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Faith Online: Transnational Religious Politics on New Media in India and Europe


Artificial intelligence and the cultural problem of online extreme speech

Author(s): Sahana Udupa
Published in: SSRC Items, 2020
Publisher: SSRC

Book review:Schleiter, M., & de Maaker, E. (eds.) (2020). Media, indigeneity and nation in South Asia. London: Routledge. 298 pp

Author(s): Max Kramer
Published in: Communications, 2021
Publisher: De Gruyter
DOI: 10.1515/commun-2021-0043

Ethical scaling for content moderation: Extreme speech and the (in)significance of artificial intelligence

Author(s): Sahana Udupa, Antonis Maronikolakis, Hinrich Schuetze, Axel Wisiorek
Published in: Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy Discussion Paper, 2022
Publisher: Harvard Kennedy School

Digital Technology and Extreme Speech: Approaches to Counter Online Hate

Author(s): Udupa, Sahana
Published in: 2021
Publisher: United Nations Department of Peace Operations
DOI: 10.5282/ubm/epub.77473

Small platforms and the gray zones of deep extreme speech

Author(s): Udupa, Sahana
Published in: Social Science Research Council MediaWell Expert Reflection, 2021
Publisher: Social Science Research Council
DOI: 10.35650/md.2093.d.2021

Hate speech, information disorder and conflict

Author(s): Sahana Udupa, Iginio Gagliardone, Alexandra Deem, Laura Csuka
Published in: SSRC MediaWell, Issue April, 2020
Publisher: SSRC

Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 9

Author(s): Timo Schick, Sahana Udupa, Hinrich Schütze
Published in: ACL Anthology, Issue Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 9, 2021
Publisher: ACL
DOI: 10.1162/tacl_a_00434

Listening to affected communities to define extreme speech: Dataset and experiments

Author(s): Antonis Maronikolakis, Axel Wisiorek, Leah Nann, Haris Jabbar, Sahana Udupa, Hinrich Schuetze
Published in: arXiv, 2022
Publisher: Cornell University
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2203.11764

The Digital Turn: New Directions in Media Anthropology

Author(s): Sahana Udupa Elisabetta Costa Philipp Budka
Published in: Media Anthropology Network 63 E-Seminar European Association of Social Anthropologists, 2018
Publisher: Media Anthropology Network European Association of Social Anthropologists

The digital turn: New directions in media anthropology

Author(s): Sahana Udupa Elisabetta Costa Philipp Budka
Published in: 63rd EASA Media Anthropology E-Seminar, 2018
Publisher: European Association of Social Anthropologists Media Anthropology Network

Decoloniality and extreme speech

Author(s): Sahana Udupa
Published in: Media Anthropology Network 65th E-Seminar, 2020
Publisher: European Association of Social Anthropologists Media Anthropology Network

Hate cultures in the digital age: The global conjuncture of extreme speech

Author(s): Sahana Udupa, Iginio Gagliardone, Peter Hervik
Published in: Digital Hate: The Global Conjuncture of Extreme Speech, 2021
Publisher: Indiana University Press

Citizenship, Nationalism and the Politics of Multiculturalism: Digital Networks of Indian Diasporas in Germany

Author(s): Jayana Jain
Published in: Media in Asia, 2022
Publisher: Routledge

Social media: Power and politics

Author(s): Sahana Udupa, Philipp Budka
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Wiley Online Library

Clash of actors: Digital media and nationalism in urban India

Author(s): Sahana Udupa
Published in: Global Digital Cultures: Perspectives from South Asia, 2019, Page(s) 223–244
Publisher: University of Michigan Press

Page 3 journalism”: Gender and news cultures in post reforms India

Author(s): Sahana Udupa
Published in: Journalism, Gender and Power, 2019, Page(s) 189–202
Publisher: Routledge

The moral economy of extreme speech: Resentment and anger in Indian minority politics

Author(s): Max Kramer
Published in: Digital Hate: The Global Conjuncture of Extreme Speech, 2021
Publisher: Indiana University Press

Digital Hate: The Global Conjuncture of Extreme Speech

Author(s): Udupa, Sahana Gagliardone, Iginio Hervik, peter
Published in: 2021, ISBN 978-0-253-05927-7
Publisher: Indiana University Press

Digital hate

Author(s): Udupa, Sahana; Gagliardone, Iginio; Hervik, Peter
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Indiana University Press

Shadow Politics: Front Stage and the Veneer of Volunteerism

Author(s): Sahana Udupa
Published in: Communication, Culture & Critique, 2021, ISSN 1753-9137
Publisher: Oxford Academic
DOI: 10.1093/ccc/tcab034

'Neo-Hindutva': Evolving forms, spaces, and expressions of Hindu nationalism

Author(s): Edward Anderson, Arkotong Longkumer
Published in: Contemporary South Asia, 2018, ISSN 0958-4935
Publisher: Carfax Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/09584935.2018.1548576

Error ‘370’ Democracy is Missing or Corrupted! Digital Politics of Indian Diasporic Youth in Germany

Author(s): Jayana Jain
Published in: South Asia Journal, 2021, ISSN 2471-951X
Publisher: South Asia Journal

Enterprise Hindutva and social media in urban India

Author(s): Sahana Udupa
Published in: Contemporary South Asia, 2018, Page(s) 1-15, ISSN 0958-4935
Publisher: Carfax Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/09584935.2018.1545007

Hindu nationalism and the ‘saffronisation of the public sphere’: an interview with Christophe Jaffrelot

Author(s): Edward Anderson, Christophe Jaffrelot
Published in: Contemporary South Asia, 2018, Page(s) 1-15, ISSN 0958-4935
Publisher: Carfax Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/09584935.2018.1545009

The Muslim Matroyshka: Vlogging immigration and citizenship in Brexit Britain

Author(s): Salma Siddique
Published in: Social Text, 2019, ISSN 1527-1951
Publisher: Duke University Press

Extreme Speech and Global Digital Cultures

Author(s): Sahana Udupa Matti Pohjonen
Published in: International Journal of Communication, Issue Vol 13, 2019, Page(s) 3049–3067, ISSN 1932-8036
Publisher: USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism

Nationalism in the digital age: Fun as a meta-practice of extreme speech

Author(s): Sahana Udupa
Published in: International Journal of Communication, Issue vol 13, 2019, Page(s) 3049-3067, ISSN 1932-8036
Publisher: USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism

AES interviews Purnima Mankekar: The 25th anniversary of “National Texts and Gendered Lives

Author(s): Sahana Udupa Purnima Mankekar
Published in: American Ethnologist, 2019, ISSN 1548-1425
Publisher: American Anthropological Association

Talking media with ‘Online Gods’: What is academic podcasting like?

Author(s): Ian M. Cook Sahana Udupa
Published in: Economic and Political Weekly Engage, Issue 54(4), 2019, ISSN 2349-8846
Publisher: Sameeksha Trust

“Millennial India”: Global Digital Politics in Context

Author(s): Sahana Udupa, Shriram Venkatraman, Aasim Khan
Published in: Television & New Media, Issue September 11, 2019, Page(s) 152747641987051, ISSN 1527-4764
Publisher: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/1527476419870516

India needs a fresh strategy to tackle online extreme speech

Author(s): Sahana Udupa
Published in: Economic and Political Weekly Engage, Issue 54(4), 2019, ISSN 2349-8846
Publisher: Sameeksha Trust

Online Da’wah, Nation-state and the Language Use of the Jamaat-e-Islami in India

Author(s): Max Kramer
Published in: Zeitschrift für Indologie und Südasienstudien, 2019, ISSN 2193-9144
Publisher: University of Heidelberg

Critique of podcasting as an anthropological method

Author(s): Ian M. Cook
Published in: Ethnography, 2020, ISSN 1466-1381
Publisher: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/1466138120967039

Plural media ethics? Reformist Islam in India and the limits of global media ethics

Author(s): Kramer, Max
Published in: Dialectical Anthropology, 2021, ISSN 1573-0786
Publisher: Dialectical Anthropology
DOI: 10.1007/s10624-021-09626-5

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