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Risultati finali
Interactive guide on the design and deployment of co-creation approaches (Report, M36) Task 1.5 Interactive guide on the design and deployment of co-creation approaches (Leader: ifib, Duration:M13-M36) The guidebook describes the methodology on the design and deployment of co-creation approaches in the realm of open government data for an ageing population including a framework for service design and technology for the seniors. The guide will be an interactive element of CIDER and feature lessons learned from all field sites/ demonstrator apps.
Evaluation Report (a) Bremen (b) South Lakeland (c) Zaragoza (d) Central MacedoniaEvaluation Reports (a) Bremen (b) South Lakeland (c) Zaragoza (d) Central Macedonia (report, M28) Task 3.6 Mobile Service Evaluation (Leader: FTB, Duration: M25 -M28) The prototype mobile services will be evaluated at the application sites from a user’s perspective of senior citizens. Applied methods will comprise, where appropriate for the mobile service: field test; execution of predefined tasks either with data logging or observation and questionnaire; semi-structured interviews.
Initial Exploitation Plan for Civic Open Data EngagementInitial Exploitation Plan for Civic Open Data Engagement (report, M12) This deliverable considers different exploitation aspects of our technical and process innovation beyond the scope of the project: Market potential and business plan, transferability and sustainability. The initial exploitation plan will provide an outline for our exploitation and business plan based on the insights from our first co-creation activities in UK and Germany. This outline will present the structure according to which the market potential will be further analysed. In addition TT will outline an agreement for how to collaborate among the partners concerning IPR. The task will be led by TT in collaboration with FTB, AUTH, UPM, ULANC, ifib, RCM and ZAR.
Recruitment & Engagement Plan Zaragoza and Central MacedoniaRecruitment & Engagement Plan Zaragoza and Central Macedonia (report, M13) This deliverable feeds into Task 3.1 Co-creation Recruitment & Engagement Planning For Trial Sites (Leader: ifib, Duration:M2-M13) Mobile Age will invite different stakeholder groups to co-creation events that explore the creation of mobile applications for senior citizens based on open public data. Preparation includes activities related to discovery of data sources, including communication with data providers (existing sources, data collection, annotation, pre-processing). Depending on the participants and use cases different workshop formats have to be planned. This task also includes the planning for transfer of methodology results from Bremen and South Lakeland to Zaragoza and Central Macedonia.
Interim Study on accessibility, digital mobility & open dataInterim Study on accessibility, mobility & open data (Report, M 12) This deliverable is linked to Task 1.1 Study on accessibility, digital mobility and open data (Leader: ULANC, Duration: M1-M18) We will use the exploratory workshops in phase 1 of the Mobile Age project to develop a situated, practice-based understanding of access and mobility. This study will be based on qualitative research that will observe the practices of mobile technology use of older people. These observations will be complemented with interviews and focus groups (that will form part of the exploratory events). The results of this study will inform the format and structure of further co-creation events. 1. Preparation (month 1 - 2) 2. Preliminary study with senior citizens (focus groups, walking studies, interviews, cultural probes) in Bremen and South Lakeland (month 3 – 6) 3. Studies on mobility and independent living (month 7 – 16) 1. Stage 1: senior citizens with access 1. Bremen authors from Seniorenlotse 2. Stage 2: senior citizens with required help / intermediaries... indirect access to technology (through intermediaries) 1. Isolated people (e.g. South Lakeland) 2. Language barriers (e.g. Bremen uses Turkish speaking senior citizens) 4. Analysis and write-up (month 17-18)
Final Communication and Dissemination ReportFinal Communication and Dissemination Report (report, M36) This deliverable feeds into Task 5.2 Implementation of Communication and Dissemination Activities (Leader:Gov2u, Duration: M1-M36] This task will communicate the project's goals and achievements to the scientific and technical communities, policy makers and the general public. Gov2u will design a project logo and visual identity for the promotional material (brochures, press releases, newsletters etc.) and deliverables It will also launch and maintain a project website that has a structure suitable to include all current and progressively developed information regarding the project. The quarterly e-newsletter will be the main tool to disseminate updated information on the project work in progress. Particularly social media will be exploited to ensure that the project has a high profile via the Internet. Gov2u will be in charge of administrating online presence of the project and of creating press releases to be delivered to written press, radio, TV, websites and Internet. The contacts of relevant stakeholders collected by Gov2u with the support of project partners in an internal database, will enable sending regular news by e-mail on the project activities and events to the stakeholders. Different types of brochures will be created, printed and distributed by the members of the consortium within the workshops and conferences where they will participate. All partners will use their own communication channels in order to foster the visibility of the project and will implement dissemination activities targeting external audiences. Dissemination activities will involve the presentation of the project and its interim and final results during conferences and fairs, publication of scientific papers and distribution of policy briefs and research briefs. A special emphasis will be given to the clustering with the on-going projects and to influencing the standards concerning areas of interest of the project. AGE will help implementing the project webpage (providing content to the website), updating the social media channels the project will select as relevant (if relevant), search for external dissemination channels (e.g. joinup, Digital Agenda’s opportunities, EIP AHA opportunities), write articles for its own newsletter to be distributed to AGE members around Europe and summarize the dissemination efforts carried out
Interim Guidebook on the design and deployment of co-creation approachesInterim version of Guidebook on the design and deployment of co-creation approaches (Report, M15) Task 1.5 Co-creation Best Practice Guidebook (Leader: ifib, Duration:M13-M36) The guidebook describes the methodology on the design and deployment of co-creation approaches in the realm of open government data for an ageing population including a framework for service design and technology for the seniors.
FINAL OSCPSEP technical specificationsFINAL OSCPSEP technical specifications (Report, M17) This deliverable feeds into Task 2.6 Overall System integration and technical testing of demonstrator applications (Leader: AUTH, Duration: M7-M36) The first step towards the integration of the OSCPSEP modules will be the consolidation of the input from the requirements analysis performed in T2.1, as well as the design of the individual components and the overall architecture. Task 2.6 will initially provide both the generic guidelines for the development of the modules, as well as the exact integration tests for the early and final modules. One of the main outcomes of this task will be the successful release of the early and final OSCPSEP platform versions. The early OSCPSEP platform will serve as a benchmark for deploying the early pilot prototypes and will serve as input for the final specifications of the platform, while the final OSCPSEP platform will be used for the full implementation of the pilot cases, as specified in WP4. The final platform will also incorporate the guidelines for the co-design methodology to be fostered. Two versions of OSCPSEP prototypes will be released. Using the released platform versions, T2.6 will perform a phased deployment of prototype applications & front-end components developed under T4.2 and T4.3 across the four European trial sites. Before the pilot applications can be evaluated with end-users at the field sites (T3.6) an overall integration test will be carried out including assessment of data availability, front-end and back-end functionality and usability aspects. This way functionality will be aligned and user interfaces will be fine-tuned. AUTH will uptake this task with UPM, TT, FTB and ULANC participating.
SaaS Generic Software Components(a) Early (b) Final SaaS Generic Software Components (i.e. Search, Annotation) (Report, M11) Task 2.3 OSCPSEP SaaS Components & API Development (Leader: TT, Duration: M6-M11) The task will prepare a way to annotate relevant OGD sources so that they can be correctly mapped to common formats used in the OSCPSEP database. It prepares a set of solutions to collect data from OGD sources using APIs, search engine indexing, and web scraping. In addition it provides a unified search across selected websites to implement a loose integration of public services. The Tingtun search service will be used as the basis for this task. TT will uptake this task, with AUTH and ZGZ supporting the activities.
Recruitment & Engagement Plan Bremen and South LakelandRecruitment & Engagement Plan Bremen and South Lakeland (report, M4) This deliverable feeds into Task 3.1 Co-creation Recruitment & Engagement Planning For Trial Sites (Leader: ifib, Duration:M2-M13) Mobile Age will invite different stakeholder groups to co-creation events that explore the creation of mobile applications for senior citizens based on open public data. Preparation includes activities related to discovery of data sources, including communication with data providers (existing sources, data collection, annotation, pre-processing). Depending on the participants and use cases different workshop formats have to be planned. This task also includes the planning for transfer of methodology results from Bremen and South Lakeland to Zaragoza and Central Macedonia.
OSCPSEP requirementsOSCPSEP requirements (Report, M6) Task 2.1 OSCPSEP requirements and specifications (Leader: AUTH, Duration: M1-M17) Within this task the requirements of the OSCPSEP platform will be collected and analysed, based on the analysis performed in WP3 and WP4. The resulting requirements will define the basic functionality of the OSCPSEP platform in order to enable verification of project results and will be documented in the deliverable D5. AUTH will lead this task, with all partners participating. At the next stage, this task will deal with the functional baseline of the system and describe “how” the system will fulfil requirements identified in D5 In order to ensure quality (implementation) results it is important to specify technical, operational and support characteristics of the system. The performance related behaviour in respect to the platform KPIs will be addressed within this task. This task will result in the production of two versions of deliverable D5, the early and final OSCPSEP platform technical specifications. The early version will define all the basic OSCPSEP platform functionality, while the final version will incorporate advanced functionality, as well as functionality driven from the Pilot case requirements. AUTH will lead this task, with UPM providing input.
Technical requirements and specification of demonstrator applicationsTechnical requirements and specification of demonstrator applications (report, M18). This deliverable relates to the following two tasks: Task 4.1 Technical requirements and specification of demonstrator applications (Leader: FTB, Duration:M2-M18) This task takes into account technical interface requirements from the OSCPSEP platform, end-user requirements and output of the co-creation events as well as the structure of the available open data. Under consideration of the available project resources, these requirements are translated into technical specifications of the demonstrator applications and front-ends. Special attention is given to the special usability requirements by elderly users as well as to accessibility features. As this task maps the ideas developed together with the users, the technical requirements for the mobile applications are expected to evolve during the whole co-creation process. Task 4.2 Development of generic front-end components (Leader: FTB, Duration: M3-M16) Selected assistive components for front-ends are defined and developed. They are not specific to an application site, i.e. could be used in various application front-ends; e.g. elderly-friendly user-interface design style and elements, elderly-friendly presentation of a city map, generic data interfaces to the OSCPSEP platform. Especially, accessibility requirements of elderly end-users are taken into account. This makes the early provision of mock-ups (T4.3) easier, in order to let the developers focus on the co-creation aspects of the project and to make information as transparent as possible to the elderly end-users.
Interim Exploitation Plan for Civic Open Data EngagementInterim Exploitation Plan for Civic Open Data Engagement (report, M24) This deliverable considers different exploitation aspects of our technical and process innovation beyond the scope of the project: Market potential and business plan, transferability and sustainability. The interim exploitation plan will be further refined in the second year after the implementation of our approach in Spain and Greece and explore the market potential. The interim business plan will provide a viable business model on how to reach out to the market (e.g. explore different freemium approaches together with potential customers). The interim exploitation plan will be quantitative with estimates for the full implementation costs, turnover, and expected profits for selected services. For the interim exploitation plan TT will outline an agreement for partner roles based on the business model and chosen services. In addition the interim version will reflect on the challenges encountered during the good practice transfer for co-creation approaches within our project (from UK and Germany to Spain and Greece) and develop a set of guidelines. These guidelines for transferability of our method innovation will also feed into the Good Practice Guidebook. Furthermore will the interim report provide an analysis on how such co-created services may be deployed sustainably (e.g. through migration of our demonstrators to city information providers). This may include public-private partnerships as is the case for Bremen. The analysis will feed into T5.4 (the migration of our project results in the third project year). All sub-tasks feature considerations about the social or economic impact such applications may have and are derived from T1.4 (Evaluation and impact assessment framework). The task will be led by TT in collaboration with FTB, AUTH, UPM, ULANC, ifib, RCM and ZAR.
OSCPSEP API Publication & Platform DocumentationOSCPSEP API Publication & Platform Documentation (Report, M27) This deliverable feeds into Task 2.4 Open Data Feeds Aggregation & Public Services’ Integration (Leader: UPM, Duration: M4-M27) Work in this task will focus on identifying third-party web services that expose open data, in order to provide a boot-strap base for the OSCPSEP cloud infrastructure to build upon. Additionally, a dynamic methodology for mapping third party services into OSCPSEP services will be developed. The mapping mechanism will provide interfaces to REST APIs and SOAP/WSDL services, and will provide the scheme for transforming existing data and web services into the OSCPSEP paradigm. Additionally, this task will develop and deploy the technical infrastructure that will enable and store semantics–aware descriptions of the offered datasets. The offered service capabilities will be semantically characterised, hence their discovery will be significantly facilitated. In addition this task will deal with the cases not covered by the core set of interfaces to the OSCPSEP platform and adjustments of them needed to cope with any changes in the source data formats. The cases will cover about 5 OGD sources each. UPM along with AUTH, TT, FTB, ULANC, and RCM will work on T2.4.
Evaluation and impact assessment frameworkEvaluation and impact assessment framework (Report, M32) Task 1.4 Evaluation and impact assessment framework (Leader: ULANC, Duration: M3-M36) We will develop an evaluation and impact assessment framework to assess the extent to which Mobile Age will achieve a pre-specified set of key objectives. Each component of this framework will be refined as the Mobile Age project unfolds to incorporate the learnings from the prior phases. Intermediate results will be reported upon in the periodic progress reports.
Senior Citizen Engagement Report ZaragozaSenior Citizen Engagement Report Zaragoza (report, M26) Task 3.4 Stakeholder Ideation & Engagement Activities in Zaragoza (Leader: ZGZ, Duration: M13-M26) We will conduct the ideation and engagement activities in a single cycle, as discussed in section 1. This will include the transference of good practices from the work done in Bremen and South Lakeland (months 13-15), the development of the co-creation activities focused on the development of the corresponding services and on the senior citizen data provisioning (months 15-22) and the final evaluation (months 23-26). These activities will be run, as with the other sites, with two groups of senior citizens with 15- 20 participants running on weekly basis. The following elements will be considered: 1. Exploratory workshop with senior citizens (and public authorities) to identify information needs, explore the available data, and come up with innovative ideas of the functionality of the applications. 2a. Design workshop with senior citizens and software designers to identify the user requirements and create presentation ideas and interaction design (such as paper prototypes). 2b. Data workshop (separate or in combination with 2a) with senior citizens to elaborate how the open data is used, re-combined, and aggregated by the application.
Senior Citizen Engagement Report South LakelandSenior Citizen Engagement Report South Lakeland (report, M24) Task 3.3 Stakeholder Ideation & Engagement Activities in South Lakeland (Leader: ULANC, Duration: M5-M24) In line with ifib, we will conduct two cycles of these engagement activities which are reflectively analysed and studied in tasks 1.1 and 1.2. Preparation takes place in month 4. First we will run four co-design workshops with senior citizens and local authority staff. Here we will show them our designs, give them opportunities to comment and use the features and then develop them further based on their feedback. Throughout this time we will work with Lakeland District Council staff to ensure the Mobile Age South Lakeland Application is compatible with their systems. In relation to the intermediaries, we will hold two workshops with local authority staff and Age Concern Rural Agents to show them the design of the Mobile Age South Lakeland Application. Following this we will then follow some of the Rural Agents on their visits to senior citizens and pilot its development in situ. Here we will pilot features of the system and then develop them as we gain feedback. For those participants that do not own a mobile device Mobile Age will provide tablets. While we will have access to the local authority staff and Age Concern through South Lakeland District Council, we will ask Age Concern to identify and publicise the project through their newsletter and personal contact.
Final Exploitation Plan for Civic Open Data EngagementFinal Exploitation Plan for Civic Open Data Engagement (report, M36) This deliverable considers different exploitation aspects of our technical and process innovation beyond the scope of the project: Market potential and business plan, transferability and sustainability. The final exploitation plan will review and critically assess the interim business plan and the actions taken in the final project year. Adjustments based on this critical review will be implemented. The final report hence comprises a specified business model, explaining the market potential of the technical and process innovation and paves the way for a rollout beyond the project partners and duration. The report will further summarise the challenges and requirements for a successful transfer of our co-creation methodology to other settings. It will define how the sustainability of our services and of the data will be ensured (including a business plan for the organisations involved in the maintenance and curation of our products). All sub-tasks feature considerations about the social or economic impact such applications may have and are derived from T1.4 (Evaluation and impact assessment framework). The task will be led by TT in collaboration with FTB, AUTH, UPM, ULANC, ifib, RCM and ZAR.
Study on co-creation practicesStudy on co-creation practices (Report, M 26) This deliverable is linked to Task 1.2 Study on co-creation practices (Leader: ifib, Duration: M5-M26) This study will, again through qualitative methods, investigate how co-design and co-creation practice work including a variety of actors: senior citizens, formal and informal carers, civil servants, software programmers, open data providers. Methods will include cultural probes, (video) ethnography, interviews, focus groups and technology-in-use-observation (e.g. walking workshops, observing usage at home). This study will be informative to the development of a co-design and co-creation methodology, and form part of the final Mobile Age guidebook. • Study will be based on co-creation activities conducted in T3.2 – T3.5 • This study will also evaluate the transferability of the co-creation methods (transfer Bremen & South Lakeland to Zaragoza & Central Macedonia) and is considered when planning the engagement activities in T3.1 and for the study on transferability in T5.3.
Final Study on accessibility, mobility & open dataFinal Study on accessibility, mobility & open data (Report, M 18) This deliverable is linked to Task 1.1 Study on accessibility, digital mobility and open data (Leader: ULANC, Duration: M1-M18) We will use the exploratory workshops in phase 1 of the Mobile Age project to develop a situated, practice-based understanding of access and mobility. This study will be based on qualitative research that will observe the practices of mobile technology use of older people. These observations will be complemented with interviews and focus groups (that will form part of the exploratory events). The results of this study will inform the format and structure of further co-creation events. 1. Preparation (month 1 - 2) 2. Preliminary study with senior citizens (focus groups, walking studies, interviews, cultural probes) in Bremen and South Lakeland (month 3 – 6) 3. Studies on mobility and independent living (month 7 – 16) 1. Stage 1: senior citizens with access 1. Bremen authors from Seniorenlotse 2. Stage 2: senior citizens with required help / intermediaries... indirect access to technology (through intermediaries) 1. Isolated people (e.g. South Lakeland) 2. Language barriers (e.g. Bremen uses Turkish speaking senior citizens) 4. Analysis and write-up (month 17-18)
Update of the Communication and Dissemination PlanUpdate of the Communication and Dissemination Plan (M24) These deliverable feeds into Task 5.1 Planning & Coordination of Communication and Dissemination Activities (Leader:Gov2u, Duration: M1-M36] Gov2u will create a Communication and Dissemination Plan (C&D Plan) that will provide the framework and structure of all project information, communication and publicity activities, defining communication goals, objectives and strategies with specified timelines, allocating responsibilities, providing a clear modus operandi, facilitating timely response to changed conditions and deviations from plans, establishing a basis for evaluation, identifying risks and taking remedial steps to solve problems. The plan will define a set of key performance indicators (KPIs), or success indicators, to enable an evaluation of the impact of communication and dissemination activities. AGE will support setting up the plan, provide some key dates for dissemination purposes, describe the activities around social media, highlight policy developments suitable to inform the project. A contact list will be created with the support of all partners in the first six months of the project. This list will contain the contact data separate for each type of target audience/external stakeholders of the project and will be updated every 6 months till the end of the project. Moreover, a list of potential conferences and journals where the project results can be published/presented will be created and continuously updated. The task will also ensure the smooth collaboration and coordination with other WPs related to the communication of their work and achievements, target group’s engagement, monitor the progress of the communication and dissemination activities of the project, report these activities and their results. Regular conference calls with project partners, e-mail correspondence, specific progress reporting are foreseen for the management of the WP5 activities. A Communication and Dissemination report together with an update of the C& D Plan will be delivered at M12 and M24. At the end of the project, a Final Communication and Dissemination Report will mirror all the communication and dissemination activities performed. It will report the evaluation of awareness raised through the communication means accordingly to the indicators established in the C&D Plan.
Project HandbookProject Handbook (report, M2) This handbook will detail the internal communication, and provide guidance and templates. This deliverable covers project co-ordination: the overall organisation and co-ordination of the project team and its work. This involves overseeing all activities, assessing progress and establishing priorities to satisfy dependencies between the objectives of the project. The formal management involves organising the timely execution of formal contractual obligations toward the commission and among the partners. Task 6.1: Project setup (Leader: ULANC, Duration:M1-M2) This task is dedicated to setting the Mobile Age project in motion. It will include (i) setting up a light-weight Central Project Office; (ii) kick-off-meeting which includes a workshop with presentation from partners on different aspects of Mobile Age, (iii) definition of administrative reporting and auditing procedures (iv) design and implementation of standard formats and forms for project documentation (v) definition of quality assurance cycle for all project deliverables (vi) deployment of technical infrastructure to support the management processes. Task 6.2: Project management (Leader:ULANC, Duration:M1-M36) This task is responsible for the effective management of the project according to the plan described in section 3.2. Meetings are scheduled in addition to regular teleconferences and will alternate between the field sites to allow for more engagement with local actors for all project partners.
Interim OSCPSEP technical specificationOSCPSEP technical specifications (Report, M11) This deliverable feeds into Task 2.6 Overall System integration and technical testing of demonstrator applications (Leader: AUTH, Duration: M7-M36) The first step towards the integration of the OSCPSEP modules will be the consolidation of the input from the requirements analysis performed in T2.1, as well as the design of the individual components and the overall architecture. Task 2.6 will initially provide both the generic guidelines for the development of the modules, as well as the exact integration tests for the early and final modules. One of the main outcomes of this task will be the successful release of the early and final OSCPSEP platform versions. The early OSCPSEP platform will serve as a benchmark for deploying the early pilot prototypes and will serve as input for the final specifications of the platform, while the final OSCPSEP platform will be used for the full implementation of the pilot cases, as specified in WP4. The final platform will also incorporate the guidelines for the co-design methodology to be fostered. The two OSCPSEP prototypes will be released as 2 different versions. Using the released platform versions, T2.6 will perform a phased deployment of prototype applications & front-end components developed under T4.2 and T4.3 across the four European trial sites. Before the pilot applications can be evaluated with end-users at the field sites (T3.6) an overall integration test will be carried out including assessment of data availability, front-end and back-end functionality and usability aspects. This way functionality will be aligned and user interfaces will be fine-tuned. AUTH will uptake this task with UPM, TT, FTB and ULANC participating.
Policy briefing: open data, mobile technologies and an ageing societyPolicy briefing: open data, mobile technologies and an ageing society (Report, M30) This deliverable is based on Task 1.3 Policy briefing on co-creation of open (mobile) public services (Leader: ULANC, Duration: M25-M30) Both studies (T1.1 and T1.2) aim to promote a situated, practice-based understanding of accessibility, mobility and usability of services (ULANC & ifib). In collaboration with AGE, these insights will inform policy developments including the proposed EU Directive on accessible websites and related initiatives. The task will be jointly conducted by ULANC, AGE and ifib.
Behaviour Analytics & Workflow Software ComponentsBehaviour Analytics & Workflow Software Components (Report, M13) Task 2.5 Behaviour Analytics & Service Workflow Engine Development (Leader: ULANC, Duration: M4-M13) This task will explore the development of novel technologies to facilitate a radically different approach to public service integration and enhancement that focuses on understanding individual and collective ‘front-end’ interaction behaviours. Combining recent advances in on and offline user interaction analytics and workflow control capabilities (e.g. BPEL, BPMN) this task will involve the development of web components to support personalised mobile interactions (WP4) that minimise the burden placed on senior citizens when performing tasks that demand interaction with multiple public services that span organisational boundaries. For public service providers we will develop mechanisms that enable the definition of new workflows to connect heterogeneous public services and provide analytical visualisation and reporting tools to deliver actionable insights to assist in understanding how existing public services are used by senior citizens. Central to this task will be the integration and extension of ‘Pheme’ within the OSCPSEP framework, a generic user analytics platform developed by ULANC as part of the EU funded Recall Project, initially developed to support on and offline interactions with public displays. We will extend ‘Pheme’ to support new interaction event types required to capture and store user interactions across both on and offline mobile and web-based public services. Such novel interaction analytics information will be applied to drive simplified user workflows between public services and provide insightful analytics about service use and performance.
Senior Citizen Engagement Report Central MacedoniaSenior Citizen Engagement Report Central Macedonia (report, M26) Task 3.5 Stakeholder Ideation & Engagement Activities in Central Macedonia (Leader: RCM, Duration: M13-M26) The task is initiated with a transfer of good practices identified in Bremen and South Lakeland in the 1st cycle (month 13-15). Transfer is accomplished through field visits, first in Bremen and South Lakeland, later in Central Macedonia and Zaragoza. In addition the interim study on co-creation practices (D1.2) will provide guidance. The co-creation activities will be similar to the ones in Bremen, most groups will be run in open care centres (month 15-22). Evaluation will take place in month 23-26.
Communication and Dissemination PlanCommunication and Dissemination Plan (report, M2) This deliverable feeds into Task 5.1 Planning & Coordination of Communication and Dissemination Activities (Leader:Gov2u, Duration: M1-M36] Gov2u will create a Communication and Dissemination Plan (C&D Plan) that will provide the framework and structure of all project information, communication and publicity activities, defining communication goals, objectives and strategies with specified timelines, allocating responsibilities, providing a clear modus operandi, facilitating timely response to changed conditions and deviations from plans, establishing a basis for evaluation, identifying risks and taking remedial steps to solve problems. The plan will define a set of key performance indicators (KPIs), or success indicators, to enable an evaluation of the impact of communication and dissemination activities. AGE will support setting up the plan, provide some key dates for dissemination purposes, describe the activities around social media, highlight policy developments suitable to inform the project. A contact list will be created with the support of all partners in the first six months of the project. This list will contain the contact data separate for each type of target audience/external stakeholders of the project and will be updated every 6 months till the end of the project. Moreover, a list of potential conferences and journals where the project results can be published/presented will be created and continuously updated. The task will also ensure the smooth collaboration and coordination with other WPs related to the communication of their work and achievements, target group’s engagement, monitor the progress of the communication and dissemination activities of the project, report these activities and their results. Regular conference calls with project partners, e-mail correspondence, specific progress reporting are foreseen for the management of the WP5 activities. A Communication and Dissemination report together with an update of the C& D Plan will be delivered at M12 and M24. At the end of the project, a Final Communication and Dissemination Report will mirror all the communication and dissemination activities performed. It will report the evaluation of awareness raised through the communication means accordingly to the indicators established in the C&D Plan.
Interim Study on co-creation practicesInterim report – Study on co-creation practice (Report, M12) This deliverable is linked to Task 1.2 Study on co-creation practices (Leader: ifib, Duration: M5-M26) This study will, again through qualitative methods, investigate how co-design and co-creation practice work including a variety of actors: senior citizens, formal and informal carers, civil servants, software programmers, open data providers. Methods will include cultural probes, (video) ethnography, interviews, focus groups and technology-in-use-observation (e.g. walking workshops, observing usage at home). This study will be informative to the development of a co-design and co-creation methodology, and form part of the final Mobile Age guidebook. • Study will be based on co-creation activities conducted in T3.2 – T3.5 • This study will also evaluate the transferability of the co-creation methods (transfer Bremen & South Lakeland to Zaragoza & Central Macedonia) and is considered when planning the engagement activities in T3.1 and for the study on transferability in T5.3.
Senior Citizen Engagement Report BremenSenior Citizen Engagement Report Bremen (report, M24) This deliverable feeds into Task 3.2 Stakeholder Ideation & Engagement Activities in Bremen (Leader: ifib, Duration: M5- M24) We will conduct two cycles of engagement activities which are reflectively analysed and studied in T1.1 and T1.2. 1st engagement cycle: • 2 groups of senior citizens with 15- 20 participants running on weekly basis (month 5-12) • Evaluation and preparation for next circle (month 12-14) 2nd engagement cycle: • 2 groups of senior citizens with 15- 20 participants running on weekly basis (month 15-22) • Evaluation (month 22-24) Each cycle includes the following elements as specified in the concept approach to the project above. These workshops are complementary to the anticipated weekly meetings: 1. Exploratory workshops with senior citizens (and public authorities) to identify information needs, explore the available data, and come up with innovative ideas of the functionality of the applications. 2a. Design workshops with senior citizens and software designers to identify the user requirements and create presentation ideas and interaction design (such as paper prototypes). 2b. Data workshops (separate or in combination with 2a): Workshops with senior citizens to elaborate how the open data is used, re-combined, and aggregated by the application.
First Communication and Dissemination ReportInterim Communication and Dissemination Report (M12) This deliverable feeds into Task 5.2 Implementation of Communication and Dissemination Activities (Leader:Gov2u, Duration: M1-M36] This task will communicate the project's goals and achievements to the scientific and technical communities, policy makers and the general public. Gov2u will design a project logo and visual identity for the promotional material (brochures, press releases, newsletters etc.) and deliverables It will also launch and maintain a project website that has a structure suitable to include all current and progressively developed information regarding the project. The quarterly e-newsletter will be the main tool to disseminate updated information on the project work in progress. Particularly social media will be exploited to ensure that the project has a high profile via the Internet. Gov2u will be in charge of administrating online presence of the project and of creating press releases to be delivered to written press, radio, TV, websites and Internet. The contacts of relevant stakeholders collected by Gov2u with the support of project partners in an internal database, will enable sending regular news by e-mail on the project activities and events to the stakeholders. Different types of brochures will be created, printed and distributed by the members of the consortium within the workshops and conferences where they will participate. All partners will use their own communication channels in order to foster the visibility of the project and will implement dissemination activities targeting external audiences. Dissemination activities will involve the presentation of the project and its interim and final results during conferences and fairs, publication of scientific papers and distribution of policy briefs and research briefs. A special emphasis will be given to the clustering with the on-going projects and to influencing the standards concerning areas of interest of the project. AGE will help implementing the project webpage (providing content to the website), updating the social media channels the project will select as relevant (if relevant), search for external dissemination channels (e.g. joinup, Digital Agenda’s opportunities, EIP AHA opportunities), write articles for its own newsletter to be distributed to AGE members around Europe and summarize the dissemination efforts carried out
OSCPSEP releases (Prototype, M24) This deliverable feeds into Task 2.6 Overall System integration and technical testing of demonstrator applications (Leader: AUTH, Duration: M7-M36) The first step towards the integration of the OSCPSEP modules will be the consolidation of the input from the requirements analysis performed in T2.1, as well as the design of the individual components and the overall architecture. Task 2.6 will initially provide both the generic guidelines for the development of the modules, as well as the exact integration tests for the early and final modules. One of the main outcomes of this task will be the successful release of the early and final OSCPSEP platform versions. The early OSCPSEP platform will serve as a benchmark for deploying the early pilot prototypes and will serve as input for the final specifications of the platform, while the final OSCPSEP platform will be used for the full implementation of the pilot cases, as specified in WP4. The final platform will also incorporate the guidelines for the co-design methodology to be fostered. Two OSCPSEP prototypes will be released. Using the released platform versions, T2.6 will perform a phased deployment of prototype applications & front-end components developed under T4.2 and T4.3 across the four European trial sites. Before the pilot applications can be evaluated with end-users at the field sites (T3.6) an overall integration test will be carried out including assessment of data availability, front-end and back-end functionality and usability aspects. This way functionality will be aligned and user interfaces will be fine-tuned. AUTH will uptake this task with UPM, TT, FTB and ULANC participating.
Demonstration applications testing and deploymentType: Prototype and Report Demonstration applications testing and deployment (Prototype and Report, M36)
PaaS Infrastructure (a) Architecture Design (b) Implementation (c) DeploymentType: Prototype and Report PaaS Infrastructure: (a) Architecture Design (b) Implementation (c) Deployment (Prototype and Report, M24) Task 2.2 OSCPSEP PaaS Infrastructure Development & Deployment (Leader: AUTH, Duration: M6 – M24) This task contains the development of the service repository and the service workflow manager. For the service repository a cloud based ecosystem will be developed, where ready-to-deploy services will be published for access and use. Using input from T2.1, the early and final version of the PaaS Infrastructure will be implemented. Additionally, this task contains the development of a cloud based ecosystem where ready-to-deploy mobile applications created via the OSCPSEP development environment could be launched for use from third party clients. In addition, open data providers could also incorporate services exposing their data, after being annotated based on OSCPSEP specifications. The initial OSCPSEP services will be dictated by WP3 and WP4 analysis, as well as from T2.4, leading to a preliminary instantiation of the OSCPSEP cloud infrastructure, while the final version will be capable of facilitating services generated by the pilot cases, as well as at least 5 third party data providers. AUTH will uptake work related to the instantiation and maintenance of the OSCPSEP cloud infrastructure. The APIs will connect SaaS components to the OSCPSEP through a Restful API using JSON. Components to connect will be a search engine to collect and convert data, a database to store data from the web and OGD resources, and front-end components. This task will build: • API integration to existing OGD databases • Search engine integration. The Tingtun search engine is available for the project. • Backend – frontend integration • The OSCPSEP database to store OGD.
Prototype demonstrator applications at BremenType: Demonstration Prototype demonstrator applications (demonstrator systems, M24)- Bremen This deliverable relates to the following two tasks: Task 4.3 Design studies and mock-ups for co-creation purposes (Leader: FTB, Duration: M5-M18) In this task the technical input for the co-creation workshops are prepared, including design sketches and mock-ups to enable targeted discussions and capture the ideas of the participants. The mock-ups may use generic front-end components and styles developed in Task T4.2. Task 4.4 Development of mobile front-ends for demonstrator applications (Leader: ULANC, Duration:M7-M26) This task involves the implementation of novel personalised mobile client applications for each of the four outlined trial sites. Driven by the outlined use-cases and feedback from senior citizens during the co-creation and ideation activities, prominent concepts and prototypes proposed under WP3 are further developed and refined to deliver deployable front-end client-side applications across popular e.g. IOS, Android and HTML5 platforms on mobile and pervasive devices (i.e. mobile, tablet & public displays). For example, in South Lakeland as part of this task it is planned to implement and deploy a client-side mobile application that exploits OSCPSEP behaviour analytics and workflow capabilities developed under T2.5 to support a mobile application that provides seamless transitions across heterogonous public services when undertaking common senior citizen activities. The applications re-use on the generic front-end components developed in T4.2 where possible and build application specific front-ends. Based on the ideas captured through co-creation activities with participants’ initial early demonstrator prototypes (M4.1) will be realised by month 12.
Update to D2.8 - Final OSCPSEP releaseUpdates to D2.8 following CIDER amendments and will reflect the changes in the platform, as presented in the amended work package description (M35) D2.8: OSCPSEP releases (Prototype, M24) This deliverable feeds into Task 2.6 Overall System integration and technical testing of demonstrator applications (Leader: AUTH, Duration: M7-M36) The first step towards the integration of the OSCPSEP modules will be the consolidation of the input from the requirements analysis performed in T2.1, as well as the design of the individual components and the overall architecture. Task 2.6 will initially provide both the generic guidelines for the development of the modules, as well as the exact integration tests for the early and final modules. One of the main outcomes of this task will be the successful release of the early and final OSCPSEP platform versions. The early OSCPSEP platform will serve as a benchmark for deploying the early pilot prototypes and will serve as input for the final specifications of the platform, while the final OSCPSEP platform will be used for the full implementation of the pilot cases, as specified in WP4. The final platform will also incorporate the guidelines for the co-design methodology to be fostered. Two OSCPSEP prototypes will be released. Using the released platform versions, T2.6 will perform a phased deployment of prototype applications & front-end components developed under T4.2 and T4.3 across the four European trial sites. Before the pilot applications can be evaluated with end-users at the field sites (T3.6) an overall integration test will be carried out including assessment of data availability, front-end and back-end functionality and usability aspects. This way functionality will be aligned and user interfaces will be fine-tuned. AUTH will uptake this task with UPM, TT, FTB and ULANC participating.
Early OSCPSEP releaseOSCPSEP releases (Prototype, M18) This deliverable feeds into Task 2.6 Overall System integration and technical testing of demonstrator applications (Leader: AUTH, Duration: M7-M36) The first step towards the integration of the OSCPSEP modules will be the consolidation of the input from the requirements analysis performed in T2.1, as well as the design of the individual components and the overall architecture. Task 2.6 will initially provide both the generic guidelines for the development of the modules, as well as the exact integration tests for the early and final modules. One of the main outcomes of this task will be the successful release of the early and final OSCPSEP platform versions. The early OSCPSEP platform will serve as a benchmark for deploying the early pilot prototypes and will serve as input for the final specifications of the platform, while the final OSCPSEP platform will be used for the full implementation of the pilot cases, as specified in WP4. The final platform will also incorporate the guidelines for the co-design methodology to be fostered. The two OSCPSEP prototypes will be released as D2.6 and D2.8, respectively. Using the released platform versions, T2.6 will perform a phased deployment of prototype applications & front-end components developed under T4.2 and T4.3 across the four European trial sites. Before the pilot applications can be evaluated with end-users at the field sites (T3.6) an overall integration test will be carried out including assessment of data availability, front-end and back-end functionality and usability aspects. This way functionality will be aligned and user interfaces will be fine-tuned. AUTH will uptake this task with UPM, TT, FTB and ULANC participating.
Update to D2.7 - Paas Infrastructure (a) Architecture Design (b) Implementation (c) DeploymentUpdates to D2.7 following CIDER amendments and will reflect the changes in the platform, as presented in the amended work package description (M35) D2.7: Type: Prototype and Report PaaS Infrastructure: (a) Architecture Design (b) Implementation (c) Deployment (Prototype and Report, M24) Task 2.2 OSCPSEP PaaS Infrastructure Development & Deployment (Leader: AUTH, Duration: M6 – M24) This task contains the development of the service repository and the service workflow manager. For the service repository a cloud based ecosystem will be developed, where ready-to-deploy services will be published for access and use. Using input from T2.1, the early and final version of the PaaS Infrastructure will be implemented. Additionally, this task contains the development of a cloud based ecosystem where ready-to-deploy mobile applications created via the OSCPSEP development environment could be launched for use from third party clients. In addition, open data providers could also incorporate services exposing their data, after being annotated based on OSCPSEP specifications. The initial OSCPSEP services will be dictated by WP3 and WP4 analysis, as well as from T2.4, leading to a preliminary instantiation of the OSCPSEP cloud infrastructure, while the final version will be capable of facilitating services generated by the pilot cases, as well as at least 5 third party data providers. AUTH will uptake work related to the instantiation and maintenance of the OSCPSEP cloud infrastructure. The APIs will connect SaaS components to the OSCPSEP through a Restful API using JSON. Components to connect will be a search engine to collect and convert data, a database to store data from the web and OGD resources, and front-end components. This task will build: • API integration to existing OGD databases • Search engine integration. The Tingtun search engine is available for the project. • Backend – frontend integration • The OSCPSEP database to store OGD.
Prototype demonstrator applications at South LakelandType: Demonstrator Prototype demonstrator applications (demonstrator systems, M24)- South Lakeland This deliverable relates to the following two tasks: Task 4.3 Design studies and mock-ups for co-creation purposes (Leader: FTB, Duration: M5-M18) In this task the technical input for the co-creation workshops are prepared, including design sketches and mock-ups to enable targeted discussions and capture the ideas of the participants. The mock-ups may use generic front-end components and styles developed in Task T4.2. Task 4.4 Development of mobile front-ends for demonstrator applications (Leader: ULANC, Duration:M7-M26) This task involves the implementation of novel personalised mobile client applications for each of the four outlined trial sites. Driven by the outlined use-cases and feedback from senior citizens during the co-creation and ideation activities, prominent concepts and prototypes proposed under WP3 are further developed and refined to deliver deployable front-end client-side applications across popular e.g. IOS, Android and HTML5 platforms on mobile and pervasive devices (i.e. mobile, tablet & public displays). For example, in South Lakeland as part of this task it is planned to implement and deploy a client-side mobile application that exploits OSCPSEP behaviour analytics and workflow capabilities developed under T2.5 to support a mobile application that provides seamless transitions across heterogonous public services when undertaking common senior citizen activities. The applications re-use on the generic front-end components developed in T4.2 where possible and build application specific front-ends. Based on the ideas captured through co-creation activities with participants’ initial early demonstrator prototypes (M4.1) will be realised by month 12.
Prototype demonstrator applications at Central MacedoniaPrototype demonstrator applications (demonstrator systems M26 )- Central Macedonia This deliverable relates to the following two tasks: Task 4.3 Design studies and mock-ups for co-creation purposes (Leader: FTB, Duration: M5-M18) In this task the technical input for the co-creation workshops are prepared, including design sketches and mock-ups to enable targeted discussions and capture the ideas of the participants. The mock-ups may use generic front-end components and styles developed in Task T4.2. Task 4.4 Development of mobile front-ends for demonstrator applications (Leader: ULANC, Duration:M7-M26) This task involves the implementation of novel personalised mobile client applications for each of the four outlined trial sites. Driven by the outlined use-cases and feedback from senior citizens during the co-creation and ideation activities, prominent concepts and prototypes proposed under WP3 are further developed and refined to deliver deployable front-end client-side applications across popular e.g. IOS, Android and HTML5 platforms on mobile and pervasive devices (i.e. mobile, tablet & public displays). For example, in South Lakeland as part of this task it is planned to implement and deploy a client-side mobile application that exploits OSCPSEP behaviour analytics and workflow capabilities developed under T2.5 to support a mobile application that provides seamless transitions across heterogonous public services when undertaking common senior citizen activities. The applications re-use on the generic front-end components developed in T4.2 where possible and build application specific front-ends. Based on the ideas captured through co-creation activities with participants’ initial early demonstrator prototypes (M4.1) will be realised by month 12.
Prototype demonstrator applications at ZaragozaPrototype demonstrator applications (demonstrator systems M26 )- Zaragoza This deliverable relates to the following two tasks: Task 4.3 Design studies and mock-ups for co-creation purposes (Leader: FTB, Duration: M5-M18) In this task the technical input for the co-creation workshops are prepared, including design sketches and mock-ups to enable targeted discussions and capture the ideas of the participants. The mock-ups may use generic front-end components and styles developed in Task T4.2. Task 4.4 Development of mobile front-ends for demonstrator applications (Leader: ULANC, Duration:M7-M26) This task involves the implementation of novel personalised mobile client applications for each of the four outlined trial sites. Driven by the outlined use-cases and feedback from senior citizens during the co-creation and ideation activities, prominent concepts and prototypes proposed under WP3 are further developed and refined to deliver deployable front-end client-side applications across popular e.g. IOS, Android and HTML5 platforms on mobile and pervasive devices (i.e. mobile, tablet & public displays). For example, in South Lakeland as part of this task it is planned to implement and deploy a client-side mobile application that exploits OSCPSEP behaviour analytics and workflow capabilities developed under T2.5 to support a mobile application that provides seamless transitions across heterogonous public services when undertaking common senior citizen activities. The applications re-use on the generic front-end components developed in T4.2 where possible and build application specific front-ends. Based on the ideas captured through co-creation activities with participants’ initial early demonstrator prototypes (M4.1) will be realised by month 12.
Juliane Jarke
Pubblicato in:
Information Technology and Public Administration, Numero 6, 2020, Pagina/e 228, ISBN 978-3-030-52873-7
Springer International
Jarke, J. & Gerhard, U.
Pubblicato in:
INFORMATIK 2017, 2017, Pagina/e 671-675, ISBN 978-3-88579-669-5
Gesellschaft für Informatik
Hayes, Niall; Introna, Lucas; Smith, Marcia Tavares
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019, ISBN 978-0-9981331-2-6
Knowles, BH, Hanson, VL, Rogers, Y, Piper, AM, Waycott, J & Davies, NAJ
Pubblicato in:
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Weaving the Threads of CHI, 2018
Mateusz Mikusz, Sarah Clinch, Nigel Davies
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays - PerDis '17, 2017, Pagina/e 1-10, ISBN 9781-450350457
ACM Press
Christopher N. Bull, Will Simm, Bran Knowles, Oliver Bates, Nigel Davies, Anindita Banerjee, Lucas Introna, Niall Hayes
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '17, 2017, Pagina/e 2410-2415, ISBN 9781-450346566
ACM Press
Peter Shaw, Mateusz Mikusz, Petteri Nurmi, Nigel Davies
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - HotMobile '19, 2019, Pagina/e 105-110, ISBN 9781-450362733
ACM Press
Peter Shaw, Mateusz Mikusz, Nigel Davies, Christopher N. Bull, Mike Harding, Niall Hayes
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - HotMobile '19, 2019, Pagina/e 185-185, ISBN 9781-450362733
ACM Press
Bull, C. N., Harding, M. P., Mikusz, M. A., Knowles, B. H., Davies, N. A. J.,Hayes, J.
Pubblicato in:
The 19th ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2018
Juliane Jarke and Ulrike Gerhard
Pubblicato in:
Mensch und Computer 2017, 2017
Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V.
Bran Knowles, Vicki L. Hanson
Pubblicato in:
Communications of the ACM, Numero 61/3, 2018, Pagina/e 72-77, ISSN 0001-0782
Association for Computing Machinary, Inc.
Bran Knowles, Vicki L. Hanson
Pubblicato in:
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Numero 25/4, 2018, Pagina/e 1-25, ISSN 1073-0516
Association for Computing Machinary, Inc.
Juliane Jarke
Pubblicato in:
Online Information Review, 2019, ISSN 1468-4527
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Juliane Jarke, Ulrike Gerhard
Pubblicato in:
i-com, Numero 17/2, 2018, Pagina/e 137-152, ISSN 2196-6826
De Gruyter
Freddy Priyatna, Edna Ruckhaus, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Oscar Corcho, Nelson Saturno
Pubblicato in:
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2017 Satellite Events, Numero 10577, 2017, Pagina/e 114-119, ISBN 978-3-319-70406-7
Springer International Publishing
Frank Berker, Frank Reins, Helmut Heck
Pubblicato in:
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Numero 10897, 2018, Pagina/e 379-382, ISBN 978-3-319-94273-5
Springer International Publishing
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