Periodic Reporting for period 2 - GrInHy (Green Industrial Hydrogen via Reversible High-Temperature Electrolysis)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2017-09-01 al 2019-02-28
Central element of GrInHy is the manufacturing, integration and operation of the worldwide most powerful reversible HTE prototype at an integrated iron-and-steel works. As a Research and Innovation Action, the project also focused on the improvement of robustness and durability of the HTE technology on cell and stack level.
The project’s main objectives were as follows:
• Up-scaling of an HTE system (150 kW_AC,EC) that can also be operated reversibly as fuel cell using either natural gas or hydrogen as fuels
• Operation for at least 7,000 h meeting the hydrogen quality standards of the steel industry
• Proof of reaching an overall electrical efficiency of at least 80 %_LHV (ca. 95 %_HHV) based on available steam from waste heat
• Reaching a lifetime at stack level of greater than 10,000 h with a degradation rate below 1 %/1,000 h
• Elaboration of a viable Exploitation Roadmap while showing the feasibility of future cost targets
Additionally, the fuel cell (FC) operation showed the system’s fuel adaptability: Operated with natural gas in fuel cell mode, the system reached the nominal power of 25 kW_AC,NG-FC and a maximum AC efficiency of 52 %_LHV,NG-FC at 80 % load (20 kW_AC,NG-FC). With hydrogen, the nominal power was 30 kW_AC,H2-FC and a maximum AC efficiency 48 %_LHV,H2-FC. The reversible HTE was tested for typical dynamic cycles derived from load management and grid balancing.
The prototype was operated for approximately 10,000 h in electrolysis, fuel cell or hot-standby mode. Several optimizations on hardware and software level were performed, both for the reversible HTE and the hydrogen processing unit. In total, about 90,000 Nm³ of hydrogen were produced during electrolysis operation of which more than 41,000 Nm³ with a quality of 3.8 at 10 bar(g) were used for annealing processes at Salzgitter’s integrated iron-and-steel works.
Cells and stacks were optimized and tested e.g. for degradation and mechanical properties on cell and stack level resulting in material improvements and optimized stack integration. Due to contaminations and failures of the test bench, the foreseen 10,000 h continued stack testing was aborted after 8,300 h. Another stack under optimized test conditions reached degradation rates well below the project target of <1 %/kh for more than 5,000 h. More than 80,000 ultra-fast load cycles (direct on/off-switching of current) on cell level and more than 16,000 cycles at stack level were performed without increased impact on the degradation rate.
The technology’s cost structure, potential business cases and environmental performance were assessed in accompanying studies. Based on all results, a comprehensive exploitation roadmap was elaborated laying the foundation for the HTE towards a marketable product.
GrInHy achieved a high-level of public awareness during scientific conferences, international fairs and dedicated hydrogen technology workshops. The project reached numerous political decision makers, researchers and possible costumers while exchanging results with other FCH2-JU projects. Due to its results, GrInHy was nominated for the FCH JU Awards 2018 “Best Project Innovation”.
The main impact of GrInHy are the proof-of-concept of the technology and its potentials in an industrial environment and the exploitation of the project’s results to improve the HTE's Technology Readiness Level. Most of the results will be directly realized in the successor project, GrInHy2.0 that already has been started in January 2019.
GrInHy’s prototype operation showed that an electrical AC efficiency of 84 %_LHV,EC based on steam from waste heat is possible. This indicates approx. 25 % higher electrical efficiencies compared to low-temperature electrolysers. This power consumption of below 40 kWh_AC per kg hydrogen will be verified in GrInHy2.0. Since electricity costs have a share of about 70-80 % of total costs in the long-term, HTE is a key technology to achieve economic feasibility for hydrogen production from RES.
GrInHy provided a comprehensive scale-up study of the HTE to reach the multi-MW class lowering the costs to less than 1,000 €/kW_AC,EC within the next five years. In GrInHy2.0 the world wide first HTE of the MW class will be operated at the integrated iron-and-steel works in Salzgitter.
The operation of the next HTE prototype generation in Salzgitter will also intensify SZFG’s and SZMF’s efforts to investigate alternative steel production pathways that directly avoid CO2 emissions (Carbon Direct Avoidance). A very promising approach is Salzgitter’s SALCOS concept which is based on the substitution of carbon with hydrogen as a reducing agent resulting in CO2 reductions of up to 95 % or more than 150 million tons of CO2 per year in the EU 28. In this context, GrInHy and GrInHy2.0 are a technological preliminary study of an energy efficient hydrogen production providing green hydrogen for the steel industry in the future.