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MOdular high concentration SolAr Configuration

Descripción del proyecto

Un mosaico de concentradores esféricos reduce los costes de la energía solar de concentración

Los sistemas de energía solar de concentración (ESC) enfocan los rayos solares con espejos o lentes. Suelen tener piezas móviles caras y complejas para controlar los rastreadores móviles que permiten a los espejos seguir la trayectoria del sol a medida que se desplaza por el cielo. Reflejan y concentran la luz en un único receptor fijo situado a una distancia considerable. El equipo del proyecto MOSAIC, financiado con fondos europeos, ha desarrollado una innovadora central termosolar modular basada en un mosaico fijo de concentradores esféricos. Este enfoque pretende minimizar tanto el número de piezas móviles como las distancias del concentrador al receptor, lo que reducirá los costes de capital y aumentando de forma notable la eficiencia y la fiabilidad. Podría situar el coste de la electricidad basada en ESC por debajo de 0,10 euros/kWh, superando los objetivos de la Comisión Europea para este tipo de electricidad.


MOSAIC project aims to exceed the goal of the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan - European Commission of producing CSP electricity at a cost below 0.10 €/kWh. To exceed this goal a commercial CSP plant of > 1GW of nominal capacity is foreseen, in which high nominal capacity of CSP plant is reached in a modular way where each MOSAIC module delivers thermal energy to linked thermal energy storage systems that supply their energy to a high capacity power block (>1GW). This modular configuration guarantees reliability, flexibility and dispatchability according to the needs of the electrical grid while reduces significantly the specific cost of the Power block (€/MW installed).
Each MOSAIC module consists of an innovative fixed spherical mirror concentrator arranged in a semi-Fresnel manner and an actuated receiver based on a low cost closed loop cable tracking system. This configuration reduces the moving parts of the whole system decreasing solar field cost while keeping high concentration ratios. This will assure high working temperatures thus high cycle efficiencies and a cost effective use of thermal storage systems.
Energy from the sun is collected, concentrated and transferred to the heat transfer fluid at module level where, due to the modular concept, distances from the solar concentrator to the receiver are much shorter that those typical from solar tower technologies. As a result, the efficiency of energy collection is maximized, atmospherical attenuation is minimized and accuracy requirements can be relaxed.
All these technical benefits contribute to a much lower capital cost of the whole system while keeping efficiency and reliability. This has consequently a strong impact in the final cost of electricity production. First figures show LCOE estimated values below 0.10€/kWh for CSP power plants of 100 MW nominal power based in MOSAIC concept, additional cost reductions are expected for greater capacities (>1GW) exceeding the goal of the SET plan

Ámbito científico (EuroSciVoc)

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 031 090,50
20600 Eibar Guipuzcoa

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Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 031 090,50

Participantes (11)