Periodic Reporting for period 4 - PINQS (Photonic integrated quantum transceivers)
Berichtszeitraum: 2021-11-01 bis 2023-04-30
In this project nanophotonic circuits, heterogeneously integrated with superconducting nanostructures and carbon nanotubes, will be used to realize scalable quantum photonic chips that overcome major barriers in linear quantum optics and quantum communication. By relying on electro-optomechanical and electro-optical interactions, reconfigurable single photon transceivers will be devised that can act as broadband and high bandwidth nodes in future quantum optical networks. A hybrid integration approach will allow for the realization of fully functional quantum photonic modules which are interconnected with optical fiber links. By implementing quantum wavelength division multiplexing, the communication rates between individual transceiver nodes will be boosted by orders of magnitude, thus allowing for high-speed and remote quantum information processing and quantum simulation. Further exploiting recent advances in three-dimensional distributed nanophotonics will lead to a paradigm shift in nanoscale quantum optics, providing a key step towards optical quantum computing and the quantum internet.