Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EN_ACTI2NG (European Network on Anti-Cancer Immuno-Therapy Improvement by modification of CAR and TCR Interactions and Nanoscale Geometry)
Reporting period: 2019-01-01 to 2021-04-30
The scientific achievements at the end of this project include the development of new formats of cancer-specific immune receptors that have shown improved response to tumors in pre-clinical models of cancer immunotherapy, isolation and characterization of new immune receptors specific for certain types of leukemia, and new tools and findings that help us understand how these cancer-specific immune receptors work. The 10 ESRs have completed their scientific and complementary training program and will prepare and defend their PhD dissertation over the course of the next two years, providing them with a solid education and preparedness to further academic, industrial or regulatory careers in cancer immunotherapy or related research areas. As a matter of fact, the first ESR to graduate this spring will join a recently founded cancer immunotherapy company to head a R&D laboratory on CAR-T cell development.
Ten articles describing this research have been published in peer-reviewed journals at the closing date of this project and more manuscripts are under review or are being prepared for submission. Three patent applications have been filed and licensing agreements have been reached that should facilitate the further development of these findings into applications that improve treatment and outcome for patients. Findings of the EN-ACTI2NG network and other groups in the field of cancer immunology have been shared via Twitter (@enacti2ng) and Facebook (The EN-ACTI2NG Initial Training Network), students have shared their experience as young researchers via blogs and podcasts and interviews (see and our social media channels) and an animation video explaining cellular cancer immunotherapy and the role of the EN-ACTI2NG network in the development of this important clinical approach has been made (