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Personal Technologies for Affective Health

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final


Tools for measuring the efficacy of emotion regulation strategies in affective disorders, i.e. cognitive reappraisal (ESR5,8), biofeedback (ESR9), feedback’s modalities for cognitive reappraisal (ESR12) and biofeedback in mindfulness training (ESR13)

Training 5

e-learning AFFECTIVA platform hosting host learning materials from all network wide training events


Website completion, social media set up, i.e., Pinterest, Facebook, podcasts, blogs, Twitter, Google+

Prototypes 2

Technologies for emotional processing in affective disorders, i.e., integrated heart sensors and Kinect cameras for biofeedback interactive arts (ESR1), interactive systems exploring the organisation of episodic memories (ESR2), wearable systems for visualising & co-exploration of emotional experience (ESR3), integrating whole-body movement for capturing co-regulation in family settings (ESR4), capturing emotional sense making (ESR5), adaptive wearable system for processing emotional experience in depression (ESR12)

Guidelines 2

Design guidelines for training emotional regulation, i.e. mobile biofeedback system (ESR 9), mindfulness training at home (ESR13), design patterns for developing platforms integrating wearable and interactive systems (ESR 15)

Prototypes 3

Technologies for training emotion regulation, i.e., wearable systems for training cognitive reappraisal (ESR8), mobile app for the biofeedback management of stress (ESR9), wearables for training mindfulness at home (ESR13)


Technologies for capturing emotional experience and/or regulation, i.e. model-based wearable devices (ESR6), integrated wearable system for monitoring and management of bipolar disorder (ESR7), smartphone-based emotion regulation capturing tools (ESR10), system for unobtrusive stress monitoring at night (ESR11)


At least 5 conference + 3 journal papers for each ESR

PhD awards

PhD theses successfully defended


Design guidelines for developing interfaces for emotional processing, i.e., recall, understand and regulate (ESR2), embodied representation of associated physical and social processes (ESR3), whole-body movement for co-regulation (ESR4), mobile interfaces capturing self reports of regulation (ESR5)


Models of emotional experience and regulation in affective disorders, i.e. embodiment (ESR1, ESR3), emotional memory organisation (ESR2), emotional awareness (ESR4), changing components of regulation (ESR5), evolution (ESR6) and management of affective disorders(ESR7), biofeedback for mobile settings (ESR9), affective state for persuasive feedback (ESR10), extend mood assessment with sleep quality (ESR11), ethical and social framework for affective health technologies in the wild (ESR15)


Recruitment completed, i.e. all ESR1-15 are in place


Closed-loop quantitative verification of rate-adaptive pacemakers

Autores: N. Paoletti, A. Patane, M. Kwiatkowska
Publicado en: ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2018, ISSN 2378-962X
Editor: ACM

Semantic Place Understanding for Human–Robot Coexistence—Toward Intelligent Workplaces

Autores: Stefano Rosa, Andrea Patane, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu, Niki Trigoni
Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2018, Página(s) 1-11, ISSN 2168-2291
Editor: IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2018.2875079

A hybrid intervention for challenging the stigma of mental illness.

Autores: Coman, A. and Sas, C.
Publicado en: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Edición 9(58-2), 2016, Página(s) 73-80, ISSN 2066-7701
Editor: Transilvania University of Brasov

When Your Fitness Tracker Betrays You: Quantifying the Predictability of Biometric Features Across Contexts

Autores: S. Eberz, G. Lovisotto, A. Patane, M. Kwiatkowska, V. Lenders and I. Martinovic
Publicado en: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2018
Editor: IEEE

CommonSense: Collaborative learning of scene semantics by robots and humans

Autores: S. Rosa, A. Patane, X. Lu, and N. Trigoni
Publicado en: International Workshop on Internet of People, Assistive Robots and Things, Edición 1, 2018
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery

Calibrating the Classifier: Siamese Neural Network Architecture for End-to-End Arousal Recognition from ECG

Autores: A. Patane and M. Kwiatkowska
Publicado en: Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, 2018
Editor: Springer

Automated Recognition of Sleep Arousal using Multimodal and Personalized Deep Ensembles of Neural Networks

Autores: Patane, A., Ghiasi, S., Scilingo, E. P., & Kwiatkowska, M.
Publicado en: Proceedings of Computing in Cardiology, 2018
Editor: IEEE

Robustness Guarantees for Bayesian Inference with Gaussian Processes

Autores: Cardelli, L., Kwiatkowska, M., Laurenti, L., & Patane, A.
Publicado en: Proceedings of 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019, Edición 33, 2019
Editor: AAAI

Personal values in HCI research

Autores: Sas, C.
Publicado en: CHI’17 Values in Computing Workshop, 2017, Página(s) 4

AFFECTECH: Personal Technologies for Affective Health

Autores: Repetto, C., Sas, C., Botella, C. Riva, G.
Publicado en: The 15th European Congress of Psychology, 2017, Página(s) 2
Editor: The 15th European Congress of Psychology

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