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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

NeMo : Hyper-Network for electroMobility

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NeMo (NeMo : Hyper-Network for electroMobility)

Período documentado: 2018-04-01 hasta 2019-09-30

One of the issues hindering the wide adoption of electromobility is the low interoperability of electromobility services that are available to tackle drivers’ range anxiety.

NeMo, the Hyper-Network for electromobility, provides tools, models and services that enable the seamless provision of electromobility services. An open and distributed ecosystem connects service providers, such as charge point operators, electromobility roaming service providers, vehicle manufacturers and electricity distribution system operators, allowing them to offer a wider range of electromobility services. The connection is based on dynamic translation of data and services interfaces via the Data Translators components, from custom data formats to the NeMo Common Information Models that describe the required data structures in a structured and normalised way and have been updated to its second version during the project on several occasion. NeMo has also made available the core system of architectural components within the NeMo Node to enable the secure connection of multiple electromobility actors, the integration of their existing services in a standardised way and the creation and delivery of innovative composite services, offered through the Open Cloud Marketplace.

NeMo benefits:
• Allows easy information exchange among all involved actors, such as charge points and their operators, the electricity grid, EVs and their owners, Distribution System Operators and electromobility service providers;
• Allows easy creation and delivery to a wide audience of innovative, interoperable electromobility services via an open cloud marketplace;
• Facilitates integration of smart grid applications and services, offering improved availability, planning and security for grid operators;
• Creates business opportunities with increased B2B connectivity allowing business partners to interact in the B2B Marketplace by establishing a business and a technical Node network.
• Enhances driver satisfaction: “Charge anywhere & anytime” across Europe via a single identification and authorisation.
Significant achievements have been reached after 36 months of research and development where the consortium has produced the following results:

1. Common NeMo meta-language:
o Common Information Models (CIM): common protocol to describe all electromobility objects and services;
o Data translators and common interfaces so that service providers can easily map their existing protocols to the CIM.

2. Inter-Roaming protocol: allows direct communication between eRoaming platforms and publishing of eRoaming platforms’ services to the NeMo Hyper-Network, with two eRoaming Platforms (Hubject and GIREVE) connected to NeMo and 7 Pan European Roaming Agreements.

3. Core system for provision of electromobility services: The NeMo Hyper-Network. It is a distributed environment based on blockchain technology. It is composed of NeMo Nodes, each operated by a business partner, with an open architecture based on standardised interfaces. Electromobility services are offered to connected actors through the Open Cloud Marketplace and all participants have access to the same data.

4. Smart horizontal services providing added value to existing and new services:
o Electromobility actors’ monitoring and profiling;
o Service Finder and Optimiser;
o Service Brokerage;
o Service Pricing.

5. Example electromobility services than can be used by service developers and providers:
o Smart Navigation and Journey Planning;
o Navigation to Charging Point based on user and grid requirements;
o Load Management and Load Forecasting due to EV charging;
o Adaptive State of Charge Limit Calculation and Capacity Calculation;
o Vehicle Preconditioning;
o Secure and fair access to vehicle data for 3rd parties including possibility of 3rd party anonymization enabled by Neutral Server.

6. Procedure and mechanisms for self and continuous evaluation of services by a service certifier and by users.

7. NeMo business models for the future Business Alliance for Electromobility (BAEM). After the end of the project the NeMo partners are setting up a not-for-profit membership association, the BAEM, to continue to manage, improve and promote NeMo Hyper-Network after the end of the project.
The project has reached a Technology Readiness Level of 7 as defined by the EU guideline for TRL7 for a “system prototype demonstrated in operational environment”. NeMo has delivered a fully operational and functional prototype of the Hyper-Network and its marketplace that by end of the project has been used by partners of the consortium, as well as Honda as Associate partner and Hackathon participants, expanding to a 8-Node network (with 4 Affiliated partners and more than 35 services), creating their Nodes, in order to describe, publish and provide their services in business offerings, as well as find and invoke services from a list of available offered services by other actors in the marketplace (B2B). Commercial actors like eRoaming platforms, OEMs, DSOs, CPOs, IT service providers have joined as business partners. The Inter-Roaming protocol, interconnecting the eRoaming platforms, the Extended Vehicle standard via the Trustee service, offering secured APIS for common and secured in vehicle data provision, example horizontal services, the service broker and CP monitor & profiler, as well as B2B2C services, 3rd party service provider consuming NeMo EVdata Trustee service to offer to end customer (navigation service provider, road operator), etc., were all supported by the NeMo results, having been tested and demonstrated in operational environments as well as simulations where necessary. Planned demonstrations included France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria, as well as cross-country test drive, while additionally the ExVeh concept with double consent of the driver (to share real time EV data to a 3rd service provider) was demonstrated in ACEA as the first implemented real use case of their User Group 3. NeMo APIs were also validated via a virtual Hackathon by real external developers as well as by electromobility stakeholders during the demos.

The impact of the project’s activities and outcomes can be summarised as follows:

Improved attractiveness of EVs, achieved through a seamless electromobility services provision (“charge everywhere with one contract”) and ergonomic energy management cycle; via the evaluation of driver’s increased satisfaction indirectly.

Progress on ICT-based technologies for coordinated EV recharging; with grid services that can result in savings around 8% as regards the total CP energy costs, or service brokerage that can increase the number of users being able to charge for a given set of CPs while at the same time minimising the number of CPs over occupied and under occupied.

Contributions to standardisation strengthening the competiveness of the European industry and Standardised BMS components and interfaces; via the Common Information Models, the TTCN-3 based V2G test tool, the joined actors such as Honda and EMSPS and CPOs under 7 pan European e-Roaming agreements.

Improvements in the cost-performance ratio of EV contributing to quicker market take-up; and enhancements to vehicle range and/or weight, battery life and reliability without compromising on safety - delivering a more robust and well managed battery system; via the increased theoretical range of the final test drive.
NeMo Node architectural components
NeMo Final Event conference and exhibition
NeMo 2nd Stakeholder Forum
NeMo Hyper-Network
NeMo Marketplace partners view
The Hyper-network and how actors connect
NeMo Final test drive charging Zoe
MoBi Grant Challenge Award
NeMo test sites and their scenarios
NeMo ExVeh standard approach via Trustee Server and driver's double concent