Periodic Reporting for period 2 - INVISIBLE WATERS (Visualizing aquifers: sustainable water use in the Atacama Desert and beyond)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-07-01 al 2019-06-30
The overall aim of the proposed project was to explore the vital connections between humans and aquifers in everyday life. The objectives of this qualitative project were threefold:
1) To study the groundwater practices that connect humans to aquifers, and the (dis)connections and inequalities among different groundwater users that ensue (empirical goal).
2) To develop an original theoretical framework to understand how social relations are affected by various groundwater practices (analytical goal).
3) To draw lessons that contribute to a more sustainable use of aquifers (social goal).
In order to respond to these objectives, the project empirically assessed one of the pivotal premises currently shaping groundwater governance, namely, the conviction that the earth’s groundwater resources ‘are falling victim to a lack of effective governance’. Ethnographic, empirical research on groundwater as a local resource in Atacama Desert, critically questioned this premise and its foundational proposition stating that ‘effective governance should be built from realities on the ground’ and, thus, that understandings of local human connections with aquifers are prerequisites for the design of effective groundwater regulations. The project has contributed to develop such understandings of human connections with aquifers by revealing how ‘realities on the ground’ cannot be studied without attending to the geopolitics and the global connections in which groundwater is involved. In the case of Atacama, the project has concluded that, groundwater practices in particular, and groundwater depletion more generally, cannot be understood without considering the geopolitical reasons why aquifers are being over-exploded.
Aiming at encouraging collaborations between grassroots communities and scientific collectives, and attempting to further disseminate the project’s findings, ‘Invisible Waters’ organized three transdisciplinary workshops and co-organized one international seminar that brought together grassroots communities with scientific collectives concerned with groundwater governance. Moreover, the project generated a fruitful collaboration with the Chilean Research Center for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (CIGIDEN), where ‘Invisible Waters’ findings were disseminated in a local level.
All these outcomes, research activities, and the building up of groundwater networks in a national and international level, not only encouraged the expansion of research on groundwater governance but it also contributed to craft an accurate understanding of how ‘groundwater practices’ relate to each other, reshaping socio-economic and eco-political inequalities in a planetary level.