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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

New technologies and strategies for fuel cells and hydrogen technologies in the phase of recycling and dismantling

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Quality Management Plan

Report for the Quality Management Plan on the project.

Report on new recycling technologies applied to FCH products

The most suitable procedures will be selected based on: environment, cost, design of FCH products and regulatory framework.

Annual data reporting 3

Third year summary data report of the project.

Report on existing recycling technologies applicable to FCH products

Current recycling methods for other equipment applied to FCH products

Recommendations and guidelines on the introduction of new technologies and strategies for recycling and dismantling of FCH products in the EU

Guide for diferent actors that contains recommendations and guidelines on the introduction of new technologies and strategies for recycling and dismantling of FCH products in the EU.

LCA of materials represented in FCH technologies

Life Cycle inventory analysis of materials used in FCH technologies.

Assessment of critical materials and components in FCH technologies

A first list of critical materials and components present in FCH technologies which limit commercialization will be delivered.

Report on new strategies for FCH technologies in the phase of recycling and dismantling

Complementary strategies will be establish in the whole end of life of FCH products.

Guidelines on re-adaptation of existing recycling centres

Guidelines on re-adaptation of existing recycling centres.

Study on needs and challenges in the phase of recycling and dismantling

This deliverable will compile the different needs and challenges regarding: regulations and policies, critical materials can components and existing recycling technologies.

Annual data reporting 1

First year summary data report of the project.

Regulatory framework analysis and barriers identification

Analysis of the current regulations at European and Member State level of recycling procedures on FCH.

Update 2 of dissemination and awareness plan

Dissemination and awareness plan including the activities developed in the project according to the previous version as well as the foreseen ones for the next period.

LCA approach in end of life cycle of FCH technologies

Identification of currently stage on end of life cycle.

Report on feedback to new technologies and strategies and focus of new business model from FCH actors

The layout and specific processes for massive recycling of FCH products will be included in this report.

Roadmap for implementation of technologies and strategies for recycling and dismantling

Description of the roadmap for the penetration of new strategies and technologies for 2025 and 2050 at EU level.

Recommendations and perspective on EU regulatory framework

Recommendations and guidelines to the existing regulatory framework on recycling, including unregulated aspects on FCH recycling.

Case studies with new strategies in dismantling and recycling stage

Case studies of dismantling and recycling FCH considering new strategies and technologies.

Dissemination and awareness plan

Dissemination and awareness plan including the activities developed in the project and the ones foreseen for the next period.

Report on requirements from FCH actors

Includes a compilation of requirements from FCH actors previously contacted.

Update 1 of dissemination and awareness plan

Dissemination and awareness plan including the activities developed in the project according to the previous version as well as the foreseen ones for the next period.

Final report on dissemination activities and materials including those from demo-events and showcases

Includes all the dissemination activities carried out during the project and all the materials used and developed so as to disseminate the tasks of HYTECHCYLING.

Minutes of the First Project Meeting

Includes the minutes of the First Project Meeting and the three monthly steering committees.

Annual data reporting 2

Second year summary data report of the project.

New business model

Identification of aspects to introduce project results in a new or existing market.


Information of project website launched, showing different aspects of its functionality.

Final explanatory video

Final explanatory video with the main results, showcases, messages and impacts of the project.



Auteurs: A. Ferriz - Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon
Publié dans: FuturENVIRO, Numéro July - August 2016, 2016, Page(s) 71-74, ISSN 2340-2628
Éditeur: Saguenay, S.L.


Auteurs: Andrej Lotrič, Rok Stropnik, Boštjan Drobnič, Boštjan Jurjevčič, Mihael Sekavčnik, Mitja Mori, Ana María Férriz Quílez
Publié dans: 10TH International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection (June 27TH – 30TH, 2017, Bled, Slovenia) (Conference Proceedings), 2017, Page(s) 100-111
Éditeur: University of Maribor Press

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