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Advanced Materials technologies to QUADRUPLE the Concentrated Solar Thermal current POWER GENERATION


Fortgeschrittene Materialien und Fertigungsverfahren für solarthermische Energiesysteme

Photovoltaik-Technologien sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des erneuerbaren Energiemixes. In Regionen mit begrenzter Sonneneinstrahlung können Technologien für solarthermische Energiegewinnung eine 24-stündige kontinuierliche Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung in Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs-Anlagen ermöglichen. Eine breite Einführung erfordert eine Senkung der Stromgestehungskosten. Das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts IN-POWER lautet, dies mit modernen Materialien und innovativen Fertigungsverfahren für alle drei Hauptkomponenten zu realisieren, die für solarthermische Energiesysteme benötigt werden. Dazu zählen das Solarfeld für die Umwandlung von Sonnenenergie in Wärme, der Kraftwerksblock für die Umwandlung von Wärme in Strom und ein Wärmespeichersystem. Dadurch wird der Wärmeenergieertrag für die Stromerzeugung erhöht, während die Größe der Wärmespeichersysteme erheblich reduziert wird.


The benefits of high efficiency concentrated solar power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) are well known: environmental protection, economic growth, job creation, energy security. Those technologies can only be applied properly in regions with annual mean radiation values higher than 1750 kWh/m2 per year. CSP has advantages in front of PV: possible 24h continuous electricity production, electricity and heat generation, heat for distributed in cogeneration plants. Within CSP, four technologies have been currently developed: parabolic trough collector (PTC), tower solar power, Stirling/ dish collector and linear Fresnel collector with its advance type named compact linear Fresnel collector. In 2015, there is global 4GWe production (96% PTC), almost 3GWe are under construction. However for huge deployment, a reduction of Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) is imperative for industry consolidation, when nowadays is around 0.16 – 0.22 €/KWh depending on the size plant, Direct Normal Irradiance and the legal framework of site installation. CSP main components: solar field for solar to thermal conversion, power block for thermal to electrical conversion, and thermal storage system are the key to reduce LCOE. IN-POWER project will develop High efficiency solar harvesting CSP architectures based on holistic materials and innovative manufacturing process to allow a Innovation effort mainly focus in advanced materials such as High Reflectance Tailored Shape light Free glass mirror, High working temperature absorber in Vacuum Free receiver, optimized Reduced Mass support structure allow upgrading current solar field. IN-POWER reduce environmental impact also by reducing THREE times standard thermal storage systems by novel thermal storage materials; and a amazing reduction FOUR TIMES the required land extension in comparison of current mature PTC power generation with the same thermal power output. IN-POWER solution will bring LCOE below 0.10 €/KWh beyond 2020.

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