Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RuKNOW (Knowledge on International Relations in Russia)
Période du rapport: 2018-09-01 au 2019-08-31
The original scope of the project had to be broadened. In the course of my research, I understood that relations between academia and the policy world depend to a large extent on the socio-political context within which they are placed. Unlike in China or Turkey, the Russian government has not openly stepped up its efforts to control research. However, specific limitations to academic freedom shape attitudes of many scholars towards knowledge production and knowledge sharing with the wider public and policy practitioners. This prompted me to analyse the elements of this broader socio-political setting and their effects on knowledge-making and dissemination.
I presented the project’s results in several publications, some of which are forthcoming or under review. My peer reviewed article ‘Academic community and policymaking in Russia: impact or detachment?’, Problems of Post-Communism, analysed scholars’ attitudes to policy impact and the Russian government’s efforts to maintain a monopoly on producing foreign policy narratives. Empirical research conducted in Russia within the project’s framework served as the basis for writing a monograph titled Making Global Knowledge in Local Contexts: The Politics of International Relations and Policy Advice in Russia (forthcoming with Routledge in 2020). The monograph shows how socio-political context affects epistemic and disciplinary practices in IR in Russia and engages with the evolution of EU studies in Russia.
I published two analytical pieces with research results stemming from the research project in Times Higher Education. I further publicised the results with an interview for Research EU. Drawing on my research, I designed and taught an entirely new undergraduate module ‘Russia in World Politics: Propaganda, Strategic Narrative and Soft Power’. The module introduced students to issues in and instruments of Russia’s foreign policy.
The dissemination of research results to academic communities took place through panel and paper presentations at a number of international conferences.
In 2019, I co-convened a panel at the ISA Annual Convention in Toronto and presented a paper titled ‘International Relations – a view from somewhere or a view from nowhere?’. I delivered a guest lecture titled The politics of expertise in international studies at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. I was invited by BISA Post Graduate Network to share my experiences of a post-doctoral fellowship at a Workshop for PhD students and early-career scholars at the University of Portsmouth.
In 2018, I convened a panel ‘IR knowledge contextualized’ at the ISA Annual Convention in San Francisco. I presented tentative results of my project at three conferences. A paper titled ‘IR knowledge and the importance of the socio-political context of its production’ (EISA Annual Conference) discussed the theoretical aspects of my research project. Another conference paper titled ‘The European Union and Russia: the visions of other in academic discourse’ (delivered at the BISA Annual Conference) presented the empirical part of research conducted in Russia. A paper titled ‘Representations of the international in Russia contextualized: a case for situated IR knowledge’ (the ISA Annual Convention) focused on broader implications of my project for knowledge production in the discipline of International Relations.
In 2017, I discussed preliminary results of my research in a paper titled ‘Whose knowledge? The knowledge-power nexus in contemporary International Relations scholarship beyond the West’ (the EISA Annual Conference).
My research shed light on how the context shapes scholars’ perceptions of societal impact and their attitudes towards sharing knowledge with policymakers. Contrasting my research results with those presented in existing studies on Foreign Policy Analysis, I concluded that certain requirements for gaining access to policy practitioners are similar in the US and Russia. These include an accessible format, the right timing, the ability to provide quick responses to unexpected events and the readiness to address policy failures. Several specific obstacles are also comparable, in particular scholars’ lack of familiarity with the particular needs of foreign policy bureaucracy and the government’s vested interest in a policy it has initiated. However, due to a specific socio-political context in Russia, there are a number of obstacles to the exchange of knowledge between scholars and policy practitioners. Only those who are able to present their arguments in a way that does not directly criticise Russia’s existing foreign policy course are interested in taking their arguments out into the world of public debate. Others are content with burying their insights in niche outlets or journals that the non-academic community has little access to, or ‘exporting’ them abroad by publishing in English-language journals.