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Risultati finali
This policy brief will enhance the findings of D5.01 and D5.02 by exploring how EU actions are received and perceived by local actors in Kosovo. It will build on interviews and focus groups with local actors in Pristina and in regions of Kosovo.
Working paper on EU policies towards Serbia and KosovoThis deliverable will provide a top-down overview of EU crisis response in Serbia and Kosovo throughout the conflict cycle. The focus will be on the institutional dynamics on the EU side including identification of priorities and goals in crisis management; identification and activation of diplomatic and economic tools in the enlargement framework; and coordination mechanisms between the EU-level institutions and member states’ government at various stages of the crisis. The working paper will be based primarily on desk research of official documents and reports as well as on a series of interviews with senior officials in DG NEAR in the European Commission and the EEAS in Brussels.
Working paper on implementation of EU crisis response in AfghanistanThis working paper will analyse how the EU and its member states are implementing its crisis response (i. e. the outcome dimension of EU policy-making) on the ground throughout the conflict cycle concerning Afghanistan. The working paper will identify the dynamics between the EU and its member states, division of tasks and compatibility of approaches. How priority areas identified in task 1 are implemented on the ground and who are the main local interlocutors? Is implementation conflict- and context-sensitive and does it address vulnerable groups? The analysis will also take into account actions of other key international actors (UN, NATO, US, AU, BRICS etc.) on the ground to see where and how the EU’s responses fit into the broader international community’s response. The study will analyse internal cohesion of responses (EU and member states) and assess whether EU’s actions are complementary or contradictory with the responses of other actors.
Policy brief summarizing perception studies in IraqThis policy brief will provide a bottom-up analysis of the impact dimensions of EU crisis response in terms of how it is received and perceived by different local actors in Iraq throughout the conflict cycle. Such a study will identify reception of EU policies at the state level (e.g. reforms, training activities) and whether EU response is corresponding to the needs of the target state (local ownership). At the same time it will also address which non-elite groups are being targeted and how different groups perceive EU responses. Are EU responses perceived as conflict-sensitive and as addressing the needs of vulnerable groups? Is there a difference between reception/perception of the EU and member states? How do EU responses measure up to responses of other international actors?
Working paper on implementation of EU crisis response in IraqThis working paper will analyse how the EU and its member states are implementing its crisis response (i. e. the outcome dimension of EU policy-making) on the ground throughout the conflict cycle concerning Iraq. The working paper will identify the dynamics between the EU and its member states, division of tasks and compatibility of approaches. How priority areas identified in task 1 are implemented on the ground and who are the main local interlocutors? Is implementation conflict- and context-sensitive and does it address vulnerable groups? The analysis will also take into account actions of other key international actors (UN, NATO, US, AU, BRICS etc.) on the ground to see where and how the EU’s responses fit into the broader international community’s response. The study will analyse internal cohesion of responses (EU and member states) and assess whether EU’s actions are complementary or contradictory with the responses of other actors.
Working paper on EU policies towards Iraq, Afghanistan and MaliThis working paper will provide a top-down overview of EU crisis response regarding the output dimension of EU policy-making across the three cases (Afghanistan, Iraq, and Mali) throughout the conflict cycle. It will entail an analysis of a) how the problem is perceived and defined by the EU and its MS, b) what the EU identifies as its policy goals and priority areas in its response (intent), including diplomatic, economic engagement, c) what the EU defines as appropriate strategies and instruments as part of its CFSP policy (including CSDP).
Working paper on best practices in EU crisis response and policy implementationThis deliverable will analyse the status of the Union’s mechanism for making use of best practices and lessons learnt in the field of crisis response. Thus, the paper will investigate how and to what extent this is being done in different phases of the project: the decision-making process (from the time when a crisis occurs until a decision is made concerning the response), but also how the policy so far has been implemented and followed-up.
Biannual newsletter 5EUNPACK will produce its own biannual newsletter and distribute that through the coordinated use of partners’ databases.
Working paper mapping the EU crises response toolbox, its institutions and decisionmaking processesThis deliverable will provide an overview of the current EU crisis response capacity. It will describe the current institutional framework and the decision-making processes. It will put emphasis on the capacity at the EU-level, but also investigate the extent to which the Union has developed an institutional capacity to coordinate its activities with other IOs (NATO, UN, AU etc.) as well as with the individual member states activities in this area.
Working paper on implementation of EU crisis response in UkrainePaper analysing how the EU and EU members states implement crisis response mechanisms in Ukraine throughout the conflict cycle. The researchers conduct fieldwork in Ukraine interviewing EU officials, member states’ representatives and other salient international actors.
Working paper on implementation of EU crisis response in MaliThis working paper will analyse how the EU and its member states are implementing its crisis response on the ground (i. e. the outcome dimension of EU policy-making) throughout the conflict cycle concerning Mali. The working paper will identify the dynamics between the EU and its member states, division of tasks and compatibility of approaches. How priority areas identified in task 1 are implemented on the ground and who are the main local interlocutors? Is implementation conflict- and context-sensitive and does it address vulnerable groups? The analysis will also take into account actions of other key international actors (UN, NATO, US, AU, BRICS etc.) on the ground to see where and how the EU’s responses fit into the broader international community’s response. The study will analyse internal cohesion of responses (EU and member states) and assess whether EU’s actions are complementary or contradictory with the responses of other actors.
Biannual newsletter 6EUNPACK will produce its own biannual newsletter and distribute that through the coordinated use of partners’ databases.
Policy brief summarizing perception studies in UkrainePaper analysing how the EU and EU members states implement crisis response mechanisms in Ukraine throughout the conflict cycle. The researchers conduct fieldwork in Ukraine interviewing EU officials, member states’ representatives and other salient international actors.
Workshop, European Cafè Debate and presentation of initial findings in UkraineRoundtable to be held in Kyiv, gathering together local experts not only from Ukraine but also other post-Soviet countries, especially former EU mission local personnel.
Working paper on implementation of EU crisis response in LibyaPaper analysing how the EU and EU members states implement crisis response mechanism in Libya as the conflict unfolds along a non-linear pathway. The researchers conduct fieldwork inside Libya and in Libya’s neighbourhood, interviewing EU officials, member states’ representatives and other salient international actors.
Biannual newsletter 4EUNPACK will produce its own biannual newsletter and distribute that through the coordinated use of partners’ databases.
Policy brief focusing on lessons learnt, with policy advice to the EUTowards the end of the project period a policy brief summarising the main findings from this WP will be presented. The policy brief will focus on providing concrete policy advices to the EU.
Biannual newsletter 2EUNPACK will produce its own biannual newsletter and distribute that through the coordinated use of partners’ databases.
Policy brief summarizing perception studies in LibyaPaper providing a bottom-up analysis of how EU crisis response is received and perceived by different Libyan actors both inside and outside the country. While the choice of methods reflects the development of the situation on the ground, it will ideally entail interviews of local elites, direct observation, focus group discussions, and perception studies.
Policy brief summarizing perception studies in SerbiaThis policy brief will enhance the findings of D5.01 and D5.02 by exploring how EU actions are received and perceived by local actors in Serbia. It will build on interviews and focus groups with local actors in Belgrade and in regions of Serbia.
Biannual newsletter 1EUNPACK will produce its own biannual newsletter and distribute that through the coordinated use of partners’ databases.
Biannual newsletter 3EUNPACK will produce its own biannual newsletter and distribute that through the coordinated use of partners’ databases.
Final report, including financial statementsThis deliverable reports all activities of the EUNPACK project during the entire project period, including financial statements in accordance with EU procedures for such reporting.
Working paper on implementation of EU crisis response in Serbia and KosovoThis deliverable will analyse how the EU and its member states operate in crisis management on the ground in Serbia and Kosovo throughout the conflict cycle. The focus will be on the implementation of decisions and plans identified in the working paper D5.01 on the ground. Interactions with other international organisations on the ground such as the UN, NATO, the US, Russia and OSCE will also be included in the analysis. The study will be based on data gathered in official reports as well as via fieldwork and interviews on the ground in both Kosovo and Serbia.
Policy brief summarizing perception studies in AfghanistanThis policy brief will provide a bottom-up analysis of the impact dimensions of EU crisis response in terms of how it is received and perceived by different local actors in Afghanistan throughout the conflict cycle. Such a study will identify reception of EU policies at the state level (e.g. reforms, training activities) and whether EU response is corresponding to the needs of the target state (local ownership). At the same time it will also address which non-elite groups are being targeted and how different groups perceive EU responses. Are EU responses perceived as conflict-sensitive and as addressing the needs of vulnerable groups? Is there a difference between reception/perception of the EU and member states? How do EU responses measure up to responses of other international actors?
Working paper on EU policies towards Libya and UkraineBackground paper providing a top-down overview of strategic documents and action plans. The researchers will conduct both a desk review (content analysis, discourse analysis), and a preliminary round of interviews in Brussels. The paper aims at identifying two possible EU policy models, targeting/addressing the neighbourhood, one directed towards the Eastern flank and the other the Southern flank. The paper provides a theoretically-informed account of EU policy making in an evolving strategic scenario, by examining actions undertaken by key EU and non-EU actors throughout the conflict cycle.
Policy brief summarizing perception studies in MaliThis policy brief will provide a bottom-up analysis of the impact dimensions of EU crisis response in terms of how it is received and perceived by different local actors in Mali throughout the conflict cycle. Such a study will identify reception of EU policies at the state level (e.g. reforms, training activities) and whether EU response is corresponding to the needs of the target state (local ownership). At the same time it will also address which non-elite groups are being targeted and how different groups perceive EU responses. Are EU responses perceived as conflict-sensitive and as addressing the needs of vulnerable groups? Is there a difference between reception/perception of the EU and member states? How do EU responses measure up to responses of other international actors?
This workshop will present findings from D5.01-D5.04 and provide an opportunity for public outreach and debate with societal stakeholders in Kosovo.
Workshop, European Cafè Debate and presentation of initial findings in MaliThis third workshop will be organised in terms of a ‘European Café Debate’ assembling politicians, representatives of the EU institutions and academics from the EU UNPACK project and beyond in order to discuss and challenge initial findings regarding 1) the reception/ perception of EU crisis response and 2) lessons learned from EU crisis response in the extended neighbourhood, here in the case of Mali.
Workshop, European Cafè Debate and presentation of initial findings in IraqThis first workshop will be organised in terms of a ‘European Café Debate’ assembling politicians, representatives of the EU institutions and academics from the EU UNPACK project in order to discuss and challenge initial findings regarding 1) the reception/ perception of EU crisis response and 2) lessons learned from EU crisis response in the extended neighbourhood, here in the case of Iraq.
Research meets people: European Café DebatesInformal European Café Debates are to be held in post-conflict capitals – alongside the project’s specialist events, where applicable, to take stock of the project experts ́ presence – targeting wider non-expert audiences to disseminate project findings and recommendations, and raise public awareness.
Research meets people: press and media briefingsPress conferences and expert media briefings, TV debates, TV question time and media appearances. EUNPACK will make project experts available for TV question time, radio interviews and TV debates – to be arranged and facilitated with the EU and national media, linking up with major news outlets such as the BBC World Service, RFE/ RL, Euronews and others. Press conferences and media briefings are to be held during the selected project events in the EU and (post-)conflict regions
Workshop, European Cafè Debate and presentation of initial findings in LibyaWorkshop to be held in Tripoli, or alternatively in Tunis, involving experts from newly-established Libyan think tanks and deeply-rooted associations.
Research meets academia: elaboration and dissemination of conference proceedingsEUNPACK will disseminate its conference proceedings. It will also elaborate teaching provisions, and organise university simulations.
Workshop, European Cafè Debate and presentation of initial findings in AfghanistanThis second workshop will be organised in terms of a ‘European Café Debate’ assembling politicians, representatives of the EU institutions and academics from the EU UNPACK project in order to discuss and challenge initial findings regarding 1) the reception/ perception of EU crisis response and 2) lessons learned from EU crisis response in the extended neighbourhood, here in the case of Afghanistan.
Workshop, European Cafè Debate and presentation of initial findings in SerbiaThis workshop will present findings from D5.01-D5.04 and provide an opportunity for public outreach and debate with societal stakeholders in Serbia.
Research meets academia: organisation of EU governance academic conferencesEUNPACK will organise EU security governance academic conferences on EU security governance
Research meets policy: policy workshopsEUNPACK will organise a series of workshops to engage project experts with targeted policy-makers, practitioners (e.g. military personnel, private contractors), researchers and a wider expert audience to present and test the interim research findings for practical relevance so as to maximise the project’s impact.
EUNPACK will build its own dynamic database; manage a project website with regularly updated project information and outputs (project and team description, calendar of events, publications, media references, news digest, on-line resource databank); and operate social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Researchgate,, etc.). Press packages and invitations to project events will be prepared, with expert media briefings at the events press releases about the outcome of events and written research outputs.
Kari M. Osland; Mateja Peter
Pubblicato in:
Numero 53, 2021
Manchester University Press
Pernille Rieker; Kristian Lundby Gjerde
Pubblicato in:
Numero 19, 2021
Manchester University Press
Luca Raineri; Francesco Strazzari
Pubblicato in:
Numero 51, 2021
Manchester University Press
Oliver Richmond
Pubblicato in:
Mediterranean Politics, Numero 2017-06-11, 2017, Pagina/e 1-22, ISSN 1362-9395
Frank Cass Publishers
Oliver P Richmond
Pubblicato in:
Cooperation and Conflict, Numero 53/3, 2017, Pagina/e 301-319, ISSN 0010-8367
SAGE Publications
Oliver P. Richmond
Pubblicato in:
Global Society, Numero 32/2, 2018, Pagina/e 221-239, ISSN 1360-0826
Carfax Publishing Ltd.
Oliver Richmond
Pubblicato in:
Australian Journal of International Affairs, Numero 73/1, 2018, Pagina/e 45-63, ISSN 1035-7718
Australian Institute of International Affairs
Oliver P. Richmond
Pubblicato in:
International Peacekeeping, Numero 26/1, 2018, Pagina/e 85-110, ISSN 1353-3312
Taylor & Francis
Jozef Bátora, Pernille Rieker
Pubblicato in:
Journal of European Integration, Numero 40/4, 2017, Pagina/e 461-478, ISSN 0703-6337
Pernille Rieker, Steven Blockmans
Pubblicato in:
European Security, Numero 28/1, 2019, Pagina/e 1-21, ISSN 0966-2839
Taylor & Francis
Roger Mac Ginty
Pubblicato in:
Contemporary Security Policy, Numero 39/1, 2017, Pagina/e 166-179, ISSN 1352-3260
Oliver P. Richmond, Roger Mac Ginty
Pubblicato in:
Globalizations, Numero 2019-01-04, 2019, Pagina/e 1-19, ISSN 1474-7731
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Luca Raineri; Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik; Roman Petrov
Pubblicato in:
Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics; № 6 (2020); 1-25, Numero 45, 2020, ISSN 2414-9942
Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal
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