Periodic Reporting for period 1 - C-LEAK (Rivers as leak in the terrestrial C sink)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2016-07-01 al 2018-06-30
The objective of this research project was to overcome the limitations of recent ESMs and global C budget estimates by implementing the cycling of terrestrial C through inland waters into an integrated modelling framework. This allows simulation of the evolution of inland water C fluxes under climate change, anthropogenic CO2 emissions, land use change, land use related soil erosion, and river damming, and their implications for the terrestrial C budgets.
In cooperation with Mahdi Nakhavali, a PhD student with Pierre Friedlingstein (line manager of RL) at the University of Exeter, he valorised his special modelling experience for the technical implementation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) cycling in soils and DOC leaching from soils to the inland water network into the land surface model JULES. This led to one publication on the model development, testing and calibration for various observational sites across Europe (Nakhavali et al., 2018). Three more manuscripts on the global scale application of this model, on the simulation of spatio-temporal trends in DOC leaching over the historical period and over the 21st century have been submitted (1, to GBC) or are in preparation (in a state close to submission). Also in these studies, the importance of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate change on lateral exports of terrestrial C have been proven.
In addition, RL participated in international research projects on the simulation of soil erosion effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage (Naipal et al., 2018, BG) and on fluvial exports of sediments and the related flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) (Zhang et al., in preparation) using a ESM model framework. These studies involve simulations over the historical period at European to global scale.
Finally, RL was one of the main contributors to a model study on the effect of river damming on C fluxes through the global inland water network from 1970 to 2050 (Maavara et al., 2017, Nature Comm.). For this study, he implemented the data bases for existing and planned dam reservoirs into a river routing scheme, which allows simulation of the inputs of POC and DOC from the river catchment into a dam reservoir and routing of the outflow of DOC and POC from a dam downstream to the next reservoir or river mouth. This study demonstrates how the amounts of terrestrially derived C which are processed or buried within the inland water network increase with the intensification of river damming. The river-dam routing scheme has recently been applied to re-estimate the N2O emissions from the inland water network, including rivers, reservoirs and estuaries, at the global scale(Maavara et al., in revision for GCB).