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SAFER Level Crossing by integrating and optimizing road-rail infrastructure management and design

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Proposal of standards for data interoperability and communication

Recommendations for future international standard in Rail and road environment for data interoperability and communication to improve safety at level crossing. (Task 5.3)

Evaluation of new human centred low cost measures

Report on the evaluation of the measures described in D2.3 using the criteria of the “Human factor” methodological framework, developed in Task 2.2 and the results of the field test. (Task 2.3)

Communication and Dissemination activities (final report)

Description of all the dissemination actions conducted during the project

Human factor methodological framework

Improvement and refining of the methodological framework (D2.3) using the results from the pilot tests. (Task 2.3)

Results of the evaluation of the pilot tests

Report on the impact assessment of the use cases (based on technological and non-technological solutions) and list of a set of indicators that will prove the performance of the proposed measures.(Task 4.3)

Exploitation Plan – updated version

Updated version of D 6.4 (First version of the exploitation plan). (Task 6.4)

Report on risk evaluation system and use cases for pilot test

Results on risk evaluation after deployment of the acquisition platform developed. (Task 3.1)

Communication and Dissemination Plan

Description of a comprehensive dissemination strategy for the project (Task 6.1)

Definition of new human centred low cost countermeasures

Description of concept of low cost countermeasures to enhance the safety of current LC infrastructures and make them more self-explaining and forgiving. (Task 2.3)

Needs and requirements for improving level crossing safety

List of recommendations and requirements to be considered in WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5. Specifically this deliverable will list safety requirements which should be satisfied by level crossings both during normal operations and degraded modes by also taking consideration the digitalisation of railways. (Task 1.3)

Pilot operation report

Report on the implementation of the pilot tests describing the simulation, controlled and field tests implemented based on the use cases defined in WP1 and WP2 as well as the scenarios proposed by WP3. (Task 4.2)

Exploitation Plan – First version

The Exploitation plan will describe how the members of the consortium will exploit the knowledge, the tools and the recommendations developed during the carrying out of the project. The possible impact of the project recommendations on relevant existing standardization framework will be identified. (Task 6.4)

Report on smart detection system

Report on the evaluation of the safety effect of the LC’s ‘smart detection system’ developed in task 3.2 and tested together with the communication system developed in task 3.4. (task 3.2)

Communication and Dissemination activities (mid-term report)

Report on the dissemination actions of the 18 first months and update of the dissemination strategy for the project (Task 6.1)

Level crossing accidents and factors behind them

In-depth review of accident data available on each country. Study will cover accident data from the past 5 year period. Analysis will concentrate on factors such as LC type, legal requirements, road and rail vehicle speeds, and involvement in secondary tasks, visibility / sight distances, driving ability, passive signs and active warning devices. (Task 1.2)

Recommendations Brochure

A public brochure with the recommendations and lessons learned from the project will be published at the end of the project (Task 6.4)

Exploitation Plan - Final version

Final version of the exploitation plan

Analysis of level crossing safety in Europe and beyond

Report on the analysis of level crossing safety in Europe and beyond based on available sources on the differences in LC environments between countries covering legal aspects, division of responsibilities between stakeholders by country, safety arrangement and user requirements taking into account user groups. (Task 1.1)

Business models for safer LC innovative solutions

Development of Business Models for the deployment of the solutions developed in WP2 and WP3 and tested in WP4. (Task 5.2)

Adopted cost-benefit analysis approach

Analysis of existing practices of Cost Benefit Analysis related to safety in railway sectors and identification of an harmonised approach based on the results of WP4. (Task 5.1)

Evaluation framework

Description of the evaluation framework to monitor and evaluate the pilot tests. The evaluation framework will define in detail the performance indicators focusing in technical, safety and business related issues and data to be collected for the measurement and/or estimation of the indicator (Task 4.1)

State of the art of LC safety analysis: identification of key safety indicators concerning human errors and violations

Analysis of LC and safety systems taking into account the road and rail user’s perspective and identifying key safety indicators concerning user requirements and human errors, mainly focusing on attentional processes and risk perception (paying special attention to vulnerable users). (Task 2.1)

Proof-of-concept on data acquisition platform for risk evaluation and AID systems

Description of the data acquisition platform for risk evaluation and AID systems. (Task 3.1)

Recommendations for national policy and regulations regarding the LC from the infrastructure point of view

Synthesis of recommendations on technical specifications and human processes, but also on the organizational and legal framework when implementing the proposed solutions, so as to meet the requirements of the latest cooperative standards. (Task 5.3)

Report on communication and warning system

Report on the results of task 3.4 on emerging and existing communication standards to transmit the risk and hazard information detected by Task 3.2 and Task 3.3 at LCs to all concerned road users, road and rail traffic managers. (Task 3.4)

Implementation guidelines

Guidelines for the execution of the pilot tests from the data collection and monitoring to the daily interaction with the testing partners; Harmonized pilot monitoring guidelines will be provided for all the environments. (Task 4.1)

Human factor methodological framework and application guide for testing (interim report)

Analysis of LC and safety systems taking into account the road and rail user’s perspective and identifying key safety indicators concerning user requirements and human errors, mainly focusing on attentional processes and risk perception (paying special attention to vulnerable users).(Task 2.2)

4-page Brochure (project presentation)

4-page brochure to present the project that will be distributed in international safety and land transport events. (Task 6.1)

Guidelines for installation of smart sensors for monitoring of LC infrastructure

Guidelines for installation of smart sensors for monitoring of LC infrastructure (Task 3.3)

Online toolbox

Online toolbox bringing together all information produced during SAFER-LC project will be designed, implemented and continuously updated, even after the end of the project. (Task 6.3)


SAFER-LC project: Safer Level Crossings by integrating and optimizing road-rail infrastructure management and design.

Author(s): Havârneanu, G.M., Dreßler, A., Grippenkoven, J., Silla, A, Prieto, E., & Bonneau, M.-H.
Published in: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria., 2018
Publisher: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1486712

Auxiliary strobe lights improve train visibility

Author(s): Anne Silla, Esko Lehtonen, Ari Virtanen, Johannes Mesimäki, Katrin Bialinska, Jan Grippenkoven, Annika Dressler
Published in: Proceedings of 26th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, ITS Singapore 2019, 2019
Publisher: 26th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, ITS Singapore 2019

Railroad level crossings and an autonomous vehicle

Author(s): Ari Virtanen, Anne Silla, Maria Jokela, Kimmo Kauvo
Published in: Proceedings of 13th ITS European Congress: Fulfilling ITS promises - Brainport Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2019
Publisher: 13th ITS European Congress: Fulfilling ITS promises - Brainport Eindhoven, Netherlands

Safety at LCs in Italy: evidence from the Safer-LC Project

Author(s): Stefano Carrese, Marco Petrelli, Alessandra Renna
Published in: Transportation Research Procedia, Issue 45, 2020, Page(s) 562-571, ISSN 2352-1465
Publisher: Transportation Research Procedia
DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.03.056

Estimating time of arrival of trains at level crossings for the provision of multimodal cooperative services

Author(s): Neofytos Boufidis, Josep Maria Salanova Grau, Panagiotis Tzenos, Georgia Aifandopoulou
Published in: Transportation Research Procedia, Issue 47, 2020, Page(s) 346-352, ISSN 2352-1465
Publisher: Transportation Research Procedia
DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.03.108

Analysis of In-Vehicle Warning System for Rail-Road Level Crossings: Case Study in the City of Thessaloniki, Greece

Author(s): Anastasios Skoufas, Socrates Basbas, Josep Maria Salanova Grau, Georgia Aifadopoulou
Published in: Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 2016, ISSN 0303-7800
Publisher: Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics
DOI: 10.3311/pptr.14892

Performance Indicators für innovative Sicherheitsmaßnahmen am Bahnübergang (Performance indicator system for innovative safety measures at level crossings)

Author(s): Brandies, A., Brinkmann, F. & Grippenkoven, J.
Published in: SIGNAL + DRAHT, 2019, ISSN 0037-4997
Publisher: DVV Media Group

Blinklichter am Triebfahrzeug verbessern die Erkennung von Zügen

Author(s): Dreßler, A., Grippenkoven, J., Silla, A. & Virtanen, A.
Published in: EI – Der Eisenbahningenieur, 2020, ISSN 0013-2810
Publisher: Tetzlaff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

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