CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Final evaluation report about Clusters 2.0 impacts.
Dynamic Terminal Management SystemDevelop intelligent predictive and optimization models for improving efficiency and productivity after an efficacy test of the handling and transhipment processes.
Policy adaptation and standardization recommendationsD7.5 Policy adaptation and standardization recommendations
Specification sheet of designated NMLUBy evaluating the conceptions in terms of technical feasibility, automation etc., one concept will be picked for implementation within the next step and requirements will be transferred into a specification sheet.
CNI Description of the minimal data setMinimal data set to be delivered by the actors to perform the Value Added Services
Exploitation HandbookGuidelines document and set of templates for product idea definition, innovation management including market and competition analysis, business planning including financial indicators and business cases adoption and extension.
CluCS final requirements and architectureThis deliverable is a follow up of D2.3 including the final list of requirements and architecture layout of the CLuCS
Market & Business Ecosystem analysisAnalysis of current approaches and solutions addressing Clusters 2.0 challenges and estimation of the potential market for Clusters 2.0 technologies and services. Analysis of the current stakeholders’ business models, their relationships, their roles and their evolution in the “to be” Clusters 2.0 ecosystem.
Final Cluster Community System ToolThis deliverable is a follow up of D2.4 including the final layout and system demonstration of the Clusters Community System
Optimization and assessment tool for sustainable collaboration through clusters: to beThis deliverable will have an intermediate version to be reported to the consortium and industry board in M24
Rail Freight Operators Service mappingThis deliverable will provide a comprehensive data set of the main combined transport trade lanes and what they represent in terms of volume. The analysis will also enable the mapping of rail services between the trade lanes under investigation thus providing a comprehensive overview of the capacity on offer in terms of goods and combined transport services.
CNI API descriptionThe API describes the integration requirements for the Value Added Apps.
Network Design Model describing current European flows across clusters: as isThis deliverable will have an intermediate version to be reported to the consortium and industry board in M12.
Collaboration methodology in between logistics clustersThis deliverable will be live document that will be applied in the living lab on 'Symbiotic Network of Logistics Clusters'. It will provide a methodology and organizational set-up which will be tested live in the living lab and ensure that the activities within Clusters 2.0 are compliant, fair and sustainable.
Cluster building blocks: Proximity Terminal Network potentialitiesProximity Terminal Network design and identification of framework needs towards their establishment and potentialities of PTN as Cluster building blocks.
Cluster Community System pre-liminary requirements and architectureCluster Community System preliminary requirements and functional architecture ready for a first prototyping. (Input to task 2.4, live document).
Collaboration methodology within logistics clustersThis deliverable will be a live document that will be updated before starting each one of the 3 Living Lab iterations in order to be used by 'Symbiotic Network of Logistics Clusters' LL. It will provide a methodology of how volumes will be bundled on regional TEN-T hubs and between them, and how will be shipped in priority.
Dissemination reportConsolidating and validating CLUSTER 2.0 dissemination activities
Living Lab evaluation analysis and Clusters Assessment ReportImpact assessment report providing cross-sector and cross-LL evaluation. And final report of data collected and analysis of results achieved by Living Labs_3rd LL iteration.
Handbook for Smart Clusters developmentGuidelines outlining Smart Cluster establishment path, including engagement of manufacturing and value added service providers in Cluster activities and integration of them with CluCS.
Scenarios and tools for shipment planning and asset optimisation for logistics clusters networksThis deliverable will have an intermediate version on month 18 including the prototype to be further developed towards exploitation and scalable deployment. Findings will be included into the final report by month 28.
Scoping Logistics ClustersConcept design and definition of framework conditions to enable Cluster establishment; advanced collaboration practices in the Cluster, Cluster governance model and steps towards Cluster set-up.
High-level reports on progress of Living LabsA periodic high-level report is given covering and crosslinking the activities of the 3 Living Labs and extracting conclusions from the independent LLs that should be considered for Clusters 2.0 implementation of WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP6 and WP7.
Communication Strategy and PlanThis report will include the communication, dissemination and liaison plan to be followed within the project. It will be updated at the half of the project.
This deliverable will be a follow up of D4.4 including the demonstration of train-truck transhipment using NMLU technology
Reliable NMLU prototypeBuilt prototype of the NMLU that has successfully passed the initial test at the Fraunhofer IML packaging laboratory.
Reliable train-truck horizontal transhipment prototypeImplement the new software and do the upgrade on a ContainerMover in order to make a full automated horizontal transhipment possible.
Prototype trucks for fast and reliable transhipment of NMLUsDevelop prototypes of trucks and automated loading and unloading systems for the transhipment of NMLU in different types of vehicles
First version of the IT tool for Clusters’ systemic management with User Manual and Test Phase Specifications (ref. WP5 – LL1).
This will be the output of T7.2 and it will accompany and present the project brand identity and material, the brochure, posters, newsletters, videos, website and social media accounts. It will be issued at different dates, according to the project needs and communication planning.
Mohseni, Seyed Abolfazl; Carlan, Valentin; Sys, Christa; Vanelslander, Thierry; Cruijssen, Frans; Milenkovic, Milos; Pan, Shenle
Publié dans:
Numéro 9, 2019
Seyed Abolfazl Mohseni
Shenle Pan
Publié dans:
Procedia CIRP, Numéro 83, 2019, Page(s) 473-478, ISSN 2212-8271
Shenle Pan
M. Milenković, N. Milosavljevic, N. Bojović, S. Val
Publié dans:
Operational Research, 2019, ISSN 1109-2858
Springer Verlag
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