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Giving focus to the Cultural, Scientific and Social Dimension of EU – CELAC Relations


Report on bi-regional mobility

The deliverable will include - An analysis of the development of the exchange of scientific personnel between EU-CELAC over centuries and current situation, - Analysis of the impact of the political framework conditions on mobility, - Analysis of return patterns and rates of highly skilled migrants – in both directions - Review on scientific diaspora networks of both regions - Research on the determinants of migration of students/scientists specifically looking at individual and structural factors determining mobility and migration and a survey on the enabling and cumbering factors of knowledge transfer The objective is to identify mobility patterns and best practice examples and drivers for mobility, which will be used for recommendations for future actions. Preliminary version M18; final version M24

Synthesis report

Based on the focused input of the thematic pillars WP3, 4, 5 and the joint discussions, the results of the analysis of the cross-cutting issues will be summarized in the Synthesis Report. A preliminary synthesis report will be formulated in M28, which will feed into the first project events organized in WP6. In turn, the outcomes of the first project events will complement the preliminary report, leading to the formulation of the final synthesis report in M36. The deliverable will reveal potential action fields for enhanced trans-disciplinary cooperation in the future which will feed into the vision building in WP6.

Methodology for trans-sectorial events

The deliverable will give an input to agree on methodology and instruments for trans-sectorial events, that allows to discuss and sum up the outcomes of the studies in the thematic pillars (WP 3, 4, 5) and at the same time assure their contribution to the cross-cutting issues. The overall objective is to create a basis for managing disciplinary diversity in a productive way; building bridges and fostering exchange.

Ethical Approval report

Submission of the final Ethical Approval Report including ethical clearance of the issues raised in the Ethic Appraisal Report. The clearance will be provided before the initiation of the work with a need for ethic clearance (M6).

Report on the influence of EU CELAC relationships on social cohesion policies through cooperation programs

The report will include an assessment of practical examples of social cooperation programs, reciprocal influence on reforms and agenda setting in social policies, as well as common values and perspectives towards new forms of social welfare. Target group are primarily decision makers and policy makers as well as programme developers and social policy analysts. The analysis is very much on the level of political agenda setting and evidence based policy making. The results will be fed into WP6. A preliminary report will be produced in M17, update M29, final M35.

Open source publication on pathways to renewed cultural relations

An open source publication will be produced. Calls for book chapters will be launched via diverse online channels and promoted at the thematic sessions and the workshop see previous subtasks) respectively may workshop papers be translated into book chapters. The book will have a trans-disciplinary approach and a wide time horizon (including historical and forward looking analysis).

Report on research trajectories on social issues in EU and CELAC

This deliverable targets research in priority issues in building modern welfare states, co-evolution of welfare state models in historic perspective, changing role of social actors (e.g. new middle classes), as well as benchmarking and role models for social policies. Target groups for this report are (a) scientific community engaged in both – regional studies and social welfare studies and (b) policy makers, especially those ones active in social policy and cohesion policy.

Scenario Paper

The paper will collect the inputs from the scenario definition workshop; and split into two sessions: 1. A creativity session to identify the key dimensions, frameworks and discriminating factors, the output of this session: snapshots (i.e. short, schematic descriptions) of such scenarios. 2. A definition session to convert the snapshot scenarios into complete scenarios. On the basis of that empirical basis, the transversal input given by WP2 on cross-cutting issues, and the related workshops held, this deliverable will contain the three scenarios of analysis of the EU-LAC relations.

Updated version of the Synthesis Report

The updated version of the Synthesis Report is based on feedback to preliminary report, first joint discussions of outcomes of analysis of cross-cutting issues and recommendations of trans-sectorial board. The updated version of the report will develop the synthesis analysis further and systematize the results.

Synthesis report for WP5

Synthesis report detailing work undertaken in WP5

Report on research infrastructures

Preliminary M18; final M24

A framework for communication, dissemination, engagement and outreach (CDEO Plan). Reviewed and updated biannually.

Creation of a project wide framework for communication, dissemination, engagement and outreach (CDEO) that will be adopted and followed by all partners. It will be elaborated in month 4 and will be reviewed and updated at each of the Trans-Sectorial Board (and team) meetings.

Synthesis report on STI relations

The Synthesis Report will include an overview of the mapping and analysis activities in WP4, description of lessons learned and selected best practice examples of bi-regional STI collaboration, which can have model character for future bi-regional actions. Furthermore, the deliverable will include a formulation of suggestions for a set of concrete and practicable actions, which serve to involve actors from science, culture and social, concrete suggestions for a marketing campaign” for successful bi-regional STI collaboration, as well as good examples for bi-regional science diplomacy. This report will produce concrete formulations for the cross-cutting topic discussion process in WP2 and the vision building activities in WP6. A preliminary report will be produced in M18.

Development of the work plan of the trans-sectorial board (TB), including impact assessment

The deliverable includes an agreement on rationale, main goals and priorities, methodology, instruments and time line of synthesis process of cross-cutting issues. Final determination on cross-cutting issues already identified: migration and mobility; inclusion and inequality; diversity; and sustainability. Discussion on how to operationalize them. Scope: Create organizational structure and process for synthesis process of cross-cutting issues

Common Vision and Action Plan

"The deliverable will contain the results of the scenario validation workshop, the inputs collected through the polls and hot spot web conferences with experts, the joint actions and synergies with other projects and initiatives, and the expert panel final vision looking at three time horizons. The common vision and Action plan aims to feed and support a ""strategic narrative of the EU-LAC relations"", in order to define a clear strategic narrative for the renovation of the EU-CELAC relations, which transcends thematic and institutional limitations of the current negotiations and dialogue "

Literature depository

The Literature Depository will include publications and projects supported by the EU and CELAC institutions (IDB, CEPAL, EUNIC etc.) and international organisations (UNESCO, WIPO, OEI etc.) and be provided on the project website in a web-based visualization. Literature will be analysed according to transversal research questions, including development of research trends and shifts of research paradigms over time (in a broad historical perspective).

Institutional Framework Analysis of the EU-CELAC relations, including sustainability plan

The deliverable will provide an analysis of the legal/political/institutional setting of EU–CELAC relations in order to be able to discuss whether it is adequate to process the policies and actions included in the final recommendations in order strengthen the cultural, scientific and social dimension of the EU–CELAC relationship. The deliverable includes an interdisciplinary study of the legal as well as the political/institutional aspects of the interaction between regional, bi-regional institutions and the civil society. The sum of the previous items will allow the creation of an adequate background for the prioritization of the thematic WPs outcomes and their respective policy recommendations Prelim M6, Draft M12, updates M36 --> Final M41

Proposal for high-impact actions (input for the scenario and vision building process)

The deliverable will identify successful initiatives and include proposals for actions and initiatives for the promotion of bi-regional cultural relations with high social impact. The proposed actions will be elaborated in order to create specifically defined (and need driven) impacts in the sphere of the cross cutting issues (gender, youth, mobility, sustainability, inclusion and social cohesion). The output of this task will be fed into the scenario and vision building process in WP6.

Project method and activity plan (PMAP)

The Project Method and Activity Plan (PMAP) will define overall working procedures and processes including guidance and templates.

Preliminary Synthesis Report on cross-cutting topics

The preliminary report systematizes the first input of the thematic pillars (WP 3, 4, 5) on the cross-cutting questions. Identification of outcomes, lacunas, emerging new issues. Discussion and adjustments to report structure and content. The objective is to develop a robust, innovative, and viable design of the synthesis report. Readjustments will be made in month 10 as a feedback to first analysis experiences, first joint discussions of outcomes, and recommendations of trans-sectorial board (TB).

Report on differences and convergences in EU and CELAC social inclusion policies approaches

The deliverable will focus on the differences and especially the convergences between EU and LAC in visioning democracy in welfare regimes and the approach to social inclusion. The report will develop a comparative analysis of conceptual schemes for social inclusion with a specific focus on employment, gender and the dimension of regional integration. The report integrates theory and practices, and the outcomes will be fed into WP6. Prelim M17, update M29, final M35.

Methodological guideline for the scenario building process

The deliverable will provide a description of methods, workflow, responsibilities and procedure of the scenario building process, in order to provide an internal project guideline with the purpose to pursue a straight-forward and well-coordinated methodology for vision and scenario building.

Preliminary Project data management plan

As part of the CDEO Plan, a data management plan (DMP) will be developed. The preliminary DMP in M6 will address specific actions for the collation and storage to data generated within the project.

Final Data Management Plan

The final DMP will address specific actions for the storage and longer term access to data generated within the project programme which may be of value to other researchers and projects in the future.

Programme of outreach webinars

Workshops and open days will be organized to coincide with other events in the country where those will take place wherever possible. Provision has also been made for a representative of this project to attend other project and network events to encourage further networking opportunities. An international conference will be organized at the end of the project period to present and disseminate the EULAC Focus activities and results to the different stakeholders groups. Deliverable D7.4 will establish the list of workshops, open days and conference that will be organised and managed by the EULAC Focus team as well as external events that where the EULAC Focus project will be represented. This list will continue to be updated throughout the project.

Project website (initial presence (month 2); development and updating throughout.

Creation and maintenance of the project website which will support the EULAC Focus team and many of the project activities and goals. The initial website will be published in month 3 and will provide a tool for 2-way communication and exchange of information with partners, stakeholders and the wider public.


Digital Communication in Scientific Practices: Limitations and Possibilities for Equality

Author(s): Santoro, Valeria; Belli, Simone
Published in: Prisma Social, Issue No. 20, 2018, Page(s) 316-332, ISSN 1989-3469
Publisher: Fundación iS+D para la Investigación Social Avanzada

El “Triángulo Atlántico” en tiempos de Trump. Perspectivas de las relaciones birregionales entre la Unión Europea y la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños

Author(s): Birle, Peter
Published in: Anuario de la Integración Regional de América Latina y el Caribe, Issue No. 14, 2017, 2017, Page(s) 9-32, ISSN 1317-0953
Publisher: Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales (CRIES)

Mapping the development of Open Access in Latin America and Caribbean countries. An analysis of Web of Science Core Collection and SciELO Citation Index (2005–2017)

Author(s): Sergio Minniti, Valeria Santoro, Simone Belli
Published in: Scientometrics, Issue 117/3, 2018, Page(s) 1905-1930, ISSN 0138-9130
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-018-2950-0

Cooperación e integración regional en América Latina: entre la globalización y la regionalización

Author(s): Birle, Peter
Published in: América Latina y el Caribe frente a un Nuevo Orden Mundial: Poder, globalización y respuestas regionales, 2018, Page(s) 247-268, ISBN 978-84-9888-851-5
Publisher: Icaria Editorial - Ediciones CRIES

Effects of Digital Transformation in Scientific Collaboration. A Bibliographic Review

Author(s): Simone Belli
Published in: Applied Informatics - Second International Conference, ICAI 2019, Madrid, Spain, November 7–9, 2019, Proceedings, Issue 1051, 2019, Page(s) 410-422, ISBN 978-3-030-32474-2
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32475-9_30

ICT and Science: Some Characteristics of Scientific Networks and How They Apply Information Technology

Author(s): Simone Belli, Ernesto Ponsot
Published in: Applied Informatics - Second International Conference, ICAI 2019, Madrid, Spain, November 7–9, 2019, Proceedings, Issue 1051, 2019, Page(s) 438-452, ISBN 978-3-030-32474-2
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32475-9_32

Analyzing EU-LAC bi-regional scientific collaboration through co-publications

Author(s): Balta, Joan; Belli, Simone
Published in: Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, Issue 2017, 2017, Page(s) 8
Publisher: LabEX
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.22842.70083

Open Science and Open Access, a Scientific Practice for Sharing Knowledge

Author(s): Simone Belli, Ronald Cardenas, Martin Velez, Ariana Rivera, and Valeria Santoro
Published in:, 2019

The challenges of cultural relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean

Author(s): Lluís Bonet and Héctor Schargorodsky (Eds.)
Published in: 2019
Publisher: Quaderns Gescènic. Col·lecció Quaderns de Cultura n. 5

Seminario Internacional Políticas de Investigación, Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología en América Latina, El Caribe y La Unión Europea

Author(s): Camilo Molina
Published in: 2019
Publisher: CIESPAL 2019

Eulac focus Network Ecuador Seminario Internacional: Políticas de Investigación, Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología en América Latina, El Caribe y La Unión Europea

Author(s): Various
Published in: 2019
Publisher: CIESPAL 2019

Research Productivity and International Collaboration: A Study of Ecuadorian Science

Author(s): José Antonio Castillo, Michael A. Powell
Published in: Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 2018, Page(s) 153819271879215, ISSN 1538-1927
Publisher: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/1538192718792151


Author(s): Simone Belli, Joan Balta
Published in: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca / cc by-nc-nd, 2018, ISSN 1130-2887
Publisher: Universidad de Salamanca
DOI: 10.14201/alh201982741

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