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Project to Lead Ecodesign Integration with Aerospace Development and Engineering Systems

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PLEIADES (Project to Lead Ecodesign Integration with Aerospace Development and Engineering Systems)

Período documentado: 2019-08-01 hasta 2020-12-31

The primary industrial objective of the PLEIADES project was to i) enable an integrated approach for the eco-design of aerospace products, and ii) enable Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to provide more useful input and guidance to the product development process, by:
•Combining engineering, environmental, sustainability, and business considerations, particularly through the linking role of materials and processes.
•Integration and use of available primary and secondary data throughout the process.
•Better consistency, interoperability, and understanding of uncertainty across different levels of LCA.
•Integrating with engineering workflows to enable practical eco-design.

The PLEIADES project directly addressed Topic JTI-CS2-2015-CFP02-ENG-03-01 ‘Industry focused eco-design’ which sits within the Engines ITD, with Rolls-Royce PLC as a key stakeholder in the project. The call topic specifically addressed the requirement for industry focused eco-design tools to enable the evaluation of the environmental and sustainability impacts of a product during its design. The delivery of industry focused software tools, knowledge infrastructures and workflows needed for industrial eco-design was the explicit focus of the PLEIADES project.

The project sits at the intersection of the Engines ITD and the Eco-Design TA of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Technical Programme where eco-design activities are coordinated in order to create additional benefit for the Programme through increased coherence, common tools and methods as well as shared know-how for the life cycle optimization of technologies, components and vehicles.

The project created entirely new tools and data structures, building upon the existing commercially available solutions of the partners to deliver a more advanced eco-design capability for the aerospace sector to support the longer-term objectives of Rolls-Royce, ACARE, the Clean Sky 2 JTI and its stakeholders.
The project successfully completed the following stages: i) Requirements Capture, ii) Methodology Development, iii) Development of eco-design software tools and databases, iv) Development of full LCA capabilities, and v) Test case data capture and validation. The Development stages have delivered demonstrators at months 18, 30 and 36, followed closely by validation reports in stage v) by the end of month 48. The project continued until M53 to support further Dissemination opportunities.

Work disseminated during Period 3:
•How to create a business relevant LCA, Book Chapter, Eco-Design 2017, January 2019, X.Chen J.Lee
•Identification of hotspot uncertainties for decision making in Eco-Design, Presentation, ISDRS Conference, Messina Italy, June 2018, X.Chen J.Lee
•When risk assessment confronts linguistic imprecision, Poster, Gorden Research Conference, Les Diablerets Switzerland, May 2018, X.Chen J.Lee
•Development of industry-focused Life Cycle Assessment enhanced Eco-Design software, The 25th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Presentation, Copenhagen Denmark, March 2018, D.Wehner X.Chen
•Environmental Materials Information Technology (EMIT), Presentation and Demonstration, 2018/2019, J.Goddin S.Croxall
•ADS EWG Supermeet, Presentation, Cambridge UK, September 2018, J.Goddin A.Clifton
•Supply Chain Conference, Presentation and Demonstration, Derby UK, May 2019, A.Clifton S.Croxall
•ADS DfE Working Group, Presentation, Farnborough UK, July 2018, J.Goddin
•Project to Lead Eco-design Integration with Aerospace Development and Engineering Systems, Presentation, Tokyo Japan, September 2018, J.Goddin L.Petruccelli A,Clifton
•A rigorous process to improve data quality via the application of Pedigree Matrix, Presentation, ISIE Conference, Beijing China, July 2019, X.Chen J.Lee
•Development of industry-focused eco-design tool with consideration of uncertainty, Presentation, AvniR Conference, Lille France, November 2019, X.Chen J.Lee
•Material criticality assessment for business proposes using fuzzy linguistic method, Chapter in a Book, EcoDesign 2019, Yokohama Japan, November 2019, X.Chen J.Goddin J.Lee
•Managing uncertainties in LCA dataset selection, Presentation, SDM19 Sustainable Design & Manufacturing, Budapest Hungary, July 2019, S.Pfeuffer D.Wehner R.Bouslama

Main outcomes at month 53:
•The methods, data exchange and the assessment of uncertainty from data sources were investigated via the creation of case studies. Outcomes were translated into requirements to support software development in the ongoing tasks, ultimately to generate new or improving existing tools for eco-design and LCA to better fit aerospace industrial design workflows.
•Development of software components for demonstrators were delivered incorporating proprietary data gathered from Rolls-Royce, complex data structures representative of the manufacturing complexity observed in aerospace manufacturing, "LCA on demand” capabilities, the data transfer mechanisms between Granta materials information management system and thinkstep LCA software system, a data extraction tool for quality meta data.
•The concept of the Process and product model databases was also developed to be compatible with LCA and RR reporting requirements (Stuttgart).
•A Data Quality indicator (DQI) tool was created (Surrey) to evaluate the quality of surrogate data used for environmental and risk assessment. It can help a typical aerospace end-user to select and use reference data appropriately at various points within the design process (concept-to-detailed design).
•The consortium was active in the communication and exploitation activities, participating in 5 international conferences with publication proceedings, 2 book chapters, and 7 other events targeting stakeholders as outlined in the communication plan (EMIT, ADS, Supply Chain).
•The project outputs were also translated in a series of IPs as recorded in the dedicated register: data schemas, exchange tools, sustainability and uncertainty assessment methodologies that will be exploited by the partners during the continuation of the project.
PLEIADES has delivered the first demonstrator showing prototypes of tools, data schema and data exchange workflows to fulfil these objectives. The user stories, data structures and methodologies developed in the project were delivered via demonstrator components:
•Data importers and schema to manage supplier data according to the IPC1754 Standard.
•Management of reference data for the early design stages assessing the uncertainty of the reference information at material selection phase.
•Connecting eco-design to Full LCA data modules and tools via dedicated data export to trigger LCA on demand and Full LCA solutions.
•Creation of a reference framework of solutions based on the existing industrial workflows and communication data systems.

Partners have developed a suite of demonstrator tools for industry focused eco-design, including:
•Combining engineering, environmental, sustainability, and business considerations, particularly through the linking role of materials and processes.
•Integration and use of available primary and secondary data throughout the process.
•Better consistency, interoperability, and understanding of uncertainty across different levels of LCA.
•Integrating with engineering workflows to enable practical eco-design.
Pleiades solutions