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PEM ElectroLYsers FOR operation with OFFgrid renewable installations

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


First assessment on monitor and model: alignment with requirements and objectives

A continued monitoring of the specific technical developments will be carried out in this deliverable, which will consist in following the correct implementation of the previous work developed in WP2 during first 14 months.

Update 2 of dissemination and awareness plan
Second report (technical and financial)

Second project report (technical and financial)

Update 1 of dissemination and awareness plan
First strategy plan for commercial exploitation of the results

The exploitation of the results will receive continuous attention throughout the project. This deliverable must contain a detailed definition of the exploitable results.

Development of subsystems for off-grid integration

The focus in this deliverable will reside on developing systems able to be integrated with the main electrolysis system from WP3 and the existing equipment for the demonstrative testing in FHA facilities.

RCS analysis at EU and international level

An extensive literature search will complete the previous study, covering regulations at European and international level. In a first approach, pertinent regulations codes and standards will be identified at European level, but also some specific national requirements will be studied for European countries where off-grid applications are envisioned to be related to niche markets.

Analysis of demonstration phase results

If negative deviations are detected during the demonstration testing plan, meaning that the performance is not as good as expected, an intensive phase of analysis will be carried out for every member of the developed solution, in order to detect the potential effect in the expected deployment of the technology. In case of obtaining better results than predicted, a similar study will be carried out in order to position the technology with respect to its contribution with MAWP KPIs and to be compared against competitors (including other storage technologies and off-grid solutions)

Benchmarking or energy storage technologies for RES offgrid installations

This deliverable will serve as a decision making input to detect when water electrolysers are really more competitive than other technologies and, hence, they must be implemented.

Midterm project report (technical and financial)
Guidelines and recommendations to overcome RCS barriers

Different possibilities will be studied, considering as a basis: inputs on RCS aspects detected in task 2.1, incentives to cover CAPEX and operational costs and/or rewards for GHG and CO2 emissions savings and exploring other options. Since off-grid RES installations with electrolysers avoid the cost of upgrading existing grids or creating new ones, economically feasible incentives will be proposed.

Indicators and test definition

A complete study will be carried out to define how to ensure compliance with the objectives to be met, at every subsystem level. The indicators will be also related with the study of RCS, when parameters or characteristics to be complied with are found in the specific case study of these codes.

LCA, CAPEX, OPEX assessment

LCA analysis will evaluate each component of the ELY4OFF system regarding material composition, production processes, supply of energy, waste management and recycling of the unit components, including evaluation of tie-up time of materials resources in the society and system overall energetic efficiency. The cost analysis will involve all the stages of the production, operation and disposal of the off-grid PEMWE based on the identified CAPEX/OPEX and all sensitive parameters as revenues from hydrogen uses. An assessment of the best methodology to employ will be the first step. Following, a whole diagram of the main costs and procedures involved will be fully defined.

Quality Management Plan

Project Consortium is deeply committed on assuring high quality results. In order to achieve these high standards, a Quality Management Plan will be developed in order to define role and responsibilities to ensure them.

First version of new business model for electrolysers in offgrid installations

First version of new business model for electrolysers in offgrid installations

Objectives at system and subsystem level

The aim of this task is to put in common the incremental efforts to be carried out at each subsystem to achieve the goals of the overall system

Final report on dissemination activities and materials
Final project report (technical and financial)

Final project report

Dissemination and awareness plan

A visual identity will be developed for the project comprising a logo styled in different formats, in line with the H2020 visual guidelines. Document templates (Deliverable, Minutes, Agenda, Power point presentation) will be developed. A press kit will be drafted and provided to the partners in M6. The press kit will include tweetable facts, FAQ’s, summary presentations, pictures and other publication material.

Implementation roadmap

Considering the target markets studied in Task 6.3 and the experiences and aspects seen in the specific business cases developed in Task 6.5, an implementation plan for electrolysers integrated with RES in off-grid installations will be delivered in this task. The plan will set possible scenarios for 2020, 2030 and 2050 for penetration of off-grid RES installations with electrolysers and the measures to achieve them.

ELY4OFF website

The website has the following functions: Main communication tool for the project (links to related projects, associations and partners websites.) All the dissemination materials and public information of the project will be published. Interactive environment and user friendly operation Linked to social media in order to be attractive to the general public.

Assessment of market potential

A sensitivity analysis will be conducted to determine the robustness of the market opportunities and its susceptibility to change. Another very important aspect of future implementation is the level of perceived risks by potential investors. In this study the main risks of the new components and systems developed will be investigated and communicated at an early stage to the Consortium.


ELY4OFF - PEM ElectroLYsers FOR operation with OFFgrid renewable installations - H2020

Author(s): Pedro Casero
Published in: Impact, Issue 2018/5, 2018, Page(s) 74-76, ISSN 2398-7073
Publisher: Science Impact Ltd
DOI: 10.21820/23987073.2018.5.74

Sistema Híbrido de Almacenamiento (H2 y baterías) para instalación aislada

Author(s): Lorién Gracia, Pedro Casero
Published in: Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible 2017, 2018, Page(s) 227-231, ISBN 978-84-697-6342-1
Publisher: APPICE

Sustainable and efficient off-grid production of Hydrogen. Demo Project on-going in Spain

Author(s): Rubén Galvéz, Logan Lopéz, Estanis Oyarbide, Lorién Gracia, Pedro Casero, Edgar Bueno
Published in: XVIII International Congress of the Mexican Hydrogen Society, 2018, Page(s) 307-315
Publisher: CSMH 18

Use of Hydrogen in Off-Grid Locations, a Techno-Economic Assessment

Author(s): Lorién Gracia, Pedro Casero, Cyril Bourasseau, Alexandre Chabert
Published in: Energies, Issue 11/11, 2018, Page(s) 3141, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en11113141

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