Periodic Reporting for period 4 - EVOIMMECH (The evolutionary ecology of bacterial immune mechanisms)
Reporting period: 2021-07-01 to 2022-12-31
We also studied how bacteria with CRISPR resistance and phage coevolve, in simple lab environments and more complex semi-natural environments. We found for example that some phage can overcome CRISPR immunity using so-called Anti-CRISPR genes but this is prone to "cheating" by phage that lack anti-CRISPR genes. Bacteria with CRISPR-Cas resistance are still partially immune to Acr-encoding phage. As a consequence, Acr-phages need to cooperate in order to overcome CRISPR resistance, with a first phage blocking the host CRISPR-Cas immune system to allow a second Acr-phage to successfully replicate. This cooperation leads to epidemiological tipping points in which the initial density of Acr-phage tips the balance from phage extinction to a phage epidemic. However, this cooperative behaviour of phages may also affect the ability of other phages in the environment to survive. Indeed found that the Anti-CRISPR phages can greatly influence survival of other phages.
We have demonstrated that CRISPR immune systems are particularly abundant in environments with high levels of phage predation, and we have found that bacteria with CRISPR-Cas immune systems are less likely to carry antibiotics resistance genes in their genome probably because the immune systems block horizontal gene transfer. Finally, we demonstrated key differences in the evolution on phage resistance in simple lab environments and more complex, semi-natural environments (e.g. in the presence of competitors or antibiotics). This helps to understand how bacteria and phage interact in natural environments by bridging simple lab models with complex natural ecosystems.