Bahnbrechende Lösung revolutioniert Lebererkrankung
Chronische Lebererkrankungen sind seit Langem als stille Todesursache bekannt, die unerkannt bleiben, bis sie sich nicht mehr behandeln lassen. Unter diesen Erkrankungen sind die nicht-alkoholische Fettlebererkrankung und ihre Unterform, die nicht-alkoholische Steatohepatitis, die Hauptverursacher. Unbehandelt können diese Erkrankungen zu Zirrhose und Leberversagen fortschreiten und stellen eine globale Gesundheitskrise dar. Die bisherige Methode zur Diagnose und Stadieneinteilung von Lebererkrankungen, nämlich die Leberbiopsie, ist jedoch teuer, invasiv und riskant. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt RADIcAL soll die Diagnose und die Überwachung von Lebererkrankungen verändern. Konkret wird es eine fortschrittliche, nicht-invasive, quantitative Software für die Magnetresonanztomographie erproben. Dieses Instrument zeichnet sich durch eine bemerkenswerte diagnostische Genauigkeit bei der Beurteilung von Lebererkrankungen im Frühstadium aus und kann zur Patientenstratifizierung verwendet werden.
Chronic liver diseases are called 'silent killers', as clinical symptoms only surface at late stages of the disease, when it is not treatable. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition defined by fat accumulation in the liver, and its sub-type non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are the major forms of liver disease. Untreated NAFLD/NASH can lead to cirrhosis and to liver failure. 450 million people worldwide suffer from fatty liver disease, which carries several health risks, and causes a huge socio-economic burden. At present, the only way of diagnosing and staging disease is with liver biopsy, which is costly, invasive, and carries some risk. Thus, clinicians are reluctant to use it for people suspected of having NAFLD/NASH. In addition, invasive biopsy is not optimal for serial assessment (e.g. monitoring transplant population for signs of liver rejection). Therefore, there is a lack of an accurate and non-invasive method of assessing liver disease and enabling treatment monitoring.
Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd (PD) has developed LiverMultiScan, a novel, non-invasive, quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging software tool that displays high diagnostic accuracy for the early assessment of liver disease, and can be used for patient stratification. It has recently obtained regulatory clearance, but it requires additional clinical validation to assure its broad market acceptance and reimbursement. Thus, RADIcAL entails two clinical trials: a) a multi-centre randomised health economic study to validate the cost-effectiveness and added value of LiverMultiScan compared to the standard care pathway for chronic liver disease; and (b) a prospective clinical trial to demonstrate the high sensitivity and specificity of LiverMultiScan as a medical support tool for stratifying patients at high risk of liver transplant rejection.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Not validated
Not validated
- medical and health sciencesclinical medicinesurgery
- medical and health sciencesclinical medicineendocrinologydiabetes
- medical and health sciencesclinical medicinehepatology
- engineering and technologymedical engineeringdiagnostic imagingmagnetic resonance imaging
- medical and health scienceshealth sciencesnutritionobesity
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SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2Koordinator
OX4 2LL Oxford
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