, providing information on biofuels/bioenergy and on recent trends and developments to the biofuels and bioenergy community, as well as facilitating discussion between various groups of stakeholders on hot topics, and providing overviews and summaries on stakeholder views to the working groups of the ETIP Bioenergy Platform. Key instruments which ensured to achieve this aim were the new ETIP Bioenergy website, the new accomplished factsheets, reports, newsletters and networking events at different scales. The project compiled scientifically sound, fact based information on technical and non-technical bioenergy issues.
The focus of the ETIP-SABS team was the support of the activities of the ETIP Bioenergy and to provide biofuels and bioenergy information to the public. ETIP Bioenergy is a contact point regarding information about research, technological, market, political, regulatory and financial developments and deployment activities such as the set-up, commissioning and operation of pilot and demonstration facilities, in relation to advanced biofuels and bioenergy.
A key task in the project was the implementation of the new structure and scope of ETIP Bioenergy. ETIP Bioenergy membership had to reflect the broader scope (in relation to EBTP) and the gaining importance of new end use sectors such as marine and aviation. ETIP Bioenergy now fully integrates the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP), active since 2006, and the European Industrial Initiative Bioenergy (EIBI), which commenced in 2010. The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and the ETIP Renewable Heating and Cooling (ETIP RHC) are now represented in the SC. Cooperations with other organizations were started or intensified.
ETIP Bioenergy had a key role in drafting the Implementation Plan of SET-Plan Key Action 8 Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy. ETIP Bioenergy industrial experts co-chaired the Temporary Working Group for Action 8. The Implementation Plan that contains concrete R&I activities, and proposes relevant funding opportunities for their realization, was approved on 13th June 2018 by the SET-Plan Steering Group.
Within the project duration the EBTP website was relaunched with a completely new design and many new features building on the extensive existing contents.
The demonstration project database was continuously updated and currently includes 196 entries.
The reports and research project database contains over 316 resources including reports, presentations and journals about advanced biofuels and bioenergy. Topics cover feedstocks, conversion technologies, end use, sustainability, markets and policy. The stakeholder database currently lists 642 biofuel-related entities as well as individual biofuel and bioenergy experts.
Five new factsheets on different aspects of biofuels and bioenergy have been produced:
• aviation biofuels
• marine biofuels
• bioenergy RES hybrids
• biomass combined heat and power facilities
• biorefinery concepts.
The overall adjustments of the website including the modern layout, the content update as well as the new factsheets reflect renewed quality which is available for every stakeholder and underlines the achievement that the project compiled scientifically sound information about technological, market, political, regulatory and financially as well as deployment activities.

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) from June 2016 has been actively presented at numerous workshops and occasions which also provided the chance to discuss the importance of the document and its topics to many stakeholders from the bioenergy and biofuel sector as well as recommendations for the SRIA update. The SRIA 2016 served as a key background document for the Temporary Working Group for the SET Plan Implementation Plan, Action 8.
In order to further strengthen the public presence of ETIP Bioenergy, promote sustainable advanced biofuels and other bioenergy carriers and gather feedback, recommendations and remarks from a broader panel of stakeholders, the consortium organized four public events. Each event had different scope and target groups, as well as thematic focus. Nonetheless, they have all been designed so to promote dialogue among different stakeholders on the main topics of the current bioenergy and advanced biofuels debate.
The SRIA 2016 was one source of information for the EC to formulate H2020 call topics. Since the publication of the SRIA 2016, various new projects have been established which directly correlate to the information and ideas found in the SRIA 2016 document. The SRIA document has had real, defined results and influence, visible through the similarities between the recommendations given in the document, and the mission statements and goals of ongoing EU projects.

Details of the projects can be found on CORDIS.

With regard to wider societal impact, the website is the key instrument to provide sound and fact based information for the public discussion about advanced biofuels and bioenergy.
Stakeholder composition of ETIP Bioenergy
Organigramme of ETIP Bioenergy