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Manipulation of topological phases with cold atoms


Relating the topology of Dirac Hamiltonians to quantum geometry: When the quantum metric dictates Chern numbers and winding numbers

Autores: Bruno Mera, Anwei Zhang and Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: SciPost Phys, Edición 12, 2022, ISSN 2542-4653
Editor: SciPost Foundation
DOI: 10.21468/scipostphys.12.1.018

Disorderless Quasi-localization of Polar Gases in One-Dimensional Lattices

Autores: W. Li, A. Dhar, X. Deng, K. Kasamatsu, L. Barbiero, L. Santos
Publicado en: Physical Review Letters, Edición 124/1, 2020, ISSN 0031-9007
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.124.010404

Homogeneous and domain-wall topological Haldane conductors with dressed Rydberg atoms

Autores: Arianna Montorsi, Serena Fazzini, Luca Barbiero
Publicado en: Physical Review A, Edición 101/4, 2020, ISSN 2469-9926
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.101.043618

Fermionic dualities with axial gauge fields

Autores: Adolfo G. Grushin, Giandomenico Palumbo
Publicado en: Physical Review B, Edición 102/11, 2020, ISSN 2469-9950
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.102.115146

Bose-Hubbard physics in synthetic dimensions from interaction Trotterization

Autores: L. Barbiero, L. Chomaz, S. Nascimbene, N. Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review Research, Edición 2/4, 2020, ISSN 2643-1564
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physrevresearch.2.043340

A synthetic monopole source of Kalb-Ramond field in diamond

Autores: M. Chen, C. Li, G. Palumbo, Y.-Q. Zhu, N. Goldman and P. Cappellaro
Publicado en: Science, Edición 375, 6584, 2022, ISSN 1095-9203
Editor: American Association for the Advancement of Science
DOI: 10.1126/science.abe6437

A dark state of Chern bands: Designing flat bands with higher Chern number

Autores: Mateusz Łącki, Jakub Zakrzewski, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: SciPost Physics, Edición 10/5, 2021, ISSN 2542-4653
Editor: SciPost
DOI: 10.21468/scipostphys.10.5.112

Experimental estimation of the quantum Fisher information from randomized measurements

Autores: M. Yu, D. Li, J. Wang, Y.Chu, P. Yang, M. Gong, N. Goldman and J. Cai
Publicado en: Phys. Rev. Research, Edición 3, 2021, ISSN 2643-1564
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physrevresearch.3.043122

Four-dimensional semimetals with tensor monopoles: From surface states to topological responses

Autores: Yan-Qing Zhu, Nathan Goldman, Giandomenico Palumbo
Publicado en: Physical Review B, Edición 102/8, 2020, ISSN 2469-9950
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.102.081109

Topological transport of mobile impurities

Autores: D. Pimenov, A. Camacho-Guardian, N. Goldman, P. Massignan, G. M. Bruun, M. Goldstein
Publicado en: Physical Review B, Edición 103/24, 2021, ISSN 2469-9950
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.103.245106

Quantum Fisher information measurement and verification of the quantum Cramér-Rao bound in a solid-state qubit

Autores: M. Yu, Y. Liu, P. Yang, M. Gong, Q. Cao, S. Zhang, H. Liu, M. Heyl, T. Ozawa, N. Goldman, and J. Cai
Publicado en: npj Quantum Information, Edición 8,56, 2022, ISSN 2056-6387
Editor: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s41534-022-00547-x

Direct observation of photonic Landau levels and helical edge states in strained honeycomb lattices

Autores: Omar Jamadi, Elena Rozas, Grazia Salerno, Marijana Milićević, Tomoki Ozawa, Isabelle Sagnes, Aristide Lemaître, Luc Le Gratiet, Abdelmounaim Harouri, Iacopo Carusotto, Jacqueline Bloch, Alberto Amo
Publicado en: Light: Science & Applications, Edición 9/1, 2020, ISSN 2047-7538
Editor: Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s41377-020-00377-6

Non-Abelian Bloch oscillations in higher-order topological insulators

Autores: M. Di Liberto, N. Goldman, G. Palumbo
Publicado en: Nature Communications, Edición 11/1, 2020, ISSN 2041-1723
Editor: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19518-x

Effective field theories for interacting boundaries of 3D topological crystalline insulators through bosonisation

Autores: Patricio Salgado-Rebolledo, Giandomenico Palumbo, Jiannis K. Pachos
Publicado en: Scientific Reports, Edición 10/1, 2020, ISSN 2045-2322
Editor: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-77966-3

Quantized topological pumping of solitons in nonlinear photonics and ultracold atomic mixtures

Autores: Nader Mostaan, Fabian Grusdt and Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Nature Communications, Edición 13, 2022, ISSN 2041-1723
Editor: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33478-4

Parametric instabilities in resonantly-driven Bose–Einstein condensates

Autores: S Lellouch, N Goldman
Publicado en: Quantum Science and Technology, Edición 3/2, 2018, Página(s) 024011, ISSN 2058-9565
Editor: IOP publishing
DOI: 10.1088/2058-9565/aab2b9

Experimental Observation of Aharonov-Bohm Cages in Photonic Lattices

Autores: Sebabrata Mukherjee, Marco Di Liberto, Patrik Öhberg, Robert R. Thomson, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review Letters, Edición 121/7, 2018, ISSN 0031-9007
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.075502

Quantized Rabi oscillations and circular dichroism in quantum Hall systems

Autores: D. T. Tran, N. R. Cooper, N. Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review A, Edición 97/6, 2018, Página(s) 061602(R), ISSN 2469-9926
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.061602

Extracting the quantum metric tensor through periodic driving

Autores: Tomoki Ozawa, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review B, Edición 97/20, 2018, Página(s) 201117(R), ISSN 2469-9950
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.201117

Quenched dynamics and spin-charge separation in an interacting topological lattice

Autores: L. Barbiero, L. Santos, N. Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review B, Edición 97/20, 2018, Página(s) 201115(R), ISSN 2469-9950
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.201115

Tunable axial gauge fields in engineered Weyl semimetals: semiclassical analysis and optical lattice implementations

Autores: Sthitadhi Roy, Michael Kolodrubetz, Nathan Goldman, Adolfo G Grushin
Publicado en: 2D Materials, Edición 5/2, 2018, Página(s) 024001, ISSN 2053-1583
Editor: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/aaa577

Artificial gauge fields in materials and engineered systems

Autores: Monika Aidelsburger, Sylvain Nascimbene, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Comptes Rendus Physique, 2018, ISSN 1631-0705
Editor: Elsevier Masson
DOI: 10.1016/j.crhy.2018.03.002

Density-dependent hopping for ultracold atoms immersed in a Bose-Einstein-condensate vortex lattice

Autores: R. H. Chaviguri, T. Comparin, M. Di Liberto, M. A. Caracanhas
Publicado en: Physical Review A, Edición 97/2, 2018, Página(s) 023614, ISSN 2469-9926
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.023614

Topological two-body bound states in the interacting Haldane model

Autores: Grazia Salerno, Marco Di Liberto, Chiara Menotti, Iacopo Carusotto
Publicado en: Physical Review A, Edición 97/1, 2018, Página(s) 013637, ISSN 2469-9926
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.013637

Simulation of two-boson bound states using arrays of driven-dissipative coupled linear optical resonators

Autores: Maxim A. Gorlach, Marco Di Liberto, Alessio Recati, Iacopo Carusotto, Alexander N. Poddubny, Chiara Menotti
Publicado en: Physical Review A, Edición 98/6, 2018, ISSN 2469-9926
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.98.063625

Interaction-Induced Fractionalization and Topological Superconductivity in the Polar Molecules Anisotropic t − J Model

Autores: Serena Fazzini, Luca Barbiero, Arianna Montorsi
Publicado en: Physical Review Letters, Edición 122/10, 2019, ISSN 0031-9007
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.122.106402

Haldane topological orders in Motzkin spin chains

Autores: L. Barbiero, L. Dell'Anna, A. Trombettoni, V. E. Korepin
Publicado en: Physical Review B, Edición 96/18, 2017, ISSN 2469-9950
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.96.180404

Topological photonics

Autores: Tomoki Ozawa, Hannah M. Price, Alberto Amo, Nathan Goldman, Mohammad Hafezi, Ling Lu, Mikael C. Rechtsman, David Schuster, Jonathan Simon, Oded Zilberberg, Iacopo Carusotto
Publicado en: Reviews of Modern Physics, Edición 91/1, 2019, ISSN 0034-6861
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/revmodphys.91.015006

Nonlinear dynamics of Aharonov-Bohm cages

Autores: Marco Di Liberto, Sebabrata Mukherjee, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review A, Edición 100/4, 2019, ISSN 2469-9926
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.100.043829

Coupling ultracold matter to dynamical gauge fields in optical lattices: From flux attachment to ℤ 2 lattice gauge theories

Autores: Luca Barbiero, Christian Schweizer, Monika Aidelsburger, Eugene Demler, Nathan Goldman, Fabian Grusdt
Publicado en: Science Advances, Edición 5/10, 2019, Página(s) eaav7444, ISSN 2375-2548
Editor: American Association for the Advancement of Science
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav7444

Quantized Hall Conductance of a Single Atomic Wire: A Proposal Based on Synthetic Dimensions

Autores: G. Salerno, H. M. Price, M. Lebrat, S. Häusler, T. Esslinger, L. Corman, J.-P. Brantut, N. Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review X, Edición 9/4, 2019, ISSN 2160-3308
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevx.9.041001

Floquet approach to ℤ2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices

Autores: Christian Schweizer, Fabian Grusdt, Moritz Berngruber, Luca Barbiero, Eugene Demler, Nathan Goldman, Immanuel Bloch, Monika Aidelsburger
Publicado en: Nature Physics, 2019, ISSN 1745-2473
Editor: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41567-019-0649-7

Topological magnon insulator and quantized pumps from strongly-interacting bosons in optical superlattices

Autores: Feng Mei, Gang Chen, N Goldman, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia
Publicado en: New Journal of Physics, Edición 21/9, 2019, Página(s) 095002, ISSN 1367-2630
Editor: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab3d93

Detecting Fractional Chern Insulators through Circular Dichroism

Autores: C. Repellin, N. Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review Letters, Edición 122/16, 2019, ISSN 0031-9007
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.122.166801

Parametric Heating in a 2D Periodically Driven Bosonic System: Beyond the Weakly Interacting Regime

Autores: T. Boulier, J. Maslek, M. Bukov, C. Bracamontes, E. Magnan, S. Lellouch, E. Demler, N. Goldman, J. V. Porto
Publicado en: Physical Review X, Edición 9/1, 2019, ISSN 2160-3308
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevx.9.011047

Measuring quantized circular dichroism in ultracold topological matter

Autores: Luca Asteria, Duc Thanh Tran, Tomoki Ozawa, Matthias Tarnowski, Benno S. Rem, Nick Fläschner, Klaus Sengstock, Nathan Goldman, Christof Weitenberg
Publicado en: Nature Physics, Edición 15/5, 2019, Página(s) 449-454, ISSN 1745-2473
Editor: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41567-019-0417-8

Dropping an impurity into a Chern insulator: A polaron view on topological matter

Autores: A. Camacho-Guardian, N. Goldman, P. Massignan, G. M. Bruun
Publicado en: Physical Review B, Edición 99/8, 2019, ISSN 2469-9950
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.99.081105

Tensor Berry connections and their topological invariants

Autores: Giandomenico Palumbo, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review B, Edición 99/4, 2019, ISSN 2469-9950
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.99.045154

Revealing Tensor Monopoles through Quantum-Metric Measurements

Autores: Giandomenico Palumbo, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review Letters, Edición 121/17, 2018, ISSN 0031-9007
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.121.170401

State-recycling and time-resolved imaging in topological photonic lattices

Autores: Sebabrata Mukherjee, Harikumar K. Chandrasekharan, Patrik Öhberg, Nathan Goldman, Robert R. Thomson
Publicado en: Nature Communications, Edición 9/1, 2018, ISSN 2041-1723
Editor: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06723-y

Synthetic dimensions for cold atoms from shaking a harmonic trap

Autores: Hannah M. Price, Tomoki Ozawa, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review A, Edición 95/2, 2017, ISSN 2469-9926
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.95.023607

Probing localization and quantum geometry by spectroscopy

Autores: Tomoki Ozawa, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review Research, Edición 1/3, 2019, ISSN 2643-1564
Editor: APS physics
DOI: 10.1103/physrevresearch.1.032019

Experimental measurement of the quantum geometric tensor using coupled qubits in diamond

Autores: Min Yu, Pengcheng Yang, Musang Gong, Qingyun Cao, Qiuyu Lu, Haibin Liu, Shaoliang Zhang, Martin B Plenio, Fedor Jelezko, Tomoki Ozawa, Nathan Goldman, Jianming Cai
Publicado en: National Science Review, Edición 7/2, 2019, Página(s) 254-260, ISSN 2095-5138
Editor: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwz193

Parametric Instabilities of Interacting Bosons in Periodically Driven 1D Optical Lattices

Autores: K. Wintersperger, M. Bukov, J. Näger, S. Lellouch, E. Demler, U. Schneider, I. Bloch, N. Goldman, M. Aidelsburger
Publicado en: Physical Review X, Edición 10/1, 2020, ISSN 2160-3308
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevx.10.011030

Floquet-engineering of nodal rings and nodal spheres and their characterization using the quantum metric

Autores: Grazia Salerno, Nathan Goldman, Giandomenico Palumbo
Publicado en: Physical Review Research, Edición 2/1, 2020, ISSN 2643-1564
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevresearch.2.013224

Interaction-induced lattices for bound states: Designing flat bands, quantized pumps, and higher-order topological insulators for doublons

Autores: G. Salerno, G. Palumbo, N. Goldman, M. Di Liberto
Publicado en: Physical Review Research, Edición 2/1, 2020, ISSN 2643-1564
Editor: American Physcial Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevresearch.2.013348

Probing topology by “heating”: Quantized circular dichroism in ultracold atoms

Autores: Duc Thanh Tran, Alexandre Dauphin, Adolfo G. Grushin, Peter Zoller, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: Science Advances, Edición 3/8, 2017, Página(s) e1701207, ISSN 2375-2548
Editor: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1701207

Parametric Instability Rates in Periodically Driven Band Systems

Autores: S. Lellouch, M. Bukov, E. Demler, N. Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review X, Edición 7/2, 2017, ISSN 2160-3308
Editor: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.7.021015

Loading ultracold gases in topological Floquet bands: the fate of current and center-of-mass responses

Autores: Alexandre Dauphin, Duc-Thanh Tran, Maciej Lewenstein, Nathan Goldman
Publicado en: 2D Materials, Edición 4/2, 2017, Página(s) 024010, ISSN 2053-1583
Editor: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/aa6a3b

Detecting chiral pairing and topological superfluidity using circular dichroism

Autores: J. M. Midtgaard, Zhigang Wu, N. Goldman, G. M. Bruun
Publicado en: Physical Review Research, Edición 2/3, 2020, ISSN 2643-1564
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physrevresearch.2.033385

Strain and pseudo-magnetic fields in optical lattices from density-assisted tunneling

Autores: M. Jamotte, N. Goldman and M. Di Liberto
Publicado en: Communications Physics, Edición 5, 2022, ISSN 0868-3166
Editor: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s42005-022-00802-9

Dynamics and correlations in Motzkin and Fredkin spin chains

Autores: L Dell’Anna, L Barbiero, A Trombettoni
Publicado en: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Edición 2019/12, 2019, Página(s) 124025, ISSN 1742-5468
Editor: Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/ab5703

Realization of an anomalous Floquet topological system with ultracold atoms

Autores: Karen Wintersperger, Christoph Braun, F. Nur Ünal, André Eckardt, Marco Di Liberto, Nathan Goldman, Immanuel Bloch, Monika Aidelsburger
Publicado en: Nature Physics, Edición 16/10, 2020, Página(s) 1058-1063, ISSN 1745-2473
Editor: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41567-020-0949-y

Fractional Chern insulators of few bosons in a box: Hall plateaus from center-of-mass drifts and density profiles

Autores: C. Repellin, J. Léonard, N. Goldman
Publicado en: Physical Review A, Edición 102/6, 2020, ISSN 2469-9926
Editor: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.102.063316

The Weyl side of ultracold matter

Autores: Nathan Goldman, Tarik Yefsah
Publicado en: Science, Edición 372/6539, 2021, Página(s) 234-235, ISSN 0036-8075
Editor: American Association for the Advancement of Science
DOI: 10.1126/science.abg0892

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