CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID3.4a - vf-OS Enablers(M12)The delivery will be the Creation/Repackaging and delivery of code/package of vf-OS specific manufacturing enablers according to the vf-OS Kernel framework.
vfOS - ID3.4c - vf-OS Enablers(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID6.2a - OAK System Dashboard(M24)This deliverable represents the functionalities of the OAK System Dashboard.
vfOS - ID5.2a - Data Storage(M18)This task will specify and implement vf-OS data storage module (D5.2), supporting three major dimensions of “Big Data” when dealing with intensive streaming data, namely: Volume (scale of data processed), Velocity (speed of moving data and optimised reaction time), and Variety (supporting heterogeneous types to data under consideration).
vfOS - ID4.2c - Devices Drivers(M33)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID6.3c - OAK Front End(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID4.3b - APIs Connectors(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID5.3a - Data Harmonisation(M18)The deliverable represents the functionalities of the semantic-based data harmonisation services.
vfOS - ID3.5a - vf-OS Process Enabler(M12)Delivery will be the repackaging and production of the vf-OS Processing Engine.
vfOS - ID3.3c - FI-WARE Manufacturing Enablers(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID1.4c - Existing SOTA Analysis(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID4.3c - APIs Connectors(M33)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID6.5a - OAK Developer Engagement Hub(M30)This deliverable represents the functionalities of the OAK Engagement Hub.
vfOS - ID4.4b - Security & Data Access(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID4.4a - Security & Data Access(M18)This deliverable represents the core security structure and developed/delivered artefact which will help protect 2nd party factory assets and can be quickly integrated in to applications.
vfOS - ID5.3b - Data Harmonisation(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID6.2b - OAK System Dashboard(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID3.3b - FI-WARE Manufacturing Enablers(M18)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID5.1c - Data Infrastructure Middleware(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.1a - vf-Platform Environment(M24)The deliverable represents the functionalities of the vf-Platform.
vfOS - ID4.2a - Devices Drivers(M24)The outcomes of this task are the software of the developed drivers (D4.2). Device Drivers will typically create gateways to physical peripheral resources (eg machines, controllers, etc.).
vfOS - ID6.4a - OAK Studio(M30)This deliverable represents the functionalities of the OAK Studio.
vfOS - ID3.2a - FI-WARE Generic Enablers(M12)Delivery of code/package of re-purposed FI-Ware generic enablers according to the vf-OS Kernel framework will complete this task.
vfOS - ID7.5b - Software Integration / Implementation Package (M36)Implementation Package: The task will generate a Software Integration Reports (D7.5ab), a handbook/on-line resource for interested parties with information on how to deploy the vf-OS architecture and will also give generic recommendations to other who may perform other similar projects. Specifically the results of vf-OS will be made available such that they can be taken up and exploited by consortium members and third parties. Open-source software implementations will be properly packaged and made publicly available, including – for each implementation – its specification, API documentation, manual and other documentation, and where available – videos, tutorials, etc. New and existing project material will provide the content and the focus making it easier for external parties to use vf-OS results. This will be produced as a living deliverable with the first iteration at M28 (D7.5a) focused on completed RTD activity (eg WP3) and the final iteration covering all WPs at project end M36 (D7.5b).
vfOS - ID5.4c - Data Analytics(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.2c - vf- mApp Store & Marketplace(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.1c - vf-Platform Environment(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.2a - vf- mApp Store & Marketplace(M24)The deliverable represents the functionalities of the vf-mApp Store.
vfOS - ID3.3a - FI-WARE Manufacturing Enablers(M12)Delivery will be the code/package of Repurposed FI-Ware specific/manufacturing enablers according to the vf-OS Kernel framework.
vfOS - ID6.1.1b - OAK SDK - Software(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID5.4b - Data Analytics(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.3a - vf-Service Provision Framework(M24)The vf-OS Service Provision Framework (D7.3) is used to frame previously defined and registered services/applications/connectors and facilitate their use in applications. The environment will take into account fault tolerance and adherence to defined QoS requirements.
vfOS - ID3.2c - FI-WARE Generic Enablers(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID1.4a - Existing SOTA Analysis(M6)This task deals with a comprehensive and up-to-date investigation of existing state-of-the-art architectures, technologies, and solutions supporting collaboration in manufacturing and logistics among the supply chain. It will also study the current state of relevant technologies, including cloud computing, IOT, embedded systems, sensors and CPS components, data analytics, Big Data sources, Security, and mobile data sources. The investigation of the data sources will be carried out in close cooperation with the end users and the solutions providers. Another important aspect to be considered for analysis is “public enablers” such as the generic enables of the FI-WARE and FI-PPP initiative and existing industry solutions such as the up-and-coming IBM Bluemix. The execution of this task will be through a Wiki, with access provided to other projects and contributors in a moderated way.
vfOS - ID7.2b - vf- mApp Store & Marketplace(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.3b - vf-Service Provision Framework(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID5.1a - Data Infrastructure Middleware(M18)The result of T5.1 will be a software module (D5.1) implementing the pipeline for sensor data acquisition, cleaning, storing, simple enrichment, indexing and querying.
vfOS - ID1.4b - Existing SOTA Analysis(M18)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID6.1.1c - OAK SDK - Software(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID6.5b - OAK Developer Engagement Hub(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.1b - vf-Platform Environment(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.3c - vf-Service Provision Framework(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID6.2c - OAK System Dashboard(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.4 - Developer Engagement & Training(M36)The deliverable that will be produced at the end of the project details provided training material, participants involved, details of workshops/hackathons, feedback from application developers, and any other relevant matters. This will both quantify the work and provide material for further development and training.
vfOS - ID4.1.2b - Devices Driver/API Tookit - Software(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID5.1b - Data Infrastructure Middleware(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID5.3c - Data Harmonisation(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID4.3a - APIs Connectors(M24)This task will develop and deliver the core vf-OS software API Connectors (D4.3) of the toolkit on a similar basis to T4.2, based upon the outcome of T4.1 and T4.2.
vfOS - ID6.3a - OAK Front End(M24)The deliverable represents the functionalities of the OAK Front End Environment.
vfOS - ID6.4b - OAK Studio(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID7.5a - Software Integration/ Implementation Package (M28)Implementation Package: The task will generate a Software Integration Reports (D7.5ab), a handbook/on-line resource for interested parties with information on how to deploy the vf-OS architecture and will also give generic recommendations to other who may perform other similar projects. Specifically the results of vf-OS will be made available such that they can be taken up and exploited by consortium members and third parties. Open-source software implementations will be properly packaged and made publicly available, including – for each implementation – its specification, API documentation, manual and other documentation, and where available – videos, tutorials, etc. New and existing project material will provide the content and the focus making it easier for external parties to use vf-OS results. This will be produced as a living deliverable with the first iteration at M28 (D7.5a) focused on completed RTD activity (eg WP3) and the final iteration covering all WPs at project end M36 (D7.5b).
vfOS - ID4.2b - Devices Drivers(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID3.2b - FI-WARE Generic Enablers(M18)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID6.3b - OAK Front End(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID3.1 - vf-OS Kernel and FI-WARE Framework(M10)The deliverable will be the creation of a framework, including code and policies, which facilitates the creation of enablers in the remainder of WP3.
vfOS - ID4.1.2a - Devices Driver/API Tookit - Software(M18)This task will also produce the base software technology/library (D4.1.2) derived from the specifications, which can facilitate the interconnection and design of both the device drivers and APIs, in order to enable the seamless/open access to resources, and provide a base toolkit for the precise drivers/APIs of T4.2 and T4.3. This toolkit will be a flexible infrastructure adaptable to the applications and tools which are provided by vf-OS.
vfOS - ID6.1.1a - OAK SDK - Software(M24)The vf-OS SDK (D6.1.1) supports service developers with the functionalities needed to define, design, develop, and orchestrate manufacturing-related services.
vfOS - ID3.4b - vf-OS Enablers(M18)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID5.2b - Data Storage(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID3.5b - vf-OS Process Enabler(M18)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID5.4a - Data Analytics(M18)The deliverable represents the functionalities of the data analytics.
vfOS - ID3.5c - vf-OS Process Enabler(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
The deliverable D6.1.2 documents the OAK SDK, enabling developers to efficiently develop applications.
vfOS - ID10.1 - Impact Strategy and Plan(M3)This deliverable will detail the outline of planned strategic dissemination as well as the identification and organisation of the activities to be performed in order to promote the project’s results and the widest dissemination of knowledge from the project in an open access manner
vfOS - ID10.3b - Impact Activity Reports(M18)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID10.4b - Workshops Reports(M37)Workshop reports will be produced detailing the workshop plan, results and constituency feedback.
vfOS - ID2.1 - Global Architecture Definition(M7)The deliverable document will present the architecture based on the main components defined in this DOA but it will be performed in a greater level of detail and will also involve the specification of subcomponents and actors. As well as the internal architecture connected with the project it will cover the architecture of applications to be developed by third party software developers who will eventually use easy integration in the vf-OS platform.
vfOS - ID8.1b - Validation Scenarios(M12)A yearly document/report detailing and further elaborating a plan as well as the results from the previous year
vfOS - ID8.1a - Validation Scenarios(M6)A report detailing the initial scenarios and implementation plan
vfOS - ID2.2 - Functional Specification & Mockups(M9)This task will deliver a Functional Specification document to provide an in-depth definition of the functionalities and behaviours of all vf-OS components. It will also explain how related requirements will be fulfilled as an important means to measure the outcome of the individual tasks and the overall project. Furthermore, all possible interactions between the vf-OS components will be detailed and depicted so as to guide the overall flow of functionalities and data between components. Components will be split into subcomponents and defined following a unified approach. For components that feature a user interface a first mock-up of the GUI (created in Balsamiq) will be included through close RTD provider/user interaction.
vfOS - ID6.1.2b - OAK SDK - Documentation(M30)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID10.3a - Impact Activity Reports(M9)A periodic report will contain the main dissemination activities performed and the definition of a number of KPIs for measuring the impact and efficiency of the proposed vf-OS dissemination strategy and plan. These will be based on the already defined Quantification of vf-OS Dissemination Activities in of section Moreover it will contain the information related to the yearly vf-OS eNewsletters, brochures, and other material as well as well as the highly specialised information about the significant progresses and results of the project addressed to a highly targeted audience. Finally, it will include reporting related to T10.5 Standards, Clustering and Inter-project Cooperation
vfOS - ID4.1.1 - Devices Driver/API Tookit - Specifications(M12)The Device Driver/API Toolkit Specification (D4.1.1) will further detail the specifications regarding the creation and development of the vf-OS devices drivers, Open APIs, and test cases, in order to enable very flexible and customisable elements that are able to connect the real factories’ resources to the virtualised elements and services of vf-OS.
vfOS - ID10.4a - Workshops Reports(M26)Workshop reports will be produced detailing the workshop plan, results and constituency feedback.
vfOS - ID1.3 - Providers scenarios characterisation(M4)The deliverable document is thus a report that includes the characterisation of the main of main software developer scenarios that will use the vf-OS Platform for developing Smart Applications.
vfOS - ID6.1.2c - OAK SDK - Documentation(M36)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID10.3c - Impact Activity Reports(M37)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID8.1d - Validation Scenarios(M37)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID1.5 - Requirements Specification(M6)This deliverable will be a joint document for the requirements of all project components, divided into strategic, high level functional and technical requirements. It will also further detail, where applicable, the KPIs of Section 2.1.2
vfOS - ID1.1 - Vision Consensus(M3)The task will provide a balanced guide document as a deliverable, which acts as a reference for the project and will be used by all partners to stay focused on the main ideas and goals of the project, even in complex and technical phases. The document will also be used internally to keep the single RTD tasks (and personnel) in synchronisation with the overall idea of the project. It may also be used by the partners as a source for documents, deliverables and presentations to third parties, eg during the dissemination activities, and by interested third parties to get an early overview of the project. In addition this document will include an initial risk table, upgraded from the DOA, which itemises RTD risks in particular and including integration.
vfOS - ID8.1c - Validation Scenarios(M24)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID1.2 - Users scenarios characterisation(M4)The deliverable document is a report that includes the characterisation of the main industrial scenarios. The deliverable will also detail and explain the aims identified and expected in 2.1.3
Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID10.2c - Dissemination Report(M18)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID10.2b - Dissemination Report(M9)Update of the previous deliverable
vfOS - ID10.2a - Dissemination Report(M3)This deliverable (and subsequent) will show the setup of the vf-OS Web Page and the different areas created to give visibility to the project and encourage the collaboration among the vf-OS members. It will also include the contents of other dissemination material
Fabio Lopes, Jose Ferreira, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves, Carlos Agostinho
Publicado en:
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Edición Yearly, 2017, Página(s) 1914-1919, ISBN 978-1-5386-1645-1
Diogo Ferreira, Pedro Corista, Joao Giao, Sudeep Ghimire, Joao Sarraipa, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
Publicado en:
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Edición Yearly, 2017, Página(s) 1544-1551, ISBN 978-1-5386-0774-9
Jose Ferreira, Joao Nuno Soares, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves, Carlos Agostinho
Publicado en:
2017 21st International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), Edición Every two years, 2017, Página(s) 485-492, ISBN 978-1-5386-1839-4
Abdelhadi Belfadel, Jannik Laval, Chantal Bonner Cherifi, Nejib Moalla
Publicado en:
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Edición Yearly, 2017, Página(s) 1333-1337, ISBN 978-1-5386-0774-9
Narjes Alaya, Baudouin Dafllon, Néjib Moalla, Yacine Ouzrout
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Society and Technology, Edición Yearly, 2017
Society for information systems and computer networks
Maria Marques, Carlos Agostinho, Greg Zacharewicz, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
Publicado en:
Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim 2017), Edición Yearly (Conference), 2017, ISBN 9781-510838260
Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)
Nazarenko, Artem; Sarraipa, João; Figueiras, Paulo; Costa, Ruben; Jardim-Goncalves, Ricardo
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Society and Technology, Edición Yearly, 2018, Página(s) 242-246
Society for information systems and computer networks
Joao Giao, Bako Rajaonah, Elsa Marcelino-Jesus and Joao Sarraipa
Publicado en:
ICIST 2019 - 9th International Conference on Information Society and Technology, Edición Yearly, 2019
Society for Information Systems and Computer Networks
Victor Anaya, Francisco Fraile, Armando Aguayo, Oscar Garcia, Angel Ortiz
Publicado en:
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Edición Every 2 years, 2018, Página(s) 570-575, ISBN 978-1-5386-7097-2
Abdelhadi Belfadel, Emna Amdouni, Jannik Laval, Chantal Cherifi, Nejib Moalla
Publicado en:
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Edición Every 2 Years, 2018, Página(s) 466-473, ISBN 978-1-5386-7097-2
Francisco Fraile, Jose Luis Flores, Victor Anaya, Eduardo Saiz, Raul Poler
Publicado en:
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Edición Every 2 Years, 2018, Página(s) 564-569, ISBN 978-1-5386-7097-2
Andrea Barni, Elias Montini, Silvia Menato, Marzio Sorlini, Victor Anaya, Raul Poler
Publicado en:
2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Edición Yearly, 2018, Página(s) 1-9, ISBN 978-1-5386-1469-3
Ibrahim Benali, Baudouin Dafflon, Lounes Bentaha, Nejib Moalla
Publicado en:
2017 11th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), Edición Every Year, 2017, Página(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-5386-4602-1
Majid Zamiri, Andreia Artifice, Elsa Marcelino-Jesus, Joao Sarraipa, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
Publicado en:
Volume 2: Advanced Manufacturing, Edición Every year, 2018, ISBN 978-0-7918-5201-9
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Pedro Corista, Diogo Ferreira, Joao Giao, Joao Sarraipa, Ricardo Jardim Goncalves
Publicado en:
2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2018, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-1469-3
Marcelino-Jesus, Elsa; Sarraipa, João; Fraile, Francisco; Poler, Raul
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the ASME IMECE 2019 conference, Edición Every Year, 2019
Maria Marques, Carlos Agostinho, Gregory Zacharewicz, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
Publicado en:
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Edición 9/3, 2017, Página(s) 299-313, ISSN 1876-1364
IOS Press
Milan Zdravković, Jelena Zdravković, Alexis Aubry, Néjib Moalla, Wided Guedria, João Sarraipa
Publicado en:
International Journal of Production Research, Edición 24 issues per year, 2017, Página(s) 1-18, ISSN 0020-7543
Taylor & Francis
Akihiro Tsuchiya, Francisco Fraile, Ichiro Koshijima, Angel Ortiz, Raul Poler
Publicado en:
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Edición 11/2, 2018, Página(s) 318, ISSN 2013-8423
Francisco Fraile, Takuya Tagawa, Raul Poler, Angel Ortiz
Publicado en:
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Edición 5/6, 2018, Página(s) 4506-4514, ISSN 2327-4662
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Abdelhadi Belfadel, Jannik Laval, Chantal Bonner Cherifi, Nejib Moalla
Publicado en:
Enterprise Interoperability VIII - Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, Edición 9, 2019, Página(s) 385-395, ISBN 978-3-030-13692-5
Springer International Publishing
Danny Pape, Tobias Hinz, Oscar Garcia Perales, Francisco Fraile, José Luis Flores, Oscar J. Rubio
Publicado en:
Enterprise Interoperability - Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, Edición Yearly (Conference), 2018, Página(s) 77-82, ISBN 9781-119564034
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Luís Manteigas Da Cunha, Ludo Stellingwerff, Andries Stam
Publicado en:
Enterprise Interoperability - Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, Edición Yearly (Conference), 2018, Página(s) 115-119, ISBN 9781-119564034
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Víctor Anaya, Nejib Moalla, Ludo Stellingwerff, José Luis Flores, Francisco Fraile
Publicado en:
Enterprise Interoperability - Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, Edición Yearly (Conference), 2018, Página(s) 91-97, ISBN 9781-119564034
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pedro Corista, Joao Giao, Joao Sarraipa, Oscar Garcia Perales, Raquel Almeida, Nejib Moalla
Publicado en:
Enterprise Interoperability - Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, Edición Yearly (Conference), 2018, Página(s) 83-89, ISBN 9781-119564034
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Artem A. Nazarenko, Joao Giao, Joao Sarraipa, Oscar J. Saiz, Oscar Garcia Perales, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
Publicado en:
Enterprise Interoperability - Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, Edición Yearly (Conference), 2018, Página(s) 99-106, ISBN 9781-119564034
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Carlos Coutinho, Luís Lopes, Vítor Viana, Danny Pape, Gerrit Klasen, Bastian Von Halem, Oscar Garcia Perales, Ludo Stellingwerff, Andries Stam
Publicado en:
Enterprise Interoperability - Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, Edición Yearly (Conference), 2018, Página(s) 107-114, ISBN 9781-119564034
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Francisco Fraile, José Luis Flores, Raúl Poler, Eduardo Saiz
Publicado en:
Enterprise Interoperability VIII - Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, Edición 9, 2019, Página(s) 31-41, ISBN 978-3-030-13692-5
Springer International Publishing
Joao Giao, Joao Sarraipa, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
Publicado en:
Technological Innovation for Industry and Service Systems - 10th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2019, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, May 8–10, 2019, Proceedings, Edición 553, 2019, Página(s) 238-246, ISBN 978-3-030-17770-6
Springer International Publishing
Pedro André da Silva Corista
Publicado en:
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Diogo Matos Ferreira
Publicado en:
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Uni- versidade Nova de Lisboa
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