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Hybrid Aircraft; academic reSearch on Thermal and Electrical Components and Systems

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - HASTECS (Hybrid Aircraft; academic reSearch on Thermal and Electrical Components and Systems)

Reporting period: 2020-06-01 to 2021-08-31

The HASTECS project (Hybrid Aircraft; Academic research on Thermal and Electrical Components and Systems), an integral part of the European program "Clean Sky 2" (H2020) took off in September 2016. It aimed to identify the most promising technologies and breakthroughs and to innovate in tools that make it possible to increase the efficiency of electrical processes and reduce the on-board masses in hybrid propulsion systems for future aircraft that are more respectful of the environment. These objectives applied to the case of a regional aircraft, sized for approximately 70 seats with a range of less than 1000 km. A series hybrid architecture was chosen by Airbus, coupling gas turbines and auxiliary power sources with fuel cells or batteries to supply a 100% electric propulsion chain. But these goals cannot be met if the specific powers are not high enough: the HASTECS consortium has thus set itself the challenge of doubling the specific power of electric machines with cooling and increasing it by 5kW/kg, for a technological target in 2025, at 10kW/kg in 2035, while the power electronics (cooling included) would evolve from 15kW/kg in 2025 to 25kW/kg in 2035, despite particularly severe environmental constraints (thermal, partial discharges, etc.).
The design of electric motors leads to high specific powers, exceeding 11kW/kg by integrating the cooling system, with high efficiencies, greater than 97%. This design has been obtained thanks to high performance permanent magnet synchronous motor with Halbach structure. Two different design tools have been completely developed: a target setting tool for preliminary design and a second tool called "SM-PMSM" for Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine. The optimization under constraints of current densities, magnetic fields and the increase in rotation speeds are key drivers to which has been added the use of special windings (compact rectangular Litz wires) and high performance ultra-thin magnetic sheets to limit high frequency copper losses and iron losses: this is what makes it possible to obtain excellent efficiencies exceeding 97%. The concepts proposed by P’ Institute, an equally powerful cooling system, combine glycol water cooling for the stator and the rotor
to which it was necessary to couple an internal cooling, directly within stator slots, to achieve such specific powers. A detailed and accurate “Lumped Parameter Thermal Modeling” has been developed for the electric motor and its cooling system. Results show that the motor temperatures are maintained below the maximum allowed temperatures.

In order to efficiently convert the power between the electric distribution and the electric motors, solutions have been proposed to optimise the integration of power electronics. The joint use of a high voltage bus with its optimised mechanical structure is a first design solution. Then, the best electronic components (7th generation IGBTs) have been selected to limit conduction losses. These components are controlled from specific modulation strategies also optimised for various multilevel conversion structures (3 or 5 level NPC topologies). This set of design choices has proven to be particularly effective in terms of compactness and efficiency (yield of the order of 99%). As with the machine, optimising the power electronics is nothing without a very high performance cooling system. This is the case with the ultra-efficient two-phase capillary pumped (CPLIP) cooling systems. CPLIP concepts were optimized with analysis of the cooling system behavior during sudden and violent acceleration stages (realized during turbulence stages occurring during the mission of the aircraft): the device is capable of extracting 4.5kW of heat losses for 1 kg of cooling system, allowing the complete power conversion system to greatly exceed 30kW/kg, well beyond the targets set!

A specific WP was dedicated to partial discharge (PD) studies. For electric insulation of stator windings, PDs are unavoidable in non-pressurized zones. So the issue was to propose “PD tolerant” design solutions.

A preventive tool has been developed in order to prevent PD risks within power busbars. Simulation of PD risk in time-dependent conditions have been done.
Several tasks have been achieved related to stator winding EIS (electric Insulation system):
An accurate method to compute the electric field in a stator slot in order to apply the Paschen’s criterion; A second task dealing with the Paschen criterion. Achievements were focused on the definition and validation of a Partial Discharge (PD) criterion evaluated for a combined variation of temperature and pressure; An automatic tool to size the EIS was also built-up; Simple analytical models in order to perform parametric studies that have been integrated in overall design (WP6).

A study has also concerned the auxiliary electrical sources hybridized with thermal sources (gas turbine): simplified models have been developed for the most promising technologies of auxiliary sources. Specific power and specific energy are clearly assessed for current level and prospective level technologies.The conclusions show that, for this case of application to series hybrid regional aircraft, fuel cells with cryogenic hydrogen storage (stored at 20°K in liquid form) are almost twice as compact in specific energy (Wh/kg) than the best “energy batteries” by 2030 with energy densities beyond 500Wh/kg for the overall system (FC stack, balance of plant including major cooling devices and auxiliaries such as humidifier, air compressor, etc).

Regarding the optimized system, one of the major expectation was the definition of the voltage level of the electric distribution which constitutes a significant coupling factor on the mass of the main components by integrating environmental constraints (partial discharges, thermal aspects, flight mission profile, etc) specific to aeronautics. In the end, the best system compromise on the choice of this voltage is between 1300 and 2000V. This result could not be obtained without the overall optimisation of the propulsion chain: all the technological choices and scientific concepts were integrated through surrogate models making it possible to offer a global vision on the complete propulsion chain, from sources to propellers. A sensitivity analysis has been completed at the system level with a particular focus on the electric motor which involves the most important number of design variables. This step helps designers to define the convenient set of decision variables at the input of the optimization algorithm.
A real technological and scientific success disseminated from scientific community till large audience public. 6 doctoral theses were involved in HASTECS (all of these documents being in open access), with two post-doctorates associated.All of the project's expectations have been fulfilled. In particular, the targets in terms of specific power (power - mass ratio) and energy efficiency were even exceeded, which "would contribute to the weight loss and efficiency of a future aircraft"!: HASTECS is therefore a real technological and scientific success, punctuated by an 40 scientific production, many publications (more than 40, a free online book) with the teams and research institutes of the consortium, bringing successful interdisciplinary research.
HASTECS framework
Mechanical power of electric motors