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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Unlocking Large-Scale Access to Combined Mobility through a European MaaS Network

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IMOVE (Unlocking Large-Scale Access to Combined Mobility through a European MaaS Network)

Berichtszeitraum: 2018-12-01 bis 2019-11-30

Following recent mega-trends in the mobile and sharing economy, and thanks to the latest ITS developments, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) schemes are seen as the way citizens will use to move themselves and their goods in the future. The “as a service” wave will allow breaking the borders between the different means of transport, offering customers combined mobility packages as a viable alternative to own mobility and car ownership. Indeed, a MaaS is a mobility distribution model in which customer’s major transportation needs are met thanks to one single integrated service provider combining transportation infrastructures, travel information, payment services and more. Overall, nowadays MaaS schemes can be seen as disruptive startup initiatives with great potential, but due to the implied challenges of public/private mobility integration, information handling and sharing, service interoperability and scalability requirements, specific actions to accelerate an appropriate and sustainable take off are needed.

The overall objective of the IMOVE project has been to accelerate the deployment and unlock the scalability of MaaS schemes in Europe, ultimately paving the way for a “roaming” service for MaaS users at the European level. To this end, IMOVE investigated and validate advanced solutions for improving MaaS deployment and operation and their underlying business models.

IMOVE boosted the MaaS concept and initiatives through three main strands of activities and corresponding results:
1. investigating and developing a set of Scalability Unlockers, as sets of measures, organisational frameworks, operational and business models enhancing the framework conditions for MaaS development and operation;
2. designing and implementing a set of novel Software Enablers (SW Enablers) that supported current MaaS technologies enhancing interoperability and integration of MaaS schemes in the landscape of ITS and other mobility services.
3. developing a Data & Information Exchange Framework for MaaS

Outcomes of these research streams have been tested at five sites in large European cities (Turin, Greater Manchester, Berlin, Gothenburg, Madrid), all strongly engaged in the MaaS domain and implementing specific actions on existing or new MaaS schemes. Pilot sites showcased complementarity in terms of MaaS initiative leadership held by public sector entities (public transport authority, public transport operator, municipality) and private companies, aiming at investigating different roadmaps for MaaS and how heterogeneous stakeholders can work together for its uptake.
The main results accomplished include:
• Achievement of a common vision for the successful execution of IMOVE Living Labs, through a set of guidelines for the development of viable business models and the successful engagement of mobility stakeholders.
• Definition of preliminary specifications for the overall system architecture and for all the underlying Software Enablers.
• Delivery of first version of IMOVE Software Enablers, ready to be deployed and validated on IMOVE Living Labs.
• Reach of initial operational stage for the IMOVE Living Labs, following the deployment and configuration of Software Enablers.
• Identification of non-technical issues concerning data collection, processing and sharing (such as data privacy, security, visibility of internal business, “fears”, trust, regulatory frameworks, etc.).
• Definition of a preliminary reference data model inferred from the specifications of the third-party ICT platforms currently deployed at the Living Labs. This data model represents the foundation to develop the stable version of software adapters (Data Translators), which will enable the full operation of 1st iteration at the Living Labs.
• Definition of personalized planning for the execution of each Living Lab, including the selection of stakeholders, the identifications of preconditions, risks and resources for the proper implementation, the identification of any ethical and legal issues, etc.
• Completion of 1st test iteration at the Living Labs, aiming to design a sustainable business model and to define an initial technical set-up for each Living Lab.
• Definition of a reliable evaluation methodology for assessing the impact of project outcomes at the different Living Labs.
• Open Call for the selection of an additional Living Lab to test IMOVE research in. EMT Madrid selected as the best applicant.
Enabling factors research for sustainable travel and behaviour change strategies
• Investigation of regulatory frameworks for sustainable business model innovation and sustainable travel behaviour
• IMOVE Software Enablers interoperability in a roaming workflow connecting MaaS operators at Living Labs.
• Evaluation of project ethics compliance.
• Assessment of opportunities and barriers in data sharing in MaaS, data analytics on mobility data
• Final version of the IMOVE data translators and reference information model
• Living Lab execution and supervision, with MaaS delivery and production of surveys, data and insights for evaluation
• Evaluation of innovations in pilot sites, impact assessment and transferability of results with a specific handbook
• Identification and MaaS education of Innovation pathfinders, initiatives that have been provided structured information and training to develop their MaaS scheme building on IMOVE findings
• Implementation of the project dissemination strategy through targeted communication, Ideathons at Living Labs and organization and participation at European mobility related events
• Clustering and relationships with other mobility and Research and Innovation projects
• Design of an exploitation strategy according to project outcomes and their implementation in Living Labs
The main impacts from IMOVE have been:
• Development and adoption of sustainable business models and organizational MaaS frameworks.
• User behaviour change strategies (e.g. incentive models, rewarding schemes, gamification, etc.).
• User engagement schemes inspired by marketing and XaaS economy.
• Long-term MaaS interoperability and roaming strategies (cross-MaaS, cross-borders).
• Extension of the capabilities of existing MaaS ICT platforms through enhanced interoperability and additional features.
• Provision of a set of ready-made building blocks aiming to facilitate the development of new, highly-tailored MaaS ICT platforms.

The IMOVE impacts havel been tested at five sites, all strongly engaged in the MaaS domain and planning specific roadmaps on existing or new MaaS schemes. The sites have been selected according to their complementarity, where success and failure factors for any specific measure and context will be investigated and evaluated. The resulting knowledge and lessons learned have been consolidated and made available in documentation; their effectiveness has been assessed delivering it in training sessions to parties that expressed their interest as innovation pathfinders.