Periodic Reporting for period 4 - EUREC4A (Elucidating the Role of Clouds-Circulation Coupling in Climate)
Período documentado: 2021-02-01 hasta 2022-07-31
One of the main sources of uncertainty in the Earth’s climate sensitivity to greenhouse gases is the response of clouds to changes in their environment, particularly the response of low-level clouds that occur in the trade wind regions. To reduce this uncertainty, we designed and led (with B. Stevens, in collaboration with European, US and Caribbean teams) the first airborne field campaign specifically designed to test hypothesized mechanisms whereby changes in trade wind clouds with global warming act to amplify this warming, a positive feedback which would increase Earth's climate sensitivity. Beyond this specific objective, the field campaign aimed to better understand the physical processes through which trade wind clouds interact with their environment. The EUREC4A field campaign took place over the tropical Atlantic near Barbados in January and February 2020.
In parallel, we have investigated how clouds and convection organize themselves in space, forming clumps or patterns, and explored the role this spatial organization might play in climate. In doing so, we sought to address one of the main questions of the World Climate Research Programme’s Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity. In particular, we examined the role of cloud organization in the Earth's radiation budget, large-scale atmospheric circulation, and extreme precipitation. We also studied how anvil clouds, which form in the upper atmosphere and can cover large areas, respond to climate perturbations or natural or anthropogenic origin.
The project addressed these challenges with a team of PhD students, post-docs and engineers, in collaboration with a number of collaborators, and by exploiting the synergy between models and observations on a wide range of scales.
In parallel, our project tested the physical hypothesis that the anvil cloud coverage in the tropical atmosphere is largely controlled by the stability and radiative cooling of the clear-sky areas surrounding the clouds. We showed that this hypothesis was supported by satellite observations and meteorological analyses at the interannual time scale and that the same mechanism explained the response of anvil clouds to a range of anthropogenic or natural perturbations, including explosive volcanic eruptions. These findings thus advanced our understanding of how a major cloud type responds to a range of environmental changes.
Finally, our project showed that the spatial arrangement of clouds in the tropics influenced climate in several important ways. It has provided the first observational evidence that the degree of aggregation (or clumping) of deep convective clouds is a primary modulator of the tropical Earth’s radiation budget, impacts the intensity of extreme precipitation events, and the structure and width of tropical rain belts. Based on idealized simulations in which the atmosphere interacts with the ocean, we also suggested that the interplay between convective aggregation, sea surface temperature and radiation could generate some internal climate variability and influence the sensitivity of the Earth’s surface temperature to an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Overall, the project has resulted in 50 peer-reviewed publications, and the EUREC4A field campaign in dozens of observational data sets. The project has also produced a generation of Early Career Scientists versed in exploiting the synergy between observational and modeling approaches, and in linking cloud processes to the atmospheric circulations in which they are embedded while elucidating their role in climate.
Beside its scientific results published in leading and high-profile journals, the ERC project has developed new experimental techniques that radically change our ability to observe clouds, circulation and their coupling. In particular, our ability to measure area-averaged vertical motions of the atmosphere on the scale of 20-200 km has filled a long-standing observational gap in atmospheric science. Our ability to perform horizontal lidar and radar remote sensing from an aircraft has also opened new avenues to characterize cloud fields and their spatial organization. These measurements have already led (directly or indirectly) to important discoveries, and they will likely be exploited in future field campaigns.
Our project has provided evidence of the importance, for humidity, clouds and radiation, of atmospheric circulations and convective organizations occurring at the mesoscale (20-200 km). This finding questions our understanding of the climate system and the models currently used to predict climate and climate change at the global scale. It has contributed to develop a new field of research on the underlying physics, and the implications for climate, of the mesoscale organization of convection.