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Open network of hyper connected logistics clusters towards Physical Internet

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CLUSTERS 2.0 (Open network of hyper connected logistics clusters towards Physical Internet)

Reporting period: 2018-11-01 to 2020-07-31

Clusters 2.0. vision is to leverage the full potential of Logistics Clusters for an efficient and fully integrated transport system in Europe. A hyper connected open network of logistics clusters and hubs will be created. Clusters in Zaragoza (PLAZA), Duisburg (Duisport), Lille (Dourges), Bologna-Trieste (Interporto/port of Trieste), Brussels (BruCargo), London (Heathrow), Pireaus (PCT), Trelleborg (Port) are moving forward from the traditional point-to-point approach towards a network approach in which to optimize and promote intermodal flows through bundling and aggregation of transport demand. Low capital transshipment technologies and new modular load units will be prototyped in order to provide flexibility and enlarge the scope of potential users of the intermodal services. A methodology to assess environmental and socio-economic impact of clusters will be developed. Cluster 2.0 expects to achieve: 20 % cost reduction, 30% emissions and energy reduction, 40 % increase of the intermodal transport in the network of logistics clusters, reduce transshipment costs by 30%. Terminals productivity are expected to grow by 20 % and at the same time reducing 10 % the congestion generated.
The milestones for WP1 activities have been achieved by providing deliverables on:
• A market & Business Ecosystem analysis has been made (D1.1)
• An exploitation handbook providing guidelines for the innovation development within the WP and LL (D1.4)

Providing a comprehensive state of the art analysis on requirements for clusters and on a development paths of clusters was achieved in D2.1. D2.1 is also considered as basis for WP3 and WP4 developments. A second conceptual WP2 achievement was the development of the Proximity Terminal Network approach (D2.2). A main mile stone was on the specification and development of the concept of a Cluster Community System being a main IT solution for the management of logistics clusters community.

WP3 focus was on establishing and developing an IT solution linked to enable a shippers driven freight flow community. In a first step a data set description (D3.1) and a common API description (D3.2) was produced and published. With regards to collaborative freight planning and management WP3 achieved deeper insight in implementing and operationalising collaboration though:
• A massification methodology addressing governance of shippers communities started with a group in Dourges aiming to set up a new train service between Dourges and UK. To the end of the reporting period all preparation work was finalised and a transfer of the approach with other Terminal and links (Duisburg, Trelleborg) were made (D3.3).
• An overview on the rail freight services in Europe as a rough market analysis was made (D3.5)
• A macro approach for identifying freight corridors and matches as basis for a cluster network design and for developing tools for freight identification and freight flow matching (D3.6)

A complete new development within CLUSTERS2.0 are the New Modular Loading Units. WP4 started with a state of the art analysis (D4.1) followed by a comprehensive work on different design concepts for NMLU. Basis is a common base plate on which different unit loads can be mounted. The different approaches have been documented in D4.2. A second mile stone was to include a scenario for an intermodal transport approach, to be realised by the automatic rail technology INNOVATRAIN. This mile stone was achieved by a successful testing of the automated transhipment technology (D4.4).

WP5 mile stone for the period is to provide consolidated requirements from the LL and to establish an efficient working approach. A harmonised synchronisation of the LL activities was achieved in WP5 through common guidelines for a cross WP and LL progress management (D5.1). Progress is documents by a sequence of milestone achievements
• Scoping documents per Innovation (D5.2 D5.3 and D5.4)
• Progress reports addressing the set up of first prototypes (D5.5 D5.6 and D5.7)

For CLUSTERS2.0 innovations an evaluation manual was developed (D6.2). The KPI were developed based on the specifications and prototype developments in WPs and LL. The KPIs were harmonised and co-ordinated with the WP and LL leaders. Since the KPI will be measured during the first testing phase a LL evaluation analysis could not be done based on measured KPI (D6.2). Instead D6.2 includes an approach that describes the KPI to be measured during the course of the demons. For this reason a second version on D6.2 will be provided to the end of the project T36 as an up date to D6.2.
The CluCS is considered as a modular element to existing IT platforms such as Port Community Systems and Intermodal Terminal Management Systems. CluCS clearly advance in the cluster community system including different stakeholders from different transport and logistics domains. In parallel the concept of Proximity Terminal Network has been specified considered as a regional network of intermodal terminals within a logistics cluster aiming to leverage synergies and co-ordinate planning of intermodal freight flows for the entire cluster community. For the future the CluCS is to be tested in the LL community of Bologna and Trieste addressing the potentials of linking the communities. In addition transferable approaches towards other cluster communities (Piraeus, Trelleborg etc.) will be elaborated as well as the integration into the shippers collaboration environment CargoStream.

CargoStream is an independent pan-European platform that creates scale among shippers to drive horizontal supply chain collaboration through bundling their transportation needs with other shippers. Progress in research on trust and collaboration was achieved in the massification project in Dourges to pool freight for a (new) intermodal service. Collabroative management procedures could be established and serve as blueprint for other communities and developments. A first version of the technical CargoStream solution is ready, and first movers are getting on the platform. This solution will now be used in a Living Lab to collect data from shippers working with the individual terminals in the Clusters 2.0 project bringing additional shippers on board of the platform.

A complete new development is on the new transshipment technology and the concept of New Modular Loading Units. The NMLU system consists of a several modules (NMLU base plate, pallet, hood, interface plate etc.) designed for fast loading and unloading on trucks and intermodal rail (NMLU subframe). Essentially, the concept needs wide industry adoption and integration levels to be introduced within supply chain processes, successfully. Industries from FMCG, automotive and construction materials have been involved in the design processes. Clearly, the NMLU are an enabling technology to make use of transport asset more efficiently by means of filling up loading capacity up to the roof. Up to the end of the project the NMLU system will be tested and evaluated within different layouts and settings facilitating future adoption.
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