CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
A report summarising the actions taken to successfully achieve the co-development of our COS methodology (final version, M31)
Evaluation outcomes of the mobility solutions outcomes (M30)A report that will provide in detail an assessment of the results of the Cities-4-People pilot (M30, 1st round) activities against the co-developed project’s COS metrics and success indicators.
Cities-4-People Toolkit of COS methodology and metrics (M18)A report summarising the actions taken to successfully achieve the co-development of our COS methodology (initial version, M18)
Report on the mutually endorsed mobility interventions for real-life piloting (M18)A report describing the endorsement process performed and its outcomes (M18 1st round).
Report on the mutually endorsed mobility interventions for real-life piloting (M30)A report describing the endorsement process performed and its outcomes (M30, 2nd round).
Early community empowerment actions for the development of Citizen Mobility Communities (M8)A report that will provide a summary of the “warm-up” activities and the early Community empowerment actions performed in the 5 cities.
Practical concepts for the Cities-4-People pilot areas (M30)A report describing the refined concepts that emerged out of Task 3.1 per city and which will be introduced for endorsement and shortlisting by the local Quadruple Helix Stakeholders (M30, 2nd round).
Comprehensive definition of the Cities-4-people conceptual framework (M3)A report that will summarise up-to-date knowledge of relevant frameworks and models with a strong application potential to the specificities of neighbourhood-level, urban-district-level or peri-urban mobility interventions and clarify the project conceptual framework.
Report on Cities-4-People communication activities and events (M42)D6.6 will summarise all the information related to project communication events (scope, context, outcomes, etc.) and the partners’ activities to reach the relevant stakeholders and communicate project activities and findings (final version M42).
Co-definition of mobility challenges and intervention areas (M8)A report that will provide details on the process and the consolidated findings of the 5 foreseen co-creation workshops with the local authorities and mobility stakeholders in each city and, thus, conclude on the mobility challenges as well as on the areas and districts where the mobility interventions will be implemented.
Report on Cities-4-People communication activities and events (M18)D6.5 will summarise all the information related to project communication events (scope, context, outcomes, etc.) and the partners’ activities to reach the relevant stakeholders and communicate project activities and findings (initial version M18).
Practical concepts for the Cities-4-People pilot areas (M17)A report describing the refined concepts that emerged out of Task 3.1 per city and which will be introduced for endorsement and shortlisting by the local Quadruple Helix Stakeholders (M17, 1st round).
The framework and tool for the real-time collection of data by the citizens and a report providing the analysis and findings of this evaluation process after each iteration (M41, 2nd round).
Developed interventions and prototypes for real-life piloting (M24)The developed interventions and prototypes per city ready for piloting (M24, 1st round).
Developed interventions and prototypes for real-life piloting (M30)The developed interventions and prototypes per city ready for scale-up (M30, 2nd round)
Real-time evaluation of mobility interventions (M29)The framework and tool for the real-time collection of data by the citizens and a report providing the analysis and findings of this evaluation process after each iteration (M29, 1st round).
Launch of Cities-4-People “Citizen Mobility Labs (M12)The set-up and initiation of the “Citizen Mobility Labs” in our targeted cities (one per city) based on the successful paradigm of Smart Citizen Labs organized in the City of Amsterdam by WAAG.
D6.10 will be the final version of the Deployment Toolkit and a Replication Guide that will incorporate the evidence from the scale-up exercise as well as the collected feedback from selected stakeholders and authorities (final version, M42).
Launch of Cities-4-People Citizen Mobility Kit (12)The Citizen Mobility Kit mobile platform and tools to support on site activities, a platform for exchange between citizens, municipalities and other stakeholders, and a mean for the collection of data throughout the project (in 5 languages and based on open-source collaboration tools)
Cities-4-People Deployment Toolkit & Replication Guide (M32)D6.9 will include a Deployment Toolkit and a Replication Guide that will be added to the Citizens Mobility Kit including blueprints and lessons learned and providing meaningful recommendations to other Cities of Europe, regional agencies and policy makers on how they could adopt our approaches, tools and methodologies so as to better foster sustainable POTM innovations (initial version, M32).
D7.5 will summarise the process followed for the formation of the project Advisory Board and its synthesis.
Kimberly Tatum, Katie Parnell, Tuba Inal Cekic, Joerg Knieling
Publicado en:
International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, Edición 3/1, 2019, Página(s) 55-66, ISSN 2058-8305
WIT Press
Isabel Fróes, Malene Køster Lasthein
Publicado en:
Urban Transformations, Edición 2/1, 2020, ISSN 2524-8162
Margarita Angelidou1, Eleni Karachaliou1, Anastasia
Matonaki1, Karaberi Christina2
Publicado en:
IOP Publishing
Publicado en:
Sustainable Development and Planning X, 2018, Página(s) 165-173, ISBN 9781-784662912
WIT Press
K Tatum, T Cekic, A Landwehr, J Noennig, J Knieling, B
Publicado en:
2020, ISBN 978-3-030-38028-1
Springer, Cham
Angelidou Margarita, Fróes Isabel, Karachaliou Eleni, Wippoo Meia
Publicado en:
Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems - Proceedings of 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, Virtual CSUM2020, June 17-19, 2020, Greece, Edición 1278, 2021, Página(s) 562-572, ISBN 978-3-030-61074-6
Springer International Publishing
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