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Road Infrastructure ready for mixed vehicle traffic flows

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Architecture and interface specification of the co-simulation environment

Coupling and interaction of VSimRTI and ICOS tools for creating the co-simulation environment

Networking and Engagement activities plan

This deliverable will report the networking and liaison activities performed within INFRAMIX. It will be updated periodically (M9, M34)

Communication strategy and Plan_Second version

This deliverable will include the communication plan and strategy as well as all communication activities performed by INFRAMIX partners. This deliverable is an update of D6.1.

INFRAMIX plan for systems interaction, integration and testing

This deliverable will include the methodology and plan for the demonstrations as well as the interaction and integration of the systems developed in WP3

Roadmap towards fully automated transport systems

A key outcome including a roadmap and a guide to application of INFRAMIX development towards the long term vision of Automated Transport Systems

New visual signs and elements

The design of the proposed visual traffic signs and elements will be included here

Communication strategy and Plan

This deliverable will include the communication plan and strategy as well as all communication activities performed by INFRAMIX partners. This deliverable will be updated periodically (M6, M18, M36)

Infrastructure classification scheme

This deliverable will include INFRAMIX road classification scheme for mixed traffic flows

Networking and Engagement activities plan_Final

This deliverable will report the networking and liaison activities performed within INFRAMIX. This deliverable is the final version of D6.3

Requirements catalogue from the status quo analysis

Analysis of the three traffic scenarios resulting in requirements related to data and measurements from the infrastructure side, the used vehicle types and their level of automation, needed visual signs and electronic signals, etc.

Plan for evaluation and users’ engagement

This deliverable will include the methodology and plan for evaluation as well as the process for engaging the users

Communication strategy and Plan_Final

This deliverable will include the communication plan and strategy as well as all communication activities performed by INFRAMIX partners. This deliverable is the final version of D6.1

Users’ appreciation results

The results of the assessment of users’ appreciation regarding the overall information chain, the visual and electronic signals and the control strategies will be included in this deliverable

Quality Management Plan

The Quality Management Plan (QMP) establishes a quality control strategy and sets the quality objectives for INFRAMIX, it includes the Risk Management section with the methodology to identify, evaluate and manage project risks

Evaluation results, impact analysis and new safety performance criteria for the road infrastructure

The evaluation results of the developed INFRAMIX solutions, on the basis of the three scenarios, will be reported in this deliverable especially focusing on assessment of impacts on safety performance and traffic flow efficiency. In addition, the new safety performance criteria for road infrastructure will be proposed based on the project findings

Communications kit_Second version

This includes the project brochure, posters, general presentation, e-newsletters, and promotional videos. This deliverable is an update of D6.2

Communications kit_Final

This includes the project brochure, posters, general presentation, e-newsletters, and promotional videos. This deliverable is the final version of D6.2

Communications kit

This includes the project brochure, posters, general presentation, e-newsletters, and promotional videos. This kit will be updated periodically (M12, M24, M36)

Design and development of infrastructure elements

Both physical and digital infrastructure elements needed for INFRAMIX scenarios will be part of this deliverable


Chapter 14. Road infrastructure taxonomy for connected and automated driving

Auteurs: Angelos Amditis, Panagiotis Lytrivis, Evdokia Papanikolaou, Anna Carreras and Xavier Daura
Publié dans: Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems: Towards high-level automated driving, 2019, ISBN 978-1-83953-012-8
Éditeur: IET

Novel Hybrid-Testing Paradigms for Automated Vehicle and ADAS Function Development

Auteurs: Selim Solmaz, Franz Holzinger, Marlies Mischinger, Martin Rudigier, Jackob Reckenzaun
Publié dans: Towards Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Highway: Technical, Security and Ethical Challenges, 2020
Éditeur: Pending of publication

Hybrid Testing: A Vehicle-in-the-Loop Testing Method for the Development of Automated Driving Functions

Auteurs: Selim Solmaz, Martin Rudigier, Marlies Mischinger, Jackob Reckenzaun
Publié dans: SAE-International Journal of Connected Automated Vehicles, 2020, ISSN 2574-0741
Éditeur: Society of Automotive Engineering International

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