Periodic Reporting for period 4 - FOUR ACES (Future of upper atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets with spectroscopy)
Période du rapport: 2021-12-01 au 2023-05-31
- Prof. Vincent Bourrier was a senior postdoctoral fellow within the team (2017-2020); he is now an Assistant Professor at Université de Genève (Switzerland)
- Dr Adrien Deline was a senior postdoctoral fellow within the team (2019-2022); he is now Support Scientist at the CHEOPS Science Operations Centre at Université de Genève (Switzerland)
- Dr Leonardo Dos Santos did his PhD thesis (2017-2021) within the team; he is now an Assistant Astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore (USA)
- Dr Jens Hoeijmakers was a postdoctoral fellow within the team (2017); he is now an Associate Senior Lecturer at Lund University (Sweden)
- Dr Thibault Kuntzer was a postdoctoral fellow within the team (2018-2019); he is now an Application Development Engineer at APCO Technologies SA (Switzerland)
- Dr Dominique Petit dit de la Roche was a postdoctoral fellow within the team (2021); she is now a postdoctoral fellow at Université de Genève (Switzerland)
- Dr Julia Seidel did her PhD thesis (2017-2021) within the team; she is now an ESO Fellow at European Southern observatory Santiago (Chile)
The team worked in close collaboration with scientists from the Exoplanet Team of the Department of Astronomy at Université de Genève and in particular with Dr Lorenzo Pino and Dr Martin Turbet. The team was involved in several international consortia, namely the ESPRESSO Consortium and the CHEOPS Consortium. By the end of the action, the team has been involved in 176 articles in international refereed journals. These articles have received over 5,700 citations (source: NASA ADS). The core team members produced 34 of these articles as first authors and two PhD theses. Seven articles were published in high-impact, multidisciplinary journals (Nature or Science); 3 of these were led by the core team members. Publications are freely available on
Milestone results are
- The theoretical discovery that oceans of water could never condensed at the surface of Venus (Turbet et al. 2021, Nature 598, 276; PR:
- The detection of transits from a lukewarm, volatile-rich super-earths around a naked eye star (Delrez et al. 2021, Nature Astronomy 5, 775; PR:
- The measurement of the hot temperature of an ultra hot gas giant with the CHEOPS space telescope - the first scientific result of the mission (Lendl et al. 2020, A&A 643, L94; PR:
- The detection of iron condensation across the nightside of an ultra hot gas giant exoplanet (Ehrenreich et al. 2020, Nature 580, 597; PR:
- The discovery of a misaligned planetary system, where the planet is evaporating (Bourrier et al. 2018a, Nature 553, 477; PR:
- The detection of metallic vapour in a giant exoplanet hotter than a star (Hoeijmakers et al. 2018, Nature 560, 453; PR:
- The first detection of helium escaping from a bloated exoplanet (Spake et al. 2018, Nature 557, 68) and the first detailed measurement of the shape and dynamics of an escaping cloud of helium around an exoplanet (Allart et al. 2018, Science 362, 1384; PR:
- The detection of a second case of evaporating Neptune-mass exoplanet (Bourrier et al. 2018b, A&A 620, A147; PR: