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Tiles: the first platform for shared entertainment

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TILES (Tiles: the first platform for shared entertainment)

Période du rapport: 2016-09-01 au 2017-06-30

The business model innovation proposed in TILES project addresses the new digital advertising sector within the larger creative industries. Advertising is essential to the success of the European digital market. According to HIS Markit and IAB Europe, the digital advertising is the single largest advertising medium in Europe attracting €41.9bn in 2016, representing 37.2% of all advertising revenue. The latter has increased by over 530% between 2006 and 2016. In total, digital advertising adds €526bn to the economy each year and supports in some form about 6 million jobs. New generations of consumers are using Internet, mobile telephony, digital media, etc., in ways that not only expand their range of creative experiences but also transform them from passive recipients of creative messages into active co-creators of creative content. It may be also observed that digital is getting more democratized advertising, making it a real opportunity for SMEs to use advertising to increase their profits. On the other hand, Internet is today the place where Brands spread their marketing investments out of their digital premises, losing direct contact with their customers and control of their messages. Actually, the currently used processes are based on an old TV commercial concept: traditional video distributed via interrupting display ad formats and a system of metrics based on the exposure of the content. The result is an intrusive video ad that does not perform well on the net and that is not profitable for the Brands. Moreover, the Brands that wants to realize a video campaign for the web have today to talk, as in the traditional advertising market, at least with three different players. This means that even a campaign on line has many intermediation costs, and for this reason is always manageable by Big Advertisers. Mosaicoon has implemented through Tiles project an inside out approach with the aim to create an ecosystem in which Creatives and Video makers as well as final users themselves are an active part of the communication process of the Advertisers.
Under the project management WP1 have been realized: a leaflet containing the project information dedicated to Mosaicoon and relating to participation in Horizon 2020; a handbook regarding the internal description of the organization of the project and the type of coordination and processes that Mosaicoon put into practice in the planning of resources and time / objectives; an ethical and legal manual: public domain, dedicated to the regulatory and legal warnings that Mosaicoon put into practice for the organization of its resources and its facilities and the public domain outputs of the project (eg. Tiles, the website, DBs, etc.) In the WP3, Mosaicoon has implemented the front-end, API release and front-end and back-end integration. Mosaicoon has released, after several functional tests, the architecture of the platform system. Along with the architecture, Mosaicoon also published test results. At the end of WP3, the Milestone MS1 “Release of working system” has been achieved – the platform has been usable by internal stakeholders. In WP4, Mosaicoon has tested the platform internally with all the major involved actors (external and internal). Thus, after collecting the feedback, the platform has been integrated with Plavid and Crevity in the final platform As mentioned above, during the integration Mosaicoon has introduced a new figure called Mosaicoon Specialist that will be a consultant for the client and the partner in order to surf in the platform, find right solutions and receive video collection and Sonar Analysis. In WP5, Mosaicoon has focused on fine tuning of the Tiles platform from the back end to the first release, so other usability tests have been implemented to make a second and final fine tuning. With the feedback from the previous WPs, in WP6 Mosaicoon has released all the improvements to the integration of the 3 platforms, so the company got ready for the Go Live. As a result, Mosaicoon started and managed day-by-day all debugging and troubleshooting tasks. The company has also partnered with 3 major partnerships: Facebook, RCS, Drive. At the end of WP6, the Milestone MS4 “Tiles V1 release” has been achieved – any client can use the platform. The activities under communication and dissemination work package (WP7) will be on air for all life of the project. The following things have been communicated to the support of the launch of the new platform Tiles and communication activities were printed: Leaflet and Brochure. Among the activities of the WP7 there are the ones regarding the IPR actions. We define an IPR strategy for the company and we register some of our trademarks in different countries. Moreover we file a patent for the protection of the platform algorithm.
Nowadays, consumers are more empowered when navigating on Internet and is therefore able to perform multiple actions and search for more information. Thus, the more invasive traditional advertising formats are seen as elements that interrupt online searches and activities and, not as elements of involvement or information. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of the Advertiser to find their own users online, to stimulate actions and, to tie them to the values of the Brand, maximizing the return on their advertising investment, Mosaicoon has developed a non-invasive offer. The user can see the latter as content itself: the video campaign, in which both the creative content and its distribution are thought and redesigned to meet the user needs. This offer presents itself as unique in the industry of online advertising as it integrates services normally offered by different players in the market, and it is achievable thanks to the technological proprietary platform integrated and developed under Tiles project. Mosaicoon’ ambition is therefore to be the one-stop shop for the client, responsible for the results of the campaign, thus significantly reducing the costs associated with different transactions, which a company encounters when addressing many different players. The main impact of the platform, developed by Mosaicoon under Tiles project, is to satisfy the needs of advertising sector stakeholders by contributing to match up Advertisers, Agencies and Publishers. On the other hand, Mosaicoon approach is based on guaranteed KPIs, which means the client knows exactly what results he will obtain for each investment. The launch of will contribute to reduce intermediation and customers’ management costs, scaling the business towards global market with clusters of clients varying from SMEs to big Brands.