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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Increase public awareness of bio-based products and applications supporting the growth of the European bioeconomy

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Refined training contents

Training curriculum developed for D3.3 will be enhanced and refined

Development of the training tools

To complement and deliver the training contents developed in T3.3, the BIOWAYS project will produce some innovative training tools that will be distributed through the Bio-W@tch platform and supported by the social modules of the platform to increase the impact of the training courses What: - Design and Implementation of Interactive games or gamified solutions for learning (1 per ‘application area’) - Educational videos production - Educational Multimedia Presentations - Link to Relevant material in the Bio-W@tch platform - Refinement of the training tools after the testing (T4.4) How: - The tools will stem from the training material produced in T3.3. It will be produced in collaboration with the respective initiatives and tested in collaboration with them. The training material will be distributed through the Bio-W@tch platform. Some videos can be used as teaser and be distributed in the dedicated social network pages of the project (created in WP6)

Updated and additional content of the e-Library

Second and updated collection of reports/studies, fact sheets. case studies, facts and figures and other relevant content to be hosted on the BioW@atch collaborative portal.

Development of the content of the e-Library

First collection of reports/studies, fact sheets. case studies, facts and figures and other relevant content to be hosted on the BioW@atch collaborative portal. The Bio-W@tch platform will target specialists and non specialist users. It will be an attractive, accessible, easy-to-use multi-media information portal which encourages the interaction between the research project and its target audience. The outcome of this task will be the bio-based contents selection and structuring to be injected in the Bio-W@tch platform. What: - Collection of relevant reports/studies (developed under the various initiatives, the EU, relevant ETPs/Jus, etc) - Development of 4-5 pages long Fact Sheets (at least 4 per ‘application area’) - Elaboration/collections of “case studies on specific practical solutions for end-users that cater to societal needs or concerns” - “Facts and figures” - Continuous Update and refinement of the content of the e-Library (T4.4) How: - Based on the information collected and elaborated by the partners - In collaboration with the respective initiatives Note: the material will not only ‘promote’ bio-based products and their potential applications but also ‘compare’ them with their ‘competitors’. Basically as the project aims to change the public perception on bio-based products production/consumption, we have to somehow ‘compare’ them with current business/manufacturing practices/products in terms of business/economic, environmental and eventually societal aspects. The material produced will be multilingual, Each partner is responsible to coordinate the translations in the local languages.

Development of the training contents

Together with an informative objective, the BIOWAYS project will provide a training curriculum to inform the target audiences on the bio-based contents, technologies and applications. In particular, training material will be prepared for each application area by targeting different groups, with particular attention to students from primary schools, secondary schools, University & PhD students, adults without any specific educational prerequisite or attending vocational courses. To deliver the training package, considering that some relevant target users is represented by the young generations, some innovative tools will be designed, like the games and gamified approaches in T3.4. What: - Identification of target users for the training contents (definition of age, level of education, level of expertise/knowledge of the topic, etc.) - Selection of relevant material (e.g. reports, analyses, fact sheets, case studies, facts & figures, etc) to be used to prepare the educational material among those collected by partners - Creation of the training contents, based on the target users previously defined (One training package for each ‘application area’ with specific information on the performance and advantages of bio-based products, plus an introductory package about the bio-based products and applications) - Structuring of the contents for the training tools that will be produced in T 3.4 - Translation of the contents in the partner’s languages, creation of dedicated pages on the Bio-W@tch platform - Preliminary testing of the training material towards restricted number of users from the target groups. Specific testing sessions will be organized through: -meetings in selected primary schools; -UNIBO open days during which high schools students visit the Departments/Faculties of UNIBO; -seminars for BSc, MSc and PhD students; - seminars in the framework of vocational courses organized at regional level; -exhibition and events which are attended mainly by citizens, e.g. Ecomondo (The green technologies Expo), SANA (International exhibition on organic and natural products), Scienza in piazza, Researchers night, .... - Refinement of the training material after the testing (T4.4) How: The material will transform the content of the e-Library in to training material addressing different target uses. It will be produced in collaboration with the respective initiatives and validated in collaboration with them in WP4 (T4.4) Note: To increase the impact on the different countries, the material produced will be multilingual; Each partner is responsible to coordinate the translations in the local languages.

Refined and updated training tools

Training tools developed for D3.4 will be refined and updated.

Public perception of bio-based products – societal needs and concerns (updated version)

To measure the impact of the project activities in enhancing public perception on bio-based products, a 2nd round of the on-line survey will be launched during the last phase of the project. The aim is to feed with updated information the development of the recommendations and the identification of best practices (T5.3). the findings of this 2nd round of the survey will be summarised in the 2nd version of the report “Public perception of bio-based products – societal needs and concerns (updated version)” to be prepared by M22.

Report on BarCamps and Thematic Charretes

A report about the projects thematic BarCamps and Charrettes Thematic BarCamps Each partner will organise at least one (1) BarCamp. Bar Camps are known as “unconferences” born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. They will be run as intense events with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn about the project will be welcome and invited to join. The thematic focuses of our project’s BarCamps will be circled around five key areas defined above. Thematic charrettes In addition to the BarCamps, we will organise at least 2 thematic charrettes. The structure of these charretes it will depend on the design problem and the individuals in the group. Charretes may take place in multiple sessions in which the group divides into sub-groups. Each sub-group then presents its work to the full group as material for further dialogue. These charrettes will serve as a way of quickly generating a design solution while integrating the aptitudes and interests of a diverse group of people. The aim of these events is to create a ‘consultation’ mechanism to promote and collect feedback (ideas, concerns, etc.) on public acceptance and increase public confidence. When possible, these events shall be organised within the context of international conferences and exhibitions.

BIOWAYS contact list gap analysis results year 1

In Task 6.3 partners will develop and maintain the project contact list. The contact list will be created and maintained using a privacy enhancing contact management software (e.g. MailChimp or Icontact) that enables potential contacts to opt in and opt out of the BIOWAYS project list, thereby respecting privacy principles and good practices in meeting data protection requirements. The contact list will be populated with the consortium contacts in the bio-based industries domain, and will be built upon via networking initiatives, dissemination activities and via searching public records online in order to target stakeholder categories identified. Specific emphasis will be made to ensure adequate attention is given to a well-rounded sex/gender split to ensure that both male and female stakeholders are engaged with throughout the project. The contact list will also be used to encourage discussion and networking amongst contacts by inviting them to participate in the BIOWAYS LinkedIn Group and the Bio-W@tch platform, thereby encouraging the development and use of a peer network. In order to ensure the contact list is developed according to the needs of the project, partners will run a gap analysis of the list to ensure it includes a representative sample of contacts across stakeholder types and European Member States. This gap analysis will be run in month 9 and month 18 of the project and will help drive stakeholder engagement.

Monitoring and assessment plan

Monitoring and assessment plan is established in parallel with T2.1 current bio-based products market assessment and T2.2. Public perceptions survey (first round of questionnaire) implementation using the findings as a benchmark. The plan will include: • list of impacts to be monitored • according indicators • methodologies to measure the progress • responsible partners for each of the activity • monitoring time-plan • input mechanisms to feed into BIOWAYS communication plan

Executive summary of the project’s final report

An accessible and attractive summary of the project's final report, detailing the results, conclusions and recommendations of the project. To be widely disseminated to all stakeholder groups and the wider public.

BIOWAYS Sustainability Plan

Vital to the success of the BIOWAYS project is that it achieves lasting impact on and for bio-based research in the EU and on the awareness of Bio-based products and applications in the wider society. IPL will produce a report to be distributed throughout the BIOWAYS network, developed over the project and including multiple stakeholders, that outlines how the methodologies developed and the communication tools implemented can be maintained and used beyond the project lifespan. Any commercial potential will be explored to ensure any momentum maintains a level of leadership needed for it to be sustainable.

BIOWAYS contact list gap analysis results year 2

And updated version of D6.14.

Report on of the public perception on bio-based products and applications following 7 thematic workshops

The findings from the analyses under WP2 will be further complemented by information obtained through the organisation of 7 Thematic Workshops (1 in each partner country), the Social Hack Days and e-Conference. These will be targeted to both, researchers and stakeholders (policy makers, public institutions, civil society, trade unions, practitioners, etc.) from a multidisciplinary policy perspective. The workshops follow the framework of a creativity session, during which different creativity techniques, ICT tools and visual material will be used in order to facilitate the participants to use the bio-based products and applications in: • Identifying barriers, bottlenecks, but also untapped potential of the bio-based products and applications Identifying new innovation ideas on different levels (European, national, sectorial, organisational). • Identifying internal difficulties to implement such innovation ideas. • Identifying external problematic in terms of innovation approaches or collaborations. The Workshops, Social Hack Days and e-Conference will be recorded and distributed via the BioW@tch platform (and the most relevant social platforms) to multiply the number of views. Moreover some social facilities will be activated in order to engage the BIOWAYS community in discussions and possible follow up actions around the contents addressed during the Workshops and Social Hack Days.

Report on liaising activities with the reference group

A report following the the creation of liaison activities with the projects’ reference group. This reference group will consist of stakeholders working day to day in the field of bio-based industries including: policy-makers, entrepreneurs, data scientists and general public, among others. This task will take place in three stages. Based on their availability, the reference group will be requested to participate in the following activities: Task 2.3 Assisting in identification of relevant initiatives at local, regional and European level Task 4.2 Participation in the Social hack days Task 3.1 Validation of the Bio-W@tch platform Task 4.4 Attend pilot training seminars In order to form and liaise with the reference group: a) The consortium will place an open call to its contacts to ask stakeholders whether they would like to apply to join the reference group: this call will provide potential applications with information concerning their duties and the coverage of expenses. b) The consortium will evaluate applicants, based on their suitability and with the view of engaging both male and female representatives and form a reference of 6-8 members with the aim of an engaged group from different stakeholder groups. c) Partners will liaise with the reference group throughout the remainder of the project and invite them to review our outputs and participate in our activities. We have found forming a reference group at the point of funding ensures higher quality and availability of relevant individuals. This approach to initiating a reference group relies on engaging with those with a direct interest in the project at the point of the project being funded, including those that have already expressed an interest to do so (through letters of support), thereby ensuring the best quality review and engagement from the reference group throughout the duration of the project.

Bio-based products and applications potential

A report of the review and assessment of the current market uptake and applications of bio-based products and their future potential. The activities under this Task focus on analysing the current market situation and future trends of bio-based products and their applications by collecting evidence regarding the capabilities, benefits and potential risks associated with the usage. From the early stages of the project, relevant studies and market reports focusing on bio-based products in general or having a ‘thematic’ orientation (i.e. relevant to the 5 Value Chains) deriving from the work under European and regional initiatives, including EU-funded projects, will be reviewed to identify: - The potential applications (market sectors) of bio-based products as well as their benefits and functionalities; - Case studies on practical solutions for end-consumers that cater to societal needs and concerns; - The market ‘maturity’ and potential at European and national level, i.e. penetration of bio-based products into the market and future trends; - The societal, environmental and economic impact of bio-based products with a view to identifying potential case studies of practical solutions; - Key actors involved in all phases of the development of bio-based products, namely ‘knowledge producers’ (i.e. researchers), technology/service providers and parts/products manufacturers. The results of this literature review will be reinforced by semi-structured qualitative interviews with key stakeholders to grasp their perception and concerns on the future of the relevant market. Overall, more than 40 interviews will be carried out with representatives of stakeholders involved in the development of bio-based products covering all 5 Value Chains that will be identified through the first phase of the analysis (literature view). Special attention will be given to understand their view on contribution of bio-based industries bring to communities in terms of jobs and economic growth, of welfare and wealth, as well as the level of end-customers’ engagement in a bioeconomy (the solution providers’ perspective). Q-PLAN will lead the literature review and prepare the guidelines and semi-structured questionnaires for the interviews, while all partners will contribute to the collection of information and share the effort of the carrying out the interviews. The outcome of the partners’ effort will be summarised in a short report titled “Bio-based products and applications potential” which will be prepared by M8 of the project. The aforementioned report along with all information collected (e.g. the various reports and case studies, insights on the market potential of bio-based products and their socio-economic and environmental impact, etc.) will form the knowledge base of the project. It will ‘feed’ the project activities and assist partners adjust their efforts to formulate the key messages and develop information and training material (activities under WP3 addressing the end-customers’ needs and concerns that will be identified during Task 2.2 activities. Moreover, using info-graphics and other visual representation techniques the project findings promoted through the Bio-W@tch platform and the project events.

Public perception of bio-based products

A report identifying the public awareness of the socio-economic and environmental benefits of bio-based products. Public awareness of the socio-economic and environmental benefits of bio-based products is a key factor for a sustainable bioeconomy. Therefore, complementing the activities under Task 2.1, the aim of this Task is to analyse the public opinion regarding bio-based products (the end-customers’ perspective). This will be achieved through a review of relevant past studies and reports but mainly through an EU-wide internet-based survey during the first phase of the project targeting citizens (i.e. end-customers of bio-based products) as well as Civil Society Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations, citizens associations and regional/local communities to collect insights on (indicatively): - Their level of awareness and acceptance of bio-based products; - Their societal needs and concerns; - Their perceived benefits and implications from the use of bio-based products; - Their level and reasons of engagement in a bioeconomy as well as their reasons as well as the barriers inhibiting their engagement; and - The ways of their involvement in a bioeconomy as well as ways that they would like to be involved. The design of the survey will ensure that its implementation is feasible within the given timeframe of this Task while producing reliable results. A structured questionnaire will be developed from the early stages and discussed amongst the BIOWAYS partners as well as with key actors identified under Task 2.1. The final version of the questionnaire will be coded and uploaded using a professional on-line survey tool (e.g. SurveyMonkey) so as to launch the on-line survey. The distribution of the questionnaire will be realised through the networks of BIOWAYS partners, as well as by exploiting the full potential of social media (i.e. the project and individual partners’ social pages and networks) to considerably enhance the rate of the participation. Special attention will be given to ensure a representative sample of the targeted groups so as to adequately address all 5 Value Chains across Europe. Q-PLAN will lead the desk-top research of relevant, recent studies and reports, develop the questionnaire for the on-line survey and upload the on-line tool for the survey. All partners will actively contribute in fine-tuning the questionnaire, as well as in the collection of information and promotion of the survey through their networks and contacts. The findings of the survey will be summarised in the first version of the report “Public perception of bio-based products – societal needs and concerns” to be prepared by M8. The results of the analysis at the beginning will assist partners in fine-tuning their communication strategy and adjusting the information/training material and activities to increase public awareness and acceptance of bio-based products. Furthermore, the knowledge gained under this Task will form the base of the discussions during the activities of Task 4.2. To measure the impact of the project activities in enhancing public perception on bio-based products, a 2nd round of the on-line survey will be launched during the last phase of the project. The aim is to feed with updated information the development of the recommendations and the identification of best practices (T5.3). the findings of this 2nd round of the survey will be summarised in the 2nd version of the report “Public perception of bio-based products – societal needs and concerns (updated version)” to be prepared by M22.

Second Monitoring Report

An updated and refined report into the monitoring of the indicators and impacts is implemented according to the monitoring and assessment plan developed under T5.1. T5.2. Based on D5.2

Final monitoring report (including recommendations and good practices on how to facilitate the up-take of bio-based products)

Final monitoring report is prepared by M24, that includes the results of the monitoring and registered impacts throughout the project: • Progress in consumers’ engagement • Increase of societial awareness of bio-based products • Increase in the public acceptance of the socio-economic and environmental benefits of bio-based industries • Increase of societal confidence (trust) related to (new) bio-based products and bio-based industries. • Market-uptake of bio-based products Recommendations, according adaptions and their impacts are analysed and best practices identified, that: • are further input into the sustainability plan of the BIOWAYS project (T5.4.) • serve as good practices for other communications programmes within H2020 on bio-based products and to Regional activities. • contribute to a better implementation of the BI-JU programme.

Report on the synergies and exchange of experience established with other initiatives

An important component of the BIOWAYS project is to identify and liaise with existing networks working towards encouraging the update of bio-based industries in Europe. Consequently, Task 3.2 involves contributing partners drawing on their own insights in combination with desk-based research to identify the various networks that currently exist in Europe. Examples of initiatives include: BioLinX; ProBIO; CommBeBiz; BioSTEP; BioHorizon; PLATFORM2; InnProBio. Subsequently, partners will develop a plan for how to leverage these networks and will work towards establishing relations with those networks, building synergies with the BIOWAYS project and contributing to network building and take-up of bio-based industries in Europe.

List of relevant initiatives supporting the development and uptake of bio-based products at European and regional level

A report following the screening and collection of information on relevant initiatives at European and regional level supporting the development and uptake of bio-based products towards a sustainable bioeconomy. The aim of Task 2.3 is to collect information on both recently completed and on-going projects funded under FP7 and H2020, including those funded by the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking, as well as relevant initiatives at regional and European level (e.g. European Innovation Partnerships) that focus on: - the development of bio-based products; - community building, namely the active involvement of end-consumers in the design and production of bio-based products; and - promoting the market uptake of bio-based products strengthening of regional bioeconomies. A desk top study in various information sources (e.g. CORDIS, the BBI-JU portal, etc.) will reveal the key actors of such products. The BIOWAYS partners will contact them (qualitative interviews) to get insights on their work and collect meaningful evidence and information regarding, for example: • The short-to-medium term impact of their research work on key socio-economic and environmental challenges Europe and its citizens are facing; • The activities taken / planned to increase visibility of their findings as well as their target audience beyond project implementation; • The broader exploitation potential of their results in terms of affecting/contributing to policy making and/or uptake; AINIA will prepare the guidelines for the analysis, including the respective template for the interviews, while all partners will be actively involved in the identification of relevant initiatives and the collection of information. The identified projects and initiatives, including an assessment of the collaboration potential with BIOWAYS will be summarised in a short report titled “List of relevant initiatives supporting the supporting the development and uptake of bio-based products at European and regional level” to be prepared by M12. The interviews will help BIOWAYS partners a) identify potential collaborators for the deployment of BIOWAYS wide range of increase awareness activities and b) provide valuable insights for the development of the information and educational material (e.g. case studies on practical solutions, Fact Sheets, presentations, promotional videos, etc.). The information will be promoted through the Bio-W@tch platform as well as through the other project communication channels and events.

Monitoring report

Monitoring report of the indicators and impacts as implemented according to the monitoring and assessment plan developed under T5.1. T5.2. The WP leader will integrate the data into two monitoring reports, that include recommendations for adapting BIOWAYS priorities, communication key messages and communication programme. Reports are presented to the BIOwAYS consortium, followed by discussions and decisions on the adaptions to be implemented during the project.

Third eNewsletter

The third in a series of project newsletters and press releases, with project news and information, project activities, events and outputs available.

Project stationary

All branded project stationary to be available for use by partners - including templates for Word, Powerpoint, minutes and reporting, plus roller banner, abstract document and other communications collateral

Fourth eNewsletter

The fourth in a series of project newsletters and press releases, with project news and information, project activities, events and outputs available.

Development of the Bio-W@tch platform

The launch of a publicly-accessible, collaborative digital platform, to raise the profile of bio-based products and industry across Europe and beyond and encourage interaction between them and between them and the public. The Bio-W@tch platform will be based on the SEED methodology and platform already established by project partner IPL. BIOWAYS will develop a publicly-accessible, collaborative digital platform, to raise the profile of bio-based products and industry across Europe and beyond and encourage interaction between them and between them and the public. The platform will be based on the established SEED Research Library, though white labelled for the bio-based products and applications. The project will deliver both a web portal version for bio-based products as well as a Bio-Based SEED APP, which will deliver the information to smart phones and tablets in an accessible and exciting format using the SEED technology. What: - Design of the Setup of the Bio-W@tch platform based on the target users and their specific needs (specialists and non specialist users) - Implementation of the Bio-W@tch platform - Creation of the social media pages/groups within the platform a) Social spaces to share knowledge, groups of interests, social activities related to the training courses b) Crowdsourcing on-line tools and mobile app to collect feedback from all stakeholders but most importantly by the end-users - Creation of the technological infrastructure to host the e-Library for the bio-based products and applications which will include: c) On-line directory with multiple data visualization possibilities, based on user’s profiles d) interactive map-based tool to visualise relative initiatives per region/application area and stakeholders - Creation of the e-conference/communication tools within the platform How: - Analysis of platform requirements to support the activities planned for WP2, WP3 (the training courses) and WP4 (the active engagement of the users). - Customization of the existing SEEDS platform for the BIOWAYS needs and target users

Project website

Launch and maintenance of project website The project website will constantly be updated with information of the project’s ongoing activities and results. Among other, the public section of this website will also contain a dedicated: • A section of news and events related to the project; • A private section for use by partners for the upload the project’s reports and internal communications; • A general awareness section, to be updated with developments; The project’s website will be permanently linked to and publicised on other relevant websites and the arrangement will be reciprocal to ensure maximum exposure. LOBA will also develop and manage a referencing and Link Exchange Strategy in order to register the project BIOWAYS website on the major sectorial search engines and directories.

First eNewsletter

The first in a series of project newsletters and press releases, with project news and information, project activities, events and outputs available.

Second eNewsletter

The second in a series of project newsletters and press releases, with project news and information, project activities, events and outputs available.

Training pilots and guidelines for deployment

The aim of Task 4.4 is to organise training seminars dedicated to wide groups of different users. During the seminars, the training materials and tools developed in WP3 will be used to evaluate their attractiveness and efficiency in increasing awareness and supporting knowledge on bio-based products to future customers and researchers/developers


Bio-based products and applications potential

Autoren: Evangelia Tsagaraki (Q-PLAN) Eleni Karachaliou (Q-PLAN) Iakovos Delioglanis (Q-PLAN) Ephy Kouzi (Q-PLAN)
Veröffentlicht in: 2017

Monitoring and Assessment Plan

Autoren: Kristiina Laurits Ragne Kasesalu
Veröffentlicht in: 2017

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