Periodic Reporting for period 5 - RESISTANCE (Resistance evolution in response to spatially variable pathogen communities)
Período documentado: 2022-03-01 hasta 2022-08-31
The work was carried out on the ribwort plantain across the 4,000 meadows which have been mapped and are annually surveyed in Åland Islands since the 1990s. The intention was to create projections of how the structure of disease communities can influence the growth and reproduction of individuals. At the same time, we gathered information on the factors that underlie the formation of disease communities. We uncovered how resistance functions when the same host is simultaneously or sequentially attacked by multiple different pathogen species, and how resistance evolves under the realistic scenario of pathogen exposure.
The results contribute knowledge that is urgently needed to develop alternative, non-pesticide reliant management strategies in the battle against plant diseases. The current over-reliance on pesticides weighs heavily on our ecosystems and has generated a biased food production situation globally as developing countries lack the funds needed for effective pesticides. Host priming is one alternative method, in which broad spectrum resistance may be triggered by ‘priming' the host’s defences using a biotic (or abiotic) elicitor. Currently more data is needed on how priming functions under natural ecological conditions, and for this purpose results of Objective 3 will be most valuable.
Objective 2. As we had virus primers ready and had identified plant genotypes that differ in their resistance, contrary to the plan, we carried out the field trap plant experiment already in summer 2017 instead of in 2018 as was stated in the original plan. This work was carried out by PhD student Sallinen. The project also hosted MSc students Maarit Numminen and Vanja Milenkovic, who successfully completed their MSc theses. RNA and DNA has been extracted from most samples and those samples have been characterized for viruses using primers. We find host genotype to have a striking impact on within-host pathogen community structure. The common garden experiment of Objective 2 was set up at Lammi Biological Station in summer 2018, and it further confirmed the effect role of host genotype affecting pathogen communities.
Objective 3. Using the temporal samples collected from the field trial in Objective 1, and virus specific primers, we analysed how the arrival sequence of viruses impacts the late season virus community structure. We found that some viruses had both positive and negative impacts on later arriving species, and that the effect is mediated by host plant genotype. The manuscript analysing priority effects mediated by host genotype is being finalized for submission to ISME J. A manuscript demonstrating the importance of induced host immune responses in shaping pathogen communities both under natural epidemics and in a controlled field trials was published in Nature Ecology & Evolution. PhD student Jokinen developed a qPCR protocol to quantify virus titer and the multifactorial greenhouse experiment addressing question 1 was completed in the summer 2022. PhD student Jokinen has funding for her PhD studies to finalize analysis and writing of this study.
Objective 4. The common garden experiment of Objective 2 was set up at Lammi Biological Station in summer 2018, and was monitored and sampled for two years. We discovered that the composition of the pathogen community has a significant effect on the fitness consequences of infection suffered by the host. The manuscript is currently revised for Evolution.
Objective 5. This year we completed the study analysing consequences of past infection for host population ecology and evolution and it has been published in Nature Communications. We demonstrated that the selection intensity which natural pathogen populations impose on their host population depends on the degree of host population isolation and that eco-evolutionary feedback loops shape the outcome of host-pathogen coevolution.
Jointly the results of this proposal provide a unique synthesis of resistance evolution under realistic pathogen loads, leading to a conceptual shift in how resistance evolution should be studied, managed, and incorporated into the next generation of theory on the dynamics of pathogen resistance in nature. A major research opportunity that this study opens up is to compare the relative importance of intra- and inter-pathogen species diversity on how infection dynamics and host resistance function.