CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
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Risultati finali
legislative frameworks and transposition
WP 6 - Working paper: the impact of migration on health and education analysis in the country of originhealth and education analysis
WP9 - Working paper: Geographic differences in mobility welfare impact perceptions and mobility attitudesgeographic differences in mobility welfare impact perceptions and mobility attitudes (to be submitted to Public Opinion Quarterly)
WP8 - Report: Summary of the entire WPmain report with summary of the entire WP
WP5 - Policy brief: Impact of migration on labour markets and on the demand for public services in southern Europefindings for Southern Europe
WP12 - Policy brief: Policy implications of the WPpolicy implications of the WP findings
WP2 - Main report: Relevant data ot understand migration in the EUcovering the background, data, analysis and recommendations of the research and published at the end of the project
WP12 - Policy brief: Future migration policy reform and developmentfuture policy reform and development
WP3 - Policy brief: Drivers of migration in the EU qualitative and quantitative resultsresults of both qualitative and quantitative analysis
WP7 - Working paper: Indicators for the measurement of social norms in the EUconceptualising and discussing indicators for the measurement of social norms and how various social norms are related to welfare state and labour market institutions
WP7 - Working paper: Policy options for reducing the identified tensions between different national institutions and common EU regulations of free movementdiscussing policy options for reducing the identified tensions between different national institutions and common EU regulations of free movement, including dissemination activities
WP5 - Working paper: Impact of migration on the demand for public services in northern Europethe impact of migration on the demand for public services in Northern Europe. Targeted towards top journals in economics
WP7 - Working paper: The determinants of the domestic politics of free movement in selected EU member statesdiscussing the determinants of the domestic politics of free movement in selected EU member states, with a focus on the role of institutional variations and the role of political elite actors
WP10 - Working paper: Comparisons of public perceptions and realties of EU mobility welfare impactscomparisons of public perceptions and realties of EU mobility welfare impacts (to be submitted to the Journal Ethnic and Migration Studies)
WP-6 Literature review on the impacts of migration on sending countriesfindings from the preliminary scoping study, literature review and statistical analysis
WP3 - Working paper: Quantitative evidence on the determinants of migration in the EUwith results from the quantitative analysis. Targeted towards top journals in population studies
WP2 - Working paper: patterns of migration in the EUon patterns of migration in the EU
WP11 - Report for EU-15The deliverable about Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the UK will present the findings from the media related surveys in summary as well as in country-by-country sections and provide the processed raw information in annexes (such as transcriptions of participant statements).
WP6 - Policy brief: Social and economic impacts of emigration and associated mobility on source countrieswith nontechnical summary of key findings aimed at a policy audience
WP7 - Working paper: Variations in welfare states, labour markets and social norms across EU member statesempirical analysis of variations in welfare states, labour markets and social norms across EU member states
WP8 - Working paper: Computer assisted text analysis across languageson computer assisted text analysis across languages
WP11 - Overall report: Summary of all results from the WPcross-country media practices and mobility (with UOXF & BBS)
WP9 - Working paper: Welfare discourse impactsWelfare discourse impacts (Communication Research)
WP5 - Working paper: The labour impact of migration in southern Europefindings related to labour market activities in Southern Europe. Targeted towards top journals in economics
WP8 - Working paper: Migration discourse across countries and timemigration discourse across countries and time (to be submitted to Journal of Communication, Mass Communication & Society or European Union Politics)
WP5 - Policy brief: Impact of migration on labour markets and on the demand for public services in northern Europefindings for Northern Europe
WP10 - Working paper: Individual factors (political sophistication) causing alignment of perceptions and realitiesindividual factors (political sophistication) causing alignment of perceptions and realities (to be submitted to the International Journal of Public Opinion Research)
WP6 - Working paper: Impacts of return migrationreturn migration analysis
WP2 - Policy brief: Patterns of migration in the EUpatterns of migration in the EU
WP10 - Report: Intra-EU vs. non-EU welfare impact perceptions across countries and timeintra-EU vs. non-EU welfare impact perceptions across countries and time
WP10 - Report: Summary of the entire WPmain report with summary of the entire WP
WP3 - Policy brief: Determinants of migration in the EUresults of quantitative analysis
WP6 - Main report: Social and economic impacts of emigration and associated mobility on source countriessocial and economic impacts of emigration and associated mobility on source countries
WP10 - Working paper: Individual and contextual factors and their interplay affecting EU welfare impact perceptionsindividual and contextual factors and their interplay affecting EU welfare impact perceptions (to be submitted to Public Opinion Quarterly)
WP11 - Report for New Member StatesThe deliverable about Poland, Hungary, and Romania will present the findings from the media related surveys in summary as well as in country-by-country sections and provide the processed raw information in annexes (such as transcriptions of participant statements).
WP3 - Main report: Migration data and the drivers of migration to the EUIt will cover the background, data, analysis and recommendations of the research and published at the end of the project
WP9 - literature reviewComprehensive literature review on communication effects in the area of migration and mobility
WP9 - Report: Summary of the entire WPmain report with summary of the entire WP (with UGOT & JGUM)
WP10 - Report: Contextual influences on EU mobility welfare perceptionscontextual influences on EU mobility welfare perceptions.
WP8 - Report: Recommendations for practitionerswith recommendations for practitioners based on consortium discussions (with URJC)
WP5 - Working paper: The labour impact of migration in northern Europefindings related to labour market activities in Northern Europe. Targeted towards top journals in economics
WP 4 - Policy brief: The fiscal impact of migration in the EUwith a summary of the evidence from the WP presented in an accessible way for policymakers
WP8 - Working paper: Comparing discourse with realitycomparing discourse with reality (to be submitted to Journal of Communication, Mass Communication & Society or European Union Politics)
WP7 - Working paper: Theoretical framework for the analysis of the interactions and potential tensions between national institutions and free movementproposing a theoretical framework for the analysis of the interactions and potential tensions between national institutions and free movement
WP9 - Working paper:Working paper: Recipient characteristics moderating welfare impact discourse effectsRecipient characteristics moderating welfare impact discourse effects (to be submitted to the European Journal for Political Research)
WP8 - literature reviewcomprehensive literature review
WP8 - Working paper: Evidence and language use on migrationevidence and language use (e.g. Journal of Communication, Mass Communication & Society, European Union Politics)
WP2 - Preliminary report: relevant datasets to understand migration in the EUreport covering background and discussing the relevant datasets to understand migration in the EU
WP11 - Summary report with policy implicationsSummary policy implications report
WP 4 - Working paper: Simulations of the fiscal impact of migrationbased on an integrated analysis of broad comparisons and case studies as well as simulations
WP8 - Report: Media and migrationresults of media analysis for stakeholders (with URJC)
WP2 - Policy brief: Monitoring and mapping migration with existing dataon challenges related to monitoring and mapping migration with existing data
WP6 - Working paper: Border regions analysis of migrationborder regions analysis
WP9 - Working paper: Survey experiment resultssurvey experiment results (to be submitted to Political Communication)
WP12 - Policy mapping reportSummary policy mapping report
WP5 - Working paper: Impact of migration on the demand for public services in southern Europeimpact of migration on the demand for public services in Southern Europe. Targeted towards top journals in economics
WP 4 - Working paper: The Fiscal imapct of migration in all 28 EU Member Statesbased on broad comparative analysis of the fiscal impact of migration in all 28 EU Member States
WP3 - Preliminary report: Existing literature and identifying gaps in the evidencedescribing the existing literature and identifying gaps in the evidence
WP 4 - Working paper: In depth case studies of the fiscal impact of migrationthe fiscal impact of migration based on in depth case studies for 4-5 Member States. It appears to be possible to actually deliver the simulations envisaged in D4.3 earlier since they are based on the same data set as D4.1 and the team believe that it would be valuable for the work carried out in several of the other work packages to have access to the kinds of variables generated by the simulations. The simulations may inform the work to be carried out in the in depth case studies to be carried out in D4.2. Hence, a reversed time order between D4.2 and D4.3 would be the wisest strategy. The proposed time frame means that D4.2 will be delivered 4 months later (month 28).
WP7 - Working paper: Indicators for the measurement of institutional variations (welfare states and labour markets) across EU member statesconceptualising and discussing indicators for the measurement of institutional variations (welfare states and labour markets) across EU member states
WP3 - Working paper: Qualitative evidence on the determinants of migration in the EUresults from the qualitative analysis. Targeted towards top journals in population studies (e.g. Demography)
WP12 - Policy brief: Practical implementation challengespractical implementation challenges
WP7 - Working paper: Tensions between institutions and free movement across EU member statesidentifying key relationships and tensions between institutions and free movement across EU member states in practice
WP2 - Working paper: Monitoring and mapping migration in the EU with existing dataon challenges related to monitoring and mapping migration in the EU with existing data
WP8 - Working paper: Cross-language dictionary developmentarticle on cross-language dictionary development (to be submitted to Communication Methods and Measures or Political Analysis)
“Database of databases”. This database will gather information on all existing databases on migration in the EU as identified during the project
WP9 - data releasePublic release of the data via GESIS
WP10 - data releaseintegrated multi-level data set
Media toolboxDevelopment of online platform to communicate project research to journalists, policy-makers, civil society and the general public.
WP8 - data releasePublic release of the data via GESIS
Osea Giuntella, Fabrizio Mazzonna, Catia Nicodemo, Carlos Vargas-Silva
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Population Economics, 2018, ISSN 0933-1433
Springer Verlag
Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Christine E. Meltzer, Tobias Heidenreich, Beatrice Herrero, Nora Theorin, Fabienne Lind, Rosa Berganza, Hajo G. Boomgaarden, Christian Schemer, Jesper Strömbäck
Pubblicato in:
Annals of the International Communication Association, Numero 42/3, 2018, Pagina/e 207-223, ISSN 2380-8985
Taylor and Francis
Osea Giuntella, Catia Nicodemo, Carlos Vargas-Silva
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Health Economics, Numero 58, 2018, Pagina/e 123-143, ISSN 0167-6296
Elsevier BV
Martin Ruhs, Joakim Palme
Pubblicato in:
Journal of European Public Policy, Numero 25/10, 2018, Pagina/e 1481-1500, ISSN 1350-1763
Scott Blinder, Yvonni Markaki
Pubblicato in:
European Union Politics, 2019, Pagina/e 146511651983978, ISSN 1465-1165
SAGE Publications
Eric Karstens, Barbara Kuznik, Robert McNeil
Pubblicato in:
Médiakutató, Numero XIX (2018), issue 3-4, 2018, Pagina/e 7-61, ISSN 1586-8389
Médiakutató Alapítvány and Koffein Média Kft
Peter Bajomi-Lázár
Pubblicato in:
Médiakutató, Numero XIX (2018), issue 3-4, 2018, Pagina/e 63-88, ISSN 1586-8389
Médiakutató Alapítvány and Koffein Média Kft
Robert McNeil, Eric Karstens
Pubblicato in:
Médiakutató, Numero XIX (2018), issue 3-4, 2018, Pagina/e 89-117, ISSN 1586-8389
Médiakutató Alapítvány and Koffein Média Kft
Fabienne Lind, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Tobias Heidenreich, Hajo G. Boomgaarden
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Communication, Numero 13, 2019, Pagina/e 4000-4020, ISSN 1932-8036
USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism
Tobias Heidenreich, Fabienne Lind, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Hajo G Boomgaarden
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Refugee Studies, Numero 32/Special_Numero_1, 2019, Pagina/e i172-i182, ISSN 0951-6328
Oxford University Press
Tobias Heidenreich, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Fabienne Lind, Hajo Boomgaarden
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019, Pagina/e 1-20, ISSN 1369-183X
Carfax Publishing Ltd.
Maastricht MSc student (name TBC)
Pubblicato in:
Maastricht University
Péter Bajomi-Lázár
Pubblicato in:
European Journal of Communication, 2019, Pagina/e 026732311988615, ISSN 0267-3231
SAGE Publications
Liam Patuzzi and Meghan Benton
Pubblicato in:
Migration Policy Institute Europe
Peter Bajomi-Lázár
Pubblicato in:
Routledge Companion to Journalism Ethics, 2020
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